Ok... I was going to post this in a sense in the "superstar you hate" thread but then I started to think about something...
Kane. Is this a guy I hate? No. But is this a guy I would care about if he never stepped foot in the ring again? Not one bit. I know the way he's been booked over the years could possibly be the biggest waste of a person's life in the wrestling business and that's not Kane's fault. If you told people to vote on the most poorly booked wrestler of all time, I would believe Kane would be at/near the top of every person's top 3 or top 5. But here's where I get confused.
At what point after he lost his mask was this guy anywhere near entertaining or relavent anymore? I don't see it. There only 2 memories I even have of Kane doing something that caught my attention over the past like... 7 years. They are 1.) WM24 when he simply owned Chavo for the ECW Title which I totally agreed with because hopefully Kane could bring some prestige to the title... which he really didn't IMO and 2.) When he was on Raw and backstage with JBL and JBL said something about his Clothesline from hell and without missing a beat Kane comes back with epic comedic timing and "I've been to hell and I didn't see your clothesline anywhere." That was simply super epic in my eyes because I love subtle comedy like that. But I'm going to remember that comedy line above pretty much everything Kane has ever done since he lost his mask. I guess where I'm going with this is this...
Can somebody please explain to me why a lot of people are so into Kane? I can't make it much clearer than that. What is the appeal of Kane? Especially now. People bring in threads about should he be given a last title run or we're in need of a Kane ressurection. I'm not bashing those people because everybody is entitled to their opinion, but he's been booked poorly...forever. He's getting old and is running out of gas. And much to Vinnie Mac's dismay, I believe the days of the giant monster wrestler/gimmick are over. It's obvious he's one of the hardest and most loyal workers in the game because he's still around and is still around because he does something he loves. And for that, I applaud him.
I want every person's feedback on this. Kane lovers. Kane haters. Even Kane I don't care'ers. I am reaching out to you my gentle snowflakes (Lewis Black) and asking for your input to help me better understand Kane's Kult-like following because I really honestly just don't get it.
Kane. Is this a guy I hate? No. But is this a guy I would care about if he never stepped foot in the ring again? Not one bit. I know the way he's been booked over the years could possibly be the biggest waste of a person's life in the wrestling business and that's not Kane's fault. If you told people to vote on the most poorly booked wrestler of all time, I would believe Kane would be at/near the top of every person's top 3 or top 5. But here's where I get confused.
At what point after he lost his mask was this guy anywhere near entertaining or relavent anymore? I don't see it. There only 2 memories I even have of Kane doing something that caught my attention over the past like... 7 years. They are 1.) WM24 when he simply owned Chavo for the ECW Title which I totally agreed with because hopefully Kane could bring some prestige to the title... which he really didn't IMO and 2.) When he was on Raw and backstage with JBL and JBL said something about his Clothesline from hell and without missing a beat Kane comes back with epic comedic timing and "I've been to hell and I didn't see your clothesline anywhere." That was simply super epic in my eyes because I love subtle comedy like that. But I'm going to remember that comedy line above pretty much everything Kane has ever done since he lost his mask. I guess where I'm going with this is this...
Can somebody please explain to me why a lot of people are so into Kane? I can't make it much clearer than that. What is the appeal of Kane? Especially now. People bring in threads about should he be given a last title run or we're in need of a Kane ressurection. I'm not bashing those people because everybody is entitled to their opinion, but he's been booked poorly...forever. He's getting old and is running out of gas. And much to Vinnie Mac's dismay, I believe the days of the giant monster wrestler/gimmick are over. It's obvious he's one of the hardest and most loyal workers in the game because he's still around and is still around because he does something he loves. And for that, I applaud him.
I want every person's feedback on this. Kane lovers. Kane haters. Even Kane I don't care'ers. I am reaching out to you my gentle snowflakes (Lewis Black) and asking for your input to help me better understand Kane's Kult-like following because I really honestly just don't get it.