[Lockdown] Bobby Roode vs James Storm [World Heavyweight Championship]


Lord And Master
Staff member
Lockdown 2012
Bobby Roode (C) v. James Storm
TNA World Heavyweight Championship






All discussion here.​


The longest moment is finally here. As announced at the conclusion of Impact Wrestling, James Storm finally gets his one on one World title rematch against Bobby Roode. The feud has been brewing since last November for about 5 months. Now the match is finally here. After all the buildup and such, it will be a major match-up. In my eyes, this will be James Storms moment. Yeah, maybe it might not be and it might be at Slammaversary or not. Storm for Champion at Lockdown. The man has been built up so greatly as Roode's run as champion went on. From his feud with Angle, Against All Odds and now interaction with NYG's Brandon Jacobs, I feel that the time is now to make the Cowboy a 2 time World Champion.
This is good. Say what you will about TNA's booking but they have been smart in seperating the two since Storm lost the title. The fact that they now will have a 2 month build for a title match that people want to see instead of hot shotting it on free tv is awesome. Kudos to TNA.
That's the funny thing. When Storm first won the belt and then Roode took it from him people assumed it was just TNA jumping the gun to spike ratings a bit. What it did was also set up this long road to this major show. And it may not end at Lockdown with Slammaversary X 2 months later either. This has been very carefully prepared and it's all coming to fruition now.
A smart move on the part of TNA to openly book this match two months in advance. As many others have said, in many other threads, this is, in many ways the money match, and pay off to the Robert Roode heel reign as TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

By booking it at Lockdown, TNA will give their fans a bit of a refresher period, to allow for the feud to rekindle following their prior Impact match. It will also give the company enough time to really allow the story to flesh out, in all likely hood to the point that it necessitates a Steel Cage Match.

Also, given that it is TNA's first road PPV of the year, it gives the company a good match to market and try to sell tickets for.

Given the history between Roode and Storm, and the fact this is what most TNA fans have been waiting to see, I could easily see this being a 2-3 pay per view feud.
i dont want tna since in aus they changed it to package channel but i read spoilers every week and roode has been doing really well and should be champ for a while. hes doing an awesome job
It looks to be a good matchup. Although being that this has only been going on for a few months, I'm thinking it should've been more of a build up, stretch it out a little longer, perhaps at Lockdown or Destination X. Based on what I saw last night, it looks to me that Bully Ray and possibly Kurt Angle could play factor in the outcome of this match. I could be wrong though. This is the match everyone wanted so I hope it doesn't disappoint.
Realized the match is set for Lockdown. Completely spaced on previous post. Apologies for not paying attention.
I really hope Bobby Roode retains at Lockdown as his work over the past 5 months have made an absolute believer out of me, i've really enjoyed it. That being said, i expect them to put the strap on James Storm. I hope i'm wrong because i think that's the wrong decision. James Storm will definitely capture that second world title and it will be a great moment if he wins at Lockdown but i reckon in the long run Roode retaining is the better way to go. I don't think it's going to hurt Storm to chase a little bit longer and it makes Roode look even better and that's a great thing for Roode and for Storm when eventually does overcome the champs cheating ways. Either way it will be a great match that i'm really looking forward to.

I think Storm will be the new champ but i hope i'm wrong.
Storm needs this more. James Storm has been on fire since Roode's heel turn. His promos have been very enjoyable, and The Tennessee Cowboy continues deliver on the mic. Storm is a fan favorite, and he's built up a nice amount of momentum over the past couple of months. Storm has been on the rise for months, so can he really afford to start from scratch again? A loss at Lockdown would knock Storm right back down the ladder again, and he would have to take a huge step backwards. Lockdown is in Tennessee, this is one of TNA's flagship pay per views, so this could be the PERFECT stage for Storm to become World Champion.

But I have a feeling Roode will retain here. Roode is having a fantastic run as TNA World Heavyweight Champion, and TNA has put tons of effort and time into his character. Roode's character becomes more of jerk each week, and TNA probably won't pull the plug on him just yet. Roode's heel character is still evolving, and he'll continue to butt heads with Hulk Hogan. It's a tough choice, but I'm picking Roode for the win here, because he still has some ground left to cover as champion.

I'm expecting a fierce and brutal match between these two, because Storm and Roode do have a lot history together. Storm is going to want revenge for Roode's betrayal months ago, and these two should beat the hell out of each other. But in the end, Roode will cheat his way into a victory, and he should escape with his title here.
I have a feeling roode will retain, but here an idea to come from it....say EZE loses the lethal lockdown match. Then Ric Flair is by himself left along to face Hogans power in tna. Have Flair get invovled in the mainevent match and help Roode Retain against Storm Put Flair With Roode as his manager for the long run. That way you have Flair put Roode Over as the face of the company (think Like HHH and Flair from 7 years Ago.) This way you keep flair revelant on tv every week. Make Roode Like a Dominant champion with Flair as a Mentor. and You Have The Draw with Storm Chasing The Belt for a few more months. Evrybody Wins IMO
I think James Storm's going to win the title this Sunday.They've been pushing him hard, released a music video for his theme song and it seems like Lockdown is the night where both James Storm and Velvet sky get their fair 1 on 1 rematch and get payback.Storm is the perfect guy to take the championship away from Roode the same guy that screwed him over in the first place.But at the same time I could see Bobby Roode regaining the championship but I'm sticking with Storm winning this one.

And actually here's my prediction for this match and all the other ones on the card in a video/gameplay commentary.
This has been a SPECTACULAR feud. I'm more than willing to admit, I didn't see TNA sticking with it for this long, but they have. This has been one of the best things going in wrestling today and both men are quickly surging up my list of favorites. Storm has been kicking some serious ass as the challenger, really improving overall as a professional wrestler. He's had great matches, he's been great on the mic, and this feud has been built up perfectly. Roode has been great too. Other than Bully Ray, Roode has been the top heel in the business. Who would have thought that Beer Money could go from a midcard staple as a tag team, to being the top guys in TNA, feuding over the World Heavyweight Championship?

I'm unsure of what happens tonight. Storm is due to go over Roode and that's what conventional wisdom tells me will happen. On the other hand, Roode has been a great champion and his reign could very easily continue on here. If Roode retains, I think he'd have a few matches with Hardy before matching up with Storm again, but if Storm wins, I think they'll have him face Bully Ray, actually. Lockdown is going to be a pivotal show to see what the title picture will look like for the next few months, so I'm definitely interested in all the outcomes tonight. I'm leaning toward Roode retaining, but again, I'm not sure.
It was a pretty good match, I thought Roode was superb in it, he just gets better and better. I expected Storm to win as the fact TNA had allowed the feud to play out to Lockdown was what I had hoped for from the start but never thought they'd have the patience, now the fact they may play it all the way to BFG is even better.

Roode's heat is huge and yet still to peak, there's mileage left in his run and the way the match played out Storm didn't really lose any momentum.

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