The latest prank on Jim Ross


Getting Noticed By Management
I laughed my ass off at it. I really cant even believe he got mad about it IT WAS A FREAKING JOKE!!!!!! I was laughing my ass off just because the big baby really got pissed off about it. THEN I read some of the LD and people on here are mad about it too, so I lol'd even harder. Do you people even realize how dumb it is to get all mad and pissy about a damn joke?

Last Saturday night I was shooting pool with a buddy. When I made a few shots in a row me made the remark "damn, you sure are good with a stick and balls" insinuating that I'm a homosexual. Did I get mad about that? No. I laughed at him and jokingly threatened to snap a pool cue over him head. That's how you're supposed to take a joke. You're not supposed to sit and pout with your lip hanging because someone made a little joke about you.

Bottom line is: Get the fuck over it, It was funny.
Nothing about the Santino bit was funny. The whole thing is a waste of time and last night was even moreso. Seriously, what has JR done to deserve being dragged into this? he's already been pushed out of the way for Todd freaking Grisham of all people, and now he's made to be the butt of a stupid joke? Cmoe on now, he's better than that.
Evidently I'm the only person who really doesnt care about announcers. Mike Adamle is one of my favorites is that tells you anything.

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