The Miz - Next John Cena


Pre-Show Stalwart
I have been thinking about this from a long time. Since Miz start getting pushed and since his feud with John Cena last year. Today I read a wrestlezone reports that Vince is building Miz as next John Cena and face of the company. He has all the charactoristics to be a face of the company. He is a lot look a like John Cena in charactor and in work ethics. When Cena came in he was awesome on mic and medicore in the ring. His heel charactor really connected with the audience and he started getting pushed. Miz in the same way is considered as a great mic worker and average in ring worker. He is also as charismatic as John Cena and posses strong work ethics as him. I really like the Miz from day one since he debuted on Smackdown. He can surely be company's face in future. It is just a matter of time when he turns face and kids will start cheering him. He will more popular than ever after that. But my thread is about 2 question

1.Do you think Miz really can be face of the company in future. (I think ya for sure just wait for a couple of years and see miz's posters all over)

2. When Miz turns face and starts going more kid friendly, do you think the whole IWC which likes him very much right now will turn on him and start booing him as well as it boooo Cena these days?

In my view Miz has earned everything with his hardwork and passion for the industry. He can be real role model for someone who wants to get in this business. He has seen everything. He got kicked out of the locker room and we know all other stories but Miz deserve everything he is going to get in future.
At the moment, i just can't see that happening, mainly because i don't think Miz is easy to like. Don't get me wrong he is one of the most entertaining workers in the business at the present time, but that's because he is so easy to hate, I would be surprised if he was successful as a face
I have to say NO and NO
why because Miz is one of those natural heels. Like a Ted Dibiase Sr, a Kevin Sullivan, a Rick Rude or a William Regal. Yes they may be able to get over as a face for a short time but the dark will always draw them back as thats their role Cena may have started out heel but it seems from teh start his natural role always was as a face
As to being liked and just like when Cena dropped his pretty good "improv" rap slams Miz without the AWESOME is just BORING
Miz, while his future is bright, is unknown as a face (which you have to, in order to be the face of the company). Have we ever seen Miz face? No. So it's too soon to go praising him as the future face of the company.
His heel charisma would be hard to top as a face in my opinion. It's too....perfect. I think he'll be more of Triple H/Jericho kind of guy. Makes a good face, but Makes a hotter than hell heel.
Well if he is getting an endorsement by Vince then its gotta be some truth to it somewhere.

I actually do see him being the face of the company.. In like 6-8 years. He still has to get past Orton and then Cena before he can do that. But the Miz's work ethic is next in line to Cena. And remember Cena was not liked by McMahon but his tireless work ethic won him over and look where it got Cena.

Not if it is done right they will not boo him. Give him a tweener character like Orton and he will shoot through the roof. The Miz is great on the mic, and his heel persona just reeks of greatness coming soon. I just hope they dont mess it up and make him the first Money in the Bank loser.
This really brings back the discussion weather the next main event star was going to be either John Morrison or The Miz during there tag team run.

I love the Miz I think he is extremely entertaining as the not just better then you but better then everyone else character.

The new Cena.....

I hope so it would be great to give Cena some competition as the face of WWE, Miz brings a whole different attitude and while Cena has alot of haters not including me I enjoy watching cena but his gimmick needs a break and while this happens we get the MIZ.

I'm very excited to see what is going to happen and hopefully there will be some great promos from the Miz.
The Miz. Wow. I could imagine so many unrealistic things so I'll give you the more AWESOME scenarios...

1. Taker wins Royal Rumble 2010 and wins WWE Title at WM. Miz cashes in briefcase and ends streak(as horrid as it may sound, I'm messing around with this one.)

2. Miz cashes in sometime late this year and keeps title til right before RR. He loses his rematch and becomes obsessed with getting title back. Then he loses the match. Makes everyone doubt until he wins at NWO in the WWE Championship Elimination Chamber. Showing everyone he deserves his spot in the Main Event of Wrestlemania.

3. He becomes the Undisputed Champion. Defeating HHH in an epic match where Miz shows he's improving even still, then beats Cena or Sheamus after their grueling match(remember, Jericho used chairs/interference to capitalize on Austin/Rock)

4. Miz does all the above(lmao)

5. He does what is AWESOME and becomes first to hold US Belt and WWE Championship. Making it impossible for critics' opinion to be valued.(through that in for some realism)

Really glad for Kane, die hard fan, even without the mask. But I am ecstatic for Miz, who really deserves this after the career he's had thus far.
I didn’t think that The Miz had the characteristics that would allow him to be the face of the company but I also didn’t think that he would be more successful than John Morrison coming out of their tag team and I certainly didn’t think he would be as successful as he is now. He keeps on surprising me and allowing his game to evolve and progress and that is to be commended.

Let us look at John Cena’s characteristics and see if The Miz shares any of them:

- Great mic work
- Gets the crowd involved
- Sells a lot of merchandise
- Is super-over
- Can be a credible champion
- Is very entertaining

John Cena is the face of the company right now and really is the formula, or as close as we are likely to get today, for making a face of a company like the WWE. All of the characteristics I have listed for John Cena are also characteristics for The Miz.

He is over with the fans and that is mainly due to his awesome mic work. He has a following from the fans even though he is a heel. This is, again, due to his mic work and the fans have latched onto that. I don’t know how much merchandise he sells but I know that he is a very entertaining superstar and is a very entertaining superstar in every feud that he is included in.

About a year ago, I would have said that this was out of the question but as The Miz continues to evolve and be pushed to the moon, the possibility becomes all the more real and I would be a fool to rule that out again.
if you were to go back to 2004, and ask this question about Cena, everyone woulda been saying NO then too, but not only is Miz great on the mic, but his in-ring abilty has gone through the roof since entering the WWE! as odd as it may seem, i do see a lot of HBK in Miz, and is probably the first "Face of the Company" i would back since the Rock/Austin days. If Vince wants it to happen, it WILL happen. Just as long as it's done right this time.
I am truly amazed that I am the minority, in a lot of ways, in feeling that the Miz is nothing more than an annoying Mid Card type guy.. Everybody goes on and on about his Mic skills, which I will not take away from the man.. but I think those skills would be better as a manager, to draw heat on guys who can get over... Just cause the man can speak doesnt make him a great wrestler.. The marquee in the front still says Wrestling.... Further more, I will go a step further and say its cheap heat.. He is just annoying and says nothing of substance that is compelling to me. Now look at his in ring ability.. Lets think for a moment and remember your all time favorite Miz match which was when... wait, I for one cant think of one.... Also.. his psychology doesnt carry a serious story line well... thats debatable Im sure but... another question.. how bout those great rivalries hes had with... ummmm.. Morrison??? kind of who else??? Being an old school type of wrestling fan, I know I am in the minority here as I said, and I havent even got into his MTV Realworld Cheesienes that he embodies... Ill just let that be... I know this is just my opinion.. but everything was Pro Miz so Ill play Devils Advocate.
I absolutely hate the fact that people say Miz is "good on the mic".... he's not. Like David Otunga, he's comfortable on the mic, he has a presence on the mic, but he's by no means good.

Someone who's "good on the mic" is someone who can potray heel OR face, who can get more than one character or persona off, people like Miz and Otunga are so one dimensional on the mic. If you turned Miz face he'd be completely lost, all he knows how to do is try and mimic Chris Jericho.

I also hate that people praise the littlest amount of "improvement" You can suck to high heaven, but if you throw out a few new moves, or learn to take them halfway competantly you get praise... it's pretty bs
I absolutely hate the fact that people say Miz is "good on the mic".... he's not. Like David Otunga, he's comfortable on the mic, he has a presence on the mic, but he's by no means good.

Someone who's "good on the mic" is someone who can potray heel OR face, who can get more than one character or persona off, people like Miz and Otunga are so one dimensional on the mic. If you turned Miz face he'd be completely lost, all he knows how to do is try and mimic Chris Jericho.

I also hate that people praise the littlest amount of "improvement" You can suck to high heaven, but if you throw out a few new moves, or learn to take them halfway competantly you get praise... it's pretty bs

Are you fucking high right now!?

The Miz is fantastic on the mic and I am willing to wager it is one of the reasons that he is currently in the position that he is. Let’s face it, when he came into the WWE, his mic work was all he had and his wrestling sills were not exactly great. However, look where he is now. That doesn’t just happen, you know?

Also, since when did you set the criteria for what is “good on the mic”? I didn’t get the memo. For me, someone who is good on the mic is a person that either makes the fans care about their plight, if they are a face, or who gets the right kind of heat, if they are a heel. The Miz is a damn specialist and has shown me that he is competent in a multitude of roles. He has played the slightly comedic heel to perfection and now he is adopting a more chilling gimmick whilst remaining interesting.

As I said before, when he came into the WWE, his in-ring work was poor. Now, he is very competent in the ring and I don’t recall the last time I seen him botch a move. He is certainly more varied than a lot of people right now and he deserves everything that he has got over the last few months. He has a huge future in the WWE, whether you like it or not.
I absolutely hate the fact that people say Miz is "good on the mic".... he's not. Like David Otunga, he's comfortable on the mic, he has a presence on the mic, but he's by no means good.

Someone who's "good on the mic" is someone who can potray heel OR face, who can get more than one character or persona off, people like Miz and Otunga are so one dimensional on the mic. If you turned Miz face he'd be completely lost, all he knows how to do is try and mimic Chris Jericho.

I also hate that people praise the littlest amount of "improvement" You can suck to high heaven, but if you throw out a few new moves, or learn to take them halfway competantly you get praise... it's pretty bs


The closest Mike Mizanin has been to a face since he has been with the WWE. Not a huge amount of work to base an opinon off of , but he came over very well as a face right there. The kid can do whatever he want's, he has improved so drastically over the last few years, has worked his tail off and honestly the sky is the limit.

EDIT: adding a bit more here, as the video show's , even though it was a one night FCW type thing, the Miz as a face could not only work but thrive. They really got behind him there, and I honestly think he has shown the ability to play multiple different roles. The guy is just flat out entertaining to watch, and when you have someobody people just want to see , thats a very rare thing. I think the Miz will be very very big, he has all the intangibles, and is improving in ever other facet of the buisness at a very fast pace.
Im not happy with any of this either...... I think the Miz is a mid card wrestler who hasnt done ANYTHING in his career. He had a fued with John Morrison which i hate to say went incredibly wrong, Morrison should be the one in the position if you ask me. Then he tried his hand with John Cena and that didnt work out so well. The guy can talk ill give him that but some of the things he says he sounds like Chris Jericho. Who i might add is good at what he does. Im not denying the Miz a push but i dont believe it was his time. Way too soon if you ask me. All i can hope for is that he cashes in and does NOT win!
How Miz Can Become THE Guy (All or some of these needs to happen):

First, 86 the US Title.....nobody gives a shit about it. Then your choice(s):

- Start "tweening" him like Orton. Then let the crowd decide.
- Let him become the next target or victim of NXT
- (I don't wish this on anyone) Cena needs a major "out for a year" injury.
- Keep HHH and Taker away till the Royal Rumble

And for God sake, give him a real finishing move that pops a crowd.

He has the most potential than anyone under 30 on the current roster, works hard, tries daily to improve on his craft, and in real life (because I and my children have met him) is one hell of a sweet guy that is respected back stage.

I know everyone is on the Morrison kick but it takes two to tango..............Morrision just didn't have the capability of stepping his game up and the Miz did. That's why he was left in the dust and the Miz has past him.
Are you fucking high right now!?

The Miz is fantastic on the mic and I am willing to wager it is one of the reasons that he is currently in the position that he is. Let’s face it, when he came into the WWE, his mic work was all he had and his wrestling sills were not exactly great. However, look where he is now. That doesn’t just happen, you know?

Also, since when did you set the criteria for what is “good on the mic”? I didn’t get the memo. For me, someone who is good on the mic is a person that either makes the fans care about their plight, if they are a face, or who gets the right kind of heat, if they are a heel. The Miz is a damn specialist and has shown me that he is competent in a multitude of roles. He has played the slightly comedic heel to perfection and now he is adopting a more chilling gimmick whilst remaining interesting.

As I said before, when he came into the WWE, his in-ring work was poor. Now, he is very competent in the ring and I don’t recall the last time I seen him botch a move. He is certainly more varied than a lot of people right now and he deserves everything that he has got over the last few months. He has a huge future in the WWE, whether you like it or not.

Miz is solely in the position he's in because he's a workhorse.

And I don't think "my criteria" is all that unfair.... wrestling is a form of acting, and if you can only portray one thing, you're not that great. I will give you, he's good at portraying what he portrays, but he's defintely not amazing.

It really comes down to opinion, you think he's interesting, I can watch him for about 30 seconds without feeling an insatiable urge to change the channel.

Is he "talentless?" Absolutely not, while I find him incredibly annoying, I realize there is some salvageable talent.

Is he overrated? Most certainly 176% YES.

I will give you, he has improved in-ring, but he definitely needs a new finisher.
. He does what is AWESOME and becomes first to hold US Belt and WWE Championship. Making it impossible for critics' opinion to be valued.(through that in for some realism)
I HATE that idea. Listen, i am fine with The Miz being a WWE Champion, BUT it would make me sick to see him winning the WWE title with the U.S. title on his other shoulder. Remember the last time Miz had two championships???? he defended the Tag Team titles alot while the US title just sat there being undefended for months. What i want to see is Miz lose the US title then on the night he loses that title, he gains the WWE title and claims that while he lost a prize, he gained a much bigger prize.

As for The Miz being a face, No to that one. I think he would be ok as a face, but he's better as a heel, just like CM Punk is. The person who can play both face and heel and look great at it is Chris Jericho. CM Punk's gimmick is best for being a heel and Miz is great as a heel and would likely be ok at face, but then lose his great face status because people (like adults) wouldnt care anymore.

As for the Miz and the mic. Whoever said Otunga is as good on the mic as Miz is wrong. Otunga is good on the mic, BUT he's no Miz. My top 3 guys on the mic are 1) Chris Jericho.......2) CM Punk and 3) The Miz. Those 3 are the guys to beat when speaking.
Miz as a face would be a terrible for the Miz, but then again I've never actually seen Miz as a face so who knows how this could go over. For all the people saying he has terrible wrestling skills, he really doesn't. Think of about 3 years ago when he started wrestling on ECW and how horrible his skills were. He really has improved alot and imo Miz can only continue to improve.

Plus Miz does deserve this push he is always at events like E3 and Comicon promoting WWE and overall how much he has improved since he first debut.
I think they are grooming the Miz to be the next face of the company because I think it will ultimately be revealed that John Cena is the mastermind behind the Nexus. With Cena going heel (and he'll make a damn good one), they need a strong face to combat the turn and that guy is the Miz. I think the Miz will make a good face and will ultimately replace Cena as the man to watch on RAW.
I love the fact that The Miz is Mister Money In The Bank but the fact he is going to become literally the face of the company I also like this build as the one who plays to the kids like Cena because I feel like its going to be diffrent. I personally hate Cenas gimmick but I keep feeling that its diffrent for The Miz I could be wrong it could be a total disaster but if Miz starts the whole I will not quit and never give up and I have an invicible shit finsher then yes I will hate him.
1.Do you think Miz really can be face of the company in future. (I think ya for sure just wait for a couple of years and see miz's posters all over)

2. When Miz turns face and starts going more kid friendly, do you think the whole IWC which likes him very much right now will turn on him and start booing him as well as it boooo Cena these days?

A1. Yes, I believe he can, and will be, the face of the WWE in the next five to ten years. The Miz is indeed that awesome. He is like the step child of Chris Jericho. Great mic skills, great look, and he keeps getting better in the ring. When he wins his first WWE Title, it will be like what the WWE did with Edge. He's lose it within a month, sadly. The reason for that is because their going to test the waters with the Miz as WWE Champion. If he does great, he'll get another run after a good feud with someone. If not, and I don't see that he would, he probably won't be the face but a established heel.

A2. No, because when the Miz does turn face, which I think he will if the time called for it, he will still be great on the mic, still look great, and on the rate he improves, will be a lot better in the eyes of the fans and not care that he is a good guy. He'll still be a cocky asshole, a lot like Chris Jericho as a face. I believe the Miz can play any role, but probably enjoys being heel. If asked to play a face, I think the Miz can and would play a face effectively. His mic skills will make us believe he is still awesome as a good guy.
Well, neither can wrestle and neither deserve the pushes they've received. Both make me want to change the channel as soon as they appear on my TV screen, and neither can hold a candle to the superstars of the past. Both have proven that wrestling ability doesn't matter, & all that does is being able to string a couple of sentences together & kiss Vince McMahon's ass. So, in that sense, they're absolutely alike.
I can't stand all the miz haters...A few years ago he was a joke that everyone got a laugh at. Then he was in Miz & Morrison,when they split everyone said he'd be gone in a year and JoMo is the next HBK. Miz breaks out with good mic skills and quickly improving ring skills while JoMo fizzles on SD. Everyone says WWE needs to push young talent then Sheamus gets the WWE title,people complain. WWE pushes the miz and people complain and say he's just a mid-carder. Make up your minds people,do you want young talent pushed or do you want the people you want to be pushed be push. The Miz has showed that he will work hard for his spot and try to improve on everything, and he has vastly.

As far as him becoming the next John Cena, I can see him being right up there in the top main eventers if the right things happen. He's already one of the top heels on RAW which is no easy feat with the heels on RAW. One of the faces of the a strech just yet,but he is very good, works harder then a lot of people, and is still improving more and more.
I see the Miz being one of the top faces of the company,
But not THE top face of the company,
I mean,
being called the next John Cena isn't a compliment,
If you care what ppl think
& To be completly honest,
I'm hopping this mental PG era won't last that long
I see the Miz being one of the top faces of the company,
But not THE top face of the company,
I mean,
being called the next John Cena isn't a compliment,
If you care what ppl think
& To be completly honest,
I'm hopping this mental PG era won't last that long

Sorry, what?

You are actually stating that being called the next John Cena isn’t compliment from the man who has built John Cena into a powerhouse of the wrestling business? I don’t buy that for a second.

At the end of the day, John Cena is the face of the WWE and no one comes close to that. If Vince McMahon call you the next John Cena, then you better be thanking your lucky stars because your career is about to go to heights that most people wouldn’t have thought it could go to.

Since the WWE got behind Cena, he has been pushed to the moon and is a multiple time World Champion. He gets preferential treatment from the fans and the company alike and he has become an absolute superstar in his own right. I am willing to be that the Miz would have been flattered to hear that because now it is a sure sign that he is on his way up. If his run is half as progressive and successful as Cena’s then Miz will be over the moon.

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