The Match You Would Show A Non Fan

The Brain

King Of The Ring
I’m sure over the years we have all experienced a fair share of criticism when it comes to wrestling. “How can you watch that fake stuff?” It’s a pretty common question asked by a non fan. Let’s say you could sit down with this non fan and show him any match to make him understand your love for professional wrestling. Which match would you choose? This isn’t necessarily meant to convert him into a fan as there are different styles in different eras. You’re just trying to get his attention with one match and wow him with what professional wrestling could be. You can give him a little background story on the match but keep in mind he isn’t familiar with the characters like we are. I’m going to give two choices.

First I think I would choose Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin from WrestleMania 13. We all know the significance of this match. Even though I couldn’t fully explain the significance of the double turn and how this launched the career of arguably the most popular star in WWE history I think a non fan could get a lot of enjoyment out of this match. It was unique fight that started out fast and never slowed down. I think even someone who criticizes a fake sport could get caught up in the excitement and be impressed with the shot of a bloody Austin trying to fight out of the sharpshooter.

My next example is one from actual personal experience. A few years ago I was just hanging out with some friends and we got to talking about wrestling. One friend is a casual fan who watches a lot with me but could easily go months at a time without watching and not care. There was another friend there, a girl, who made all the typical non fan comments. During our conversation I realized the casual fan had never seen Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit from Royal Rumble 2003. I put in the dvd as the girl rolled her eyes saying she didn’t want to watch. We weren’t doing anything anyway so I told her to just put up with it for 20 minutes. You’ve probably guessed by now that this girl really got into the match. The match was fast paced and full of counters. The announcers and crowd helped the overall energy of the match too. By the end she was on the edge of her seat and I found it very amusing how involved she got. I didn’t convert a non fan into a fan that night, but ever since then she no longer criticizes and has a better understanding of why I enjoy wrestling so much. Once in a blue moon she’ll even watch a show without complaining.

Tell me what match you would show a non fan to show them an example of why you love wrestling. If you have an experience like my second example please share that too.
Finally a topic that doesn't start a debate or marks to bust a nut while typin on this forum.. Hmm the match I would choose for a non fan.... Austin bs triple h 2 ouutta 3 falls match.. You fun have to tell em the whole history, jus say " the long hair guy set up the bald guy to be taken out by manipulating a plan to run him over so he could become the top dog of the company" make sure to show him the promo too :-D
Good Thread.

I'll give you three:

Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle from Wrestlemania 21. This was a great match that showed exactly how good wrestling could be.

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker from Wrestlemania 25. The greatest Wrestlemania match of all time.

Elimination Chamber from Survivor Series 2002. The first is still the best. This match shows how great a gimmick match can be.
I too first thought of the Hart/Austin match from Wrestlemania 13. It's a personal favorite of mine, but it also looks like a real fight. Maybe not an MMA fight or a street fight, but a non-wrestling fan, particularly one who has very little experience watching matches, would likely question whether or not it was real. Those two just looked like they beat the hell out of each other and there is never a lull in the action. It's a great match to show to those you wish to convert, as it was a violent, personal feud.

However, my go to match to convert the non-wrestling fan will always be Savage/Steamboat from Mania III. If you want to show your love for wrestling, why not expose people to one of the best matches of all time? It's always worked for me, as Savage/Steamboat has all of the spectacle, drama, action, and personality that I love about the medium. There is a babyface impossible to boo and an evil heel trying to destroy him, which makes it very easy to take sides and get caught up in the drama. I showed this match to one of my skeptical friends who had never watched an ounce of pro wrestling in his life and by the end of it he was going crazy. He's now a big Steamboat fan and occasionally lets me know if he's watched another match of his. Apparently he's a big fan of the WrestleWar 89 match with Flair. Then again, who isn't? Shit, I even got my ex-girlfriend into wrestling by showing her this match. It was probably because she thought Steamboat was attractive, but whatever. We still watched RAW weekly together after the fact.

Some people will be impossible to convert, but by showing non-fans matches such as these, it's not as daunting as it seems. And, even if they still don't like wrestling, they're usually more receptive of your love for it.
I recently showed a girl, Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels at The Great American Bash 2008.

This match was the best example of ring pyschology. The second Jericho saw blood on the face of HBK, he got this most convincing look of surprise then vengeful determination. Instantly going into sadistic mode, and attacking the eye of Michaels.

The next 10 minutes is a brutal onslaught, until the referee (who destroyed the pace of the match at the end) called the end of the bout, when Shawn was too injured to continue.

This match had good wrestling at the begining, great psychology, and good ole' fashion brutality.
IF I could add in the build up aswell then 'Taker-Michaels WM25 and WM26 would be the most current matches i'd show.

However if I could I agree with most of the above, but I'd like to add Cena returning in the Royal Rumble simply because even people who don't wacth wrestling know who the guy is. Other than that I totally agree with the Michaels-Angle epic match if I ever saw one.

Just a little side note, I've a feeling most matches will include HBK he's just EPIC, shows the HBK haters how hard he did work and the results he got in the ring...
I showed my mom a match that I can't exactly remember which PPV it is but it was Kurt Angle v. Chris Jericho v. Chris Benoit for the European and Intercontinental straps. Just wrestling gold. 3 of the best of all time doing there jobs.
King Of The Ring 1998 Undertaker vs Mankind HIAC. This is the match i showed my younger brother and got him into wrestling. The brutality that ensued during this match was amazing. First of that fall Mankind took off the Cell through the table, that can get anyone into wrestling. That was amazing. Then with MK being taken out on a stretcher and getting back up to climb the Cell with a tooth sticking through his nose and a broken arm, wow. After all they went through Taker Chokeslams him through the cell, he slams into the mat and caves it in. This is the match. I watch this match all the time. Just to relive the good ol days of wrestling, for me. I am only 21 and all.
ok i would show the person early the triple threat match between samoa joe, aj styles, and christopher daniels. the 1st one that is. that match is what made tna what it is today. if not convinced id show benoit vs angle at rr in 03 great match.
If I was looking for a good match to introduce a non-fan to wrestling, I would go for either something very technical or cruiserweight. The thinking behind it is it shows it is an art, and it not being real is not a valid point.

Eddie G vs Rey Mysterio (Smackdown 2005) - I went with a smackdown match over ppv, because its short and can introduce them to a match. This match is great with lots of high flying moves and shows real athleticism.
King Of The Ring 1998 Undertaker vs Mankind HIAC. This is the match i showed my younger brother and got him into wrestling. The brutality that ensued during this match was amazing. First of that fall Mankind took off the Cell through the table, that can get anyone into wrestling. That was amazing. Then with MK being taken out on a stretcher and getting back up to climb the Cell with a tooth sticking through his nose and a broken arm, wow. After all they went through Taker Chokeslams him through the cell, he slams into the mat and caves it in. This is the match. I watch this match all the time. Just to relive the good ol days of wrestling, for me. I am only 21 and all.

I agree with your choice of matches because the argument I hear all of the time is that wrestling is fake. I show people that match and it gets them realizing that there is more physicality than they realized.

But, you are a bit wrong with some of your description. Mankind did not break his arm. He dislocated his shoulder. He also got knocked unconscious when he fell through the cage and onto the mat which did NOT cave in.
I'd have to go with Taker/Mankind in the 'cell. I can remember being 10 and staying up the entire rerun of the ppv just to watch Mankind get thrown off the cell again. like the guy a couple posts up said, Mankind coming back offa stretcher, tooth thru the nose, chokeslammed through the'll live on as the greatest match of all time in my eyes. as far as this thread, you dont have to be a wrestling fan to be entertained by this match.
But, you are a bit wrong with some of your description. Mankind did not break his arm. He dislocated his shoulder. He also got knocked unconscious when he fell through the cage and onto the mat which did NOT cave in.

true. he did however face the game in a HIAC in which he got..i believe...back body dropped thru the cell and right thru the ring...
If I were going to show a non-fan a match, I would probably want to show a match that encompasses the best of professional wrestling: athleticism, crowd reaction, entertainment, and solid action. With those things being said, I would probably want to show the Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit Vengeance 2003 match. It's easily my favorite match between the two wrestlers, and it embodies many of those things that I as a wrestling fan love about wrestling. And I could show this to a non-wrestling fan as an example of why professional wrestling is so entertaining to us: we like solid performances and to be entertained. In that match alone, you see an athletic display between the two wrestlers. Plus, you get the classic Eddie Guerrero shenanigans of trying to cheat to win. The end where Eddie looks directly into the camera after Rhyno gores Benoit is priceless. This would be near or at the top of my list of matches I would show a non-wrestling fan.
Mike Awesome vs Masato Tanaka
Virtually any. But the easiest to come by are from ECW Heatwave 98 and ECW One Night Stand 05

Curry Man vs Jay Lethal
One from Ring of Honor in 2005. Forgot the specific event. It was the one where they danced and had fun at the beginning before Curry Man politely asked the crowd if they could start the match already.

The Undertaker vs Mankind
King of the Ring 98

AJ Styles vs Abyss
TNA Lockdown 2005. It just felt very unique to me, like even many of the typical brawls and cage-slams were not the usual "typical" things done.

Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit
Wrestlemania X7, and maybe, if they can handle 30 minutes, the submission iron man from Backlash 2001.

Triple X vs America's Most Wanted
TNA Victory Road 2004

Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko
ECW 2 out of 3 falls match.

Lita vs Molly Holly
WWE Survivor Series 2003

The Hardy Boys vs The Dudley Boys
WWF Royal Rumble 2000

Mike Awesome vs Spike Dudley
for the ECW Championship in 1999

Molly Holly vs Lita
WWF Backlash 2001
For me, there are 3 matches that I would show them:

1.) Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon Ladder Match Wrestlemania X simply because that match showcases what I love about wrestling in the spots that match had.

2.) Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart Iron Man Match Wrestlemania XII simply because that match showcases how intense a match the wrestlers can put on, and how hungry they were for the title.

and last but not least,

3.) Undertaker vs Mankind Hell in the Cell King of the Ring 1998...Need I explain this one lol
It really depends on the non-fan I was showing the match too. Generally speaking though, the biggest knock against pro-wrestling that is echoed time and time again is "it's fake" or "they don't really hit/hurt each other." While I agree that the Mankind/Undertaker HIAC match is an excellent counterpoint, in my opinion there may be one that goes just a hair step further. I would submit for their approval...

Barbed Wire Massacare: Terry Funk vs. Sabu for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship.

Yes, it's a gruesome matchup that saw Sabu seal up a 9 inch gash in his arm with athletic tape. It also saw the two competitors so wound up in the wire that it took like 10 minutes to cut them apart, with the wire going dangerously close to Terry Funks eyes more than once. Yet, it is also that one match that I'd imagine would make any doubter think twice whether things are outright fake or that the competitors don't really get hurt.

Don't get me wrong, Mankind/Undertaker is one of my all-time favorite matches, particularly for the hits that Foley took. Sabu vs. Funk at Born to be Wired though? In a class by itself.
Wrestlemania X - Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon - IC Title Ladder Match

This match is one that always excites me with every viewing. It is simply astounding that so much chaos come emerge from two guys and one ladder. These days, ladder matches are way too eccentric. Ladders everywhere, piled up in strange formations and the superstars doing crazy shit with them. I mean, it's cool, but when you watch HBK vs Razor, they destroy each other with that one ladder. Brutal punishment from beginning to end.
The goal is simply to be the guy to climb the ladder and get the belt. Amazing match.
I would personally go with AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels vs Samoa Joe for the X Division title. Ithink the action in that match would easily attract people into wrestling.
A non fan would like to see women beating each other's brians out...I would show

1. Awesome Kong vs Gail from Impact

2. Mickie vs Tara from last week.

3. Trish vs Jazz vs Victoria from Mania
Im gonna post a couple matches from different categories...

WWE- Kurt Angle vs HBK at Wrestlemania this match in my opinion stole they show. You could tell both guys as they always do gave 110 percent.

Tna- I would show the triple threat between Aj, daniels and joe this match was the best match TNA has had and the three told a great story in the ring.

Tag Team Match- I would show the ladder match I forget from what ppv but it had the hardys, mnm, london and kendrick and regal and some guy who i cant recall. I would show this to show the toughness these guys show (mercury face getting legitly busted).

Woman's match- Trish vs Victoria hardcore match and Kong vs Kim Impact. These two were great matches where it looked like the woman were taking legit bumps.
I'd have to go with a high flying type match. Something like Dudley Boyz vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Edge and Christian TLC match at Wrestlemania XVII. The match is very overrated in my eyes but its a match I would show to anyone of my friends that aren't interested in wrestling. You don't really even have to understand the build up to the match. Its something that would draw a non fan in. Jeff Hardy using the ladders as stilts to walk across them to reach the tag belts only to be speared by Edge was classic. The match really set the stage for each member of each team's career. The TLC made Edge's, Christian's, Jeff's, Matt's, Bubba's, and D-Von's careers. Watching guys getting thrown through tables over the top ropes and even fall to the outside, really made this match a match anyone would want to see. I'd show this match to any non wrestling fan.
Ric Flair vs Ricky Steamboat from Wrestle War 1989. Without a doubt the greatest match ever to take place in America.
Thinking about the people I know, and the reasons why they don't take my "well pretty much every show you watch is fake, what makes wrestling any different" argument seriously at all, I'd have to say, firstly,

Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels from 'Mania 24. People I know doubt the emotion in wrestling, and if the ending of that match didn't persuade them otherwise, then I'd know I was fighting a completely losing battle.

AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Samoa Joe, the first one. I'm sure everyone who's mentioned it has mentioned why, so I don't need to mention it again.

Daniel Bryan vs. Kaval, from FCW, but I don't know anything more than that. A few months ago a friend of mine linked me to this match on YouTube, and it is brilliant.

Other than that, anything from Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuiness in ROH, from Doug Williams while he was in England, and anything from Jody Fleisch. I also have a memory of a match between Eddie Guererro and I think either Jody or Johnny Storm from FWA, but I don't remember it properly and I might be wrong.
This is a very interest thread, I must state.

If I had to go with any match that I think would 'wow' a non-fan (due to its brutality, ring psychology and crowd reaction), I would choose The Rock vs Mankind - I Quit Match - Royal Rumble 1999.

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