THe Hardcore, and European title

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Do u guys think that its posible to bring the Hardcore and European (simlar to the CW and IC title) title to ECW..since there is own one title (ECW world tile).

Adding to that i think creating a ECW hardcore Tagteam title is a cool idea too...since ecw is all about hardcore wrestling.
No dude, ECW used to be about hardcore wrestling, now they're about sports entertainment. But they do need some other titles. I don't think they'll bring back the Hardcore and European it wouldn't make any sense. They should bring back the Tag and TV titles.
the old ecw had a tv title, they should bring that back, have cm punk win it

I agree with you on the tag titles
it is definitely time to bring the TV title back. and I also agree that CM Punk should be the one w/ this title or else have him chasing for the title from Mike Knox.
i don't think they have enough tag teams, well they have ZERO tag teams right now. So there is no division at all to have the tag titles. But that is across the line in the WWE.
Well they have um FBI and um... yeah your right. Unless the Bashams stop being Heymans security they only have one tag team. Even if they had both of those teams, it wouldn't be interesting with only two teams.
This is a repetitive thread, there are allready a number of threads regarding titles in ECW. 2nd of all if they bring any title it would be the TV title or the Tag titles not the cruiserweight or much less the european. go to search and look around and post in one of the threads about bringing titles to ECW there.
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