The End Of The Shield....


Wrestlezones Top Heel
So we all know the Shield may be ending soon most likely after thier one year anniversay at Survivor Series the story will start so here's my storyline if you don't agree don't say things like dumb thread it's idiotic or it will be deleted just put how you see it going down

How I See It-
I See at Suvivor Series every time Rollins or Reigns get in (Team Corparation vs Team Bryan) Ambrose tags himself in the next night on Raw They Confront Ambrose who walks away in the they ignore it they go for the next match Ambrose does it again The Next week they confront Ambrose again who goes off on them and say's look I did what I had to do to win besides it's best for bussiness then they say know you sound like a Corparate Jackass the next week They have another tag match but Rollins and Reigns walks out on him then at Battleground Rollins cost Amborse the US title and during Rollins and Reigns tag title defense (against Show and Henry) Ambrose comes in attacks Rollins while Reigns distract the ref and Show K'O Reigns gets the win.The next night Rollins calls out Ambrose but as Ambrose comes out Reigns attack Rollins from behind then Ambrose/Reigns double Powerbomb him through the announce table.

Royal RumbleSeth Rollins returns gets his hands on Ambrose then Reigns is next out throws Rollins out only to be thrown out by Ambrose right after.Triple threat feud begans leading to match at Wrestlemania XXX Rollins v Reigns v Ambrose what do you think.....
Reign have doubts about whole "New Corporation" thing and how whole idea of "Shield" and that all they serve is just as "Bodyguards" at the hands of HHH. Have him express doubts and better yet let he somehow refuses to do "the biddings" in the form of just refusing or better yet just let him screw Orton or somebody instead of whoever he fights. That would create whole angle where he could become "mega-face" if done properly.

Simple and yet efficiant. :)
I was thinking something a little different.. If The Sheild go face.. this is how i would do it..
On Raw, after Survivor Series.. Have Shane make his return and confront Hunter, Steph, and Vince. Tell them he is disgusted with the way they are running the show. Has been for over a year. So he says he bought Linda s stock in the company, making him the sole owner of the other words Vince..I m the Boss. The 3 stooges in the ring look shocked. He then goes on to say , that a year ago, he took out some "insurance" to protect against such injustices , like Trips running the show. HHH asks him what the hell he s talking about, in which Shane replies .. turn around. As he turns around, The Sheild turns on him, beats him , Randy, and Vince to a living pulp. Shane , Daniel Bryan, and the Shield stand over them in the middle of the ring..... They reveal the following week that they have been working undercover for Shane for a year, watching, gathering info.etc.
Nah, they've been awesome as a powerful heel stable and should keep doing what they're doing. Christ, it's not even been a year. How long were Evolution a group? I see them being pushed even further as Triple H's lackeys, doing something big at Wrestlemania and then maybe we can talk about arguably the best thing in wrestling 2013 splitting up.

Believe in the Shield!
The Shield being used as the enforcement squad of the corporate executives is a good role for them at this point. Because they've spent so much time being booked consistently looking strong. When you factor in that they've scored decisive wins over the top babyfaces on the roster and have been US & Tag Team Champions for the past 4 months, they have far too much credibility to be viewed as interchangeable, low level thugs.

A key to the success of The Shield has been the methodical method WWE has used when building them up. They haven't rushed things with them or pushed them before they're ready. I don't see why the same approach shouldn't be taken as it pertains to their break up. As long as they're still able to really contribute in a fresh way to things, I see no rush to break them up.

I doubt that the top match of Survivor Series will be the traditional 10 man tag team elimination match. If such a match does go down, then I highly doubt Bryan & Orton will be part of it due to the WWE Championship. After all, Daniel Bryan isn't out to "save" the WWE from Triple H and the power structure. He's not out to defend the locker room from these guys, especially since the locker room has left him high & dry for the past month. He's not playing the role of white knight in WWE like Sting has in TNA for so many years. Bryan is out to become WWE Champion in order to prove the doubters wrong and to show the world that he's more than a "B+". There's still a couple of months until Survivor Series, so it's possible that new members of this corporate structure could be brought in. Also, as of right now, there doesn't seem to be any real sense of babyface unity as far as banning together to combat The Shield. That could all change between this Monday and Survivor Series in November.

I think there's a real chance that Survivor Series MIGHT be the beginning of the downfall for the executives & their bullies
I don't want the Shield to break up unless at least the members are ready for single push on their own. Creative will have to tweak their character once the Shield is over.
It is too soon for The Shield to end. They are still learning and are on route to becoming three very good superstars. If the split them up to early then we may see them have nothing to do which means their careers regress.

I personally think they should be ending just after Mania. Reigns and Ambrose should remain heel and Rollins could be either face or heel. They don't have to feud with each other, although that is a possibility. All three have immense potential and all could be future world champs.

If they were to end relatively soon then I wouldn't mind a feud for the US title. Maybe Ambrose costs Rollins/Reigns the tag-titles and they turn on him, and then each other setting up a triple threat for WM30. Thereafter, they can go their separate ways with the least impressive getting time to work at mid-card level.
If they're going to break up I see it happening in one of two ways.

The first way is if one of them who will be the breakout face star says something along the lines of "Come on guys this isn't what the shield is about this isn't justice" and they're all like "you're right ____ believe in the shield!" so they have a tag match or whatever and the break out face is gonna try to tell HHH they wanna split from the corporation but the remaining two members of the shield beat the shit outta the guy. Of course the following week or a few weeks down the line he joins the anti corp. And turns uber face.

The second way is you get a breakout heel. The two guys who won't be the breakout heel are all like "guys this isn't what the shield is about we're about justice" those two are into it and put their fists in the middle but breakout heel is like "guys idk about this we're in good with the boss and we're sure to be stars" and is all together reluctant to be fully in with the shield. So it comes down for the shield to split and become a face team and they have this whole plan worked out but __ doesn't go through with it and hits his finisher on one and Randy RKO's the other and those two are down. Then He cuts a promo which is followed with HHH tapping him on the shoulder and saying I had a feeling about you all along and cuts a promo about how he will be a star in the future while the other two will suck. But of course they would join the anti-corp. and become popular faces as well so really it's a win-win-win

Or something along those lines
I would like to see the shield stick around for a while, after all you could turn them face and have them do the "right" thing for a while. However if I were going to split them up I would make sure they all stand out in some way.

Say Triple H turns back into a face after WrestleMania after a change of heart and the shield attack him. Triple H could start the damage by putting them in a match together (Triple Threat) for a shot at the WWE Championship. Have who ever wins go on to face the WWE Champ only to have the other two members screw him out of his shot by interfering or something.

Triple H or whoever needs to build up the tension and show them that not all can be successful and have a "World" Title.
I see them going the way of the Big Boss Man. When he turned face it was because he couldn't be bought. I think that eventually something so despicable of them will be asked and one or all of them will refuse because they have a line. They will continue to demand justice but on the face side of things. Or even better they could be tweeners and be more alone then before.
I don't like the Shied being these bland guys who just do nothing now. I miss when they had a mission. Dean Ambrose said he wanted to be top guy in WWE but how can he do that in his current situation? He's supporting someone else as top guy. Does he think there can be 2 top guys? IDK...
I think The Shield are greater than the sum of their parts right now and wouldn't look to split them up until after Mania at the earliest.

However in the spirit of the thread I'd start the split by Punk or Bryan shooting on Rollins about coming up the same way as them and yet selling out to a guy like Triple H. Now I know Ambrose also came through the Indies but didn't work in ROH (or at least not prominently) to my knowledge, and no one wants to see face Ambrose.

This gets Rollins conflicted and in the end he starts to question the meaning of justice and if The Shield have now become the very machine they were fighting against. This leads to Ambrose and Reigns turning on him and a set up for a US title program between Rollins and Ambrose.

From here I'd let Ambrose and Reigns just shift into being singles wrestlers and develop their own heel personas whilst still tied into Triple H's vision for the future of the WWE, with Reigns perhaps feuding with Big Show while the Rollins/Ambrose feud is going on.
I would like to see them stay as a unit for another year at least. I think they work well together and they are young so there is loads of time for them to go out on their own. I enjoy watching them as the sheild and fear they may find a lack of individual direction once broken up. They should only be broken up when creative has something solid for each member, as I feel each has great potential.

I know it will never happen, but it would b cool if Amberose became WWE champ, Reigns WHC and Rollins as both IC and US champ. I mean of course for them all to be holding each title I listed at the same time while they were still part of the shield together.

A nice way for them to break up would b for a title, preferably WHC. Have one become champ, make him become egotistical and declare himself the leader of the sheild. Easy simple feud. Even trade the title between them.
Their whole gimmic screams heel and they are too fresh to turn face or break up.

Let them continue to amble along as they are. slowly slowly catch a monkey

the break up doesn't have to happen for a good 18 months with ambrose leaving as a heel and keeping Seth And roman as faces.

Another year down tne line you can have them too turn on each other

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