The Gospel of Chaos: Redemption

Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

The video feed begins in a candle lit room, bookshelves line the walls on each side and a large oak table in the center of the study. Various scrolls and crystal vials are strewn across the table, as well as a number of instruments. The camera moves forward to the end of the room, large arched windows covered with red drapes adorn the background, with a large desk and leather chair in front. The chair slowly spins around, revealing the Harbinger himself, Ty Burna. His black hair tied back, and is wearing a black suit and red tie. Holding a goblet in his hand he smirks as his eyes flash red briefly before spreading his arms wide. He cackles before standing and extending the goblet towards the camera.

Ty Burna: Welcome my children. As you are all well aware I am the former World Heavyweight Champion Ty Burna. And tonight, you have been welcomed into my home as we head towards Redemption. The card has stacked up nicely for its namesake, so let us begin our journey into the abyss of knowledge that the Gospel of Chaos will provide you all.

Ty sits down and places the goblet off to the side before opening large and weathered book sitting in front of him, his hand sliding along the page slowly as he closes his eyes.


Ty Burna: We start the divination of Redemption with Los Magnificos Dragones squaring off against The Sacrificial Altar in the form of Mason Westhoff and his leader Grand Mystique. We have seen El Califa Dragon and his partner Amber Warren defeat TSA repeatedly these past few weeks. Mystique responded back with an ordered attack on the young tag team, leading to this finale. What once was a potent and dangerous stable has been embarrassed every step of the way, and it feels as if The Magnificent Dragons have their number, and I do not see anything different going into Redemption. The strength of their tag team has outshone the leadership of Grand Mystique, and the resolve of The Sacrificial Altar has waned considerably since Kingdom Come. If Mystique wishes for his Altar to attain their goals of utter destruction, he will need his right hand man Mason Westhoff to step up. As for the Dragons, their goal is clear, and the gold is in their sight. A victory here continues their climb up the ladder, and it should be quite soon that we see them fighting for the titles.

The Gospel of Chaos has spoken! Los Magnificos Dragones will take flight over The Sacrificial Altar and leave them in the dust.


Ty Burna: The other half of this storyline. Drake Callahan has been on a mission to wipe out TSA, though if I may be so egotistical, it has been about me. Drake believes that TSA is the spiritual successor to The Apostles of Chaos. Foolish in thought, but wise in motivation. He may believe what he wishes, but if it gives him that goal that will drive him to victory, then so be it. I will deal with Drake when the time is right, but for now, I shall enjoy watching him flutter in the wind and his mind falling further into Chaos. I have been the catalyst for many in this Sacrificial Altar, and I have also been asked about my meeting with Grand Mystique. It is very simple, I did nothing to further Grand Mystique's issue with Austin Reynolds. Do you consider me one to accept a plea or an order from someone that is so far beneath me? No, I did what I did to Austin Reynolds to bring the very best out in him, and that is exactly what I got. No more, no less. Does that make me a monster?

Ty laughs loudly as he sits back down and raps his knuckles across the desk before refocusing on the camera.

Ty Burna: I think we all know the answer to that. As for this match, David Whitman has been an intriguing figure ever since stepping into WZCW. It seems this match is something that could help him exorcise his inner demons, or drive him further into their madness. Drake has all the tools in the world, but he goes up against someone with something to prove, not only to Grand Mystique, but himself. A lack of effort the past few weeks had led Whitman to be chastised by his leader, and now he steps up to take on TSA's hated enemy. This is a trap game for Drake Callahan, and I think he falls right into TSA's plans.

The Gospel of Chaos has spoken Drake Callahan! You may be the more accomplished warrior, but it shall be David Whitman and The Sacrificial Altar who will have you strung up at Redemption.


Ty Burna: The longest reigning Mayhem Champion Vega has been on a mission to prove he is one of the best in WZCW, so who better to target and use as a stepping stone then the old guard himself Titus? Vega comes off a couple frustrating matches mixing it up with the top dogs of the company, but certainly did not come off as weak during them. Titus is no slouch and a successful defense against the former two time World Heavyweight Champion will give Vega just that much more validation for his claims as one of the best. I certainly agree with him, anyone that can cling to the Mayhem Championship as long as he has will earn my respect. Meanwhile Titus looks to rebound after the difficult loss against Chris KO at Kingdom Come. Titus has not ventured into the land of Mayhem all that often, but he looks to add yet another championship to his already impressive resume. Though the Eurasian title has eluded him, perhaps adding the Mayhem title around his waist will give Titus that boost he needs. I expect a war out there, as I am sure Titus has tired of being the gate keeper for the new blood of WZCW. He's focused and ready to bring gold back to Keystone City.

The Gospel of Chaos has spoken! Titus, though you fight for another title, you shall come up empty handed once more. Vega's reign continues, another name added to his list of victims.


Ty Burna: The second Gold Rush tournament, a golden opportunity, if you may pardon my pun, for many to gain a chance they would otherwise not be handed on a silver platter. The last Gold Rush Tournament produced my former protege Gordito, and really pushed him to the forefront of WZCW. Though he failed in taking the title off of me, he was soon involved with many major matches in his career. We now look to Redemption, and the conclusion of this tournament. Many factors come into play here, two matches in one night, having to prepare for the other three competitors, and the pressure of the situation. In the semi finals the Beard takes on Blade, and Krypto squares off with Ricky Runn. The Beard has had a shift in personality as of late, and this makes him very dangerous even for a veteran like Blade. Blade may have the technical know how but a motivated big man can simply wear you down. Blade is certainly going to have to outsmart The Beard because he will not outlast him. I have a growing respect for Blade with every match of his, but I think he falls just short of his goal at Redemption.

Meanwhile Ricky Runn has found a....well a lifestyle change that suddenly has him picking up victories. Personally I wish to break his face with the bottom of my boot, but I cannot disregard the work he has put in since Kingdom Come. His opponent is the equally baffling Krypto, who after the strangest feud in WZCW history now finds himself on the door step to a World Title shot. I believe if Krypto keeps his focus and let's Ricky make the mistake of focusing on his ego, he will pick up the victory. As for the finals, well...

The Gospel has spoken! The Beard has become a ferocious beast and nothing can stand in his way right now. After Redemption he shall be the number one contender for the World Title, and I fear that whomever holds the championship may be in for a rather large surprise.


Ty Burna: The power of psychology, it can be a efficient and effective weapon when wielded properly. I myself have used such tactics, breaking down an opponent mentally before you even reach the ring. The good Professor Steven Kurtesy once got into the mind of his opponents, knowing more about them then they themselves did. And so it comes to this Dr. Zeus, a man who certainly brings his own edge to the mental game. After harassing Sandy Deserts over the past few months, it has become clear he has brought out The Sandman, as well as forcing the return of Kurtesy to the ranks of WZCW. I for one am glad to see my one hated rival return, WZCW is better off with him competing once more. However, this isn't about titles or accomplishments, this is to put to an end a war that has been brewing for sometime. Dr. Zeus wants the blood of Steven Kurtesy on his hands, but has shown a keen interest in Sandy Deserts being the one to drive the stake through the heart of her former mentor. Deserts has shown her anger towards Kurtesy, and I feel perhaps Zeus has already won. Driving a wedge between the two has left him in perfect position.

The Gospel has spoken! Though you have returned to a rousing crowd Steven Kurtesy, you may find yourself with a knife in your back and a spike through your chest at Redemption. Your influence on Sandy Deserts lost, The Sandman returns, and the psychotic Dr. Zeus makes you bend to his will.

The screen goes to black with the words To Be Continued... wrote down in the right corner.

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