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The End Of Days Is Upon Us: Pee-Wee Herman's coming to Raw


I just read a little while ago that Pee-Wee Herman is going to be hosting the November 1st episode of WWE Monday Night Raw. What I'd like to know is what in the blue fuck for?:wtf:

Paul Reubens has been doing Pee-Wee Herman on Broadway for a while now and there's apparently a bit of a break in between shows right now, so he's going to be hosting Raw. This has disaster written all over it, it really does. This has the potential be be even worse than anything we've seen from Hornswoggle, I shit you not. I can only pray that the WWE keeps the guy on screen for a couple of minutes at the most. Even if that's the route they go, it's probably going to be a painful few minutes.

Vince, you're getting your ass handed to you right now by Monday Night Football. Raw is scoring the lowest numbers its had in several years and you're bringing Pee-Wee Herman, Pee-Wee Fuckin' Herman, to help combat the juggernaut that is the National Football League? If the rating for November 1st's Raw tanks, then it'll be a flop that's well deserved.
Yay!!! Just what the kiddies need! Someone who will teach them how to handle the firehose...

Really, this is the worst idea I have seen WWE do lately, and I was around for the Katie Vick storyline. Having a public *********or host your flagship show is not my idea of good business, but what do I know? Maybe more kids will tune in expecting Pee Wee's Playhouse or some shit...though I doubt it.

You know what? Let's just forget that the *********ion ever happened. You still have a childhood character that has been irrelevant since the 90s hosting your modern show. That sounds dumb. I'd rather Cheech and Chong host - at least they had a movie come out on DVD recently.
WWE is trying to clean up their image and draw ratings, correct? So why would they bring in a guy who has not been relivant for over a decade, who's two big accomplishments were pee wee's playhouse and getting caught wacking in a porn theature? I really hope this is a joke.
why dont they just stop this guest host stuff. its getting old really and alot of the younger fans dont even know who pee wee herman is. wwe is dropping the ball next their gonna have spongebob host raw!
Being a pretty Big Pee-wee herman fan ever since I was a kid, I personally don't have a huge problem with him hosting the show. But I do see where your coming from, this decision does kind of make me scratch my head.
I just watched Pee-Wee's big adventure yesterday... Still has me rolling in tears. One of Tim Burton's best. I don't care if he was caught at a porn-o cinema wacking one out. Paul Reuben is a talented actor. Loved his character on Reno 911...

Now as it comes down to him hosting Raw... No it's not the worse thing in the world. I still thought the Hot Tub time machine guys were major dweebs and didn't shitty job, selling a very over hyped shitty movie. If Pee-Wee wins the US title, then we can have an argument of the worse thing in the history of the WWE.

Before we get upset about Pee-Wee coming to raw. We all know that this guy will play along with his character. He might even make some good jokes about the other wrestlers. I would love to see a stand-off with Pee-Wee Herman and Chris Jericho. You know you would die off laughing watching it. Hell Pee-Wee and the Miz could be entertaining as well.

Now when it comes to fucksticks like Justin Long who goes on the show to push his Romantic Comedy, you know that's a fucking shitty night. When does Pee-Wee have to push on us? A broad-way show? A book? Not much to sell to the public with Pee-wee.

I do see where you guys are coming from, with Pee-wee going on Raw. But, if he doesn't push too much of his own product on us, and doesn't have a stupid gimmick match, it's far from the worse thing in the world. If the Kadashians(I will never spell their name right) are on Raw selling their show, then we can call it a shitty show.

Other then that, I will still watch Monday Night Football that night. If it's a crappy game then I'll switch to Raw, or if House is a good show, I'll watch that... Yea, I'm a bastard for doing that, but hey! I go where the entertainment is. Plus I love House. and I have DVR.
I think this is being blown WAY out of proportion. He will be on screen for what, a minute? Since the WWE introduced the mystery GM, guest hosts, when they have been on at all, have had a very minimal role. They plug whatever they are doing, announce the booking of one match, and then we never see them again. He will get one short segment, and that will be the end of it.
First I don't have a major problem with this as some people on here do but I digress. Second I doubt he will be on TV that much anyway maybe 3 Segments tops like Chad Johnson or Justin Long recently were. Chill out guys I don't think it will be that terrible.
I don't see the big deal. Pee Wee Herman is fucking fantastic. And the fact of the matter is he is more popular with 20 year olds then he will be with the "kiddies" who don't know who the hell he is. I haven't made a point of going out of my way to watch Raw in a few months, but I sure as fuck will be doing it for Pee Wee. I am not trying to say it will be a great WWE moment, but I don't think it should be played off on the same level as midget court. I doubt Pee Wee will be on TV that long and for the couple of minutes they give him to plug his broadway show it should be fairly funny for those of us who grew up watching Pee Wee. Also, Pee Wee's Big Adventure FTW.
Are you guys kidding? This is AWESOME! They definitely can do worse, far worse, and on many occasions they have. I look forward to watching that Raw just to see this guy. Heard any good jokes lately?
Sam Kinison's Thoughts on Pee-Wee

Am I calling for the execution of Pee-Wee Herman as the late Sam Kinison did? Of course not. But this was the first thing that I thought of when I heard about his eventual appearance on Raw. The Guest Host/Star/Jerk concept has been an abysmal failure, and while it's not the sole or even primary reason why Raw has been in the toilet, it is one of them. WWE ridicules itself with this stupid crap. I don't tune in to Raw to see celebrities make an appearance and feign interest in the product (which by the way 78% of them have at least). I watch Raw to be entertained (sure) but (and I can't believe I'm saying this) by these performers we call "wrestlers" or "sports entertainers."

I don't watch Raw for Cheech or Chong, Bob Barker, Jeremy Piven, or Pee-Wee Herman. I watch the show to be told how much I suck by The Miz, to see Randy Orton look like a psychopathic maniac, and even to wonder why people like John Cena. I'd rather take two generic Cena promos than watch Kyle Busch say "Kofi Johnson...Kingston. Kingston." If I want to see those other celebrities, I'll spend my time watching whatever they are shilling in the other 22 hours of the day. WWE needs to rethink their long term plans if celebrity guest spots are their key to ratings.

As for Pee-Wee Herman, I will likely turn the channel while he's on since I personally would rather watch NFL then watch Herman talking. The only advice I'd have for the Raw roster and for the fans at whatever arena Herman's appearing at is to avoid going to a theater with him since his record in theaters is about as notorious as George Michaels in a public restroom.
I'm sure he won't be used much all guest host have been cut back quite a bit recently. I get why a lot of people would have a problem with this. He was a children TV star that got caught *********ing in a porn booth. I don't get why WWE would bring him in during the PG era. Most kids today wouldn't know anything about him. People around my age that grew up during the time Pee Wee was popular that have kids now are the ones that think this is a bad move, and in my opinion it is.
Sam Kinison's Thoughts on Pee-Wee

Am I calling for the execution of Pee-Wee Herman as the late Sam Kinison did? Of course not. But this was the first thing that I thought of when I heard about his eventual appearance on Raw. The Guest Host/Star/Jerk concept has been an abysmal failure, and while it's not the sole or even primary reason why Raw has been in the toilet, it is one of them. WWE ridicules itself with this stupid crap. I don't tune in to Raw to see celebrities make an appearance and feign interest in the product (which by the way 78% of them have at least). I watch Raw to be entertained (sure) but (and I can't believe I'm saying this) by these performers we call "wrestlers" or "sports entertainers."

I don't watch Raw for Cheech or Chong, Bob Barker, Jeremy Piven, or Pee-Wee Herman. I watch the show to be told how much I suck by The Miz, to see Randy Orton look like a psychopathic maniac, and even to wonder why people like John Cena. I'd rather take two generic Cena promos than watch Kyle Busch say "Kofi Johnson...Kingston. Kingston." If I want to see those other celebrities, I'll spend my time watching whatever they are shilling in the other 22 hours of the day. WWE needs to rethink their long term plans if celebrity guest spots are their key to ratings.

As for Pee-Wee Herman, I will likely turn the channel while he's on since I personally would rather watch NFL then watch Herman talking. The only advice I'd have for the Raw roster and for the fans at whatever arena Herman's appearing at is to avoid going to a theater with him since his record in theaters is about as notorious as George Michaels in a public restroom.

So your saying you didn't like the night Bob Barker Guest Hosted? RAW that night is in Long Island NY by the way. The Guest Host thing has been cut back since the Mystery GM thing started incase you haven't been paying attention.
I just read a little while ago that Pee-Wee Herman is going to be hosting the November 1st episode of WWE Monday Night Raw. What I'd like to know is what in the blue fuck for?:wtf:

Paul Reubens has been doing Pee-Wee Herman on Broadway for a while now and there's apparently a bit of a break in between shows right now, so he's going to be hosting Raw. This has disaster written all over it, it really does. This has the potential be be even worse than anything we've seen from Hornswoggle, I shit you not. I can only pray that the WWE keeps the guy on screen for a couple of minutes at the most. Even if that's the route they go, it's probably going to be a painful few minutes.

Vince, you're getting your ass handed to you right now by Monday Night Football. Raw is scoring the lowest numbers its had in several years and you're bringing Pee-Wee Herman, Pee-Wee Fuckin' Herman, to help combat the juggernaut that is the National Football League? If the rating for November 1st's Raw tanks, then it'll be a flop that's well deserved.

Really? Really?


Do I even need to make a video montage set to Benny Hill music proving you completely wrong?

Do I even need to make a list of guest hosts who have been or SEEMED to be worse and more unfitting than Pee-Wee?

Do I even need to defend the WWE's horrific taste?

Also, what's with your hatred of Pee-Wee Herman? I used to watch the show occasionally as a kid, but I never got into him until I was AN ADULT, and I loved his show.

Besides, if you ever saw "The Pee-Wee Herman Show" stage show from 1981, you'd see just how adult Reuben's act can be.
for the first time since Raw aired I will not be watching. for god sake Pee-wee Herman? really? Vince couldn't ask a fan to host Raw? PEE-WEE HERMAN!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Im so glad I don't own any WWE stock. I'm betting those who do are :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: right about now. Seriously :wtf:

I thought TNA did some bad stuff but this has got to be the worst idea in all of wrestling. TNA was bad having super dave ozborne run the show the week that the ozbornes were on raw.
So your saying you didn't like the night Bob Barker Guest Hosted? RAW that night is in Long Island NY by the way. The Guest Host thing has been cut back since the Mystery GM thing started incase you haven't been paying attention.

Believe me, I've been paying attention. Every "ding ding' " Excuse me gentlemen. I've received another email from the General Manager," I've been watching. You are right. The guest host thing has been cut down, but it's still an annoyance and a overall distraction to the product. Justin Long, who guest starred on Raw recently, even mentioned how bad his guest hosting was. Celebrities are there to shill their products, but Raw isn't getting much in the ratings as a result. This is a fact. Whatever net plus WWE is trying to get from having B or C list celebrities on their show, it is not working.

I didn't say I didn't like Bob Barker's appearance on Raw. I said (or hoped to convey that) I don't watch Raw for the Bob Barkers of the world to dominate or even appear on the show. I watch for the wrestlers/sports entertainers who are the very reason all of us watch Monday Night Raw. The reasons I tune in USA for Monday Night Raw is for the wrestlers or "sports entertainers" who do the best with what they have to give us fans an enjoyable show.

For your info, I've watched Raw since its inception and haven't missed an episode. So, yes, I've been paying attention, WWEisLife2. I even stuck with the show through the Katie Vick, K-Fed, and the current guest host/star fiasco and likely will continue to watch until it goes off the air (which I hope is not in the near future).
I can see it now
Cowboy Curtis teams with Santino to oppose Primo and Tito
the Great Kahli has a dance off with with Chairy and ends with a kiss with Miss Vicky
Reba the Mail Lady wins the Divas title pinning Michelle McCool
The Mystery Gm is revealed to be Jambi the Genie
The Miz says the Secret Word (AWESOME) and earsn a date with Cowntess
I think the entire guest host concept is flawed in a serious way. I really do understand trying to bring in celebrities to tie in the main stream fans. But can you really do that at the same time as you're programming and scripting for the pre-teen generation? They have had several hosts that were obvious attempts to entertain the younger crowd, but the thing is...who the heck is going to care about most of them? Pee-Wee Herman would have drawn a million kids...15 years ago. In 2010, the adults sure as hell aren't going to tune in, and the kids won't even know who the hell he is. It's the exact same thing as every other week, where they bring in sports players or comedians that the adult fans won't care about, and the kids won't even recognize... This is pro wrestling, and the guests have to go. I'll admit, Bob Barker was hilarious. It was an entertaining show. But I don't really watch Monday Night Raw for straight entertainment. If I want that I'll watch Community, the Office, or Family Guy. The only guest host weeks I've ever cared about, have been ones that are related to the industry. Batista as the first was great because it helped further an angle. Stone Cold was kind of lame, but it drew numbers. Bret Hart as GM...it works. Boxers, MMA fighters, and guys like that work too... Just stop with the comedians, USA channel actors, and has-beens who need a paycheck.
I'm not a fan of guest stars. But this is Pee wee Herman. I loved his show when I was a kid. and besides he won't be there for like the whole show.
I can see it now
Cowboy Curtis teams with Santino to oppose Primo and Tito
the Great Kahli has a dance off with with Chairy and ends with a kiss with Miss Vicky
Reba the Mail Lady wins the Divas title pinning Michelle McCool
The Mystery Gm is revealed to be Jambi the Genie
The Miz says the Secret Word (AWESOME) and earsn a date with Cowntess

WWE isn't smart enough to bring a guy like Laurence "cowboy curtis" Fishburne to guest host the WWE. He is someone who we all would know. AKA Morpheus from The Matrix & what not.
If they want to bring a huge guest host who we all would know. Lets get Jim Carey? Kids know him, Adults know him. He's funny as hell and would be entertaining live.
I'm hoping Awesome is the magic word that results in the Raw set going mental. This could be the car-crash type situation Raw needs to kick it up the arse!
Well this is gonna sound "off topic" but follow me..lol...I hope Chair shot reality doesnt have pull with McMahon...Cause i JUST SEEN someone suggest Spongebob would be thier nex t host...*doh*...I sure dont want that idea passed along to McMahon, because like i said before WWE WILL end up on Nickelodeon before the end of 2011.

As far as pee wee goes, hey his work on Reno 911 wasnt to bad, and being as i am 32 years old i was a fan of pee wee when i was lil one...I dont think it'll be as bad as first though...

Course pee wee could be the mastermind behind the GM concept..hes introducing the AE back with his corney jokes..LOL..I know i know...it aint gonna happen, if ya couldnt tell the sarcasm....
I have watched this guy since i was a little kid. I love him and his weird PeeWee Herman gimmick from the 80s. It would be awesome to see if WWE makes a PeeWee's Playhouse type setup in the chill area hes goin to be in. This should be a cool Raw to watch.
I didn't know about this but a little part of me just died. I am always defending the WWE from people who stopped watching, who don't watch or TNA doucheags( TNA is awesome some people are just douches) but more recently I really can't say much. Raw hasn't been interesting for awhile now. Even Miz and Orton don't do it anymore. I hope Nexus beats the shit outta Pee Wee.
I didn't know about this but a little part of me just died. I am always defending the WWE from people who stopped watching, who don't watch or TNA doucheags( TNA is awesome some people are just douches) but more recently I really can't say much. Raw hasn't been interesting for awhile now. Even Miz and Orton don't do it anymore. I hope Nexus beats the shit outta Pee Wee.

I second this. Pee-Wee Herman? This is a joke. I sure as hell won't be watching Raw that night...I'll be watching paint dry instead. I wish someone would bring a crushing end to the PG era, because WWE has well and truly gone down the toilet.

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