The end of the Undertaker/Triple H match, what does it signify?


semi-retired from WZ
Am I the only one who thought that the way that they ended that match, with Triple H being helped up by both the Undertaker and HBK, the constant hugging etc, was a sign that the "end of an era" was more than just symbolic, but that it was the actual end of an era? IE, the way they were acting around each other, it seemed like they didn't expect to see each other again. Is the streak now over? Will it be 20-0 forever? I got the distinct vibe that the Undertaker was done after the match. He looked like a guy who was soaking it in for the last time, as if he didn't plan on doing it any more. The way they left together sure as hell felt like a retirement, even if it was unannounced. Am I just completely misreading it? I have predicted the Undertaker's imminent retirement before, and was wrong, but this one just had a different feel to it.
You got the feelings they wouldn't be facing any of each other again, nor working with each other in any real capacity. It probably signifies that Taker's streak is complete, he'll either retire in due course or lose next year. HBK won't be involved in any more matches. HHH may have another match or two but he'll be retiring soon.
Yeah it really seemed like it was the real end of all 3 of them but I am certain we're getting Cena/Taker next year which will end up with 21-0 and Taker going out immortal.
It probably means that we will not get HHH-Undertaker IV next year.

I highly doubt that WWE will not milk every possible penny from Undertaker's retirement angle.
You're not the only one, it came off as a retirement to me at least. Initially I was confused on what they meant by end of an era but after that match I do. If it is Taker and HHH's last match it was a hell of a way to go out.
I'm totally on the same page as you Davi323.

I hope this isn't the end. Both guys can still perform. They may not look as good but they can do it. It is also hard to believe that HHH would ever commit to calling himself "retired". With his new role it is highly likely that he will be asked and want to to compete again.
Yeah, I am not sold on Triple H being retired permanently, my thoughts were more along the lines of the Undertaker specifically. Triple H will always still be around the WWE in some capacity due to his responsibilities backstage, so I can't imagine that he wouldn't make limited guest appearances here and there on TV...but the Undertaker? He has no other responsibilities to the WWE. He is free to retire completely and be done.
I think it merely signalls the end of a conflict between the stars of that generation/era. I also think it could spell the end for, as Shawn said, "The Game". HHH may now merely be the COO and move forward with his career.
I just know that the Undertaker looked OLD in that match. Maybe it was the short hair, but he looked like he aged about 4-5 years since last year. Not that he was physically out of shape or anything, he just looked tired, worn out. One my favorite quotes from Raiders of the Lost Ark is "It's not the years, honey. It's the mileage". Well, We saw all of the mileage on the face of the Undertaker last night.
It signifies the end of the conflict between Triple H/The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels. They are the final three from their era and I have a feeling last night was the final time we'll ever see them square off against one another in any form. It is fitting, and WWE don't need to bring the speculated Shawn Michaels/Triple H match to life, because after the ending to last nights match which can be seen in my signature, it isn't needed.
I think it will ultimately have a more subtle meaning. That being it was the end of their full-time wrestling characters, especially for HHH. While we will surely see HHH again, I don't think we will ever see The Game again. I'll be shocked if Taker doesn't work another mania.
I might actually make the road trip to NY next year. I feel I owe it to myself to see the Undertaker at a Wrestlemania. Dude is simply something else.
I think it will ultimately have a more subtle meaning. That being it was the end of their full-time wrestling characters, especially for HHH. While we will surely see HHH again, I don't think we will ever see The Game again. I'll be shocked if Taker doesn't work another mania.

Hell, if it means seeing him rock that Bully Ray like buzz cut, I'd love to see him back on a regular basis.
Taker looked fine. He didn't gas out, or anything like that. Neither did Rock, by the way.

If Taker can do what he did last night for the next four or five years, I'm good with it. We see him for a total of one month per year. It's fine.

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