The Greatest Tag Team Of All Time

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2 Brett&Jim Heartfoundation
3 Hardy Boys
4 the Bushwackers
5 Rocking Roll Exspress
6 Edge & Cristan
7 Outsiders
8 Sting & Ultimate Warrior (beging of career)
9 The Outlaws
10. Demolition
1. Road Warriors
2. Steiner Brothers
3. Edge & Christian
4. New Age Outlaws
5. Dudley Boys
6. Hardy Boyz
7. Hart Foundation
8. The Brittish Bulldogs
9. The Outsiders
10. Demolition
Whenever it comes to the Greatest Team of All Time, I remeber only this

Legion of Doom

What A Rush !!!!

No doubt they were the best in Tag Team, winning Tag Titles in almost every major promotion
I may be dating myself here, but I remember really liking Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo.

As far as someone I hated a lot at the time, Iron Shiek and Nikolai Volkov.

Hated or loved, both these teams stand out in my memory as near the top during times when tag team wrestling was something pushed and taken seriously. Also, nobody mentions them but I really like the Rogeau Brothers back in the day.

Finally, while not a totally horrible tag team but it won't go down as one of the greatest as it will be totally forgotten, I wish WWE had given more of a push for Gold Dust and Gene Snitsky. I thought this freak connection was funny and could have actually worked. Let's hope WWE puts more attention on the tag team division in future. It was once great and can be again.

Tie: The Dudleys/The Public Enemy

Probably the best were The Steiners or Road Warriors

Edge and Christian or The Dudleys were the best of the new breed

The best old teams would be Hart Foundation or The British Bulldogs
the Dudley Boys without a doubt - the most decorated tag team in all of sports entertainment....TNA / WWE / ECW / WCW - name it and they have won it...........
Money Inc in my opinion was the greatest tag team ever...they had it all...great heel team, both great wrestlers, both great characters...the second best team was the during their time, they were amazing...I am shocked at how nobody ever mentions these two teams when this topic is brought up
I'm gonna say the HIGH FLYERS...

R.V.D and Sabu

lol...or i would have to go with

The Hardy Boyz
Impact Playas
New Age Outlawz

1. Outsiders
2. LOD
3. HArt Foundation
4. Demolition
5. here i wasnt sure... but id put these 3 so close
5a edge ande christian
5b the rockers
5c money inc.
rvd and sabu are pretty sick but, id say kane and taker and the dudley boyz
why didn't anyone mention the Mega Powers(Hogan&Savage)? they had a great storyline, one of Savage's greatest moments in the 80s, and set up a great Wrestlemania match.
10. Steiner Bros. I've only seen about two matches with them in it, and they were good, but I can't put them higher on the list if I've only seen two.
9. Legion of Doom. I only put them so low on the list because I never saw a lot of their matches.
8. Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle. They could have been much higher on the list if they were together for a good amount of time.
7. The New Age Outlaws. They were always fun to watch, not because they were the most talented guys in the business, but because they just had something that made them great.
6. The Hart Foundation. Great combination of technical wrestling mixed with an overpowering beast. They always put on great matches.
5. The Hardy Boyz. Even if they never spoke on the microphone to hype their match, you were still pumped to watch it just because you knew something great was going to happen.
4. The midnight rockers. Their matches were just always fun to watch.
3. The Dudley Boys. You can't argue with the fact that they've been WCW, WWE, and ECW tag team champs, and will soon by NWA champs.
2. Edge & Christian. Just great matches every time they entered the ring, and they had such great promos.
1. Rock & Sock connection. That was just a great combo. It made for great fun, and it was impossible to hate them.

I think in the future, the Highlanders, LAX, and the Naturals will definitely find their way on the list. LAX may even have a shot at number one. But they all have to stick together for their career.
Nightmare said:
How could you have a Best Tag Team discussion without mentioning the Steiner Brothers or the Hart Foundation? Now those were great tag teams, but nothing compared to the Spirit Squad. LOL Just kidding. That is a dream match of mine to see who would win against the Steiners and the Hart Foundation. I would have to lean toward the Hart Foundation.

100% agreed...the hart foundatin was awesome. i also loved the steiners when scott had his long hair when they first got to the wcw. lod was great and so were the rockers, but nothing compares to the hart foundation.
only proves that the :wwf: will ALWAYS be superior to the WWE
First off? How dare you all forget about Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard!!! Part of the Horsemen in WCW and the Brain Busters under Bobby Heenan in the old WWF. If you want to talk about selling moves, great technical wrestling, and by and far some of the best mic skillls ever, you're talking the Horseman baby!
Then for all you young kiddies, it's history lesson time! Yes, all the teams above mentioned from the late 1990's (BOD, Hardy's, Dudleys, Edge/Christian, etc, etc) were great teams and they did many new and innovative things to the tag division, they don't even come close to the All-stars of the 80's. With all of new DVD releases that WWE is coming out with, and since you can watch many matches on, you should really watch or rent some old matches. Trust me, they aren't "boring" cuz they're old. Here's the one match you for sure need to see:
Midnight Express vs Road Warriors in a scaffold match - This match paved the way for any ladder or TLC match.

My Tag Team list would be as follows:

1. Road Warriors/LOD
2. Horseman/Brainbusters
3. Hart Foundation
4. The Steiners
5. Harlem Heat
6. The Blackjacks
7. Midnight Express
8. Hollywood Blondes (Steve Austin and Brian Pillman)
9. Edge and Christian
10. Dudleys
my personal favs.

1. hart foundation
2. Money Inc.
3. brainbusters
4. Demolition
5. Harlem Heat
6. Dudleys
7. Rockers
8. E an C
9. Strike Force
10. Brittish Bullbogs

but the best team ever although i was never a big fan was the Road Warriors
edge and christian, hart foundation, adn money inc. would be next in line
GREANBEAST95- Great analaysis. I rememeber that match. The good ol days. The Steiners, Harlem Heat, Midnight Express, Rock n Roll Express, Demolotion, Strike Force, The British Bulldogs, Hart Foundation, The All Americans ( Mike Rotundo and Kevin Sullivan) and ofourse the Brainbusters managed by Bobby Heenan. I'm a old schooler myself
oi guys isnt there something against bringing back threads made 1000 years ago that were started from people who where banned?

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