The Generic Heel.. Heel..


So, I was just outside having a smoke and I was thinking. Their has been alot of heel gimmicks, from "The Chosen One" to "Coward" to "Monster" to "Arrogant" to many others. But I can't ever recall from my 14 years of watching wrestling (WWf/E specifically) if their was ever a heel gimmick based on the generic heel.

Now hear me out. This is my explaination on the Generic Heel.. Heel..

This gimmick is based on a wrestler who who knows his gimmick is generic, he aknoweledges other heel tactics and he copies them after the formers match.
For example:
Match 1: Mr Heel defeats Mr Face by chairshot when the officail wasn't looking.
Match 2: Mr Generic Heel..Heel defeats Mr Face 2 in the same fashion as the previous match.

And so on..

In a way you kind of feel sorry for Mr Generic because he has to learn from other heels to win a match which hasn't really happened before. I'm a bit skeptical about this idea but in a way I find it an awesome way to gain him a different different sort of heat (pity heat)which nobody has seen before. You kind of want to see him win a match his own way, yet he continually uses other heels tactics to win.

Who knows, maybe when he reaches the big time competing at 'Mania or other promotions big events.. He could actually find a way to win a match cleanly and Legitimately which could lead to a huge pop and a possible face turn.

So yeah, this is the gimmick I just thought up out of the blue while outside having a smoke. So what do you guys think?
So you want a heel the crowd feels sorry for? How should that work? Feeling sorry for someone is a was of sympathy and tt's impossible to be hated and liked at the same time.
This is why I was quite skeptical on the idea, but it is different. If worked the right way I suppose it could work for a lower mid-carder trying to establish himself. You don't have to hate him but you pity him for stealing heel-ish tactics from others. Just an idea though =)

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