The Miz - Fall From Grace


Hey Guys, Once again the WWE have given another talented wrestler the proverbial boot. This time it's The Miz, 6 months ago he was headlining the main event of Wrestlemania as WWE champion and won. But where is he know? Back in the midcard and back as a tag team competitor.

After he won at Wrestlemania I thought finally he might become a regular main eventer. But then what happened? He lost the WWE to no-other than John Cena, and this was followed up by a loss to Alex Riley at Capitol Punishment. Just as I thought he was going to regularly main event PPV'S he gets pushed but down into the midcard.

And then after he finally made it as singles competitor they shove him right back into the tag team division. Why would wwe do this considering The Miz's push was near perfect.

So guys I want you to answer this:

* Why would the WWE give The Miz such a big push which was actually succesful, and then bring him back down to a midcarder and then eventually back into a tag team?
Well I have a strong feeling that if the WWE stops pushing Alberto or draft him back to Smackdown, they will bring back Miz as their top heel. It would be cool having him feud with CM Punk over the title. imagine the promos. But then again where will Cena be....
* Why would the WWE give The Miz such a big push which was actually successful, and then bring him back down to a mid-carder and then eventually back into a tag team?

Well, this is keeping both him and Truth right now busy. They both realized the conspiracy of which is keeping them guys held back, and held down. I personally don’t mind that Miz is in the tag scene again as he is a very good tag team partner and wrestler. I wish he always stayed as a tag team wrestler in my opinion. Sure Miz can hold his own in singles and this is a bump down for him, the thing is the Main Event scene is clustered up with Cena, Nash, Punk, Trips, and Alberto. So putting Miz in a tag team with Truth to keep him relevant and to help the tag division out is not all that bad. Just be happy Miz is actually on RAW week in and week out. So, it’s not that Miz fell off or anything he is just in a different story line and to me he is an upper card guy, not a mid carder. I also think that I rather see him with Truth to see were this whole conspiracy story line is going. It is pretty interesting. Don’t worry about Miz as Vince is very high on him and just because he is high on him doesn’t mean he needs to be shoved down our throats like Cena and Orton. It means he will be on t.v until it is his turn to step up and truly main event.
The Miz is very young. He had a very successful reign as champion that almost no one thought he could do. He beat John Cena at WrestleMania (not cleanly, but it happened). Report after report says how high up on Miz Vince is, and he does constant media appearances. I think its pretty safe to say Miz is going to be around for a long time, and I really believe he will eventually take over as one of the "face" of the WWE once Cena is out of the spotlight.

TL;DR The Miz is just getting started. Moving to the tag division for a little bit while the WWE Title picture is as crowded as it is is not a bad thing.
So they can give him something to do. What else would you have him do? Cena is feuding with Del Rio right now.

Plus this is something different for him to do.
The problem with this is that while most people would agree and say the Miz has dropped in rank, perceive his current spot differently. With the revival of the tag team division, the Miz is someone familiar with the position and has held the belts with multiple tag partners. The Miz isn't losing petty matches, nor is he getting no tv time. He's still cutting promos and doing what he does. If it means pulling the Miz out of his main event spot to bring prestige to the belts and division, I'd say that's a much better deal.
People always seem to have an issue understanding the role of a "Top Heel." Yes, Miz was the top heel for a good 6-7 months. But Top heels aren't meant to last long the way the top faces do. If you really look back over time, the only top heels that stayed atop the totem pole were guys who were incredibly popular and (kayfabe) powerful. See Vince McMahon, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair. Hell, I think the fact that Miz held the title as long as he did is fucking incredible seeing as he's the epitome of a cowardly heel. He should have no beef with going back down the card a bit and allowing someone else to shine while he raises the stock of some of the lesser known guys by just being involved with them. You think A-Ry would be as popular if not for his association with Miz?

Also, everyone seems to think that pairing Miz up with Truth is a downgrade. "Oh, he's just a tag team guy now." I don't see it like that. It appears to me that he feels there is a conspiracy of some sort holding him down (classic heel stuff) and as a result, he's formed an alliance with another one of the top heels on the show to take it down. Their first order of business is to deal with "Air Boom" who they feel is a part of the conspiracy.

Basically what I'm saying is I don't feel that Miz has fallen from grace at all. I think that they're giving him something significant to do for now and any time they need someone to step up and perform in a main event program, Miz can slide right in with no question.
I don't think Miz has fallen from grace or anything of that nature. The Miz, with the exception of what's been happening with CM Punk, made the WWE Championship picture more interesting than it'd been in several years in my view. Whether you were a fan of Miz or you hated his guts, you still cared about what he was doing and what he was involved in while he was champ. To me, that's the most important job a World Champion has. If he can't make fans give a crap, then he shouldn't be World Champion. Miz was also the longest reigning WWE Champion in more than 3 years. He's already feuded with John Cena over the title. Cena helped establish Miz as a main event heel, hate him or not, it's just how it is. Now, Cena is doing the same with Alberto Del Rio. Whenever WWE puts Miz back into the main event picture, he'll have been someone that's an established main eventer and won't necessarily need to feud with John Cena. I might be wrong, hopefully I'm right, but I don't see Cena being WWE Champion again for quite a while. He's got too much coming up with The Rock, the build up will really start at Survivor Series and the title would be just lost in that particular feud.

Right now, having Miz & Truth as a team gives them both something to do. Not only that, but it gives them something useful to do. Having Truth & Miz united as being against some "conspiracy" designed to keep them down, they can help build up the tag team picture in WWE. Truth is a former NWA World Tag Team Champion in TNA, Miz is a multiple time tag champ in WWE during a time when tag team wrestling was much healthier in WWE than it's been in a long time.

Miz will eventually be back in the main event picture I believe. After all, it's not as if he's jobbing out to Curt Hawkins or Trent Barreta on Superstars.
After that God awful Wrestlemania main event why would you want Miz to remain champion. Maybe Cena performed poorly in that match as well, when Cena has to, he brings it. Miz's reign was nothing like that. His championship run was piss poor match after piss poor match. His matches with Orton were bad. Jerry Lawler as a PPV opponent ? And WWE expected people to take the Miz as a serious threat ? I'm not sure why the Miz has so many fans here but the guy imo and many others was an awful champion and should have never won the strap to begin with. He still hasn't proven to me that he is championship material, barely a main eventer to begin with. Back in the spring when everyone was saying Miz would be champion at the least until summerslam, I was one of the few giving Punk his due as the top heel in WWE, arguing he not Miz should have been main eventing WM with Cena. Now Summerslam just passed, who main evented it ? It wasnt Miz, now was it. Oh yeah it was CM Punk. Who gave us two of the best ppv matches not only of this year, but in the last few years as well. What was Miz doing at the show, he barely got on the card. Apperantly Vince and others saw what I saw, and thats why the next ppv after Mania Miz lost the strap and hasnt gotten in the picture since. Well WWE could have given the title for one night instead of Rey but they decided against that to now didnt they.

Miz is not championship material. All the PPV's he main evented drew poorly, and please dont tell me anyone cared about the main event of Mania for any other reason but The Rock. To me Miz's mic skills are good but overrated, his charcter is really childish, His ring skills are no better than they were a year ago, piss poor. Really outside of his match with Jomo on Raw at the beginning of 2011, what was so amazing about the Miz's crappy reign ? CM Punk has shown he is miles ahead of Miz is nearly every area of the biz and a much more worthy champion. In my mind, the main reason Miz was champion is because he kisses major ass and can get TMZ and other media to notice WWE, when other wrestlers have no connections to those outlets like he does, id be shocked if it was because of his performances because they sucked bad time and time again.
Everyone can't be featured at the top. Most performers never even get an opportunity to work at that level, but the ones that do are probably grateful for the chance to have done so. Then, when the run ends, they move on.

Sometimes a wrestler gets a run at being champion and the company evaluates how he's doing. Since no one holds the title forever, the guy is eventually going to lose it and WWE has to determine how well he did and what they're going to do with him in the future.

Consider Jack Swagger. They had him win the title.....and didn't we have plenty of arguments in this forum as to whether he should have won it in the first place? Then, management could see he wasn't panning out as they hoped, so they took the title away and stuck him back on the midcard. I don't imagine Swagger is too unhappy, though..... he had the run that most wrestlers never get and he's now getting plenty of air time.

Same applies to Miz. He had his run as champion, but it was going to end sometime, wasn't it? We still see him on TV all the time; he's still making trouble (kayfabe) and the writers are still coming up with things for him to do, albeit in the upper-midcard. (If Miz thinks he's been let down by the company, have him look up Drew McIntyre).

IMO, Miz is where he belongs. I liked some of his routines, but didn't think he was worthy of being a titleholder and I was surprised they let him keep it as long as they did.

I don't think he's been demoted.....not at all. He's just found his niche and he's doing just fine with it.
The reality is, Its not a fall from grace. Its him going back to where he should have been in the first place. His WWE title run was FAR from stellar, he wasn't ready to hold the title his mic skills at THAT time were far from what they are now and his in ring ability is far better NOW than it was when he HAD the title. Thus proving every arguement I ever had about him. He wasn't ready!!! He had the mainstream appeal that WWE wanted because of the whole MTV connection and he kissed enough butt back stage to make himself relevant. Period. Is he a good worker? Never in question. Can he work the crowd? Obviously....Is he World Title material. Then? No. Now...Maybe.... I think he's got some time to go before he can become a CREDIBLE champion. But for him to be pushed so hard and brought down isn't a fall from grace. Its the WWE realizing a mistake they made and doing more to develop him INTO what he should be in order to be the credible champion they need him to be. He is a MIDCARD king and I think the best thing they can do is to keep him in the tag team division to help build that back up. But main eventing? No. Not ready, not money, not at all. He's right back where he always shoulda been.
miz and r truth cutting promos together is amazing. it has to be a highlight from the past few raws. there are 3 title fueds on raw right now and i am enjoying all of them. awesome truth hasn't faced air boom once yet. what if they really (really) are revitalizing the tag division? lets see how this plays out before you complain. miz will probably be in the title picture next year, he will win many more titles in the next few years. be patient
It's just downtime. If they had given him the boot, he wouldn't be on the show at all. He and Truth actually are getting solid mic time, compared to say, Wade Barrett or someone who has really been shoved down the ladder. Miz is going to get another giant push, when this whole thing Punk/HHH story is over, and I wouldn't mind seeing Miz and Triple H start a new corporation for CM Punk to battle. Honestly, I think it would work great and it would be awesome to see Punk and Miz make each other. I don't know where Cena would fit in...but this isn't fantasy booking. :suspic:

Miz is doing pretty well, it's just that he's not in the main storyline. I firmly believe that Miz will be back in the main event for Mania, with him possibly either winning the strap at the Rumble or the match itself. Also, he's another star that I think could get an unexplainable face turn. Have you noticed how loud the crowd's been returning the, "Really?" chant? He's getting really, really big, and I think it's because people just want to cheer for him. I'd like him a lot more if he were a face, I think. He's funny, he's charming, and he could easily play the underdog. Hell, it's somehow worked for Sheamus.

But, back to Mania, he'll be back in that match, again. Whether he faces Cena again or someone else, he'll be there. We already know that McMahon loves him. Even if he's not in the title match, he'll definitely get a high profile grudge match, and maybe we could even see that Morrison v Miz grudge match that would just have to work out well. But, Miz is doing fine. Again, he's doing way, way better than Wade Barrett or Alex Riley.
After that God awful Wrestlemania main event why would you want Miz to remain champion. Maybe Cena performed poorly in that match as well, when Cena has to, he brings it. Miz's reign was nothing like that. His championship run was piss poor match after piss poor match. His matches with Orton were bad. Jerry Lawler as a PPV opponent ? And WWE expected people to take the Miz as a serious threat ? I'm not sure why the Miz has so many fans here but the guy imo and many others was an awful champion and should have never won the strap to begin with. He still hasn't proven to me that he is championship material, barely a main eventer to begin with. Back in the spring when everyone was saying Miz would be champion at the least until summerslam, I was one of the few giving Punk his due as the top heel in WWE, arguing he not Miz should have been main eventing WM with Cena. Now Summerslam just passed, who main evented it ? It wasnt Miz, now was it. Oh yeah it was CM Punk. Who gave us two of the best ppv matches not only of this year, but in the last few years as well. What was Miz doing at the show, he barely got on the card. Apperantly Vince and others saw what I saw, and thats why the next ppv after Mania Miz lost the strap and hasnt gotten in the picture since. Well WWE could have given the title for one night instead of Rey but they decided against that to now didnt they.

Miz is not championship material. All the PPV's he main evented drew poorly, and please dont tell me anyone cared about the main event of Mania for any other reason but The Rock. To me Miz's mic skills are good but overrated, his charcter is really childish, His ring skills are no better than they were a year ago, piss poor. Really outside of his match with Jomo on Raw at the beginning of 2011, what was so amazing about the Miz's crappy reign ? CM Punk has shown he is miles ahead of Miz is nearly every area of the biz and a much more worthy champion. In my mind, the main reason Miz was champion is because he kisses major ass and can get TMZ and other media to notice WWE, when other wrestlers have no connections to those outlets like he does, id be shocked if it was because of his performances because they sucked bad time and time again.

If you go back to RAW two weeks ago you will find a phenomenal match between Miz/Punk that Miz clearly dominated the majority of. I've been a huge Punk fan since his run in IWC and his first set of matches with Chris Hero. I've also been a big fan of The Miz for the better part of probably four years now. I recall at Cyber Sunday telling everyone that Miz was going to win the poll over JoMo and Big Boobie V for the title shot against Punk, and he did. Miz has come a very long way to becoming what he is, and to say he hasn't improved in the ring over the last year is just biased. And just for the record, the reason John Cena has become the staple that he is, is because he kissed a lot of ass and put his face out there. Miz went the exact same route as Cena; hell he was even trained in the same place as The Prototype.

Now, much like you there fella' I could say that Cena hasn't improved in the ring in the last year and that the only reason his matches have been any good was because his opponents made them look good. I could totally say that in the same respect that you voiced your opinion on Miz. The only difference is, though neither of us are right and we would both be talking out of our asses I could almost merit what I said. Take a look at Super Smackdown. John Cena destroys Wade Barrett and finishes the match with a cocky grin on his face. Cena is nearly as bad as Scott Hall in practically no selling his opponents work come the end of a match, but nowhere near as bad as Orton HAD been until recently.

As far as Miz being moved down a bit I think it's a good call. Let him and Truth feud with Air Boom a bit. Truth/Kofi have great chemistry in the ring as do Miz/Kofi and it will be much more refreshing then watching JoMo and Truth fight it out on Superstars.
I'm a Miz fan but he didnt get over as well as champ and I think everyone was just waiting for when Cena would take the title off of him. Hes a guy who works great in the tag division and him being able to play over the top characters is why they teamed him with Truth. That being said, the team should win the tag titles at least once. We've heard that WWE is trying to strengthen the tag division and keeping these guys around would sure as hell do that. Who other than a former WWE champion to give the tag division the jumpstart it needs?
I wish the answer to your question had something to do with the Miz, but it's not. It became a general rule for some time now. A midcarder, actually sometimes even a lower midcarder, gets the push of his life. He will look like the next big thing, he might even end up getting the belt. Then what? He will be left alone where he started that's what. I am not smarter than Vince about wrestling, so he must have something in his mind when doing this strategy. Maybe he wants to make it look like "everyone has a chance in winning the belt one day." But if you push someone I would rather prefer him to be relevant again. Examples? Just search for forums starting with "Where is X now?" "Whats next for X" also there are countless threads about how good Morrison, Rtruth, Sin Cara, Shaemus, Swagger become during their push. Or how they look like a legit contender back in the day. What about today though? Recently those guys are Del Rio, Miz, Henry, RTruth..
That's exactly what's happening to Miz. He unfortunately become just one of them
After that God awful Wrestlemania main event why would you want Miz to remain champion. Maybe Cena performed poorly in that match as well, when Cena has to, he brings it. Miz's reign was nothing like that. His championship run was piss poor match after piss poor match. His matches with Orton were bad. Jerry Lawler as a PPV opponent ? And WWE expected people to take the Miz as a serious threat ? I'm not sure why the Miz has so many fans here but the guy imo and many others was an awful champion and should have never won the strap to begin with. He still hasn't proven to me that he is championship material, barely a main eventer to begin with. Back in the spring when everyone was saying Miz would be champion at the least until summerslam, I was one of the few giving Punk his due as the top heel in WWE, arguing he not Miz should have been main eventing WM with Cena. Now Summerslam just passed, who main evented it ? It wasnt Miz, now was it. Oh yeah it was CM Punk. Who gave us two of the best ppv matches not only of this year, but in the last few years as well. What was Miz doing at the show, he barely got on the card. Apperantly Vince and others saw what I saw, and thats why the next ppv after Mania Miz lost the strap and hasnt gotten in the picture since. Well WWE could have given the title for one night instead of Rey but they decided against that to now didnt they.

Miz is not championship material. All the PPV's he main evented drew poorly, and please dont tell me anyone cared about the main event of Mania for any other reason but The Rock. To me Miz's mic skills are good but overrated, his charcter is really childish, His ring skills are no better than they were a year ago, piss poor. Really outside of his match with Jomo on Raw at the beginning of 2011, what was so amazing about the Miz's crappy reign ? CM Punk has shown he is miles ahead of Miz is nearly every area of the biz and a much more worthy champion. In my mind, the main reason Miz was champion is because he kisses major ass and can get TMZ and other media to notice WWE, when other wrestlers have no connections to those outlets like he does, id be shocked if it was because of his performances because they sucked bad time and time again.


Miz makes public appearances? Somebody stop the presses! Since when the hell does a person making a public appearance mean they should be World Champion? Miz being chosen over Morrison out of their team to be the first to win the World Title is one of the most stupidest decisions WWE has made. A guy like Jomo, who's been compared to Shawn Michaels on MANY occasions, and has proven he can hang with the best already, unlike Miz, is continuously shot down time after time. If The Great Khali can be a World Champion, why don't they put the belt on someone with actual Talent? WWE Needs to smarten up. If HHH having a little more input backstage, means that we see less Miz, I'll be glad. When I state I "dislike, or hate" Miz, I don't just mean I'll go to a show and boo him, I mean I change the channel when he comes on TV, every PPV segment he's in, I skip over. He's un-needed in the WWE and any other wrestling company for that matter. He can go back to making shitty Reality TV.
The "Is the WWE burying The Miz?" thread was enough but now this? Miz is still very credible and Vince still likes him a lot. I mean what do you want the WWE to do put him in the WWE title picture so he can lose all of his PPV matches until Del Rio finally drops the title?

I think it's smart what the WWE are doing with The Miz. Pairing him with R-Truth and giving them a title match is really what they need right now. The WWE want to revamp the tag division and Awesome Truth are the heels for the job right now. I think The Miz will be back in the title picture right after Del Rio loses it. Hell there was a post about two weeks ago that Vince really liked the Miz's subway promo and wants him to have a great future with the company so why make this thread?

Miz makes public appearances? Somebody stop the presses! Since when the hell does a person making a public appearance mean they should be World Champion? Miz being chosen over Morrison out of their team to be the first to win the World Title is one of the most stupidest decisions WWE has made.

This should be fun.

A guy like Jomo, who's been compared to Shawn Michaels on MANY occasions, and has proven he can hang with the best already, unlike Miz, is continuously shot down time after time.

When has he proven this? I would like to know. Morrison, to me, is just a bigger version of Bourne. Well, at least Bourne can hit his finisher 100% of the time.

If The Great Khali can be a World Champion, why don't they put the belt on someone with actual Talent? WWE Needs to smarten up. If HHH having a little more input backstage, means that we see less Miz, I'll be glad. When I state I "dislike, or hate" Miz, I don't just mean I'll go to a show and boo him, I mean I change the channel when he comes on TV, every PPV segment he's in, I skip over. He's un-needed in the WWE and any other wrestling company for that matter. He can go back to making shitty Reality TV.

Why he is un-needed? Give me a concrete reason since you haven't given us one. I rather have someone like Miz then someone like Morrison.
Didn't read page 2, however I believe HHH is wanting to give the tag team division a spark, what with "Air Boom", an actual tag team with an actual name. The Miz and R-Truth, 2 guys who have been top heels (longer time for Miz), can join the tag division while other ME stories are going on, and bring some prestige back to the titles. Perhaps we'll get some great tage team matches, and teams who actually CARE about the belts. I don't think this is a fall from grace, I think they are trying to cash in on his popularity to revitalize the tage team division.
You lost me when you called The Miz a talented wrestler.. I find Miz boring in the ring and boring on the mic.. but I will say, The Miz will be like Chris Jericho.. one minute he can be in the main event and the other he can be in the midcard.. doesn't hurt him one bit.. in my own opinion, i think Miz is a midcarder for life but WWE decided he needed the belt and main event.. but oh well, it's done.. I'm sure after this conspiracy thing ends, he will probably jump back to the main event again.. i'd rather he get released, and we never see him again.. but hey, that's just me :)
You can't have 5 guys in the main event picture at once, not with a real storyline. Right now its about Cena and Del Rio, but Miz will pop back up soon. He's gotta share the spotlight among the heels. I think the tag match at NoC will actually be very good.
You lost me when you called The Miz a talented wrestler.. I find Miz boring in the ring and boring on the mic.. but I will say, The Miz will be like Chris Jericho.. one minute he can be in the main event and the other he can be in the midcard.. doesn't hurt him one bit.. in my own opinion, i think Miz is a midcarder for life but WWE decided he needed the belt and main event.. but oh well, it's done.. I'm sure after this conspiracy thing ends, he will probably jump back to the main event again.. i'd rather he get released, and we never see him again.. but hey, that's just me :)

Can't even tell you how much I agree with this.
Though i think he's gotten a lot better in the ring and on the mic than he was when he had the title, I still find him an utter bore and I'd much rather watch paint dry. But he and Jomo as a tag team were at least entertaining...they reminded me of a less talented new age outlaws. Miz being Road Dogg. If he along with truth can help the tag division then great. But I'd rather not see him in the ME picture...Ever again.
The Miz is fighting for the title in the next PPV. He hasn't fallen anywhere. I have a feeling he could be in a Johny Ace / Pro-McMahon stable after NoC. He's gold on the Mic with R-Truth atm and needs a title that's not midcard.
Let me give the people who says the Miz has fallen from grace a LEGIT example of someone who has fallen from grace: DREW MCINTYRE.

Drew back in 2009 was being built up slowly to be a star in the company. He was given the midcard title and came out victorious in bouts against John Morrison, Matt Hardy among others. At a glance, that seems to be a man poised for a feud(Not necessarily winning but at least being involved with) with a main title on the line. Now where exactly is Drew? He's rarely used, rarely seen on TV. That's a fall from grace.

Miz's current status can't be considered a fall from grace because the WWE still uses him and puts him in RELEVANT programs. He's not getting buried, on the contrary, he's being further DEVELOPED as a future big star WITHOUT involving the MAIN CHAMPIONSHIP of RAW and the WWE's TOP STAR, JOHN CENA.
He's given something relevant to do so that when the time comes that he re-enters the title picture, it won't be seen as total ass-pull coming from nowhere because here's a man who has been given exposure and credibility without being involved in a high profile program at the main event scene.

Another thing, Miz is already someone who has decent credibility overall. He was used to make Alex Riley credible and relevant(Alex did but after his program with the Miz, he got lost in the shuffle) and right now, this is also WWE's way of making the Tag Team division relevant and credible and also making the team Air Boom credible by having someone like Miz, who elicits the crowd's interest with his character, feud with them for the tag titles.

WWE knows that the Miz is a future star of the company. The guy is entertaining on the mic, he's improved his ring-work and overall a better performer all-around compared to 3 or 4 years ago(this is coming from a guy who doesn't like Miz but respects what he has achieved). One doesn't always have to be in the title picture, especially a heel to be seen as legit. If ever the WWE decides to treat Miz like how they're treating Drew McIntyre, then that's the time to make a thread like this but seeing as he's not, then there's really no reason to call this as a "fall from grace".

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