The Knockouts are Back!

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
I know most will still complain that the KO division is still less one Awesome Kong and one Gail Kim, but to them I say David v. Goliath is only fun once. It doesn't matter how many times David beats Goliath — after the first time, it's no longer shocking and no longer entertaining. The Philistines would have grown bored, and Saul—the first King of Israel—would have been out of a job long ago had he continued to parade the same nonsense in response to his crowds' bloodthirst.

I'm far from the worlds biggest womens' wrestling fan, and frankly I'm hardly a fan of it at all for that matter, but even I can see the tremendous talent lined up in TNA right now. As of this moment they've got a proverbial all-star team to lay claim to, now owning Mickie James, Tara, Katie Lea (Winter), Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, Daffney, Cookie (Becky Bayless), Sarita, Madison Rayne, Taylor Wilde, Hamada and Lacey Von Erich.

Since the departures of the likes of Awesome Kong, Gail Kim, ODB and others, the Knockouts Division took a rather heavy hit having been forced by lack of organizational depth to structure the entire division around four performers who repeatedly hogged the spotlight (what choice did they have?), but times have changed, and with that change came an influx of new talent in James, Katie Lea, Tara and Cookie.

Normally four performers that low in the card wouldn't have much of an effect on the product were this the mens division we are talking about here, but considering the KO division functions on a limited roster and with limited time yet still garners TNA some of it's highest ratings, I'd think it's safe to say they've managed to finally run two engines at once — the first being the performance ability the fans were used to with the likes of Kim and ODB as well as the star power it previously lacked.

So long as everything is booked well, I see only positive things happening for the ladies of TNA.

I too am impressed with how TNA has significantly built up the knockouts roster in recent weeks. I am a "January 4th" fan, thus having no prior knowledge of the greatness that may have previously been their womens division. So to that end, I have no point of comparison. However, I do like what I'm seeing so far.

Mickey James had a solid in-ring debut last night, with Sarita also showing she is able to go and put out a solid, competitive match. Winters first on-screen was also really well done in my opinion. I even liked the mini-segment with Brooke... err... Ms. Tessmacher asking TBP if they could teach her how to wrestle. Seems like she'll end up siding with Rayne and Tara when everything is all said and done.

As for the departing names mentioned, I could take or leave Gail Kim. I was starting to become an ODB fan before she abruptly left my television set, so that's a bit of a downer. The one knockout I'd really love to see back though is Awesome Kong. Very special and VERY talented wrestler. I thought the main reason she left was because of the BTLS nonsense? Now that he's gone, hopefully TNA is making some motions to bring Kong back. She would really complete things I think.

Even as-is though, there is plenty to be excited about in the current KO division. Winter probably has me the most intrigued thus far. Hopefully with her, the build-up is as slow, methodical, and downright torturous as her character appears to be.
I can see where you're coming from IDR. There's certainly much more potential and possibility of bringing life to the division with the new additions of Mickie and Katie, two fine workers from WWE. (Not a hit against TNA hiring them due to being WWE superstars mind you.)

TNA has the possibility of working more proper feuds around non-title matches. So that it doesn't have to be a constant back and forth thing between Angelina, Velvet, Rayne and Tara as it was for a brief time being. Also it gives for new challengers for the title as well.

And let's not forget that Mickie and Katie are by far not bad workers. The addition of Cookie is most likely for the eye-candy that women's wrestling is and will always remain to be. Katie and Mickie however can add some match quality to a division that have been dying for a longer period of time with the loss of some of their premiere workers.

I can only say that I'm curious to see where TNA decides to bring this. I mean they have had a just fine division before, and could most certainly bring life to it again with the current roster.
I think the only problem they may have is in giving enough of the Knockouts a fair amount of TV time, and those that do make it onto our screens need to make their presence count.

Losing ODB, Kong and Love for a while did hurt the Knockouts, but their roster is looking quite strong again. Personally I'm glad Hamada is still around, when she tagged with Taylor Wilde she came across as very fluid and confident in the ring, something I can't say about a lot of the Knockouts.

This recent BP feud, despite the changes in who was against who, seems to have done a good job with Love, Sky and Rayne;
Love before her break played the sneaky cheating champion well, but I wondered if it covered her lack of wrestling ability, but now she's had a few impressive outings.
Rayne has gone from a supporting role to a major lead and is doing well as an out and out heel.
Sky still has her ring entrance and isn't as bad in the ring.

We know enough about the BP/Rayne and Tara seeing as they have been the Knockout storyline for the last while, so if they can keep that running around and elevate a couple more stars then the division should be safe and sound for a while to come.
Thank God they are back, I have never been a really big fan of the Women's wrestling but Mickie James, Trish Stratus, Victoria and all the rest really got me into watching it. As in 2003 Trish Stratus faced Victoria in a Hardcore Match for the Women's title and this match really in lightened me into what these women would sacrifice.

Looking at TNA they have done the same thing as in 2007 there was a Battle Royal and the last two Roxxi and Gail Kim faced off in a Ladder Match for the No.1 Cont. match and the loser had their hair cut, this match was off the charts and we even seen the KO bleed.

Now that TNA have Mickie James and Tara they could make a historic match there and even make it a match on a PPV Card one before the Main Event. Another good match would be Winter (Katie Lee) & Tara vs. The BP which would be a great match all in all. Katie Lee and Mickie could even relight their rivalry from WWE.
I'm not going to far as to say they're back but there's at least some potential for the Knockout Division to at least be something along the lines of what it once was. The Beautiful People are fun and they're hot of course, but I'm just burned out on them. They've been the center of attention in TNA as far as women's wrestling goes for months on end. Essentially, they were the Knockout Division and it's just been extremely stale.

Mickie James' match with Sarita was the highlight of last night's show for me. The match wasn't spectacular, but it was still pretty good and one of the better Knockout matches that I've seen in quite a while. More than anything at this particular time, however, is that it just felt extremely fresh. After months of lame matches and segments constantly featuring Madison Rayne, Tara & TBP endlessly doing virtually the same thing week in and week out, it was just nice to finally get a breath of fresh air.

The Knockout singles and tag titles are still shit and some of the better workers like Sarita & Taylor Wilde are still rarely used on tv. As I said, I don't believe the Knockout Division is back to being anywhere near what it once was, but last night may have been a step in the right direction.
I can see where you're coming from IDR. There's certainly much more potential and possibility of bringing life to the division with the new additions of Mickie and Katie, two fine workers from WWE. (Not a hit against TNA hiring them due to being WWE superstars mind you.)

Never took it as such — the fact they were some of WWE's finer workers actually bodes well for TNA. They needed non-green talent to help bring up the work rate. Lacey is fantastic to look at, but wrestling? Not exactly a "skill" on her résumé.

TNA has the possibility of working more proper feuds around non-title matches. So that it doesn't have to be a constant back and forth thing between Angelina, Velvet, Rayne and Tara as it was for a brief time being. Also it gives for new challengers for the title as well.

Which is exactly what was needed — divisional depth. Katie Lea/Angelina Love and now Tara/James — neither of which has anything to do with the actual title (yet).

And let's not forget that Mickie and Katie are by far not bad workers. The addition of Cookie is most likely for the eye-candy that women's wrestling is and will always remain to be. Katie and Mickie however can add some match quality to a division that have been dying for a longer period of time with the loss of some of their premiere workers.

I really Like the current State of Knockouts division and where its headed. I think TNA has a really talented group of women Mickie James, Rayne, Tara, Love, Velvet Sky, Katie Lea Sarita, Daffney, Hamada and Wilde. I like that division does not revolve around the TBP. The Main feud is between Mikie Tara Rayne, and the newly added Katie Lea will be feuding with Angelina Love which I think could a pretty good feud. The Knockout Division has gotten much Better and hopefully it continues to improve.
Never took it as such — the fact they were some of WWE's finer workers actually bodes well for TNA. They needed non-green talent to help bring up the work rate. Lacey is fantastic to look at, but wrestling? Not exactly a "skill" on her résumé.

I know it means that it's gonna do well for TNA. However I'm sure some would've made the "WWE reject basher" comment eventually. However the fact that Mickie got over as well as got numerous championship reigns in WWE only shows that TNA has someone great to work with. Especially considering the time period where Mickie was champion (When Trish was around for example).

Now Katie is where it gets interesting though. She hasn't truly had the opportunity to showcase herself. But from her independent work with ODB and Serena back in OVW I'd say we're in for a treat there as well. I believe we both agreed that it would be a great move for TNA to get Katie back when the rumors started flying.

Which is exactly what was needed — divisional depth. Katie Lea/Angelina Love and now Tara/James — neither of which has anything to do with the actual title (yet).

It makes it more "man-like" if you will in terms of division. They don't have to have the title involved to actually create a feud. And for the women's division to get any serious reaction at least, and that goes for any promotion, they need to make it more appealing than just for a title. Eventually nobody will care for a division if all they can expect are title matches.

WWE actually proves the above point very well. I'd like to say that back in 2004-2006 was the premiere time for WWE women's wrestling. At least in many many years, and it featured non-title feuds and actually had some kind of importance. With the feuds like Lita vs Trish, Trish vs Stacy Keibler etc. People actually cared for the division, and that potential is completely open and available for TNA right now.
Full disclosure: I love Hamada about as much as the rest of the Internet loves Velvet Sky. That also goes for Taylor Wilde.

I think the Knockouts are on the rebound, but it still seems to be a little bit too much 'All TBP, All The Time...and nobody else'.

I mean, Daffney is still doing XPlosion matches, right?
I agree that this is certainly a good development for TNA. The one thing TNA has been able to say since the days of Lita and Trish was that in addition to their Tag Division they were way ahead of WWE on the women's side as well. That went away for a while and like other people said it just became eye candy with TBP. Now, they will be able to have those feuds and good matches that can make women's wrestling actually interesting to watch.
TNA has definitely upgraded their talent in the women's division. I wish that gail Kim was still around. She is honestly more gifted and ring savvy than a great deal of the men that get paid more and patted on the back. it is a shame to see her being totally misused in the WWE.

Mickie James is a huge boost to their roster. She has worked with and been taught by some of the best women in the world. Her mic skills and promos seem better to. I remember her sitting w/king and Cole on night on Raw one night, fumbling and unsure of what direction to go in and what to say. This area has improved:)

For me, TNA often gets too alliance happy. It would benefit them more to have one stable (TBP) and have everyone else run solo. They jump back and forth in the women's division with the girls being cool one day, and not the next. Trish Stratus, Lita, and Mickie were all better off when they went rogue, with only one thing on their minds, the title.
BP became the female nWo(1998-1999 version) when people got sick of them.

Velvet and LVE had put shitty performances this year(especially Lacey), as bad as Kaitlyn/Maxine match from NXT.
Dude, I am so fucking into TNA right now. They've finally rebuilt the Knockouts Division to something close to what it once was. IDR already hit most of the good points as to why the division will do better with its limited roster and time, but this is just great. More good workers to build up the greener knockouts like Lacey and more good workers to wrestle good matches is always a plus in women's wrestling and is a bonus for TNA. This TNA Knockouts Division with the unfolding Immortal Storyline (which I really hope will work despite my position on the matter) should really build the rest of 2010 for TNA.
the thought of having Kong back in TNA literally makes me want to throw up. one of the most ugliest things I have ever seen. if TNA did bring it back for some reason even against one of the hotties I would seriously have to consider changing the channel.

I guess I'm in the minority, the Knockouts were never bad IMO. I have loved seeing Velvet/Angelina/Madison week after week. adding new talent can only help, but IMO you should still have the likes of BP on TV. that's why last night you saw the debut of "Winter" in the dressing room with the BP. you had a KO match, yet also gave TV time to BP.

your going to get plenty of wrestling on TNA(even going forward with Immortal) so I don't think you NEED to have the Knockouts be able to be great in the ring. IMO the #1 priority for the KO should be being attractive and something good to look at on the TV. watching a program with a lot of guys in tights I enjoy seeing some HOT women on the TV.. NOT something like Kong.

I thought there was a throw up smillie thing, but don't see one. I do see one that fits well with the KO. I <3 :boobs:
Mickie James and Katie Lee Burchill are going to give a much needed boost to the division. I'm not crazy about James' hardcore country gimmick or Katie's Mickie James psycho gimmick, but at least it will take the spotlight off of the beautiful people finally.
I always saw that TNA could've done more with their Knockouts the last few months instead of just focusing on TBP. Just recall the feud between Sarita and Taylor Wilde. It had good build up and I seriously doubt it was just done so Taz could rib the Daniel Bryan/Tie scandal. We also have Hamada who is about as reliable for a good match with women as Kurt Angle is with men. And of course fan-fave, Daffney. I don't know what the idea was back then. Maybe they wanted to see if eye candy outdrew wrestling or something, but as of now there is more potential in the division than there has been in the past 2 years. One can only hope Awesome Kong comes knocking someday and we see her hook up with James and Lee. But yes, the Knockout s have number and balance again.

Let's just hope TNA has the intent to use them correctly.
I wouldn't actually say "back," but the pieces are quite visible for them to find their way to that point in time again and even TNA isn't that ignorant enough to figure out the answer. Bringing in girls like Mickie James, Katie-Lea and Becky Bayless are all pretty good signing since all of them have experience in the wrestling world. Katie-Lea was a great wrestler who was severely under-utilised by the E and her debut as Winter showed what she can do (I like the direction they could be taking). As Cookie, she's pretty meh but having her on-board instead of someone else that doesn't have that much experience is worlds better. And for Mickie James, not only is she a great wrestler but she carries the momentum the E gave her (along with her niche outside wrestling) to add to the division.

You mix these three girls in with the roster they have now and you've got a very, very solid division. All TNA needs to do is get someone who will give the girls the time of day and book them correctly, and they'll have one thing that out-does the WWE (thus providing the alternative to combat the machine). They don't take up too much time and they're all talented, so it's a pretty easy job to gain a big pay-off... somewhere in the future they'll get to where they once were.
For the looks of last night's Impact, the division is shaping up for what it was in 2008/2009. The ratings show it at all.

The viewers wanted to see something else besides the BP, they wanted to see real female wrestlers not shitty/horseshit wrestlers like Lacey and Velvet on the spotlight. Mickie has brought life to the then dying KO's division.
The Knockouts really elevated their game on last nights Impact. (10-28) Up until last night my main interest in the Knockouts was watching them shake their ass as the entered the ring. The catering area brawl was great as it built from 2 to 6 Knockouts. The brawl continued at high intensity in the ring and Flair trying to break it up was entertaining. They kept up the pace for the actual match later on and put in a solid performance. Now that they have me interested in the Knockouts, I hope they keep it up.

I like what TNA is doing with the Knockouts now, especially since the debut on Mickie James. Mickie and Tara are feauding not really over the belt but over 'past history'. Velvet is branching out first with working with MCMGs. Angelina has the Winter angle. Even sarita has been getting a slight push with wins over AL and VS in recent weeks. They have a depth of rivalries going on that do not include just the TNA KNOCKOUT belt. 2 things I do find odd though are that the KO Champ is not really heavily involved and that Taylor Wilde, who I always thought TNA vieweed as the top KO face, is nonexistant 9even being buried by jay lethal last week.)

Love the TNA KNOCKOUTS and how they are being used by TNA. Hope it continues.

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