The end of the wwe tag team division

What the shite was the point of sending one superstar from a team to a brand, then sending the other one much later? That was ******ed. Send the team as a whole to a brand... nobody's favorite superstar is Shad Gaspard or Primo Colon! However, THE Colons or Cryme Tyme could be people's favorite tag teams. I really don't understand the way that operated but o well. The tag team division lives again!
Cant see what movin Hornswoggle to Raw is going to acheive I cannot think of anyone for him to feud with and since he isnt a Mcmahon anymore I just cant see what possible storylines/feuds there is for him on Raw. Its not like he's even a quality wrestler!
And for the record... I would be a HUGE fan of a Miz/The Brian Kendrick team. Two young brash cocky superstars... they almost seem too perfect to not pair up. I've said many times over that I enjoy Miz, and I think these two could somehow really push each other and grow together as a team unlike Morrison/Miz where you could clearly tell who was the leader and/or more established star.
i guess this means Hornswoggle is soon to be on future endeavors, or somehow finlay goes back to Raw.
What about Morrison/Ziggler and The Miz/The Kendrick? four guys made for each other, throw each team a diva that cant wrestle and you have two new MNM type teams.

No, no, no, hellz no. Morrison does not need to regress his gimmick back to his MNM days. It's time for him to move forward and forget about tag team wrestling. Miz and Kendrick, eh....maybe but doubtful. I am not really impressed with either of them, but for some reason they seem to be getting singles pushes. As far as Ziggler goes, he hasn't established himself enough which I hope his move to Smackdown is a beneficial one because the guy has talent.

Now, that out of the way. Cryme Tyme's move disappointed me. I supposed I was holding out for some super-face stable to be formed between them and MVP on RAW. I just hope they get some air-time on SD because IMO they are far more entertaining than Legacy. Most likely they're gonna get buried further, which is a shame.
Well the Colons and Cryme Tyme were reuinted. However, this could mean that the WWE is starting from scratch with the tag division. There are currently the Colons, Cryme Tyme, and Priceless as solid tag teams. However, we could see the return of the World's Greatest Tag Team on Smackdown!, a new Hart Foundation on ECW, maybe some new teams like Hurricane and Bourne or Kendrick and The Miz. The tag division is being rebuilt.
Thank the wrestling gods the colons and cryme tyme were put back together. on top of that dh smith was sent to ec dub which most likely means the candianbulldogs/ hart foundation 2.0 should be getting back together.

Maybe the WWe is paying an interest to the tag division
If you haven't seen the Supplemental Draft results and want to be surprised reading it on your own...don't read any further

I'm Really Glad you started this because If not, I surely was going to.
I really thought with the unification of the tag titles, WWE would take their tag team division and develop it. While before the draft there wasn't enough tag teams on either brand to justify having two tag team champions with the unification it gave us more possibilities to work with. Unifying the titles made since, because instead of having 2 (maybe raw had 3 )tag teams per show fighting over the tag titles we would have the chance to see up to at least 6 tag teams fighting for one title.
However WWE shoots themselves in the foot once again.
While moving Carlito and Primo to RAW is a plus they shot themselves in the foot because now besides Rhodes and DiBiase, there are no tag teams (and by tag teams I mean TRUE tag teams not two guy like Punk and Kofi or whoever they decide to throw the belts on even though we have tons of tag teams that could use the push) ...there are no tag teams on RAW that could challenge them. (and the tag teams that are left are on Smackdown or they broke them up) Instead the challenges are going to have to come from other brands..which is stupid to have separate brands.!!
RAW's Tag Teams are The Colons (champs) and Rhodes/DiBiase
Here's a list of tag teams that are on Smackdown
Cryme Tyme - WHY WHY WHY! Weren't they supposed to get a title shot back when RHODES and DIBIASE had the title. Most underused tag team ever and its a shame because they could have a seriously awesome run if given the chance.
Whose split up - Miz and Morrison, Hawkings and Rider (Although Hawkings is on Smackdown and Rider is on ECW so there still is a possibility that they'll team up,) Jesse and Fetus are split up , and if you count them as a tag team The Brian Kendrick and Ezekiel. ---am i missing someone?
The only possiblity is to put Benjamin and Haas back together because Haas move to Smackdown but again the Tag Champs are on RAW and if these guys wrestle for the titles then again what is the point of having Separate BRANDS!! AHH
Its frustrating because, I grew up on wrestling in the 90's and have seen some of the best tag teams ever!! and Vince is pissing on the titles!! Its crazy!!
If i forgot something sry but I'm really frustrated at this.
I'm loyal to the product but sometimes if it weren't for TNA's stupid writing team and all talk no wrestling Impact....I'd switch my loyalty.
The only thing that can save this is to have the Tag Champs defend on all the shows. but again why have separate shows...
So in conclusion the smartest thing to do is end the separate Brand crap already!
Cant see what movin Hornswoggle to Raw is going to acheive I cannot think of anyone for him to feud with and since he isnt a Mcmahon anymore I just cant see what possible storylines/feuds there is for him on Raw. Its not like he's even a quality wrestler!

The only thing i can think of is they might be turning Finlay heel which would be fucking sweet!! They couldnt do it with minilay running around...

I think they are going to try and build a decent tag devision, Cryme Tyme are still together as are the Colons... They are now on RAW with Priceless who need something to look decent instead of Orton's puppets.

I'm really excited as to what WWE is going to do because it looks like they are going to be making some pretty good changes!!!
Just a quick note; The Colons may be on Raw but the tag titles don't need to stay there. The WWE tag titles have floated between Raw, Smackdown and ECW before, and the World tag titles the same. How do you think Miz and Morrison won both sets of belts? They may be Unified but even when they werent, people from ECW challenged the champs on smackdown or the champs on Raw and so on and so forth. SO Cryme Time aren't out of the title picture; The Colons will still appear on Smackdown to defend their titles (or Cryme Time will go to Raw for a shot) all assuming Cryme time get a shot.
Am I missing something? How is DH Smith and Natalie Neidhart a good thing for the WWE Tag Team Division? Come on people? The Supplemental Draft screwed up the tag team division. Yes, I would love to see a Hart Foundation reboot, we need Teddy Hart though!
As I've said before, check out my rant, they split of too many tag teams. While the draft helped out all three brands (for the most part) because we have a lot of new match up possibilities a lot of people are split up. Jessie and Fetus, Hawkings and Ryder, Miz and Morrison. and if you count them Kendrick and Ezekiel. Cryme Tyme's together but on Smackdown, where's the champions? On RAW? Who else is on RAW? Rhodes and DiBiase. While a tag team run for them is a must if you want legacy to continue and take the focus from only Orton, you have to think about the tag team division as a whole. Just look at the rosters, whatever good things they did by unifying the titles ruined everything by getting rid of a bunch of tag teams. We didn't have enough for Raw or Smackdown to have two belts but just enough for one now we don't have enough for either.
you know a lot of people are talking about the colons vs priceless with orton helping them. Anyone think Priceless could cost Orton the title at Backlash (by getting pinned) and Orton kicks them out and replaces them with the Colons (who are also 2nd or 3rd generation)?

And if this happened, good or bad? For one it would set up for an interesting program between the teams with the Colons helping Orton get the title, and Priceless trying to prove to Orton that they don't suck and try to join him again by taking the titles off of the Colons.
The tag titles could be defended every PPV in a Lethal Lottery match: all WWE/ECW wrestlers not involved in a ppv match would have their names placed in a drum and the tag champs pull out 2 names at "random". This could make some interesting pairings: teaming heels with faces, or 2 heels or 2 faces teaming together for gold without having to come up with some kind of goofy story of why they're teaming together in the first place.
I like that idea. Or you could have a tag team tournament each month leading to a PPV with different teams on each show. (one tag match a night would be a good boost to tag team wrestling) This leads to a Fatal 4-way match at each PPV with the best tag team from SD, RAW, and ECW against the current champs in a gimmick match of the champs choosing. This makes it so they are defended monthly and gives you interesting matches each PPV.
There was mention yesterday by The Fink I believe (I could be wrong as to who said it) during the supplemental draft yesterday that the tag titles can always be defended on Superstars. It's very possible that some of these splits (eg Hawkins and Ryder could still come together, TBK & Ezkiel as well) and those who are on different shows (New Hart Foundation, Cryme Tyme etc) will still allow for the titles to be defended and feuds for the titles to be built on Superstars, with perhaps the occasional inter brand tag match on the 3 other shows be it to start or further feuds or just to assure we don't forget the tag division still exists.
There was mention yesterday by The Fink I believe (I could be wrong as to who said it) during the supplemental draft yesterday that the tag titles can always be defended on Superstars. It's very possible that some of these splits (eg Hawkins and Ryder could still come together, TBK & Ezkiel as well) and those who are on different shows (New Hart Foundation, Cryme Tyme etc) will still allow for the titles to be defended and feuds for the titles to be built on Superstars, with perhaps the occasional inter brand tag match on the 3 other shows be it to start or further feuds or just to assure we don't forget the tag division still exists.

Fink is just trying to promote Superstars. The chances of some random team, comprised of talent from different brands, coming together for that show and capturing the titles is pretty slim.
Like I said Superstars would be where feuds could be started or furthered but not with random teams. It would be the teams that actually are teams but the stars are on different brands and what not (Cryme Tyme/Hawkins & Ryder/Jesse & Festus/New Hart Foundation/The Colons etc). Title changing would happen on RAW/SD/ECW & PPV's not Superstars. It's just a way to keep those teams together and tag team division still alive while pushing the wrestlers as individual stars on their respective brands.

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