The John Morrison Fan Club - The Palace of Wisdom

Remember when he was Eric Bischoff's assistant guy? It's so weird how far he has come since then.

Also, did anyone see him on Tough Enough when he had the short hair, it's kinda weird looking.

But anyways, I love John Morrison and would love to join the club. If I could have sex with one man it would be him.

Nah..just kidding!!

But seriously..I would
Mine's Clint Eastwood. Morrison would be a close second. If they ever rename him again, "Tough Enough" Hennigan sounds bad ass.
Thanks for the rzep. I like John Morrison because he is simply phenomenal, screw AJ Styles. He is this generations Shawn Michaels. Entertaining in every aspect. Needs to be on Raw or SD.

...and I have one of his t-shirts, so he must be cool.
I would like to join.

Why do I love John Morrison? Because i believe he is the most charismatic wrestler in the WWE today. He has so much future potential if they use him properly. As soon as he debuted as Johnny Nitro, with Joey Mercury I saw something in him. I knew he needed to break away from the tag team division. And what happens as soon as he does? He becomes a multiple time IC champion, and ECW Champion. Now that he has broken away from The Miz, or at least they lost the straps, I expect great things for him
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Possibly adding Slim, and HBK4444 but I need to know if Slim really wants to join or not, and HBK4444's reason for wanting to be in here is not good enough. This is the cream of the crop. I know you can do it.
Attempt #2

I have loved John Morrison since he was in MNM. He is the sole reason I watch ECW. He has skills and talents that most men dream of. He oozes charisma and has an entertaining moveset and an appropriate finisher. He is flashy and cocky, in a good way. His promos are always enjoyable and rather funny. He rarely has a bad match, and the team with Miz has surpassed all expectations. That team is probably coming to an end and might finally make way for the guy to become the star that we all know he can be. He is one of the few bright lights in WWE's next generation.

Attempt #2

I have loved John Morrison since he was in MNM. He is the sole reason I watch ECW. He has skills and talents that most men dream of. He oozes charisma and has an entertaining moveset and an appropriate finisher. He is flashy and cocky, in a good way. His promos are always enjoyable and rather funny. He rarely has a bad match, and the team with Miz has surpassed all expectations. That team is probably coming to an end and might finally make way for the guy to become the star that we all know he can be. He is one of the few bright lights in WWE's next generation.


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