The Great Khali: Leaving?

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[This Space for Rent]
- A new media article out of India notes that The Great Khali is looking to take Bollywood by storm and will star in "Ramaa - The Saviour" which is a children's adventure film. The movie will be shot in Vietnam and Burma, most likely later this year. The article notes that Khali made it clear that his debut Bollywood role should be a positive role, as he has a huge fan following in India, especially among the kids. There are other movie roles in Bollywood that Khali is considering and he wants to work with a number of top movie stars there.

So if Khali takes time off to try and become a huge star in Indian based movies, will he be missed? My guess is a huge NO. However as much as you do or don't wish to say it, The Great Khali is a Superstar who even as talentless as can be, made a name for himself simply because of his size. I'm sure people will question if he suddenly disappears, but I don't think anyone would miss him wrestling.

If anything, perhaps returning to the movie industry is the best thing for all 'parties' involved. Not only will all of us wrestling fans no longer have to sit through his horrible punch and kick fest matches, but its noted that hes a huge star in India.. so obviously he'd be going where people would want him.

Overall, the bigger question remains. Will this provide the opening to bring the Big Show over to Smackdown to fill the role of the Brand's "Giant?" I think either the Big Show, or Umaga (or both) are destined for Smackdown greatness.. and Khali is destined for a nice exit.

What is everyone's overall thought on the matter? Will you miss him? Do you think his departure will be anything big? Will Smackdown suffer from losing him? Discuss...
I think Khail leaving isn't as great as it seems. Khali serves the purpose of being one of the still big named heels on the brand. You can throw him against Taker or someone and when Taker or whoever beats him, it seems like he accomplished a little something. He's a monster and a former world champion so a win over him still means a little something. He could prove to be a decent jobber to the stars. Not to mention whenever you have to punish a face for something, throw him in there with Khali. Will he be missed? Somewhat. Is he replaceable? Absolutely.
I don't think the WWE will let Khali go that easily. He's way too important for the WWE in India (from what I've read in some WZ-news he's a huge star over there and his losses are edited to make him look good), the Indians buy loads of Khali-merchandise.

So he wouldn't be missed by most, but definitely in India and that's something the WWE doesn't want.
I don't see Khali leaving exactly. I see him taking a decent amount of time off, only to return in a few months. Khali has a massive fan base in India, and I'm very doubtful that Vince is willing to just let that go. However should he leave... There would really be no negative effects other than the WWE loosing one of it's monsters. They certainly would not be loosing one of they're more charismatic or mat based wrestlers. Khali's run with WWE for him has been good. He won the biggest title on SD!, was a major threat to the Raw and ECW rosters. His monster character was just fine until he got booked with Finlay. From that point he kinda fell off the ride I tend to think. None the less...

I can see Khali being the Rock of India. He has a huge fan base and should he go into movies, I'm sure they will follow him to them just as the Rock's fans did here in America.
I don't think the WWE will let Khali go that easily. He's way too important for the WWE in India (from what I've read in some WZ-news he's a huge star over there and his losses are edited to make him look good), the Indians buy loads of Khali-merchandise.

So he wouldn't be missed by most, but definitely in India and that's something the WWE doesn't want.

:lmao: What the hell are you talking about? I've checked out quite a few times, and its hardly booming with tons of Khali shirts, DVDs, hats, chains and other merchandising items. So what exactly are you talking about, in refering to W.W.E. selling tons of Khali related stuff?

The Great Khali is an awful worker. He doesn't know hardly anything, and the only real reason hes been kept around this long is because of his "look." The Big Show is back, and shockingly has more than enough talent to replace Khali. So in complete honesty, Khali is no longer needed to be the "Giant" in the W.W.E.

I admit that anyone who defeats him instantly gains some type of credibility, however if you do recall for the previous two monthes, hes been getting owned left and right by Finlay. So its not as if hes the same unstoppable, powerful force that he once was.

The Khali that W.W.E. wished they still had, was the Khali that owned the Undertaker in Judgment Day of 2006. (I believe it was) The Khali they have today is nothing more than roster wasting space.
:lmao: What the hell are you talking about?

What was reported on the site. Khali is a big hit over in India.

I've checked out quite a few times, and its hardly booming with tons of Khali shirts, DVDs, hats, chains and other merchandising items.

I'm sure they make their own shit over in India. WWE shop is basically John Cena shopzone with the 5 pages full of chain gang shit..

Sorry I can't help bringing him up. It just comes natural.

So what exactly are you talking about, in refering to W.W.E. selling tons of Khali related stuff?

What was reported on the site.

The Great Khali is an awful worker.

How? Explain to me just how he was sooooo terrible? He came out and did what he was asked to do. It's not everyday you see a 7'2 500 pound monsterous human being do moonsaults.

Was he boring as fuck? Sure. But anyone that massive can't do much, he did a fine job being the monsterous heel.

So WWE will miss that. Will you or I? Prolly not.

He doesn't know hardly anything,

Except how to play his role...

and the only real reason hes been kept around this long is because of his "look."


The Big Show is back, and shockingly has more than enough talent to replace Khali.

I agree. Great mic skills.

So in complete honesty, Khali is no longer needed to be the "Giant" in the W.W.E.

Meh, not with Big Show back now. If he wasn't, They would prolly want to keep him around.

There isn't much for Khali to do nowadays, he's been jobbed out by superhero's.

I admit that anyone who defeats him instantly gains some type of credibility,

Not really. That one guy just got more heat.

Taker and Batista already had enough cred anyways.

The Khali they have today is nothing more than roster wasting space.

Pretty much. But to say his work sucked is ridiculous.
What was reported on the site. Khali is a big hit over in India.

It was reported that Khali was huge in India, because hes Indian. So obviously he'd be big there. However that doesn't mean W.W.E. would care. They jobbed Kennedy in Wisconsin, so clearly they could give a shit less about whether one guy would sell in a country or not.

I guarantee you. With or without Khali, W.W.E. will still sell in India.

I'm sure they make their own shit over in India. WWE shop is basically John Cena shopzone with the 5 pages full of chain gang shit..

Sorry I can't help bringing him up. It just comes natural.

Well quit. This is Khali's appreciation thread. :lmao: And I agree that I'm sure they do make some Khali items over there, but seriously I hardly doubt he sells as huge as Cena. Even in his own country.

How? Explain to me just how he was sooooo terrible? He came out and did what he was asked to do. It's not everyday you see a 7'2 500 pound monsterous human being do moonsaults.

Meh. Bam Bam Bigelow, Vader, Big Show, Yokozuna. All bigger sized men. Some large athletes as well. ALL were skilled and knew how to work a match. Khali knows how to chop, deliver a better big boot than Hogan, and sell kicks to the stomach about as good.

The man is shit. He can't even stumble properly. He makes stumbling backwards look fake. lol

Was he boring as fuck? Sure. But anyone that massive can't do much, he did a fine job being the monsterous heel.

So WWE will miss that. Will you or I? Prolly not.

I don't disagree that he actually did somewhat of what was asked of him. He played the role of a monster heel. However, what happens when that "monster" part no longer gets feared? The character becomes useless and they're no longer seen as doing their job.

Again, Finlay beat the ever living shit out of Khali on a weekly basis. I hardly think thats what someone would do, if they were scared of him. Once again, the Khali from 2006, that owned the Undertaker.. that was a great worker. The guy we have now.. crap.

Except how to play his role...

He quit understanding how to play his character when Finlay started owning him.

I agree. Great mic skills.

Meh, not with Big Show back now. If he wasn't, They would prolly want to keep him around.

Big Show is more than just mic skills. Show is great in the ring, and hes left his feet too, brother. Seriously, Big Show for as big and tall as he is.. is a superb athlete. Khali couldn't even match one half of what Big Show can do.

There isn't much for Khali to do nowadays, he's been jobbed out by superhero's.

Thats where they screwed him over. Khali's character type is only good for a limited basis. Hes meant to get over as an unstoppable force. (2006) Then be defeated by the underdog. (That failed when Cena was never seen as the underdog) Upon being defeated, he no longer serves a purpose.. because hes been beaten once, thereby surely meaning he could be beaten again.

Not really. That one guy just got more heat.

Taker and Batista already had enough cred anyways.

Taker defeating him worked for bringing the Undertaker back to a higher level, believe it or not. Taker was treading on being a jobber himself for the longest time. He only wins at Mania anymore. And when Khali started owning him, Taker took a leave.. came back, then destroyed him. Thereby, Khali helped reinvent Taker, to bring out the darker side in him.

I can't explain Batista, other than to say enough people were so pleased to see him finally win the Championship from Khali, simply so they wouldn't have to endure another Batista = #1. contender storyline. :lmao:

Pretty much. But to say his work sucked is ridiculous.

I can't believe you're defending the Great Khali as anything decent. You know, if you put this much effort into things, I'm sure you could go into the Konnan/Glenn Gilbertti arguments and make both of them believe Disco could've been a World Heavyweight Champion.
Everything I quoted in the opening post of this thread is what was reported on Wrestlezone's main page.

Nothing within that article states that The Great Khali sells huge amounts of items. It merely said he had a huge following in India.. because hes Indian!

I asked what you were refering to, in claiming he sold tons of stuff. Because you claimed he did. Whereas it never stated he did. It merely said he had a huge fan base.

Furthermore, it may of been in direct relation to the movie industry in Bollywood. Which has absolutely nothing to do with the World Wrestling Entertainment business. Khali has been in movies before, and has played roles in several films. Therefore, his fan base could have no relation to his wrestling career at all.

I was merely correcting you, when you said he sold tons of stuff. When the fact is, he may or may not sell items over there. However it definately was NOT reported that he did. It was merely reported that he had a huge following/fan base.

EDIT: This was in reply to the person who's post got deleted. Harpa, I think his user name is.
:lmao: What the hell are you talking about? I've checked out quite a few times, and its hardly booming with tons of Khali shirts, DVDs, hats, chains and other merchandising items. So what exactly are you talking about, in refering to W.W.E. selling tons of Khali related stuff?
Well, it was on Wrestlezone, but since wrestlezone doesn't archive all of their headlines (I think?) here's a link to another website and I think wrestlezone used the exact same words:
According to a new article, over the past few months, The Great Khali's popularity has soared in his native India. Merchandise including t-shirts and action figures are selling like crazy in markets and shops there.

But apart from that I have to agree with you. The Great Khali worked when he was the monster heel, and due to his lack of wrestling ability everyone hated him, even the guys that usually like the heels better than the babyfaces.

But nowadays his gimmick doesn't work that way anymore, even Hornswoggle pinned him. WWE would have to invent something entirely new for Khali, and that's hard to do. Making him a face would be pretty much impossible, and as a heel there aren't many possibilities either. He wouldn't be believable as a cheater (similar to Edge) because he just doesn't seem smart enough.
Another huge limit for him is that he can't even speak English. Making him a monster heel was pretty much the only possibility, and now that that's getting stale there's simply nothing he could do anymore.

I'd say the WWE should let go of Khali, but that won't happen because of his importance for the Indian fanbase. Maybe he should become part of a stable (For example Edge could use him as his personal bodyguard), I really don't see any other options to make him interesting again.

EDIT: I wrote this before I saw Theonebigwill's new post.
Unfortunately I can't really back up my claim that this was reported on WrestleZone as well, but I'm pretty sure that WrestleZone used the same words as the website above did (they probably used WZ as a source there).
of course khali is a HUGEsuperstar in india
he is very popular and T SHIRTS with KHALI PICS sell like hot stuff
but much of it is local made stuff and NOT the official WWE merchandize.
the great khali CAN speak english and understand it well
but the WWE books and develops his character so that it seems he doesnt speak english
he is BOOKED to be a HEEL but for us in india he is a MEGAFACE
so he will be missed on RAW and SMACKDOWN
as far his career in films i think he will do a few guest roles (film producers want to utilize his ability to DRAW public into the theatres because of his huge popularity and fan following)

but HE wont be doing films as the main guy and be used in a guest role to spice things up

i m very sure that khali isnt leaving WWE permanently. he is just taking a break(few months).
i think that can be good in a way. it gives time to WWE to refresh his character. he himself can work on IMPROVING his wrestling skills. and if he comes back from a few months hiatus to destroy someone he still can be used as the unstoppable monster.
there are plenty of uses he can be put to . but the best will be act as an ENFORCER or a BODYGUARD to one of the established heel champs either RANDY ORTON or EDGE.
i think anyone who has KHALI on his side looks unstoppable too. they can do a rip off of HBK and his BODYGUARD DIESEL (when nash was fresh in WWE)
If Great Khali leaves, I won't really care. Khali at the moment is useless, he did his job now he's useless. Usually a monster heel is feared, they build him up only to lose to the top star on a brand. From there on he's still big, but not as. Same thing with Khali. He was huge, then he lost to the Undertaker, and lost some monster credibility, but not all. It took the WWE months to rebuild his monster status. Then he was put in a feud with Cena, again he lost credibility, but they got some back after months of hard work building him up again. Finally the whole thing with Finlay fucked Khali over.

If WWE were to get rid of him they would lose a ton of support from India. Apparently as the poster above says he's a 'megaface' over there. So that would not be the best move because they would lose alot of money. But then again, WWE has nothing for Khali anymore as he's not feared anymore, and it would take to long to build him up. Basically getting rid of Khali is good, and bad.

If Khali were to leave this gives room for a new monster heel on Smackdown. Someone like the Big Show. The Big Show has way more talent than Khali, and I believe he would be the best choice to be the dominant monster heel on Smackdown. Then there's also Umaga, but he wouldn't work as much as he's been forgotten on RAW, and not as feared. So the best pick to replace Khlai would be the Big Show.

Again, WWE losing Khali would be good, and bad, but I personally would not be sad if WWE decided to let him go.
If Khali leaves it will be sad for me.
i just like the chokebomb he does and instant KO noobs like supercrazy, tommy dreamer, jamie noble. if khail leaves for a few months , it'll be ok.

Somewhat ,i agree with Khali being boring to watch . I fucking hate WWE for making khali lose to finlay , some drunken basterd.

Khali used to be pretty cool in the taker/cena fued , but now he is fighting jobbers and no feud , lolz
khali is just used as a main event jobber, much like mark henry. the only problem is that lately, ever since he lost the title, he has only beaten noble, richards, delaney and dreamer (online match). khali needs to leave for a few months, so they can bring him back badder than ever, and at least have him feud (in stereotypical indian-american english, please) with somebody credible, like cm punk, edge, randy orton, whoever, and give him some major wins. look at smackdown, i hate to say it but khali as champ made it interesting and since he lost the title smackdown's missing a certain something. the great khali might not deserve to be at the same level as triple h or batista, but he should constantly have a reserved spot in the power 25.
If Khali leaves it will be sad for me.
Really? I didn't know Khali fans existed, except for people with the mindsets of heartless WWE employees with business projections on their brain... like SlyFox.

i just like the chokebomb he does and instant KO noobs like supercrazy, tommy dreamer, jamie noble. if khail leaves for a few months , it'll be ok.

How would Khali leaving for a few months help? It's not like he's a big star. He goes away for a few months, he comes back. There'll be slightly more momentum behind him than before he left, but that's not saying much. He'll still be boring to watch.

Somewhat ,i agree with Khali being boring to watch . I fucking hate WWE for making khali lose to finlay , some drunken basterd.

As dull as Finlay can be, I'd much rather watch one of his matches than another slap/headbuttfest. No, seriously, I'm not joking. And since when has Finlay had a drunk gimmick? Seems to be an ugly racial stereotype to me. Hmm.

Khali used to be pretty cool in the taker/cena fued , but now he is fighting jobbers and no feud , lolz

Yes. Yes he is. Thank Christ.
If Khali leaves it will be sad for me.
i just like the chokebomb he does and instant KO noobs like supercrazy, tommy dreamer, jamie noble. if khail leaves for a few months , it'll be ok.

Somewhat ,i agree with Khali being boring to watch . I fucking hate WWE for making khali lose to finlay , some drunken basterd.

Are you for real dude??? Supercrazy, Tommy Dreamer, and Jaimie Noble are NOOBS??? as compared to WHO?? fucking Terry Funk?? Supercrazy and Noble are two extremely unerrated, underused superstars, and Tommy Dreamer is a fucking ECW legend.

An HOW do you classify Finlay, as a "drunken bastard"??? are YOU drunk?? When EVER has the WWE depicted Finlay drinking, being drunk or nything else of that type?? WWE has always rpresented Finlay as an extremely tough, mean fucker, who "loves to fight"....NEVER as a drinker...sounds more like a racial stereotype you are playing to, than actual facts.

If Kahli leaves, I dont think anyone will notice or care. Big Show is there to fill the monster role, and is more talented at it at that.
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