The Miz future push?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Last night when they where interviweing and the miz went silent, it made me think that the miz is gonna get that edgy gimmick once again, not heel but a strong dominanent face who kicks butt, and not the interviewing ryan seacrest of the wwe like they been making the miz, will this be the start of a huge push for the miz, cena is gone for awhile sheamus is gone for awhile, the miz is over with kids and he would be a great kid hero wrestler to take cenas spot? your thoughts on this?
The Miz has done it all pretty much in his short career being a former WWE Champion, former IC and US Champion, former Tag Team Champion, Mr. Money in the Bank, the only things Miz has left to accomplish are winning the World Heavyweight Championship the big gold belt and winning the Royal Rumble which is something Miz hasn't done yet in his career and if Miz can do both of those then Miz is well on his way to becoming a future Hall of Famer some day

But nevertheless if anyone should have been a Corporate Champion, it should be Miz and why? Because Miz has the look of what Triple H wants as a champion and not to mention Miz he's a movie star

And 2011 was the year of The Miz when you think about it and I know I would love to see Miz reach that peak once again
The Miz has done it all pretty much in his short career being a former WWE Champion, former IC and US Champion, former Tag Team Champion, Mr. Money in the Bank, the only things Miz has left to accomplish are winning the World Heavyweight Championship the big gold belt and winning the Royal Rumble which is something Miz hasn't done yet in his career and if Miz can do both of those then Miz is well on his way to becoming a future Hall of Famer some day

But nevertheless if anyone should have been a Corporate Champion, it should be Miz and why? Because Miz has the look of what Triple H wants as a champion and not to mention Miz he's a movie star

And 2011 was the year of The Miz when you think about it and I know I would love to see Miz reach that peak once again

I highly disagree. I don't think Miz will ever come close to being in the Hall. He's a great worker and can sometimes be gold on the mic, but that doesn't get you in.

The Miz is awful. He is absolutely terrible as a face, he was only good as a heel because he is just not a very likable person to begin with.
I sometimes wonder if WWE knows exactly what they want to do with Miz. Remember, he started out his WWE career in a non-wrestling role, as the "host" of Smackdown.....whatever the hell that was supposed to be. At the time, I presume they had the guy in mind for a wrestling role somewhere down the line, but it's hard to say because the host part lasted such a short time.

On the one hand, if the notion of a host for a wrestling show is a good one, Miz was surely the right guy to play it. At the time, though, it seemed pretty stupid.....and I didn't know who the guy was, anyway; I thought he might be a cast-off from MTV.

Then, he started performing in the ring and I thought he wasn't bad as a mid-card performer. To the surprise of many, he was soon holding a world championship, which I considered ridiculous. While it can be argued he possesses a degree of charisma, it's as a personality, not as a ring wrestler. His physique isn't impressive enough, and I still wonder why he doesn't do something about it; it doesn't seem as if a little work in the gym would be beyond his capabilities. An improved bod might take him a long way.

Even with all that, I like him as a good guy better than bad, although the vast majority of folks on this forum disagree (most seem to like everyone better as a heel). But Miz' appearance last night, doing his joke impression of Fandango, was funny. Funnier, in fact, than it would have been with him as a heel.

If Miz is to be pushed again, it should be as an all-around entertainer, rather than strictly a wrestler. He can be fun to watch as a diversion, since he doesn't come off as a Santino-like clown when he's doing his act. Incorporate wrestling and showmanship....and Miz will be fine.

But whatever direction and strength his push takes, I don't see him fighting for a world title again......and he can still be successful if he doesn't.
It seems that he will be one of the faces to give support to Bryan. Miz, Ziggler, Show and Henry isn't bad when Sheamus and Cena are both injured. If they pursue this then it is good for The Miz - being involved the biggest storyline around is obviously positive.

I still think he is a better heel. Lets say at NoC he faces Dean Ambrose and later on he has amutli-man match with The Shield/HHH/Barrett. Then what? He needs to turn heel because that is when he was at his best. Moreover, Alberto Del Rio is the WHC and The Miz is an all-round better superstar than him.
Never has a wrestler worked so hard to succeed

From being expelled from the dressing room by jbl, miz has worked hard to be known as a wrestler rather than a reality tv star

This should be commended

Personally I don't like him but he's solid in the ring but works better as a heel..

Wether face or heel now with cena away this te perfect ti e for the likes of the miz to step up to the plate
I think The Miz actually comes over quite well in interviews he does promoting the WWE, but I think as a wrestling persona he simply taps into a more interesting character as a heel.

I mean I never liked him as WWE Champion but you can't deny he generated a LOT of heat, even to the point that when he split with Alex Riley the crowd actually went nuts for a few weeks getting behind Riley, unfortunately for him that was all due to how much people hated Miz as his overness faded as soon as he stopped working with him.

Now I can see Miz getting a renewed push out of this big angle but look at him, look at those nice expensive suits he wears, he is Mr. PR for the WWE, to me he'd be much better served joining up with Triple H and Orton than trying to play rebel.
I think the Miz might get a big push I'd have him join the D-Bry squad at first then eventually turn on him and join up with Trips because like an above poster said if anyone should have been corporate champ it should have been him. Maybe corporate WHC or IC champ is somewhere down the line?
I dont like him or his gimmick. He reminds me of some kid in high school who talks alot of brash and has other people fight for him.
I dont like him, he isnt horrible in ring but I tend to skip his matches. So if he is going to be pushed he is not going to be very exciting in my opinion.

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