The Greatest Tag Team In WWE?

Who Is The Better Tag Team In WWE?

  • Cryme Tyme

  • Miz & Morrison

  • The Legacy

  • Jesse & Festus

  • Carlito & Primo

  • Hawkins & Ryder

  • Hornswoggle & Finlay

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I was sitting down on and for some reason started trying to figure out who is the greatest teg team in WWE?

Cryme Tyme: They have these ghetto controversial chracters but to me they are very entertaining to watch especially there program with Miz n Morrison.

Miz & Morrison: They are another one of those great tag teams that can wrestle and are very exciting to watch. They are the tag team of the year but come on that could be fluke awards.

Legacy: Call them a stable tag team whatever these guys are hell of good. I personally think that since being with orton they have begin to flourish.

There are others that i will list in the poll that im not about to go through talk about but i reall value you guys opinion. So please tell me who you think the better Tag Team is?
You forgot Carlito & Primo... you know, WWE Tag Team Champions. They're only second to Miz & Morrison right now in my opinion. Rhodes and DiBiase are good but are also destined for singles careers, as is evident in their tag matches. They don't work as an unit. They're just two individuals put together under a common cause. It was the equivalent of Batista and Flair who made a piss poor tag team. Even Cryme Tyme, as much as I find them lame, work as an unit in the ring.

Truthfully, when I first read the thread, I thought you meant the greatest tag team ever, which would have urged me to throw out names like The Dudleys, The Hardys, LOD, Hart Foundation and so on and forth. The tag division in WWE has been weak for years now.
Have to go Miz/Morrison. They're both great in the ring, their promos are great, and they just fit their characters so perfectly. They're one of the best tag teams I've seen in my time as a wrestling fan and by far and easily the best in the last 3-4 years. They make sure you know they're the champions which is never a bad thing. The in ring skills are very good indeed and it's backed up by the talk. Great team and by far and away the best team around today.
This is too easy really. Miz and Morrison. Couldn't think of maybe suggesting the greatest tag team of all time ever in the WWE? I think that would have struck more of a debate. Oh, by the way the greatest tag team of all time is easy.....Edge & Christian.

If your thinking of debating thing please bring it, as I am stoked for today's big game that I won't be seeing sleep for a few hours now. None the less E&C were apart of tag team matches, and booking that was has not met its match to date. Not even prior to the quiet tag team boom of the late 90's early millenium. Dudleyz, Hardyz, E&C etc...

Edge and Christian actually underwent a metamorphisis as a team together. That rarely ever happens with tag teams. They went from the Brood to Edge & Chrisitian. From dark and serious into funny, and outspoken. Name another tag team that has done that I dare you. They conquered the tag team division when competition was high, and higher than it is now.

The "Conchairto" was one of the most extremem moves a team could have, and they used it for fun. You couldn't find a better pair of friends. These two men meshed beyond perfect with one another in the ring. The fans loved to hated them. I can't remember the last time I was actually in to a tag team since then, oh yes Miz and Morrison thats right. Go figure.
I gotta go with Miz and Morrison as the best tag team right now. Their characters fit very well with each other and play their heel personas well too. They have very good chemistry in the ring and they rarely have a bad match with other wrestlers. So I think Miz and Morrison are the best tag team going right now.
Which speaks to the fact that tag team wrestling is a pathetic joke today. For Miz and Morrison to be at the top of the heap is pathetic. I miss the golden days of REAL tag teams:LOD Midnight Express, The Fantastics, Stiener Brothers etc. Those were the days of GREAT tag team wrestling. Today I think they just toss a couple of guys together because they can't come up with anything else for them to do. Seriously, Findley and Hornswoggle??????? Pathetic.
I would say MIz and Morrison they are really entertaining on the mic and I think morrisons in ring work is is reminisent of a young Shawn Michaels. However has anyone ever seen miz do a body slam or suplex or anything like that cause it seems to be all punches and kicks
So my choices are.. or shit? This thread is seriously depressing me when it comes to the Tag Team division in the W.W.E. right now.

The mere fact that Hornswoggle and Finlay even somehow made the list is just embarassing. And neglectfully, (mainly because they aren't right now) the Hardys didn't make it. I think they would've ran away with it just for the shear name-value.

The Miz & John Morrison are arguably the greatest Tag Team on that list, with Legacy (Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes, I assume) being a close second.

Hawkins and Ryder have literally got to be the most recent Tag Team Champions to still be considered more jobber-like than the Brooklyn Brawler.

Cryme Tyme are merely only even in the company likely due to the Michael Hayes comments from a while back.. mixed with being general fan favorites, but just not enough to apparently be Champions.

Jesse & Festus, where do I even begin. This was a Tag Team I truly had huge hopes for. They had a lot of potential, but somehow just got forgotten about on Smackdown. And ironically I just don't get how that's possible.

Carlito & Primo may be Tag Champions, but if it wasn't for Carlito, Primo wouldn't even be rememberable. And neither of them are good enough to carry a Tag division. So why they still have the titles is mainly and likely because of the lack of options.

So.. that leaves us with two teams.. Legacy, who for all purposes will be the future of the company. I like them as a Tag Team, and they're only getting better, but without Randy Orton I'd be very surprised if they'd make it right now. They failed as a regular Tag Team before Orton, and DiBiase even went away for a bit. (be it suspension, general trouble, or injury)

and the final team is the one I'd pick overall. John Morrison & The Miz. The Miz has only improved with time, and Morrison seems to be floating along in the Tag division because he may actually be scared to test the waters in the single's again. I hope that's wrong, but only time will tell.

Miz & Morrison have accomplishments on their side, as none of the other teams combined can say they've done what Miz & Morrison have. So yeah.

Alternative Options: THE Brian Kendrick & Jackson could be considered a Tag Team, depending on how you wish to look at it. Fuck, if they ever get a shot at the titles, I wouldn't doubt but we see a similar H.B.K./Diesel storyline.

Also, you could toss in the likes of C.M. Punk & Kofi Kingston, Kofi Kingston & Rey Mysterio, Rey Mysterio & Evan Bourne, Jimmy Yang & Kung-Fu Naki. Not that any of them may work better, but I did quite enjoy the pairing of Kingston & Punk.
Cryme Tyme: They have these ghetto controversial chracters but to me they are very entertaining to watch especially there program with Miz n Morrison.

Cryme Tyme are a very good tag team, they are what in my opinion a tag team should be. A team who's teamwork and strengths cover the individual flaws they have. Hate the gimmicks but I do enjoy Cryme Tyme in the ring.

Miz & Morrison: They are another one of those great tag teams that can wrestle and are very exciting to watch. They are the tag team of the year but come on that could be fluke awards.

My personal faves, and my pick in fact. People keep wanting them to split up but there is no way that should happen, they are too solid a unit these days and only the Miz can get heat.

Legacy: Call them a stable tag team whatever these guys are hell of good. I personally think that since being with orton they have begin to flourish.

Cant get my head around what everyone likes about these guys, I think they still suck, I dont hate them, I dont like them. Neither do the audience in attendance by the sounds of it. Lots of potential, lots of untapped potential.

There are others that i will list in the poll that im not about to go through talk about but i reall value you guys opinion. So please tell me who you think the better Tag Team is?

The only ones worth mentioning are the Colon brothers, they need a program with another team big time. They have great mic skills and good ring skills. Carlito is the better of the two but Primo has that enthusiasm, they will make a good team in the years to come.
Without question, out of the teams you mentioned, Miz and Morrison are the greatest. It's WWE's fault that none of the other teams come to a close second. They are the only tag team that it booked well and always come out strong, even if they lose, which isn't too often. The other teams are good, I'll give you that, but WWE is booking them very poorly.

Cryme Tyme: In my opinion, they were a lot more entertaining during their first stint in WWE, when they were released, it killed their momentum, as they were the #1 contenders to Cade & Murdoch's World Tag Team Championships. When they returned, I thought they would quickly win the tag titles, but boy was I wrong.

The Legacy: All 3 of them should remain singles wrestlers and not a tag team wrestlers, unless they compete in a lot of 6-man Tag matches. If not, then all 3 people in this stable should focus on their singles careers, because I think they are ready.

Jesse and Festus: They had a lot of momentum when they debuted, but that momentum has halted. They haven't won the tag titles yet and WWE is trying to focus more on Festus' singles career, which is dumb as he always loses. What if WWE releases Jesse? How will that affect Festus' WWE career as he can't talk?

Carlito and Primo: I love this tag team, but I hate the way they are being booked. If you are the WWE Tag Team Champions, you should be booked to look strong right? That is obviously not the case with them, which is a shame.

Hawkins and Ryder: They win the WWE Tag Team Championships in a fluke victory and lose them in their first title defense. That is not a good sign, and no one is better than the other, so if one gets released, the other will too.

Hornswoggle and Finlay: They were a lot more entertaining during the first 8 or 9 months into Finlay's face run, but now they are a little corny. Finlay can do a lot better than he is doing now, but Hornswoggle is holding him down, so I don't know.
In order of my opinion

Cryme Tyme: I've enjoyed there gimmicks sense the training videos they did when first coming to raw. They also word as a team to get the win.

Miz & Morrison: They show a lot of talent as a tag team, but i just don't like the miz as a tag team member or as a single competitor.

Carlito & Primo: Very nice to see Carlito get a new role with Primo and they allthough both of them were not amounting to much. but together they seem to hold there own in the Tag team division.

The Legacy: I really do not consider them much of a tag team. there more of Randy Orton and two body guards.
Miz and Morrison hands down. Morrison will have held at least one world title in a decade, he is quite simply the WWE's next home-grown main-event heel. His only problem is he tries to be funny (and in my mind succeeds) which doesn't help when you want to get booed. Although I am shocked he gets booed when half of his moves involve high-flying, that's normally instant face-heat. Miz has improved leaps and bounds since pairing with Morrison. When he first got a solo run I asked myself are WWE serious? But in the year and a half or however long it's been now that they've been together he has become a competant in-ring performer.

Cryme Tyme might be ok if they were treated seriously rather than a comedy act that come out and say catch-phrases and have three minute matches. JTG's athletic, Shad's big, and they have a few actual tag team moves.

The Legacy are just basically thrown together to develop their solo careers, Cody has a shot at mid-card mediocrity and Ted could well be the next Orton. But as a team? Not really that great considering they don't do any moves together. I HATE teams like this.

The Colons suck. Carlito sucks. Primo is good in the ring but has absolutely zero charisma. Anyone who wants to argue as to whether or not Carlito sucks... well come on, the guy clearly doesn't care one way or the other. He has an afro and spits an apple, his in ring work is piss poor. If you like colour-and-shape then go cheer John Cena.

Jesse & Festus might have been good back int he 80's, or maybe if they were taken seriously. Festus isn't a horrible big-man, and Jesse can hold his own, but they don't get any actual ring time to prove themselves. I don't see them being a major team, but adequite perhaps.

Ryder & Hawkins have the combined charisma of Chris Jericho's left pinkie toe. Don't even have a clue if they can wrestle, they're too busy being bland to show anyone. Them being Edge's bitch weakened the hell out of them. Getting owned by Undertaker, Shawn Michaels and even Ric Flair on their own killed them.

Kendrick and Zeke could be a good team if Kendrick gets out of the dog-house. Kendrick could work the match, Zeke using power whenever they lose the advantage. Kendrick distracts ref, Zeke comes in illegally and lays out opponent, Kendrick gets pin. Kendrick brags about how he's the major player in the team, eventually Zeke turns way down the line. How WWE aren't already doing this I don't know.

Kofi Kingston & CM Punk was NOT a tag team, it was a way of giving both air-time when they didn't have a storyline for them. Kingston & Mysterio is/was/will be the same.

Mysterio & Bourne made a pretty good team and when Bourne returns I wouldn't be surprised to see him move to Raw full-time and team with Rey as the major face team to feud with Miz & Morrison. Those two teams could have some very very good matches. Throw a ladder in there at some point and you have a new age Hardyz/E+C.

But overall it's a piss poor list. TNA & ROH have some very good tag teams that would run rings around the WWE ones. Miz & Morrison are the only ones who could hold their own in the ring with them in my mind.
Miz and Morrison have been on quite a role since forming last year. every time i see them if it be on raw smackdown or ecw theyre always winning. at the moment miz and morrison are having one hell of a push.
Well Miz and Morrison are the easy choice, but I like to be special. Carlito and Primo have become a decent tag team. Carlito seems to have gotten his act together (if you buy into internet rumours) and Primo has become a decent wrestler. I hope that these guys will get to stay together for a while before Carlito is again pushed int the title picture and become the US champion. Primo on the underhand would be great as a tag team partner with another wrestler. As a tag team they flow nicely, and I can see their longitivity being what makes them a great tag team.
I'd say the Miz and Morrison. Their promos are great, their tag team moves are unique to them as a team. Even their names say tag team. Miz and Morrison.
The tag team division is super weak. They could easlily have several top notch team going for the gold. Here's some suggestions:
Boogyman and Goldust as Team Bizarre
Finlay and Regal would work great together as two old yet, vicious international destroyers
Festus paired with Trevor Murdoch instead of Jesse
Obviously Umaga and Manu
Paul Burchill and Ryan Braddock
Borne with either Punk or Hurricane Helms would be exciting

The greatest tag team of all time would be Legion of Doom, but, my personal favorite would be the Brothers of Destruction, Undertaker and Kane. They were almost unstoppable. The Hardy Boys and Edge and Christain were great too.
This is too easy really. Miz and Morrison. Couldn't think of maybe suggesting the greatest tag team of all time ever in the WWE? I think that would have struck more of a debate. Oh, by the way the greatest tag team of all time is easy.....Edge & Christian.

If your thinking of debating thing please bring it, as I am stoked for today's big game that I won't be seeing sleep for a few hours now. None the less E&C were apart of tag team matches, and booking that was has not met its match to date. Not even prior to the quiet tag team boom of the late 90's early millenium. Dudleyz, Hardyz, E&C etc...

Edge and Christian actually underwent a metamorphisis as a team together. That rarely ever happens with tag teams. They went from the Brood to Edge & Chrisitian. From dark and serious into funny, and outspoken. Name another tag team that has done that I dare you. They conquered the tag team division when competition was high, and higher than it is now.

The "Conchairto" was one of the most extremem moves a team could have, and they used it for fun. You couldn't find a better pair of friends. These two men meshed beyond perfect with one another in the ring. The fans loved to hated them. I can't remember the last time I was actually in to a tag team since then, oh yes Miz and Morrison thats right. Go figure.

Well thats cute but i said the greatest tag team in wwe and as of this moment Edge and Christian are not a tag team. Plus The Hardy's were a better Tag Team as they were very entertaining to watch and in the year of 1999 to 2000 you dindt see a little kid come to a wwe show with out a Hardy's t-shirt on. But if you really want to talk tag team then The Hart Foundation with just Bret and Jem would win the category as they were very entertaining and could wrestle there ass off or the Rocker's. But to bad the thread is called "Greatest Tag Team in the WWE" and not "Greatest Tag Team In WWE History" i will have to think of thread like that though so thank you
I chose the Legacy because since I was a kid I loved factions. From the horsemen to nWo, to Evolution, the Brood, Corporate Ministry , you name it, I liked it. With the Legacy though, Orton is my favorite current superstar and I think they have a different aura about them.

As for Miz and Morrison, Morrison is pretty good but I just have yet to be able to get over the fact that Miz is a reality show star.
I voted for Miz and Morrison. I do enjoy Cryme Tyme and I am a huge Carlito fan, but Miz and Morrison are just leaps and bounds better in my opinion. I've been a fan of Morrison since MNM. I said back then that Nitro(Morrison) would be the breakout star of the tag team. It took a second tag team for him for lots of people to start getting behind him it seems, but I guess better late then never. :p

I started out hating, make that despising the Miz. His in ring work and mic skills were just abysmal. After being paired with Morrison he seemed to flourish. Everything just clicked for him. The Dirt Sheet is by far one of the funniest things on the internet, and I never fast forward or change the channel when they're on my Television.

On one hand I'd like them to stay as a tag team because they are about the only good tag team(other then Cryme Tyme) in the company, but on the other hand I'd really love to see them both pursue singles careers. Though, I see Morrison flying to the main event some day and winning either the WWE or WHC and Miz getting stuck in midcarder hell. Just my two cents :icon_smile:
the best tag team today in my opinion is the big show and a bucket of fried chicken, finger licking great.
Debating the best tag team in wwe today is a joke, but the tag team division is so pathetic.. Now debating the best tag team in wwe history is something to talk about. Alot of people have mentioned Edge & Christian, Hardy's, Dudley's. Yes they were all great teams. But I like to go back in further, there were some amazing tag teams in the 80's and early 90's. Teams like Hart Foundation, The Rockers, Legion of Doom, The British Bulldogs, Nasty Boys, and my personal favorite tag team of all time, Demolition!
In order:

Miz and Morrison

These are just about the only tag team in existence now that would have had a look in at the turn of the century. They have excellent chemistry, both in the ring and out of it, and I don't doubt that The Miz's incredible improvement over the last 15 months or so is not soley down to this pairing, but it certainly had a lot to do with it.

The Colons

Genuine brother pairings always give tag teams a bit of a buzz, especially since the WWE has stopped making every tag team be brothers. I like this team because they have quite an interesting style, and I really think that they could get over based on their high flying springboard moves alone and be the Hardys of this generation. Maybe not, but they are certainly capable of a decent match.

Cryme Tyme

Style over substance. I don't think I've ever see them had a shocker of a match, but they don't really blow me out of the water every time I see them. They're over, and will probably be for as long as they stay face and on TV. The gimmick is something of a cliche, but it works.


Now I think that these guys are fine, and obviously have the potential to be much higher, but I haven't seen them fight enough together. They won the titles in a shambolic way, and were used as a sideshow in the Cena and Batista feud before beating Cryme Tyme once and then losing to a slap dash team. i don't think they have fought together since as a pair.

My point is, is that until they go with the whole Legacy dominance thing with Orton as champ and them two as tag team champs, I don't think they will be seen very often as a pair after the inevitable destruction of Sim and Manu. So, they a fourth for inactivity, and would otherwise probably be second.

Jesse and Festus

This could have gone somewhere. Then it didn't. Then Jesse still did some ok promos and Festus was in the main event. Then they didn't Then it looked like Maria might make Festus normal. She didn't. Then they looked like they might feud with Miz and Morrison. Then they didn't. Then I still quite liked them. Then I didn't.

But they could still salvage this, if they have a decent way of making Festus normal. The Maria idea wouldn't have been too bad at all.

Hornswaggle & Finlay

It's a dwarf and an old man. Sounds like comedy gold, but it really really isn't. They are dull, but the kids like them so I think they probably do have a place in the division, but sahould never be contenders.

Ryder and Hawkins

In a word boring. There is nothing attractive in this team. I think they could be fine as people just to bolster the division, in the same way that they had teams like Mark Henry and d'Lo in the past. However, they are dead last because I am not sure we will ever see them on WWE programming again, I can't even remember the last time they were, but certainly not for a long while.

As for other potential partnerships, we have Kendrick and Ezeikel, Bourne and either Mysterio or Kingston, and a few others.

The recent match up between the Colons and Miz and Morrison, along with the latter pairing appearing on every brand, made me think that perhaps we would see the tag titlesd united at Wrestlemania. Just a possibility, but I think the two potential tag teams I made, along with those listed in the question could probably make for a reasonable tag division.
Picking the best tag team in the WWE right now is kind of like picking the best ring announcer. WTF cares? WWE has kind of given up on tag team wrestling since the days of Dudleys/Hardyz/E-C TLC matches and I'm positive it's because of the brand separation. If you look back, that's precisely the point in which they stopped mattering.

If I had to pick a favorite, it's a pretty easy decision in my eyes: Cryme Tyme is the only group that actually functions as a tag team besides the Colons. The Colons though, are really only together as tag team champs to appease Carlito who otherwise doesn't particularly have a reason to stay in a job that has consistently shown they don't want him there, but don't want him to go TNA either (though he's said he'd rather go back to PR)

Cryme Tyme has a lot of potential and both are fairly above average wrestlers. There needs to be a little more depth to the team aside from "money, money, yeah-yeah" and actually giving them a title reign would help. Miz and Morrison is a good tag team that just kind of existed one day, but Morrison is way too talented to sit around chewing his cud in the non-existent tag team division again.

If they really wanted to put emphasis on the division they need to unify the titles. The separate brands are just too small to build two separate tag team divisions.
Like the poll results are showing, I too think this is a two-horse race. And even then it's easy to pick.
Though Cryme Tyme is fun to watch and has had some great segments, I wouldn't list them above Legacy/Priceless or Miz & Morrison...I do think JTG & Shad deserve a tag title reign already though, jeez!

Anyway, Priceless has really molded into a good team and being with Orton has only helped this and will continue to. I think this team above any other has two guys that will be breakout stars as with their family, and how much better they are getting I think the sky is the limit for both of them. As a team, I think once they "help" Orton win the title back..probably at Mania, we will then see them go after the tag titles in order for Legacy to have alot of gold at one time as so many great stables have done.

Obviously, the #1 choice has to be Miz & Morrison. Now while I only see Morrison being the real breakout/future main event star of the two, I think as a team they are great..easily the best in the last several years since the division has been down. They have great chemisty together and they fit the image of their characters well. Also, it seems like they are always holding one of the tag titles and hold on to them for a long time. They also have kind of a rock star aura around them as opposed to be true heels. They normally win their matches pretty clean, so one thing I would like to see is their heel persona's developed more which would make them that much better, particularly when the eventually go single.

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