What is Going on with the Tag Team Division!?


Pre-Show Stalwart
What initially attracted me to TNA was it's amazing x division and tag team matches. it feels like overnight , AMAZING teams have disappeared some seemingly and some just from little if any air time. teams like generation me (they quit i know, where are they now?) , beer money, motor city (injuries?) , beer money (roode is main event status now), ink inc., etc were mixing it up every week on impact and getting a big billing. like the amazing 5 match series between beer money and motor city machine guns. i miss this action, and the young bucks, max and jeremy , generation me or whatever you want to call them are a HUGE loss to TNA imo. what do you guys think and where will the next wave of tag team 5 star matches come from ??


wow it sounds like a 5 year old wrote this. my apologies. but if you know what i mean , you know what i mean. tag division, while still better than the competition, isn't 1/10th what it was a year ago.
The tag division is just fine. You have Mexican America, Pope and Devon, MCMG when Sabin is back from injury, Ink Inc. is still there, and Beer Money is still a tag team despite Roode being in the main event at BFG. They have lost only two tag teams that anybody cared about in recent memory those being Team 3D and Gen Me and look where that's gone. Devon is now with Pope, Bully Ray is on fire in singles action, and Gen Me while very talented were certainly far from irreplaceable.

Right now the tag division is on the back burner because of storylines and some teams being out due to injury it will be back on track soon just watch.
I agree with OP TNA's tag team division is becoming worse than WWE's and to be honest it probably already is. Mexican America is one of the worse tag teams i've seen in a while and it pissed me off when they became tag champions. Beer Money doesn't look like they're focused on becoming tag champions with Bobby Roode getting his singles push now. Motor City Machine Guns are out with Sabin's injury and i considered them the back bone of division. Pope and Devon are just not acceptable along with Ink Inc. The only other active tag team I like are London Brawling considering Beer Money continues to tag.

The X Division is decent with Aries and Kendrick, but i don't know why TNA didn't sign guys like Low Ki and Xima Ion or try to bring in a guy like Paul London. Those are guys who could carry the division.
I don't think the tag team division is going to be exactly like it was before, but it should still be good.
once Sabin returns that is going to help to have MCMG.
Ink Ink should get more air time.
I've thought Pope and Devon should have been a team when they first started getting together. I say forget Devon's, Pope and Devon should be tight.
there is also Douglas Williams and Magnus.
maybe another team could be Robbie E and Rob Terry? not OMG yeah awesome, but still could be a decent team to tag together.

I don't think Beer Money will be a regular team anymore. Roode should be singles with his current push. question is does Storm go singles too, or find another partner. he was partner before with Chris Harris in America's Most Wanted. he could find another partner. any chance at Harris returning again? if they could reform AMW they could be a good feud with Mexican America.
It's gone downhill but I think there's still some decent teams, when Sabin's back MCMG will be back, London Brawling, Ink Inc, Devon and Pope and then you have Mexican America (not a fan of them). I say bring in Paul London and have Kendrick and London, I was a fan of them during their time in WWE or you could bring in The Briscoe Brothers, then you have a decent division.
I dont get why the dont use the extra x division stars they signed like zima ion and tony nese. But if there is anything that TNA excels in it's having a good tag division and rebuilding it when needed. granted im not a mexican america fan nor a pope and devon fan but both are teams are atleast bareable to watch.

when the x division and tag division are in good shape tna is in good shape
^^^^^ agree!

except get rid of that complete scumbag , little hebner. he got in my face screaming and cursing ,thus spitting in my eyes he was so close. because i said "earl screwed earl!" - when its apart of his shtick in the ring i guess its ok but behind the scenes you get a slack jawed loser of a ref to get up in your face and threaten to " fucking kick your ass" LOL what professionals.

same night rick flair stood backstage where this was happening and WOULD NOT come out and cut a promo for the fans, despite his SOLO image on the event poster!!!!!!
I always felt that outside of Beer Money and MCMG, TNA's tag team division isn't particularly good. Now that we've seen Beer Money and MCMG effectively end for the time being, that feeling has been proved right. You currently have two incredibly mediocre teams feuding over the titles with little else outside of that. If you're counting Pope and Devon as a team, you're really grasping at straws. They're feuding. Their teaming is just an aspect of the horrible, lengthy angle they're currently working on. I think that letting the very talented and charismatic Young Bucks go is going to prove a bad decision for TNA and their tag team division.
there was a time when we tna fans used to feel proud saying that they have a considerably stronger tag team division than the wwe... whilst wwe is on the process of bringing back tag team wrestling as an integral part of the show, tna on the other hand seems to be shying away from it, which is sad. they are just breaking up the tag teams like wwe did in the past two years... now wwe has strong main-eventers like Cena, Punk, Orton and an occasional Undertaker; so even when they dropped the importance of tag teams, it didn't have that bad an effect on them as it will with tna who's main eventers are Angle, Sting, Hardy (and Hogan?)
The concept of Mexican-America is good, but they need some more tag teams to fill in the gap created by the dissolution of Team 3D, Beer Money or MCMG.
You know that TNA/IW's tag team division is in trouble when people are bringing up Shannon Moore as a selling point. Shannon Moore couldn't sell hot dogs in the fucking concession stand.

Considering the only time people have any interest in discussing the TNA/IW tag scene is when someone else asks "so, what's up with the tag division, anyways?", I think it's safe to say that it's on the back burner where it belongs. Tag team wrestling is an appetizer, not an entree; it's why you never see tag teams main eventing pay-per-views.
except get rid of that complete scumbag , little hebner. he got in my face screaming and cursing ,thus spitting in my eyes he was so close. because i said "earl screwed earl!" - when its apart of his shtick in the ring i guess its ok but behind the scenes you get a slack jawed loser of a ref to get up in your face and threaten to " fucking kick your ass" LOL what professionals.
So you gave a guy you don't know shit for something that you weren't a part of that happened almost fifteen years ago and he got pissed at you? What, are you cranky that you didn't get a little song and dance out of him? "Hyuk hyuk, well thanks for coming backstage! Any opinions on my mother you'd like to share?"

If some little shit I didn't know came up to me and gave me shit over something that I did long ago in my career, when he wasn't even the gleam in his mother's moist eye at a New Kids on the Block concert at the time, I'd get in his face too. You acted like a self-important douchebag all full of himself that he got behind the curtain, and were treated like one.
You know that TNA/IW's tag team division is in trouble when people are bringing up Shannon Moore as a selling point. Shannon Moore couldn't sell hot dogs in the fucking concession stand.

Considering the only time people have any interest in discussing the TNA/IW tag scene is when someone else asks "so, what's up with the tag division, anyways?", I think it's safe to say that it's on the back burner where it belongs. Tag team wrestling is an appetizer, not an entree; it's why you never see tag teams main eventing pay-per-views.So you gave a guy you don't know shit for something that you weren't a part of that happened almost fifteen years ago and he got pissed at you? What, are you cranky that you didn't get a little song and dance out of him? "Hyuk hyuk, well thanks for coming backstage! Any opinions on my mother you'd like to share?"

If some little shit I didn't know came up to me and gave me shit over something that I did long ago in my career, when he wasn't even the gleam in his mother's moist eye at a New Kids on the Block concert at the time, I'd get in his face too. You acted like a self-important douchebag all full of himself that he got behind the curtain, and were treated like one.

Hate to disagree with you but that's kinda why there's a problem in the division in the first place. Yeah, singles competition. I know. But they were a tag team just last month. Meanwhile, the other major team (MMG) is out on injury. Best thing right now is for a new front to come in and rise up. For the last 3 years it's all been about MMG and Beer Money. Not any more. Evolution is not a bad thing for a division, but it does take time to develop and get used to. Or would people prefer MMG vs Beer Money again?
I want to see British Invasion getting more of a push in the tag division. Hell they're the best team there at the moment if they get used properly imo, not saying they are better than BME or MCMG but they aren't operating right now. But maybe that's just the huge Doug Williams fan inside me talking.

They have such an overflowing roster, can't be that hard for them to find two talented guys and throw them together.
Half the freakin' division was injured, that's what's going on. No Ink Inc., no MMG - no tag division. You're left with 2-3 teams and that's not how a division operates.

Once The Guns are back and we'll have Mexican America, I.I, Guns, The Brits. Ain't nothing to pop a boner about, too. Can't say I'm a fan of MA's in-ring style but I do enjoy Anarquia's work on the mic. Yes I said it.

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