The last World Championship title change that made you scream "Finally"!

No one better than Shawn Michaels, Mr. WrestleMania, winning his 1st at WM12! That was the bestever, specially after an amazing 1hr plus match! Then Jericho, and Sting 1st. and a few others like THe MIz! I dont know what WWE was thinking putting the world title on guys that are simply not that good, Jeff hardy and RVD! Come on! Many guys were better than them, like Val Venis, Bad ASS billy Gun, Ricky Steamboat, Maven! as you can see I dont like them! No talent pot heads!
For me, it has to be when CM Punk cashed in the MITB against Edge on RAW in June 2008.

I had followed Punk in TNA and ROH and really wanted to see him reach the top.

I know that some people may think that this wasn't a great moment b/c Punk cashed in the MITB only after Batista had laid out Edge, but I feel differently. CM Punk pulled an Edge like move on the ultimate opportunist and beat Edge in the same way that Edge captured his 1st major title.
For the World Heavyweight Championship I would say:

Rey Mysterio- I still had doubts of him winning especially being in the match with Orton and Angle after he lost his opportunity to Orton

Batista- this was more of a finally we can stop seeing Batista chase after the damn title like he did all of 2007....he headlined every single ppv that year chasing after the world title and I was glad to see someone else challenge for a change

Rey Mysterio (second reign)- it had been like 4 years and I thought he would never hold it again....seeing him win it I was like finally because people shit on Rey too much, especially after seeing Khali and Swagger hold the title

For the WWE Championship-

Eddie Guerrero- once again I never thought he would hold it

RVD- he has always been one of my childhood favorites, and it seemed as though his time was running up with new guys coming in like Cena winning the title and Lesnar a few years back

Jeff Hardy- this was more of a its about damn time because ppl doubted Jeff so much and I dont see why seeing how popular he was and ho much merch he moved
For me it was when CM Punk won his world title and i liked it both times he won it, but i will go with the 2nd one because they finally turned him heel and he's been gold as a heel ever since. CM Punk is the wrestler who has both in ring skills and great mic skills. IF i didnt say Punk guys like RVD and Benoit would be 2nd because of their in ring skills and being there for years and RVD NEVER had won the big one until ECW One Night Stand and Benoit's first big title win (though he likely doesnt care much about it) is the WCW World title win over Sid Vicious. In my book though WCW should've made him champion earlier because at the time Benoit was getting over as a face and was well liked.

As for the Tag Teams of of the Hardys, Dudleys and Edge and Christian as singles performers. The Dudleys havent been as great by themselves, maybe TNA will change it though. the Hardys arent bad by themselves. Matt Hardy's version 1 character got good heat and i thought it was funny, Jeff Hardy's mic work as a face wasnt great, but as a heel he was better, but i wouldnt put his mic work in Punk's level at all because he doesnt catch me there, he's best with his spots that he does. Edge and Christian both are good in the ring and on the mic and while Edge isnt great as a face like he is as a heel, he can be a face and in my book Christian is a really good face and heel and he's a guy who i would like to see have a WWE World title run sometime.
I'd certainly have to go with Kane. I'm a huge Kane fan and when he had his mask he was the most dominant looking figure in the 'E'. It's absolutely shocking that he only had one world title run before his WHC run (I don't count the ECW one) and it was only 1 day. For his size Kane is/was an amazing performer, he cuts promos that although might be kind of cheezy with the whole "demon" nonsense but at least they are a breath of fresh air instead of the same old heel shit "IM THE BEST YOU CAN'T BEAT ME *gets cheap win*" over and over. Kane deserved it and he got it. I was really happy.

I definitely understand the Jeff Hardy choice too but his recent actions and his overall demeanor change my mind on him and I almost wish he never got the WWE championship because if he hadn't, probably by now, he'd be a nobody sitting in a jail cell. I don't wish that upon anyone, but boy can I not stand this guy anymore.

Oh and when it does happen, John Morrison will be second on my list. I really can't wait. It's been awhile since someone entertained me in the ring like he does. I'd probably have to go back to Angle, honestly.
For me, it's easily Jeff Hardy's first WWE title win against Triple H and Edge. I think there were a lot of people that thought Jeff would never make it to the top. When he had such a major win over both WWE's top face and heel at the time, it was very exciting. He had overcome a lot to get back to the main event after being released earlier in his career, and it was great to see him finally get the title. It's a shame to see how far he has fallen since then.
For me it was when Edge won it for the first time. I've been a fan of his ever since he debuted back in 98 and he had been Heavyweight Champion material for about two years before he won it. I was ecstatic to finally see him get it.

My next moment like that will be when The Miz loses the title, even if it is to John Cena.
In WWE and going with the World Heavyweight Title I'd say easily Chris Benoit, fans longed for his main event spot, he continued to put on stellar matches with Angle, Lesnar, Cena, HBK, looking back WWE did the right storyline making the fans wait until that right moment to give it to him, I remember his promo with Eddie were Eddie pretty much said Chris couldn't do it and the passion Benoit showed in that promo was/is enough to show he WANTED that spot.

Kane, he was a former World Champion so even if it was for a cup of coffee but he still made it to the top. WWE really made people wait to long for Kane to get ay World title. They'd jobbed him out so much and made him look poor Kane becoming Champion wouldn't of been believable had it not been for his storyline with the Undertaker. Still he deserved a long run and got it, shame about Edge winning it but to keep Kane's royal rumble match apps in tat he had to drop the belt.

Rey as well in 2006 his win was pretty epic but had it not been for Eddie dying Rey wouldn't have been World champion for a while, thou his 2010 title win was pretty unexpected so came more of a surprise.
i wish i could say Kane...i wish i could say hardy..but the truth is, i wasnt watching those ppvs when they happened. But i do remember watching when CM Punk beat John Morrison for the ECW title. I remember them building it for months and the crowds reaction was great too
For me this is a tie between my two favorite wrestlers of all time...Kane and Rob Van Dam.

When RVD defeated Cena, I loved it, and was thrilled that he finally became the ECW/WWE champion, its just a shame that, his off camera lifestyle cost him the title so soon.

Then, Ive been a Kane fan from day one, and last year, when he finally got the World title, and defended it for 5 months, I loved it, even beating Undertaker three straight PPVs.
Without a doubt Jeff Hardy was the last world champion that made me say that. He has been getting huge pops since the 90's and finally after chasing it for the majority of 2008 he gets it in december of that year and has a HUGE celebration on the following smackdown with confetti and fireworks
There are alot of moments where I was like "FINALLY!". I have two most memorable moments when I was so excited about a title change. The first exciting moment was when CM Punk cashed in his money in the bank for the second time and defeated Jeff Hardy for the world title. I was so freaking happy because I hated the fact that Jeff had won the title and I am a huge Punk fan. So I was very excited when Punk beat Hardy. Punk's first title reign wasn't too great and I was very happy that the WWE put the title back on him.

The second time that I got all excited was when Kane cashed in his MITB and defeated Rey Mysterio to win the world title. I was like "Yes! Rey Mysterio just got his a** handed to him!". Kane deserved another world title reign and Mysterio deserved to get his butt beat. It all happened in one night.
Chris Jericho. Following him since his days in ECW....I knew it was only a matter of time before the guy got the major push to become a World Champion.

And the great thing...I was actually in attendance when he won his 1st World Title...the WCW Title vs The Rock at No Mercy 2001 in St. Louis
December 28, 1998! That is the date when Kevin Nash took the WCW strap off that stiff Goldberg. I was thrilled that Goldberg was no longer the champion and I screamed finally! Sure Goldberg was red hot, but he wasn't, and isn't in Sting, Flair, or Hogan's company. To me WCW started their rapid demise with the whole Goldberg title reign.
I would say Kane getting the World Title, it was well overdue!

Even though he was past his prime, it was great to see Kane finally get a decent run with the title after only ever holding the belt for 24 hours in the past. Kane should have been a multi-time champion, it is a disgrace that his dominance after his debut never was rewarded with a decent length title reign. He certainly deserved it. I was so pleased when he cashed in his MITB briefcase (which I never expected him to win btw), and I am glad he finally had a good reign with the title.

Before that it was probably Raven winning the NWA Title back in 2005. I am obviously a major Raven and he had been there or thereabouts ever since debuting in TNA, claiming it was his "destiny" to win the belt. With Jeff Jarrett holding on to the belt for way too long, I thought Raven would never quite manage to become champion, and I had my own MTFO moment when he climbed the ladder to hang the belt, becoming King of The Mountain and the NWA World Champion.
The last markout championship win for me would have to be Eddie's victory over Brocklesnar at No Way Out 2004. Eddie Guerrero was the last great antihero in wrestling till the arrival of Randy Orton and Mr Anderson in 2010. He cheated out of his skin every time he was in the ring and yet his antics were cheered on by the crowds. On top of that his underdog status and the fact that he had overcome his personal problems, though ultimately a bit too late, made him one of the most perfect babyfaces ever seen.

Coming back to the championship win, I for one, never saw it coming. Brock was prepping up for a feud with Goldberg and knowing Vince's fascination for big men I thought that Brock vs Goldberg for the title would be the main event for WrestleMania 20. Coupled with the fact that Eddie was feuding with Chavo before this and the fact that Brock had never been defeated by a wrestler like Eddie, a luchadore basically.

Even in the match it seemed that Brock had Eddie number. He seemed to be as fast as Eddie and almost twice as strong. Eddie was never able to keep Brock down for a really long time in the match. Goldberg came in and speared Brock but even that could not keep him down. Ultimately Eddie DDT'ed Brock on the belt and hit the frog splash for the win to trigger off wild celebrations and even though I was not in the crowd I felt that I was there. I celebrated a bit that day like the marky wrestling fan I am and it is in my opinion one of the best wrestling moments that I have ever seen. It's even better than Benoit's moment at WrestleMania XX though that might be because I have never been a huge Benoit fan.
I'll go with Kane. I'm not a fan of his, I like him though but he was long overdue a lot of things in the WWE like a Royal Rumble win as 2001 RR was his best performance ever, a World Title win & a feud with the top guy in the business since his feud with Triple H. About 10 or 11 years in the WWE, he poured all his sweat, blood & tears into the place and he still hasn't gotten all that yet. But he doesn't need an RR win anymore since he got the World Title but I'm still actually waiting for the day Kane feuds with Cena.

I gotta agree with whoever said John Morrison. The guy is so talented, just WWE putting him in the main event alone is what will make me say "FINALLY", same applies for Shelton Benjamin & Daniel Bryan but Bryan I will cut WWE some slack since he only came last year.
back in june 2008 when CM Punk Finally became WHW champion. at the time i wasnt his biggest fan no but i had watched him closely in ECW and tht lead me to googling him and watching him in ROH etc. i learned he was great on the mic and had a great ring skill. i guess i shouted and marked out more when he won the MITB not the championship but you knw what i meant
When Bryan Danielson won the United States Championship from The Miz, cleanly may I add, at the Night of Champions PPV. Okay, it isn't like it took forever to win it, but I was just happy that WWE finally proved the IWC wrong who said how, "WWE will bury Bryan at every oppurtunity."

It was more of a "Finally, the ******s of the IWC can STFU," more than anything.

Last World Championship win. When The Miz cashed in Money in the Bank on Randy Orton. I'm not even a fan of The Miz, but I was just happy that he proved so many nay-sayers wrong that he had to deal with at the start of his career.
I like this post alot because I had a couple of finallys when they reached the top of the mountain. I will start with The World HeavyWeight title first

Kane: Winning the WHC in 2010 was a big finally for me because Kane is underated as a WWE superstar his loyality to the WWE is just like his alleged brother Undertaker been there since 1993 did all the gimmicks they wanted him to till they found one that finally worked for him and he would win his first WWE title in 98 even though it was short lived he still beat the hottest superstar in the world at the time Stone Cold Steve Austin. He finally captured the low level ECW title in 2008 but it was nothing like his regin as WHC He won Money in the Bank cashed it in on the same night and went on to beat his brother 3 times in all his best matches. Kane should have never lost the title to Edge he should still be WHC right now.

Booker T: His finally came for me in 2000 when he first won the WCW Heavyweight title and would win it 5 more times and be a double champion by the end of WCW. He came into the WWE as WCW champion lost his title to The Rock and never saw the WHC till 2006 when he finally regained in my opinion what was rightfully his. Booker T is so underated compared to alot of the big stars form the late 90's and the early 2000's he did everything he could do but he was always overlooked especially in the WWE. Booker T is still better than half the roster right now his performance in the ring is always great too watch. He finally deserved his WHC run but he deserved so many more

Chris Beniot: He finally regained a World championship after waiting 6 years to hold another world title. He was the best wrestler in WWE at the time and deserved more than anyone how ever his regin was cut short by an up coming superstar who didint deserve to win the title in my opinion at the time Randy Orton. I knew once he lost that title he would never hold it again.

WWE title: Now there have been alot of WWE champion some deserving some not but here are my finallys for this title

Sycho Sid: He had been in and out of the WWE from 91 till 97 when he beat the crap out of HBK it was so great I love the way Sid won that title he deserved to be a world champion he fought for a world title so many times and always came up short but Survivor Series 96 he would not be denied after all he beat one of the lamest champions of all time who couldnt draw a lick HBK. Whether you guys like it or not Sid made my finally list and he deserved after all he did headline a Wrestlemania with the original Mr.Wrestlemania Hulk Hogan.

Undertaker: When he finally regained the title that was rightfully his in 96 from another deserving champion Syscho Sid. I had awaited for that moment ever since he had yokozuna beat at the Royal Rumble in 94. He beat everybody on the roster he deserved it more than HBK did at the time and more than Sid because Undertaker took on and buried everyone including Hulk Hogan. His win at wrestlemania 13 was great and a start to more championship to follow.

Mick Foley: Mrs.Foley's baby boy finally got his opportunity to be a champion after being denied in WCW and failing against Austin, HBK, and Undertaker. Mick Foley would finally gain his title in late 98 and deserved because nobody besides terry funk, sabu, and those crazy japanese hardcore wrestlers put their bodies through what they did. To be thrown off a cell and through a cell and wrestler an entire watch deserves a championship. Thanks Mick for the memories and paving the way for other world champions who werent pretty boys or bad asses or the top face.

Eddie Guerrero: Latino Heat!!!!! Eddie finally got his chance to be a world champion after he defeated the best WWE champion in last 4 years Brock Lesnar and if you want the truth currently in the last 10 yrs. Brock was unbeatable until he got speared tornado ddted on the WWE title and hit with a frog splash. My faovrite moment in WWE history when Eddie won it still brings a smile to my face to know that one of the best wrestlers on the roster at the time finally got his due. He was always better than HBK HHH the Rock Undertaker and Austin and better than half of WCW old depleting roster. Eddie deserved the WWE title and its a shame we couldnt see more world title regins R.I.P. Latino Heat still miss you.

Rob Van Dam: Finally wasnt the word when Rob won its was its about F'n time. RVD was the best wrestler in the WWE for a long time he had everything the fans the wrestling skills and abilities and the charisma. Rob should have been world champion before Randy Orton, John Cena, Edge,JBL, and Batista. But he never got the credit because WWE didnt build RVD into a star he was already one when he got there. They always misused him because of this purposely. They gave Jeff Hardy so many chances and RVD could only get one chance thats B.S. RVD made a mistake okay Jeff Hardy is still making mistakes so why could RVD get another chance?? I dont know but one thing I do know is that when he finally won He should of already had more than 1 title reign by then thats for sure.

Here are some other finallys for me Taz winning the ECW title was one for me, Kerry Von Erich winning the NWA title, Scott Steiner winning the WCW title and Rey Mysterio title win I didnt include Rey because he should of been WWE champion instead of WHC because it has Heavy weight in the title and Rey was not a heavyweight. Lex Luger second WCW title regin in 1997 it was long awaited after he never won the WWE title

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