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Ayatollah of Coca-Cola
I've never claimed to be an expert on pro wrestling. I know what I like and if I see something that doesn't make sense to me I'll call bullcrap on it (at least until one of the more clued-up posters convinces me otherwise). I have a few questions, though, which I posted in here so that everybody can play along - especially on yes/no answers.

Feel free to join in, ask questions of your own or help out where you can... and remember:

The man who asks a question is a
fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a
fool for life.
- Confucius

So here goes:
*In a tag-team match, the non-legal man often breaks up the three count by axe-handling the pinning opponent. Wouldn't this be counter-productive, since he's forcing him downward onto his teammate (who's shoulder's are still on the mat)?

*Staying with pinfalls, big guys (especially Mark Henry, but also Big Show) do a kind of ladies'-pushup maneuver when doing a pin (that'll likely get kicked out of). I would assume that it's because not many guys could legitemately kick out of one of their pins, but isn't there a way around this to make their pin attempts look more believable?

*Why is Triple H only doing hardcore-type matches these days? I'm sure he can still go in the ring...

*The area outside the ring, is that covered by a type of yoga-mat? It gets called the "concrete", yes, but how much of a difference is there between taking a bump on the outside, instead of the canvas?

*Say, for example, Chris Jericho does a moonsault on Antonio Cesaro, but he blocks it by raising his knees (I saw this happen not long ago) - how does Jericho not get his ribs crushed? Even so, it must hurt like a bitch, how do you do that kind of thing safely?

*Sheamus's "Clubs of Bronnaugh(sp?)" - doesn't that move violate the five-count rule about using the ropes?

*Ditto Del Rio's ten kidney strikes...

*When a wrestler goes up the top corner and his opponent makes him fall with his crotch onto the post, how is that not game over right there? I would think that there's only so much control you have about not landing on your gentleman's region...

Looking forward to hearing your takes on this, people! :)
*Just saw Swagger eating a vicious kick straight to the cheek from Daniel Bryan. The impact was clearly visible and audible, yet Swagger's face didn't seem red afterwards. What sort of super-expensive wrestling boot would this require?
*In the same vein... Guys who wrestle in sneakers or without kneepads - how do they compensate for the limits put on them by a lack of proper ring gear?
While I am no expert (so feel free to correct if I'm mistaken) most of this is from simple observation.

I've never claimed to be an expert on pro wrestling. I know what I like and if I see something that doesn't make sense to me I'll call bullcrap on it (at least until one of the more clued-up posters convinces me otherwise). I have a few questions, though, which I posted in here so that everybody can play along - especially on yes/no answers.

Feel free to join in, ask questions of your own or help out where you can... and remember:

The man who asks a question is a
fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a
fool for life.
- Confucius

So here goes:
*In a tag-team match, the non-legal man often breaks up the three count by axe-handling the pinning opponent. Wouldn't this be counter-productive, since he's forcing him downward onto his teammate (who's shoulder's are still on the mat)?

Often the guy is knocked sideways, or that's how he sells the move so your theory, while seemingly logical, is counteracted by wrestling logic. Besides that, the ref stops the count when he sees the interference. Count over.

*Why is Triple H only doing hardcore-type matches these days? I'm sure he can still go in the ring...

While he's still pretty well built (though the age is beginning to show on his muscles) that doesn't mean his cardio is up. Actual wrestling matches requires a hell of a lot of cardio. Even taking a bump knocks some wind out of you. Hardcore matches are slower and require a lot less moves.

*The area outside the ring, is that covered by a type of yoga-mat? It gets called the "concrete", yes, but how much of a difference is there between taking a bump on the outside, instead of the canvas?

The mat has give. Hence the bounce in it. While the concrete has a small pad on it, below that there is no give whatsoever.

*Say, for example, Chris Jericho does a moonsault on Antonio Cesaro, but he blocks it by raising his knees (I saw this happen not long ago) - how does Jericho not get his ribs crushed? Even so, it must hurt like a bitch, how do you do that kind of thing safely?

Same way it doesn't hurt the guy who doesn't lift his knees. I'm no physics major so my explanation on this will be weird. Hopefully my point is understood. The guy going through the air has a lot of forward momentum, not just downward. So when his upper half hits the wrestler, his lower half momentum takes a lot of the force away, usually meeting the mat at about the same time. Not saying it's easy for either party. But it's not bone crushing. This theory doesn't work as well for simple frog splashes, SSP or 450 splashes, but then you generally see the flyer hit his knees on the mat at or before the same time as the wrestler.

*Sheamus's "Clubs of Bronnaugh(sp?)" - doesn't that move violate the five-count rule about using the ropes?

*Ditto Del Rio's ten kidney strikes...

The ref counts slowly, and always doesn't start until about 2 or 3 in. The delay in the start is played off as the ref saying "Hey! Get him off the ropes!"

*When a wrestler goes up the top corner and his opponent makes him fall with his crotch onto the post, how is that not game over right there? I would think that there's only so much control you have about not landing on your gentleman's region...

Are you not a guy? Do you know nothing about your own junk? I refuse to go into heavy detail here. Let's just say when you move your legs forward (like they are when they get crotched in a sitting position) is your shit directly below your body? Or did it move forward too? Simple question, does it hurt your nuts when you sit down? In the case of getting crotched on the ropes, their taint (I can't think of the medical term) is what takes the brunt of the force. :wtf: Why do you think they use their whole arm and come from underneath for a low blow?
I certainly am a guy (and THEN some ;)) and I occasionally sit on my balls and I've lost my balance and fell on the two bear cubs (is what I'm calling the testies) many times. Good reply, though!
*Just saw Swagger eating a vicious kick straight to the cheek from Daniel Bryan. The impact was clearly visible and audible, yet Swagger's face didn't seem red afterwards. What sort of super-expensive wrestling boot would this require?
*In the same vein... Guys who wrestle in sneakers or without kneepads - how do they compensate for the limits put on them by a lack of proper ring gear?

There's something about those wrestling boots. I mean, they look to be coated in some form of plastic on the front, which is what gives it that beautiful sound on kicks to the chest/arms/head. I assume that it's also nice & soft, which means that it doesn't deliver as much damage as say, when Cena just wears sneakers in the ring.

Honestly, guys wrestling in sneakers, I don't think it's so bad, because they're not too awful, they may also be more comfortable in the ring.

Wrestling without kneepads must kill, I just tripped up the stairs & my knee killed for a good 15 minutes.
Fire Marshall Bill said:
Plus it just looks funny. It always bothered me when Rhodes wouldn't wear them.

Right? Just looked so... naked. Would guys like Jeff Hardy or Hunico (who wrestle in long trousers) wear kneepads underneath?
Ambulances are pretty important vehicles. I don't know if it's different in the first world, but over here almost every hospital has a shortage of them. How did the WWE afford to get an ambulance for their ambulance match with Cena & Ryback? Not to mention Ryback on Raw...

Was it actually not a real ambulance that somebody just fitted sirens and lights to, or what?
Okay, so if that annoying ten-second sound loop isn't bad enough, Kurtis Axle has that strange taunt he does when he enters. What is that, is it taking off an imaginary jacket?
*In a tag-team match, the non-legal man often breaks up the three count by axe-handling the pinning opponent. Wouldn't this be counter-productive, since he's forcing him downward onto his teammate (who's shoulder's are still on the mat)?
You just gotta chalk some things up to "wrestling physics," man.
I got a question, that can't be answered easily probably but why is it when a heel goes from heel to face, the fans start to easily become a fan of them and forget all they've done wrong? It's like one of the wrestlers could stomp a puppy on tv, and then the next week turn face and all is forgiven.
Not everything is actually fake in wrestling and most of the times to look good they do have to be somehow harder. There is no way you can't escape a 450º Splash, that move will hurt you a lot. You will not breath for a second or two and it can knock you out if botched - same goes for the lift knee spot. It will hurt you a bit, there is no way you can just lose momentum in the middle of the air and drop a leg first, sometimes you have to take it like a man.

And those spots where your "balls" are being fucked up, also hurt. If in a script of a movie, a guy has to take a ball in his junk, he uses some protection but it hurts them too. Wrestling is the same - also the canvas/mat even though not made of rock, is made of wood and it has something above it, but when you hear guys in interviews talking about their first bump you know that they pretty much want to give up on the spot. Wrestling is one of the most difficult things to do, you need to tough sometimes.
There's something about those wrestling boots. I mean, they look to be coated in some form of plastic on the front, which is what gives it that beautiful sound on kicks to the chest/arms/head. I assume that it's also nice & soft, which means that it doesn't deliver as much damage as say, when Cena just wears sneakers in the ring.

Honestly, guys wrestling in sneakers, I don't think it's so bad, because they're not too awful, they may also be more comfortable in the ring.

Wrestling without kneepads must kill, I just tripped up the stairs & my knee killed for a good 15 minutes.

I'm talking amateur wrestling here, but my junior year I lost my knee pads and was too poor to buy any. My knees still hurt to this day from it.
Watching Raw now, Del Rio v Jericho (the one with "Destiny, perro!" <-rofl), but I was wondering, how is his jacket controlled? At first I thought there was a remote control or a hidden switch in the garment, but it continues to flicker after he discarded it, so that leaves the hidden switch out.

The other theory, which I've come to think of as the most logical, is that it has a hidden battery pack that just sort of... runs out. The lights get dimmer sometimes, so would this be a workable idea?
That's more than likely it. It wouldn't take a lot of battery power to light that for that long. I imagine it's just inside the jacket and he flips it on before he comes out.
Are you not a guy? Do you know nothing about your own junk? I refuse to go into heavy detail here. Let's just say when you move your legs forward (like they are when they get crotched in a sitting position) is your shit directly below your body? Or did it move forward too? Simple question, does it hurt your nuts when you sit down? In the case of getting crotched on the ropes, their taint (I can't think of the medical term) is what takes the brunt of the force. :wtf: Why do you think they use their whole arm and come from underneath for a low blow?
To be fair, the man who played Mr. Belvedere, Christopher Hewitt, once sat on his balls during a script reading for the show and had to be stretchered off the set.
To be fair, the man who played Mr. Belvedere, Christopher Hewitt, once sat on his balls during a script reading for the show and had to be stretchered off the set.

And I'm willing to admit that accidents do happen, but wrestlers do this stuff for a living. But ow man :wtf:
I've never claimed to be an expert on pro wrestling. I know what I like and if I see something that doesn't make sense to me I'll call bullcrap on it (at least until one of the more clued-up posters convinces me otherwise). I have a few questions, though, which I posted in here so that everybody can play along - especially on yes/no answers.

Feel free to join in, ask questions of your own or help out where you can... and remember:

The man who asks a question is a
fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a
fool for life.
- Confucius

So here goes:
*In a tag-team match, the non-legal man often breaks up the three count by axe-handling the pinning opponent. Wouldn't this be counter-productive, since he's forcing him downward onto his teammate (who's shoulder's are still on the mat)?

*Staying with pinfalls, big guys (especially Mark Henry, but also Big Show) do a kind of ladies'-pushup maneuver when doing a pin (that'll likely get kicked out of). I would assume that it's because not many guys could legitemately kick out of one of their pins, but isn't there a way around this to make their pin attempts look more believable?

*Why is Triple H only doing hardcore-type matches these days? I'm sure he can still go in the ring...

*The area outside the ring, is that covered by a type of yoga-mat? It gets called the "concrete", yes, but how much of a difference is there between taking a bump on the outside, instead of the canvas?

*Say, for example, Chris Jericho does a moonsault on Antonio Cesaro, but he blocks it by raising his knees (I saw this happen not long ago) - how does Jericho not get his ribs crushed? Even so, it must hurt like a bitch, how do you do that kind of thing safely?

*Sheamus's "Clubs of Bronnaugh(sp?)" - doesn't that move violate the five-count rule about using the ropes?

*Ditto Del Rio's ten kidney strikes...

*When a wrestler goes up the top corner and his opponent makes him fall with his crotch onto the post, how is that not game over right there? I would think that there's only so much control you have about not landing on your gentleman's region...

Looking forward to hearing your takes on this, people! :)

Best answer I can give you is in wrestling a lot of things happen that defy logic. For the most part I feel it should be believable but things where you REALLY need to suspend belief are always going to happen.

One of mine is whenever someone gets a piledriver or DDT, you're simply not kicking out of that especially with cruiserweights who have twig like necks. Maybe Henry who doesn't have a neck or RVD whose neck is apparently made of rubber but not Del Rio for example.

From what I heard the ring mat has some give but is mostly stiff with a lot of plywood used.

Big men pins usually suck. The idea is since their attacks hurt more they don't need to hook the leg as the opponent is incapacitated enough.

Jerichos rib cage would be crushed but if his knees hit the mat before his stomach hit the opponents knees it won't be full contact so it would hurt less or if his moonsault got enough rotation he could essentially roll off the knees without taking too much damage.

With HHH I'm sure he could go but PG Hardcore is gonna be a lot easier on him.

Tag team the axe handle wouldn't hurt the guy on the mat as the force isn't so much it would overly hurt him but it would the other guy because of direct contact.

Crotching an opponent would hurt BAD. Wrestlers have either balls of steel or lack of balls from drug abuse.

Del Rio and Sheamus should be DQed but refs never call it.

Most of these answers arent really answers but that's what they could be thinking. As said above wrestling logic is checkered and they often make their own logic.

Another one for me is the double foot stomp off the top rope, that would kill the opponent for sure.

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