I have a feeling that...


Dark Match Jobber
I have a feeling that at Royal Rumble that Ambrose /w/ Reigns and Rollins will try to one up Reigns.He will come out talking about how he is not the weakest link.You all claim I don't defend my title.Then he claims he will prove it by calling an open challenge to anyone in the locker room with the title on the line.Reigns then steps up and say's i'll face you.Ambrose tells him for real anyone.Reigns say's i'll face you and you want to prove it prove it tonight.

US title Reigns vs Ambrose (Winner:Reigns)

Royal Rumble match The Shield dominates but Ambrose ask him to eliminate himself.Reigns and Ambrose argues.Rollins tries to keep the peace but Ambrose knocks him down Headlock Driver him.He holds him up and tells Reigns to spear him.Reigns then spears Ambrose instead but get's taken down by another superstar.Ambrose gets up and headlock drivers that person throws him out then throw Reigns out.Rollins gets up and throws out Ambrose and him and Reigns brawl.WWE announces that at EC titles will be unified.
Raw the next night
Ambrose def.Rollins by DQ when Reigns spears Ambrose.Rollins and Reigns will argue.

EC- (No DQ).Big E. def. Reigns to unify the title when Ambrose sneaks attacks Reigns.Big E. takes out Ambrose hits Big Ending on Reigns for the win.
Ambrose def. Rollins by DQ

Raw] Ambrose cuts a promo about how he was the leader of the Shield.Rollins interrupts and tells how Ambrose is full of it.Reigns interrupts argues with Ambrose but Rollins gets in his face and tells him to mind his business they argue.Ambrose hits Headlock driver and Reigns Spears Ambrose.

I honestly think that's how that feud begins...How do you think it will go down.
Those are good theories, but personally, I'd rather see them stay together until Mania.

The WM card is gonna be stacked with the return of Batista, Undertaker, Lesnar, Triple H, and likely Hogan, Piper, and maybe Jericho (plus other unknown surprises) this is in an addition to all the other active roster guys that have to fit in to the card.

I would keep them together, have Reigns set a new elimination record at Rumble (carrying on with his streak of big moments like Survivor Series eliminations and his win last week over Punk) and have the break up almost happen at Mania, but finally go through with it the Raw after Mania, because WWE notoriously hits a long post-Mania slump, and having a Shield break-up after Mania will give them a hot angle leading in to the Summer. I would actually have Ambrose stay heel, and have Reigns and Rollins both go face.

Also, as a side note…I think Reigns should win the WWE title at Summer Slam. Immediately coming out of the break-up if they play their cards right he will be white hot, that is the time to strike. Otherwise he'll end up like Ryback, I guy that gets rocketed to the moon, and then plummets right before hitting his peak. Ambrose and Rollins should have a brief feud together, during the summer, as if you watch their 30 min Iron Man match from FCW, it was easily the best match of 2012 in my opinion. The two of them work together incredibly well.
Honestly, I don't think Reigns is ready to be WWE Champion, even by Summerslam. I just font believe he's ready in ring for that type of push. By Wrestlemania next year, he may be ready, but I just don't see him as a main event guy just yet. Hello need more than just 6 months of singles main event time to evolve into a champion caliber. But with how WWE does things, I'm sure they will push him there probably before Summerslam.

If anything, I would give him the Money in the Bank, then use that as a way to build him to the title. I don't think breaking him away from The Shield and then immediately putting him in the title picture is the way to go.
Honestly, I don't think Reigns is ready to be WWE Champion, even by Summerslam. I just font believe he's ready in ring for that type of push. By Wrestlemania next year, he may be ready, but I just don't see him as a main event guy just yet. Hello need more than just 6 months of singles main event time to evolve into a champion caliber. But with how WWE does things, I'm sure they will push him there probably before Summerslam.

If anything, I would give him the Money in the Bank, then use that as a way to build him to the title. I don't think breaking him away from The Shield and then immediately putting him in the title picture is the way to go.

After what I saw from his singles match with Punk on Old School Raw, I don't know if Reigns is even ready to be IC Champion by SummerSlam. This guy is going to need longer than just a few months of development as a solo competitor before he wins a singles title.
Those are good theories, but personally, I'd rather see them stay together until Mania.

The WM card is gonna be stacked with the return of Batista, Undertaker, Lesnar, Triple H, and likely Hogan, Piper, and maybe Jericho (plus other unknown surprises) this is in an addition to all the other active roster guys that have to fit in to the card.

I would keep them together, have Reigns set a new elimination record at Rumble (carrying on with his streak of big moments like Survivor Series eliminations and his win last week over Punk) and have the break up almost happen at Mania, but finally go through with it the Raw after Mania, because WWE notoriously hits a long post-Mania slump, and having a Shield break-up after Mania will give them a hot angle leading in to the Summer. I would actually have Ambrose stay heel, and have Reigns and Rollins both go face.

Also, as a side note…I think Reigns should win the WWE title at Summer Slam. Immediately coming out of the break-up if they play their cards right he will be white hot, that is the time to strike. Otherwise he'll end up like Ryback, I guy that gets rocketed to the moon, and then plummets right before hitting his peak. Ambrose and Rollins should have a brief feud together, during the summer, as if you watch their 30 min Iron Man match from FCW, it was easily the best match of 2012 in my opinion. The two of them work together incredibly well.

I agree with everything you said with regards to handling the Shield's break-up.
However, as a Roman Reigns fan, I hope he gets nowhere near the WWE Main Event scene until 2015 starts at the earliest. He is getting more and more pops from the crowd as time goes on. That is a good thing, but his in-ring work needs polishing. Having him become the IC Champion(especially if it is unified) and letting him look dominant enough that the fans WANT him to challenge for the Main Event title is the way to build him up. He has the tools to succeed, I am convinced of it, but he still needs polishing before being thrown into the deep end, or he will end up like Ryback.
I don't know that Reigns is "ready" for the WWE title in terms of his mic or in-ring work BUT neither was Bill Goldberg, Great Khali, Randy Orton, Big Show, Yokozuna, Sheamus, etc. etc. With many of those guys having been in the company (WWE or WCW) for less than 1 year, before winning their first heavyweight belt.

Sometimes you've gotta strike while the iron is hot. Reigns comes from a wrestling family, his dad's a HOFer his cousin is the Rock, he already spent years in developmental prior to a year in WWE where he's spent every night working alongside two of the best technical wrestlers in the company. He might not be 100% up for it yet, but he is much closer to being ready to run with the ball than many of his predecessors and the WWE title picture has been stale for a long time with the exception of a couple of blink and you'll miss it moments with Bryan and Ziggler. If the WWE wants a new main event player that they can actually market and turn in to a STAR, Reigns needs to be pushed to the top the minute the Shield splits. But thats just my personal opinion.

Sometimes you can take your time with a guy, put him through stupid angles (like Bryan) and the crowd stays with him. Other times you try that (like Ryback) and the complete opposite occurs, all that momentum is flushed down the drain.

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