The Fall of Samoa Joe


Dark Match Winner
Ok bear with me this is my second thread ive made

so take it easy on me..

so what ive seen in the last year or so is that samoa joe
use to be one of the top guys in tna

but in the last few months hes been in that useless feud with the pope

now it seems there mixing two feuds together joe/pope and bully ray/devon

i miss the days of hearing (Joes gonna kill you)
he seems so weak now

Is there anything left for joe other than being a filler now?

wasn`t he fighting for the tna world title a few years ago?
He was the nation of violence

Now it doesnt even matter if hes around or not i dont seem to notice him anymore..

Your Thoughts?
Joe needed to sign with WWE when his contract was up with TNA last year. There is no sign that he is going to get pushed in the main event picture anymore in TNA. His last meaningful feud was years ago with Kurt Angle and he has done nothing since.

I think with the way WWE was pushing new stars over the last year that it would have been the perfect time for Joe to jump ship. He has history with Punk so I think they could have worked well together and he would have been an amazing addition to Nexus I believe, especially the Punk led version.

I just don't see him doing much more in TNA beyond what he has already done.
Joe needed to sign with WWE when his contract was up with TNA last year. There is no sign that he is going to get pushed in the main event picture anymore in TNA. His last meaningful feud was years ago with Kurt Angle and he has done nothing since.

I think with the way WWE was pushing new stars over the last year that it would have been the perfect time for Joe to jump ship. He has history with Punk so I think they could have worked well together and he would have been an amazing addition to Nexus I believe, especially the Punk led version.

I just don't see him doing much more in TNA beyond what he has already done.

With WWE's history with samoans that wouuldnt eb right. samoans in WWE are just mindless ****** monsters. the usos got lucky because they are skinny.
With WWE's history with samoans that wouuldnt eb right. samoans in WWE are just mindless ****** monsters. the usos got lucky because they are skinny.

The only mindless Samoan WWE used was Umaga. Rosey or 3 minute warning certainly were not mindless ****** monsters. Or Yokozuna even though he was built as Japanese.

Joe is doing bad because the guys who kidnapped him are keeping him down.
The only mindless Samoan WWE used was Umaga. Rosey or 3 minute warning certainly were not mindless ****** monsters. Or Yokozuna even though he was built as Japanese.

Joe is doing bad because the guys who kidnapped him are keeping him down.

So Hogan and Bischoff kidnapped him :lol:

As to the mindless Samoan thing, I would hope they could see past that and do more with Joe and he can actually cut a decent promo.
Joe is a great talent. He is athletic and can talk. The downside is, he isn't, hasn't, and won't be (for a while) in a mainstream company. He's done ROH and TNA, but look at how much people see those? Not nearly as often as they see WWE. I think he should definately go to WWE as soon as possible, because he's pretty much done what he can with the new TNA, and it just doesn't work for him. If he were to be WWE bound, it's possible, that Samoa Joe can be revived.
Joe is one of the few guys in wrestling history, that was a crazy bad ass monster either be it face or heel. TNA killed him when they did the whole kidnap thing and just ended. His last interesting gimmick was when he join MEM after that TNA threw him under the bus, like they done with POPE and Morgan. Joe can be good again if he goes to WWE and hooks up with CM PUNK.
You folks do realize that the mid-card exists so that you have more than just two matches on any given Pay-Per-View event (the opening bout and the main event), and that working there isn't inherently bad, right? I mean, Christ, I hope so.

Why some folks think every guy on the TNA roster who anyone ever moderately appreciated or was popular at some point requires a World title push in order not to be "jobbing", or in order to be doing something meaningful is beyond me.

Joe is where Joe belongs right now: working in mid-card feuds that add volume to the card and help fill out the weekly iMPACT! programming while keeping him active before creative can find a way to write him into a main event storyline again at some point in the future. There's nothing wrong with that, even if he is a former World Heavyweight champion. Goldberg pinned Hulk Hogan on national television on the July 6, 1998 edition of Nitro, and by August of 1998 he was working a feud with Chris Jericho who was working in the mid-card in WCW — did that make Goldberg a "jobber"? Was his talent "wasted"? No. He simply worked an angle in the lower half of the card so the main event could exist without him for a time.

Some of you people need to wise up and actually understand what it is you're writing about.

Joe is exactly where he deserves to be right now.

Samoans have a fairly awesome history in WWE and have success. Rikishi had a nice run when he first came into WWE with the Stone Cold storyline, Rosey and Jamal were a feared tag team in the business with their size and Rosey became a giant Intercontinental champion and had a bunch of great feuds as Umaga, Yokozuna who was an excellent wrestler in the 80's and 90's. AND FINALLY...the Rock, as we saw on Monday he is one of the most appreciated wrestlers to ever be in the business. So I think Samoa Joe should come to WWE as a heel and go to Smackdown and have be an elite heel to feud with Edge and younger faces.
Samoa Joe's fall is mostly due to himself. His attitude backstage has been addressed many times. He's pretty careless with his image. And when it comes to the mic, most of the time he's just yelling. His run as TNA Champion was pretty uneventful. Mostly overshadowed by AJ's feud with Angle and the development of the Main Event Mafia.

The thing is, he has the skills. He's shown it before. But he's become sloppy. And creative has little to do with it. His promo's are not scripted and neither are his temper tantrums.
There's nothing wrong with that, even if he is a former World Heavyweight champion. Goldberg pinned Hulk Hogan on national television on the July 6, 1998 edition of Nitro, and by August of 1998 he was working a feud with Chris Jericho who was working in the mid-card in WCW — did that make Goldberg a "jobber"? Was his talent "wasted"? No. He simply worked an angle in the lower half of the card so the main event could exist without him for a time.

Goldberg ignored Jericho. Hardly a feud. He also was world champion (which IS the main event. Saying the world champion is mid card really shows what that title means) and the most over guy.

Not former world champion who was the most over guy facing guys in feuds that won't amount to anything. Hogan also wouldn't give up the main event anyway.

If you had a guy who is incredibly over, had matches the crowd would go crazy for, then do nothing with him for 3 years isn't a waste?

If/when TNA does something with Joe, I have a great feeling it won't be good either.

Samoans have a fairly awesome history in WWE and have success. Rikishi had a nice run when he first came into WWE with the Stone Cold storyline, Rosey and Jamal were a feared tag team in the business with their size and Rosey became a giant Intercontinental champion and had a bunch of great feuds as Umaga, Yokozuna who was an excellent wrestler in the 80's and 90's. AND FINALLY...the Rock, as we saw on Monday he is one of the most appreciated wrestlers to ever be in the business. So I think Samoa Joe should come to WWE as a heel and go to Smackdown and have be an elite heel to feud with Edge and younger faces.

Ik you and others seem not to understand Its not about the success but its the way people have seen the Samoan wrestlers. Sure Rikishi has entertained but most seem him as comedy at msot, a fat perosn hwo smacke dhis booty in other's faces. No oen ever saw him as legit. osey. no one remembers him and last time I saw him he had a superhero gimmick, Yokozuna yeah he can be seen as good but honestly people just saw him as a fat guy whow as simply taking the spot for the uber face to beat. The Rock doesnt count given hes more of a muscle man. By Samoans im talking about the ones we usually see.
Joe is used the way he is for one reason, Joe. He has all the tools to be a top star anywhere but he doesn't use them. No one can put on a perfect match every time but lets face it Joe doesn't deliever most of the time. Hell, even Kurt had a hard time making him look good.
Plus the man is out of shape. He doesn't have to be built like a Greek God but come on. If spent more time in the gym and toned up a little it would do wonders for his look. If he had the mic skills of someone like Dusty Rhodes then maybe he could get away with it but he isn't even close. All the other Samoan wrestlers at first glance looked out of shape but upon closer inspection they all had decent builds under a layer of blubber. Joe isn't like that. it's hard to believe that a guy built like Joe can hang with people like Angle or Morgan or countless others.
The man needs to step up his game in the ring and on the mic, get into better shape and then maybe he will be taken seriously by one of the two companies.
You folks do realize that the mid-card exists so that you have more than just two matches on any given Pay-Per-View event (the opening bout and the main event), and that working there isn't inherently bad, right? I mean, Christ, I hope so.

Why some folks think every guy on the TNA roster who anyone ever moderately appreciated or was popular at some point requires a World title push in order not to be "jobbing", or in order to be doing something meaningful is beyond me.

Joe is where Joe belongs right now: working in mid-card feuds that add volume to the card and help fill out the weekly iMPACT! programming while keeping him active before creative can find a way to write him into a main event storyline again at some point in the future. There's nothing wrong with that, even if he is a former World Heavyweight champion. Goldberg pinned Hulk Hogan on national television on the July 6, 1998 edition of Nitro, and by August of 1998 he was working a feud with Chris Jericho who was working in the mid-card in WCW — did that make Goldberg a "jobber"? Was his talent "wasted"? No. He simply worked an angle in the lower half of the card so the main event could exist without him for a time.

Some of you people need to wise up and actually understand what it is you're writing about.

Joe is exactly where he deserves to be right now.

I fu8ll on agree with the above. Also people, when someone asks what a certain wrestler can still do in TNA, can we have a more constructive answer other than "Well, said wrestler needs to go to WWE where he will be a satr." Yes, WWE is the center of the Wrestling universe and there is no other ever to work for. Sometimes I really wish Vince McMahon hadn't bought WCW and ECW so that this wasn't the kind of thinking that goes on about the industry. Oh, and Newsflash, TNA may not be on the same level as WWE, but they are not the "Minor Leagues".

Now, as for the question about Samoa Joe. He's doing just fine and if the pay off from this thing they are doing right now turns out to be as good as I think it's going to be, we might see some more of the old Joe. Also, the "Rumor" right now is that TNA is possibly looking to go for a "Youth Movement" in TNA. I personally think it should be called a Home Grown Movement, but whatever. If this is the Case, Joe should fit right in as he has busted his ass for TNA. If they could get him back in to a feud like what he had going on between AJ and Daniels when they were feuding over the X-Division title, that would be awesome. Won't know though until we see what they are doing.
I fu8ll on agree with the above. Also people, when someone asks what a certain wrestler can still do in TNA, can we have a more constructive answer other than "Well, said wrestler needs to go to WWE where he will be a satr." Yes, WWE is the center of the Wrestling universe and there is no other ever to work for. Sometimes I really wish Vince McMahon hadn't bought WCW and ECW so that this wasn't the kind of thinking that goes on about the industry. Oh, and Newsflash, TNA may not be on the same level as WWE, but they are not the "Minor Leagues".

Doubt WCW would have lasted any longer, and ECW went bankrupt and out of business before WWE bought it's assets. Who else was going to buy it?

If only up to 5k fans in an arena isn't a minor league, then I don't know what else is.
Yeh joe has lost alot of cred with the casual fan but only with the way hes been booked for quite a while now. I feel like he may have lost abit of his confidence through this aswell. Maybe Joe just isnt trying as hard as he could be because of this.

Anyway ive followed Joe for abit now in TNA and this guy is mainevent allday long. Hes an amazing wrestler and i feel hes gold on the mic. He can be cool and calm or straight up wild eyed and crazy. Either way he comes across as a samoan badass that can kill you lol. I think he shouldve been given the enforcer role in fortune. Wouldve kept him on camera, given him some mic time and more importantly a role in a big storyline TNA is running with right now.

Forget this 1 man army shit they tried and forget the sidekick. Im really not that interested in Joe right now.

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