The Marines From Aliens

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Every other section has a group of posters that are trying to make it the best section, so I'm calling out to the sports guys to help me bring the Stadium into the promise land.

Saw this and though the movie section needs an elite group of posters to make it into the best section it can possibly be. What's the best group of individuals in film history? The guys from Predator obviously, but Aliens is a vastly superior film.

There are a lot of members of this group, but you have to contribute. I don't, because it's my idea, but you do.

There are 11 spots open, Sam can be whoever he wants.

Sgt. Apone - Y 2 Jake
Lieutenant Gorman - Uncle Sam
Corporal Hicks -
Corporal Ferro -
Corporal Dietrich
Private Hudson - alex-awesome
Private Vasquez -
Private Drake -
Private Frost -
Private Spunkmeyer -
Private Crowe -
Private Wierzbowski -

Sorry, but some of you are disposable.
Gorman, because I have no fucking idea what I'm doing. Speaking of disposable - SPOILER - Apone is one of the first to die.
Not really though, is he? One moment of adrenaline-fuelled lunacy before being dragged under the floor screaming.
But it was Bill Paxton and Bill Paxton's cool he's a bad ass

But it was Bill Paxton and Bill Paxton's cool he's a bad ass


Bill Paxton has only been cool in one film. Yes it's Aliens. Only when you think about it he isn't cool at all in that film. The only thing he is in that film is a realist. And he's right, it is game over.

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