The Great One's Greatest Promo/Segment

Poop Master Flex

Mid-Card Championship Winner
The Rock has had so many memorable promo's and segments throughout his career.He had some solid matches, did a great job as both heel and face, and had more charisma than the both the current TNA and WWE lockerroom's put together, but the best thing he was on the mic, and the made for some memorable moments in front of the camera. Some that come to mind are his concert in Sacramento, Billy Gunns prayer to God, his initial promo with Jericho, the list is endless. If WWE ever went on strike they could probably get by showing old reruns of promo's by this guy because he was that entertaining.

Personally I think his best one was Rock this is your life. Besides the fact that it was the most watched segment in RAW history it was just hilarious beginning to end (and Foley deserves his fair share of credit too). This was just so entertaining with Foley bringing down his home ec. teacher, highschool sweetheart and his football coach, with the Rock tearing them all down one by one, it was just so entertaining and memorable and was one of my all time favorite RAW moments, it was also one of the best segments of the 90's.

So that's my opinion, which promo/segment do you think it was the greatest?
Well, it's hard to pick since The Rock didn't have a bad promo, but I suppose the one Rocky moment that I'll always remember and got the biggest reaction out of me was this ...


That "Shut Up, Bitch" thing got me jumping out of the chair. The delivery, the timing, I don't know what's so special about but dammit that was total ownage.

However, as far as a whole promo goes, I really liked the one he cut on Stone Cold Steve Austin, revealing that he never threw the smoking skull belt in the river. Then Stone Cold ran over his car with a monster truck, you probably know the deal.
What got me into The Rock was his "Billy's Prayer To God" given after Billy Gunn had won the King Of The Ring of that year. It made my laugh my ass off man. Never before have I seen a big-time superstar tear into a midcarder the way I did at that time.

Just the way he mimicked a small boy...aka Billy...classic.
My favorite segment with The Rock, albeit, I didn't see a whole lot of him before he left, I did see bits and pieces from when my dad would watch it, is easily this back and forth with Chris Jericho.

The back and forth was said well and it solidified both of them as some of the best mic workers in the business. I am still great fans of both of them, mostly due to this.
It's really just ridiculous how much better Rock is than anybody else in the history of wrestling at promos/segments/angles/etc.

He even made Shawn Stasiak entertaining:

(Edit: it's from the SD after the 9/11 attacks, in case you don't understand some of the references made, or wondered why it was live.)
There are so many of these to count but the one that made me laugh the most was when it was him, mankind, and jericho and the rock said "two months ago you were beating on some jabrone named juventud" I jumped and laughed really hard
I've watched and read the forums for a very long time now and finally decided to sign up. Don't know what took me so long but I couldn't help but chip in on one of my 2 fave WWE superstars past or present (the other being Edge).

My all time favorite Rock promo/segment was during the Invasion days and it was basically him and then him and Jericho back and forth tearing down the owners of the "Alliance": Shane and Stephanie, along with Booker T and Rhino. These days the word "epic" is being thrown around like the word "icon" was in wrestling for awhile but if there were ever a non wrestling segment that deserves the word outside of some old DX skits, this was EPIC.

From bagging on Stephanie's recent breast augmentation, which everyone watching at the time was waiting for someone to comment on from the second she did it, to Shane's silver spoon in his mouth where the Rock was comedically not cut off on live tv in time from finishing his line, to the comments about Booker's school days. The addition of Chris Jericho at probably the height of his comedic talents on the mic was just icing on already a phenomenal cake. I was a huge Alliance fan for many many reasons but when the Rock went up against them and especially after that night, not even watching RVD in the ring could fully sway me from backing the Great One in that war.
I don't know, this is like asking a parent who their favorite child is. I'd have to say, I can't really say. There's the one he cut against Austin during the Alliance when they were singing and The Rock gave him The Rock Bottom. There's the one where he kept cutting off Hogan during their rematch, there's the one he cut at Mania for the McMahon vs Trump match. Put a gun to my head and my favorite promo has to be the one at the Hall of Fame when he shut Cena the fuck up.
Great topic, I agree with Zevon_Zion The Rock never had a bad promo. The one that sticks out in my head was the promo he cut on Rikishi, Foley, Angle, HHH, and Taker before the 6 man hell in a cell match before Armegeddon I think it was. He just pwned each and every single one of those guys one after another...classic Rock.
The ones that really stand out to me most was when the rock was heel. his segments with the hurricane were fucking hysterical. "Hamburgerler" lol and "the scorpion king has a little dingleline. That shit was funny. This was there last segment but theres alot more. you don't see this kind of stuff these days. definitely entertaining.
My favourite is Hollywood Rock (his promos were much better as a heel) when he took a phonecall and told the crowd to be quiet before ripping on the crowd in his phone convo.

Think it might of been Toronto and in the build up to the Hogan match at NWO.
Best Rock promo/segment ever was when he saved Eugene on "The Highlight Reel"....i forget the 2 questions but they all ended with THE ROCK!....and you's your favorite boy??? TRIPPPPLLLE H.....The Rock's face was priceless....omg I roll over just thinking about it lol
The Jericho debut or Umaga/Monkey Penis... would be my two favourites... I think I'd go with Jericho overall as it was pretty perfect delivery really, but the Umaga line stands out for me as it was Rock at his most playful (as he was talking about family and it was clearly an in joke).
The Rock (I think he was in The Corporation at the time) vs. DX. He rattled through every catch phrase in the biz before dropping his. Hogan, Savage, Hart. I remember watching and my mouth dropped to the floor. It was a knockout punch to the southern franchise.
The Rock is to promos what Kurt Angle or Shawn Michaels are to in ring performances. Some of his best stuff like "Billy's Prayer to God" and his promo on his 5 opponents at the 6 man HIAC have already been mentioned so I'd like to talk about the time when he was a heel and used to do commentary between his matches. I loved that!!!. One of my favorite moments came at Backlash 1999 when Rock had Austin down on the announce table. He picked up a camera and started talking trash and then suddenly these two middle fingers appear onto the camera and the picture goes blurry. When the picture comes back we see that Austin has stunned Rock! Its funnier than it sounds. The timing was great by both mene here.

If I were to go for some of the serious stuff that The Rock has done I'd pick his promos against Kurt Angle leading up to their match at No Way Out 2001. That "ticktock, ticktock" stuff was pretty great.

Another awesome promo that comes to mind is the sitdown interview with Austin leading up to Wrestlemania 17. But I think that Austin actually outperformed Rock in that interview so I guess Austin deserves more credit there.
my favorite was his promo on mankind..when he said is the rock gonna make mankind say i dragging his candyass down know your role boulevard...hang that right on jabroni drive..instead on checking you into the smackdown hotel..he d just bash your living brains in..

the promo at wrestlemania 15 on stone cold...well mary had a lil lamb..well piss on the lamb piss on mary and piss on u..that had to be the tops..
The funniest one that I can recall from the top of my head was the promo he did in Little Rock City, slamming on both William Regal and Kurt Angle..classic stuff.

He was basically telling his "little" story about "little" Rock (Little Rock City) , "little" Angle and "little" Regal. The voice impersations he did as little angle and regal were just plain, top notch funny.
While I would've liked to show you guys my most favorite Rock promos and segments on here via YouTube, I can't since I'm using my phone to reply. But as far as my most favorite Rock promos ever, I gotta go with two promos that stand out the most for me: The first Rock Concert in 2003 and that one promo where The Rock talks about Undertaker's Mickey Mouse tattoos, Kane at the casino, and The Big Slow lol. Those are my most favorite ones.

The Rock Concert though was just hilarious. I'm surprised that none of you picked this one. This was one of the best entertaining segments that will never be forgotten and that's something that you don't get that out of wrestling these days anymore. It's either a tea party or a bad segment on etiquette class.
best heel promo from the rock was the segment with chyna rite b4 his ladder match with triple h at summerslam

best face promo was in 2004 with the diva segment. the diva search was so boring but when his music hit and he had them do the pie eating contest it was entertaining from beggining till end. the rock could make anything or anyone entertaining wish he would come back

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