The Glory Days?


Dark Match Jobber
For a moment look past what the wwf/wwe has been in the past, and look past the current attempt to go to a pg rating. Pull the die hard wrestling fan out of you and realize how almost everything in the buisness is going wrong...

First off, looking back on the history of wrestling you come to realize that it was never really about a major skill in the ring, It was a skill of telling a story, whether it be on purpose or not, the ablility to work a crowd and give the fans what they really wanted was always the selling point. Wrestling has always been thru its highs and lows, talent comes and goes, But i feels as somewhere in the process the art of story telling has been lost. Professional wrestling is nothing more than theather with action, and i say that taking nothing away from the workers theirselves, They are extremely talented and work very hard. But its almost like wrestlings soul has been lost, people have become too comfortable, and its become nothing more than a buisness, who week in and week out just try to get to the next point, not focusing on where things are going, long as money keeps coming in.

My first complaint is the wwe writing team

People say we will never again get the attitude era back, how we can never have another stone cold or rock. And i argue that, You have a handful of guys with a exteme amount of talent, and the majority get sat on, or fired. Apparently if they made it as far as getting signed with the wwe, Then they have some talent. When looking at your guys wrestling bingo halls, armory halls, ect.... these people apparently stood out enough to get signed by the wwe in the first place. So why are most of them just jobbing?

I personally feel , if your getting television time, there is no reason to be misused, or to be a jobber, thats what house shows, dark matches are for....I dont think anyone should hafta job on tv, it just makes it pointless, and it lacks entertainment, sure its nice to see someone get destroyed, but id much rather see harder work on the storyline, and skill in the ring to deliever that storyline across to me. If its a guy who couldnt possibly match up to someone the size of batista, then dont put him against him, theres plenty of talent under the world title class that deserves just as hard work on the story and pushes in their division, thats how you deliever a action packed show, not filler material.

You'll never get away from being plagued with stale matches happening over and over again, because you have only so many top stars. Im personally tired of seeing cena vs batista, jbl vs cena, batista vs jbl, kane vs cena, vs jbl and it goes on. The only good part of that whole thing is that punk, someone fresh, is getting a push. The rest is just rehashed, and frankly i dont see anywhere else it can go. And now im having to look at Jbl vs kane vs cena vs batista vs punk in yet another main event. I think its time to rearrange things in a matter where it cant get old. And start focusing on the lower talent and give them good and compelling storylines, and for once a gimmick that doesnt make them look like a jobber. Its time to rebuild the tag team division, and add some heat to it. Even out the divisions and put some good quality gimmick and work into it. Give the fans matches that they wanna sit in their seat and watch, and not get up to go use the bathroom.

For starters, Send jbl to smackdown, Have him start a fued with triple h, After all triple h is family with the mcmahons, and jbl likes to think of himself as a mcmahon pet. The story is endless with the denial and hatred jbl could have.

Secondly, Im waiting to see Rhodes and Dibiase start making waves. Both are very talented, and are a incredible tag team. Some of the work i havent seen in a ring in over 10 years. Both whom have a very very good chance of becoming top contenders in a few years. More so dibiase, The vibe he carys in the ring just screams that he could be a top heel down the line. But for now put the hardys back together, And build some good storylines for these 4, Theres so many garunteed classics sitting there waiting to be made.

Far as the world title division on raw goes, Send batista to smackdown, Have him fued with edge, Cena can stay, And just cause ortons injured doesnt mean you cant start a storyline for his return, Have him stalking someone till he makes his comeback, Cena and orton is a fued that they could defintally be building up. And Pyscho sid is scheduled to make a comeback, Am i the only one who sees where they could make this Kane angle go? Pyscho sid was the original crazy person in the wwe.... Setting up a fued between these two guys would just be nuts. Sid killed his parents, Sid stalks him and plays mind games, Sid starts wrestling in kanes mask... Theres just so many routes you could go with this....... Punk and jericho could use a little turning up on the heat, It has a chance to be a great fued, I can see jericho lableing punk as the next hbk...., but what they got going is good, good enough to blow over till Michaels gets back into it, maybe even some jericho-cade vs hbk-punk matches, And i for one wanna see a michaels vs undertaker build up at wrestlemania in houston...

I think wwe is stretching there talent so much its leaving holes in raw and smackdown, I dont think theres a need for ecw, You wanna cut costs....start there, and put that lasting talent into smackdown and raw, like it used to be...Things are just stretched too thin right now. But then again, this all starts with the writing time actually writing good scripts, Then again maybe its that there isnt enough gimmicks, theres too many people running around just "being theirselves" and that doesnt leave much room for story development.

So it goes like this

1. Stop stretching your talent
2. Stop creating jobbers, and start gimmicking them to be appealing and not corny
3. Get a better writing team, And focus at least 2 months ahead of time, And focus on the whole show, not just the top half and making the rest fillers
4. Even out every division, and dont stop till everyone in that division is appealing, not everyone has to be going for a title, but if theres not a title involved to add excitment, make sure theres a very appealing story line intact that makes the fans care.
5. Get creative and take chances.... pro wrestling has never shined on sitting back, its always been something come outta nowhere to grab imaginations and viewers
6. And most importantly.... Get back in touch with your fans, know what they want, they scream over it, like kanes mask for example... but everytime you get near what the fans what, you vere to the left and never look back.....

I think its very possible with some hard work and reaching out to achieve the glory days again, But someone is gonna hafta dig it out.... Any opinions?
Of course it's possible to get the quality of WWE's product back to the "glory days". Problem is, WWE don't see much of a point in doing it. They're already the world's biggest pro wrestling promotion, why should they go out of their way to create a fantastic product instead of just a good one?

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - WWE needs competition to make the most of the potential of their superstars, storylines and matches. Competition is healthy for everybody and everything - it keeps them/it pushing things to the limit. Unfortunately, while TNA certainly have an in-ring product far superior to most WWE matches, a certain creative writer and certain other decisions keep them from becoming actual competition. Until TNA get over these "obstacles", we won't have any competition - and as such, the WWE will not bother to go out of their way to make the most of their potential. Tough break, but no use complainin'.
I'm in agreement with Hardcore Kennedy. While the WWE has no competition, why should they bust their ass to be 100% great? Besides, if they were that good now, and competition happened to arise, what would they improve to? Meh, I just basically think that the WWE are comfortable how they are. Many scoff at TNA, meaning their only choice of watching Sports Entertainment is the WWE. Until WWe gets something which starts attacking their comfortable status, they're fine as they are.
No question WWE is resting on their laurels, but ECW, while not what it originally was (& I wish they'd call it something else), does serve a purpose in the grand scheme of things. Hell, it helped launch Punk, and look how Matt Sydal, err.... Evan Bourne is building himself up over there. Maybe I'm crazy, but I think quite a few future Raw & Smackdown main event-ers are going to trickle in from there. Guys like Punk, Sydal, and even though he's back on Smackdown (& thankfully finally getting a push), Brian Kendrick.

Cena & Batista will not & could never hope to be the next Stone Cold & Rock. There was only one of each & they're both gone on now, and I stopped hoping for a second coming a long, long time ago. WWE creative needs to focus more on the future, and that's Punk, almost an anti-Stone Cold, Kendrick, who if played right can be an usurper to HBK's throne (but face it, his ring skills might be solid, but he needs some major mic time & get some DAMN good promos under his belt before he's got a chance in Hell in to even gain serious consideration as the successor to the Showstopper), and even Shelton Benjamin - - a guy who's ring work I've always enjoyed watching, but his promos are still sub-standard to say the least. Ted Jr. also has the potential to be a major heel down the line, so maybe he & Cody SHOULD align themselves with Orton to get THAT ball rolling.

Until creative starts aiming the spotlight on guys like that, we're going to be stuck with Cena, Batista, JBL, etc. jumping down our throats & hogging screen time for the next few years.....
While everythign that has been said is true, I think there are two main things that would help WWE and they go hand in hand. To me the biggest problem is everything is so rushed anymore. There are no big matches left anywhere. Everyone has feuded with everyone or had that one big match with them that there's nothing left to get hyped for. The only one left was Cena/Batista, and it got 3 damn weeks of build. Back in the glory days, whether you think that's the 80s or the Attitude Era, feuds were built up for months at a time. Right now, I have no clue who is going to be in the main event at WM 25. Back in either glory era, it would be clear who would be the two guys going at it. Take Austin Rock as an example. These two feuded forever, but it never got stale because they were the big feud, but there were other feuds in between. Also, it was obvious that the feud would culminate at WM. Same with Hogan and Andre back in the 80s.

This goes into the other thing I see wrong. There is no big star in the company, but this isn't the WWE's fault. Hogan, Austin and Rock had that X factor that you can't build onto guys, like Cena or Batista. They're trying, but its just not there. Moving to the younger generation is a great idea. Back in the 80s Hogan could be around forever because he wasn't on tv every week so no one could really get that tired of him. Now, the life span for a superstar is a few years at most. WWE coudl be great again and probably will be, but to me for the most part it has to stay down before it gets big again.
agree completely, the WWE is not "great" by any means, its just all there really is at the moment, no competition whatsoever & as long as they are raking in the megabucks, why would they change it..shame really, theres a part of me that wants TNA to become a real threat to them, just to give them the kick up the backside that they need.
What WWE needs to do is keep doing what they do best. Creating life. They created Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, The Rock, and others. They need to keep doing that. The competitions isn't what is needed, The Rock would still have been a star if it wasn't for the Rise of WCW. If the WWE does not create a new group of stars, and TNA somehow overcomes its stale ways, and becomes a viable Wrestling Company, and threatens the WWE, they will overpower the WWE. WWE's success was not the WCW's failure, it was simply the WWEs success. If Mr. Kennedy was as good as Stone Cold was, fans would come see him. If Mr. Kennedy is what he is now in 5 years,a nd TNA is on the rise, the WWE will fall. The WWE has always been the best in the business because they keep creating those stars, those storylines that bring people in. John Cena is better than AJ Styles at bring in the crowd, Batista is better than Kurt Angle, Santino is better than Super Eric, Funaki is better than Shark Boy. The WWE creative team is what will sink or save the WWE, not TNA.
Cena & Batista will not & could never hope to be the next Stone Cold & Rock.

This is why most people are not happy with the current WWE product, they are comparing wrestlers to older wrestlers and debating about who will be the next The Rock, or who will be the next Stone Cold Steve Austin.

There will (Taking a page out of Chris Jerichos vocabulary book) never, ever, EVER, be another The Rock, or Stone Cold Steve Austin.

We need to stop comparing wrestlers to old legends otherwise we will never, ever, EVER (Sorry Chris) be happy, again.

Instead of saying, "Oh, Mr. Kennedy should do this" or "He should wrestle Stone Cold and give him the stunner to signify him being the new Stone Cold" which I'm pretty sure someone has said, we should think about, how could Mr. Kennedy, be a better Mr. Kennedy.

This goes for all wrestlers aswell.
For a moment look past what the wwf/wwe has been in the past, and look past the current attempt to go to a pg rating. Pull the die hard wrestling fan out of you and realize how almost everything in the buisness is going wrong...
So wrong they're pulling in major profit. All right, I'm buckled and ready to go. :rolleyes:

First off, looking back on the history of wrestling you come to realize that it was never really about a major skill in the ring, It was a skill of telling a story, whether it be on purpose or not, the ablility to work a crowd and give the fans what they really wanted was always the selling point.
That IS the major skill of wrestling. To tell the story, to make people emotionally invested in what you are doing, and to care about your character. That IS the point and skill of wrestlers.

Wrestling has always been thru its highs and lows, talent comes and goes, But i feels as somewhere in the process the art of story telling has been lost. Professional wrestling is nothing more than theather with action, and i say that taking nothing away from the workers theirselves, They are extremely talented and work very hard.
How can they be talented, but not able to do the one thing necessary to make good wrestling?

My first complaint is the wwe writing team

People say we will never again get the attitude era back, how we can never have another stone cold or rock. And i argue that, You have a handful of guys with a exteme amount of talent, and the majority get sat on, or fired. Apparently if they made it as far as getting signed with the wwe, Then they have some talent. When looking at your guys wrestling bingo halls, armory halls, ect.... these people apparently stood out enough to get signed by the wwe in the first place. So why are most of them just jobbing?
Because they suck? Because they're not good enough to do anything else?

I personally feel , if your getting television time, there is no reason to be misused, or to be a jobber, thats what house shows, dark matches are for....I dont think anyone should hafta job on tv, it just makes it pointless, and it lacks entertainment, sure its nice to see someone get destroyed, but id much rather see harder work on the storyline, and skill in the ring to deliever that storyline across to me.
If you don't have jobbers, how do you make everyone look good?

The purpose of lower card wrestlers is to make higher card wrestlers look good. Business draws on the strength of its main-event. If the WWE were to tell you that Funaki was as good as John Cena, would you care about watching John Cena wrestle? Of course not. You pay for the shows to see the very best in the business duking it out.

You'll never get away from being plagued with stale matches happening over and over again, because you have only so many top stars. Im personally tired of seeing cena vs batista, jbl vs cena, batista vs jbl, kane vs cena, vs jbl and it goes on.
Which is why we need MORE jobbers, not less.

We need to see John Cena vs. Paul London, with Cena squashing London. We need to see Orton vs. Carlito, with Orton kicking the fuck out of Carlito. Because then, it makes your main-event match-ups even more exciting and incredible.

For starters, Send jbl to smackdown,
Way to freshen things up. Send JBL back to the show he was on for years, both as a wrestler and commentator.

Secondly, Im waiting to see Rhodes and Dibiase start making waves. Both are very talented, and are a incredible tag team.
No, both are loaded with potential, not skill. There's a major difference.

But for now put the hardys back together,
So, we're going to continue freshening things up by putting back together a tag team which was together for nearly a decade?

Far as the world title division on raw goes, Send batista to smackdown, Have him fued with edge
Maybe I should explain to you what "freshen up" means. It's not putting guys where they were for years, doing the things they have already done.

And just cause ortons injured doesnt mean you cant start a storyline for his return, Have him stalking someone till he makes his comeback
Did that on Monday. Must have read your post.

So it goes like this

1. Stop stretching your talent
Their not stretching their talent, their building it. Major difference.
2. Stop creating jobbers, and start gimmicking them to be appealing and not corny
Jobbers are necessary to show the difference in skill between low card wrestlers and main-eventers.
3. Get a better writing team, And focus at least 2 months ahead of time, And focus on the whole show, not just the top half and making the rest fillers
What's wrong with the writing team? They put on 5 hours of original programming every week. I dare you to find ANY other TV show that does that.
4. Even out every division, and dont stop till everyone in that division is appealing, not everyone has to be going for a title, but if theres not a title involved to add excitment, make sure theres a very appealing story line intact that makes the fans care.
Parity doesn't sell in wrestling. Sorry, it just doesn't. For the same reasons it doesn't sell in college football, it doesn't sell in wrestling.
5. Get creative and take chances.... pro wrestling has never shined on sitting back, its always been something come outta nowhere to grab imaginations and viewers
You take chances to get established or to save your company. When you're the top dog, you don't take chances. It's just bad business.
6. And most importantly.... Get back in touch with your fans, know what they want, they scream over it, like kanes mask for example... but everytime you get near what the fans what, you vere to the left and never look back.....
The problem with this is that the fans don't know what they want. Well, some fans do, but the idiot fans don't (the so-called smarks). Trying to cater to the whims of the "smarky" crowd and please them is as pointless as trying to drink all the water out of the ocean. Not only will it never happen, you'll just get sick from trying.
Of course it's possible to get the quality of WWE's product back to the "glory days".
These "glory days"...what are they? When are they?

I'm in agreement with Hardcore Kennedy. While the WWE has no competition, why should they bust their ass to be 100% great?
You're confusing two separate ideas.

There's a major difference is greatness and risks. The WWE is not taking risks, but they are still striving for greatness.

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