Which tag division is better?

Who has the best tag division?

  • TNA

  • WWE

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The WWE has a tag team division? Could have fooled me. All I ever see are the Hart Dynasty battle The Usos
That's a little bit of an exaggeration, isn't it? Considering the Usos have only been in the WWE on RAW for a month, maybe. Obviously you weren't paying attention when the Hart Dynasty were feuding with Jericho/Miz.

I will agree though that TNA does have the better Tag Team division, but it's not as impressive a win as people seem to be thinking or implying and both divisions are lacking a great deal in my eyes. I think TNA is just sliding by as the better division right now. TNA has a larger tag division so they really win by default; but yet they use the division poorly and it's fallen so far, far from the heights it was once at.

Motorcity Machine Guns are one of the best teams, are even one of the challengers for the titles, and yet they weren't on television for a month. Before that they've been jobbed over and over and never given a chance to really shine.

Beer Money is possibly the best tag team around and they were losing every match and doing nothing for the longest time too, which has really taken away some of their credibility now I feel.

Ink Inc is horrible, Team 3D's best days are long behind them, and that's about all they really have right now for teams. There is Ken Anderson/Hardy, but I can't see that really lasting very long and right now they're not exactly being used as a tag team but are in a fatal four way. Is that really that impressive? The Band is gone now (not that they were a good point to the division to begin with), Generation ME is nonexistant, British Invasion are gone, so four (five technically) teams isn't impressive in the least.

TNA might win but they need some serious work on their division right now.

The WWE has the Hart Dynasty and the Usos as top teams for the division. They have the Dudebusters and the new team of Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer. They also though have the Straight Edge Society, who can be part of the division too when needed. The thing about the WWE's division though is that they seem to finally be putting some effort into developing it and making something out of it. I feel like the influx of new talent and the developing teams shows a great deal of promise for the future of the division. With the future influx of both of the NXT season rosters coming on to the main brands I think you could see more tag teams being created and if the already existing ones are further developed I think the WWE has a lot of potential to creating a solid and impressive tag team division and surpassing TNA in the future.
Sigh, you don't get it do you? If you have your teams having 5 matches in six months, you aren't making a productive division. It's true that TNA's teams have had more matches pro rata, but the vast majority of those matches have been throw away 8 man tags etc.

Over half of the tag matches counted in the previous post were things like 4 way tag matches and 8 man tag matches. That's not building, that's throwing people together for no reason whatsoever. The Usos have had one match, but it came with a month's worth of build up. Only the Dudleys have had more than one meaningful tag feud this year in TNA, that's piss poor.

One match is not a feud. How do you praise the Usos for having one match in a month and then saying that the TNA guys average that with some twisted numbers and claim that is a problem? If all it takes is some build and one match in a month then TNA has way more "feuds" than you give them credit for.

Anyway, yes two teams have got to the final, but they're the two teams that have fought each other a billion times, and the two teams who should be prominent midcarders in TNA right now.

How have they fought a million times if they barely ever wrestle like you claim in the first paragraphs? Oh right your go to debate move is obvious contradictions. Anyway in TNA the tag champs are prominent midcarders and if you mean as singles stars you should probably re-evaluate how long most of your wwe examples spent in tag-teams before they broke out.

Of WWE's current main eventers, Edge, and arguably Triple H made their names in tag teams. Of their recently departed main eventers, you can add Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels and JBL to that list. Batista was brought to the fore teaming with Flair, upper midcarders like Christian, John Morrison, Ted DiBiase & The Miz also cut their teeth in the tag in the tag division. Not one of TNA's main eventers did, except for Hardy, though recently departed Scott Steiner amade his name in a tag division 20 years ago. So, I'll give them that. Of their upper midcarders, only Hernandez made his name there. The WWE tag division may not be the conveyor belt to the main event it once was, but the trend is that it produces singles stars.

Arguably HHH? What are you smokin? Why because he was in a faction for a while that was bastardized into a tag-team many many years later after HHH had already made his name? Or was that less than a month of two man power trip where HHH really hit it big? Could you contort the facts any more in your favor? You do realize almost all the guys you list that were in real tag-teams spent about three years in those teams before they split and moved on while you are criticizing TNA for not having split beer money after only two.

Because TNA don't split their teams until it is too late. Of TNA's tag team champions in the last three years - One of the band was released, it remains to be seen what will become of Brutus Magnus, Booker T and Scott Steiner were released, Beer Money are still together, Consequences Creed was released, Kaz disappeared for a year and Eric Young became a whipping boy, Hernandez became a midcarder that keeps heading back to the division, Ron Killings and Adam Jones were released, Samoa Joe is a singles wrestler, and Sting and Angle were never really a team. Literally one moderate success story there.

I love how you cherry picked these. You remember consequences was released but who was his tag partner again? Oh right Lethal who is getting pushed right now. Brutus Magnus' partner Doug Williams is quite prominent with his current x-division title run. Looks like another convenient omission of 6 months AJ was part of a tag team title reign. Kaz was "gone" for a year so we can ignore his push I guess? Such logic makes perfect sense when Jeff Hardy is your favorite success story. Samoa Joe held the TNA WHC and is a singles wrestler. Of course that means he is not a success even though that is exactly what you want. Also by only looking at title reigns you do not know that Morgan and Abyss as a team was a huge part of Morgan's first buildup. Oh yeah, not that it matters but everyone knows sting broke into the business in a tag-team.

In comparision, the WWE - Big Show has had world title shots, Michaels retired, Jericho had world title shots, but we'll ignore those, as they were established. Carlito got released, Hawkins and Ryder were repackaged, one is a tag teamer, the other a midcarder, Morrison and Miz both became midcarders, MVP and Hardy was more of an angle, Deuce n Domino were released, Rhodes and DiBiase both got mini pushes. Well, you know it's not perfect, but there are at least 4 people who have ended up much the better after a split. 4 is more than 1.

Let us see who else got released if you slide back like a year more, London, Kendrick, Cade, Murdoch, hardcore holly, joey mercury. So basically wwe put the belts on guys that were already well established and released many of the others. Better in TNA as one is a joke. AJ, Doug williams, Jay lethal, matt morgan and hernandez. Joe, Angle, Sting and AJ all got title shots if that matters for some reason.

Because WWE know how to use the division. WWE could have kept the Edge and Christian together until the end of time, and they'd be far superior to any TNA team, yet they split them for the greater good of the company. Look more recently and see similar thing in Miz and Morrison.

Yep they treated a talented guy like christian so good he left to work for TNA.

The vast majority of TNA's teams are shite, don't get ahead of yourself. However, where WWE will split a team, which is one entity, to get two popular singles wrestlers, which is two. The WWE's tag division at this precise instance in time is in a state of flux, three months ago it was much better, and I don't doubt it'll be better again in a few months. The point is, is right now Beer Money is probably better than the Harts. But where the Harts will probably end up in the IC division by this time next year, Beer Money will still be together, having turned face about ten times in the mean time. TNA's tag division is totally rooted in the present, which is not the purpose of a tag division.

Well, this thread is about the current state. If your theories come true then maybe you have something. But until then you are just making excuses for presently being worse. I never knew you were on the tna creative team deciding what the beer money plans are going to be. Congrats man that must be a fun job. Although you should probably quit bashing yourself so much, it is a tougher job than people like to admit.

There's nobody to put the future over? Are you fucking ******ed. The Hart Dynasty won the titles, and everyone had a hernia. The WWE know how to inject star power to boost the division when it's neeed, TNA do not. Beating Beer Money won't get anyone over, because everyone has already beaten them.

Who do the Harts have to beat now that have any credibility? The answer is no one. So how exactly are they supposed to build themselves up further? Beer Money getting the championships and defending them successfully would absolutely build them up further or MCMG getting their first title reign would build sabin/shelley.

Your entire argument is relying on an odd assertion that WWE is going to make more stars than TNA. The only way you have attempted to "prove' this is pretending your opinion on cherry picked lists is a factual representation of the situation. Even if it was you still cannot predict the future. Until you can TNA is better at the moment. Deal with that reality.

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