Over the course of the past several months, I think it's become noticable that the tag team picture in TNA isn't quite what it used to be. Back when Beer Money & The Motorcity Machine Guns were in the midst of their second title feud, I read a few posts expressing concerns over tag team wrestling in TNA. With the absence of The Guns due to Alex Shelley's broken collarbone, it seems that a lot more people are noticing just how off things are.
As of right now, TNA's tag team scene either consists or has recently consisted of Beer Money, Ink Inc. Generation Me, Gunner & Murphy and Eric Young & Orlando Jordan. With the formation of Mexican America, there's always the possibility that Hernandez and El Anarchia or whatever his name is will throw their hats into the ring. The concern stems from the fact that none of these teams measure up to Beer Money and/or that TNA looks to be running angles in which many of these teams are on the verge of breaking up. We saw the latest hint of it last night with Ink Inc, GenMe have spent more time in wrestling matches against one another the past few months than they have as a team, Gunner & Murphy were a jobber tag team and Gunner currently is a singles champion while EY & Orlando Jordan are just TNA's version of Santino & Koslov with the exception that they're not really over.
I mention the Knockout & X Divisions because we've all seen how they've declined. Neither of them seem to be especially important in TNA nor have they been for a long while. Their glory days do seem to be well behind them and I think that there are several reasons for that. The talent that made them relevant are no longer with TNA. For whatever reason, they're just gone. Another reason I think is that alent that has remained with the company have been moved to other spots within the company. Maybe the wrestlers that been put there to fill the void simply don't have the talent of their predecessors. TNA itself no longer seems to devote all that much time or energy into them to make them relevant. Or, and this is one I think is pretty much on the money, it's a combination of all those things to one degree or another.
For me, it just seems that the tag team scene in TNA is traveling down the exact same path as the Knockout & X Divisions went. What do you think? Could the tag team picture just be going through a temporary drought or could these be signs of troubling times for the one area in which EVERYONE can agree TNA has been killing the WWE in for a good many years?
As of right now, TNA's tag team scene either consists or has recently consisted of Beer Money, Ink Inc. Generation Me, Gunner & Murphy and Eric Young & Orlando Jordan. With the formation of Mexican America, there's always the possibility that Hernandez and El Anarchia or whatever his name is will throw their hats into the ring. The concern stems from the fact that none of these teams measure up to Beer Money and/or that TNA looks to be running angles in which many of these teams are on the verge of breaking up. We saw the latest hint of it last night with Ink Inc, GenMe have spent more time in wrestling matches against one another the past few months than they have as a team, Gunner & Murphy were a jobber tag team and Gunner currently is a singles champion while EY & Orlando Jordan are just TNA's version of Santino & Koslov with the exception that they're not really over.
I mention the Knockout & X Divisions because we've all seen how they've declined. Neither of them seem to be especially important in TNA nor have they been for a long while. Their glory days do seem to be well behind them and I think that there are several reasons for that. The talent that made them relevant are no longer with TNA. For whatever reason, they're just gone. Another reason I think is that alent that has remained with the company have been moved to other spots within the company. Maybe the wrestlers that been put there to fill the void simply don't have the talent of their predecessors. TNA itself no longer seems to devote all that much time or energy into them to make them relevant. Or, and this is one I think is pretty much on the money, it's a combination of all those things to one degree or another.
For me, it just seems that the tag team scene in TNA is traveling down the exact same path as the Knockout & X Divisions went. What do you think? Could the tag team picture just be going through a temporary drought or could these be signs of troubling times for the one area in which EVERYONE can agree TNA has been killing the WWE in for a good many years?