The Celtic Warrior or The Great White

Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
Personally Sheamus to me I think he is better as The Celtic Warrior than he is as The Great White because Sheamus' character screams heel instead of babyface and honestly Sheamus has been a babyface for so long that honestly he just needs a heel turn if you ask me and here is hoping WWE turns Sheamus heel because how long has Sheamus really been a babyface for? Ever since 2011, 3 years 4 years as a babyface and when Sheamus first broke out on to the scene he was not only a heel but he was one of the fastest rising stars in WWE's history shocking the world when he became the first-ever Irish-born WWE Champion

Sheamus he was destined to be a main eventer and for the most part he was or he is, but at the same time if and when Sheamus does come back here is hoping he comes back as a heel instead of as a babyface

As a heel, Sheamus could propel himself back into the main event especially if they have him become more like how he was back in 2009-10 when he first broke out on to the scene

The man is a former WWE and World Heavyweight Champion, former King of the Ring winner, former WWE United States Champion, he needs to be brought back as a heel and he needs to be a main eventer once again too
Last I heard, reports were that Sheamus would be coming back as a heel. I thought he was decent as a babyface, but I thought he was much better as a heel. As a face, he's a little too much like a stereotypical, jovial, good natured Irish galoot that enjoys getting into a fight at the drop of a hat. He's long since gone as far as he can in that role, but I think there's definite promise for Sheamus as a darker heel character. Sheamus turns 37 this Saturday and while he's still a young man, it ideally really only gives him a handful of years to really make the best of his career so if it's gonna happen, it probably needs to happen fairly soon.
And with Sheamus as a heel, you could have him align himself with The Authority in the sense that he is more or less an ally of The Authority but he is not a member of The Authority but is rather a lone wolf as a heel more or less he is also an Authority mercenary like Brock is but just enjoys beating people up
Sheamus is a strange case. Here you have this big strong guy who loves to fight. Great in ring skills, and not too bad on the mic, not great, but he gets the job done. For some reason though the fans have never really embraced him as they should have.

Maybe it's because he wasn't ready for the first title run he had, and people saw him as just another one of HHH's friends getting the red carpet treatment. Don't really know, but while he does get cheered and boo'd depending on whether he's a heel or a face, there is a lot of indifference towards him.

I just think myself that there are more interesting wrestlers on the roster, and other than the face he's never seen the sun, doesn't stand out much. For me Sheamus gets lost in the shuffle. As JH said, he's not getting any younger, so if they are planning some sort of program with him, it's gotta start quickly.

Do we know when he's due back from his injury? That's another thing, he's had a few of them, and has been on the shelf for months at a time. During those times, others are gaining ground on him and passing. him.
And with Sheamus as a heel, you could have him align himself with The Authority in the sense that he is more or less an ally of The Authority but he is not a member of The Authority but is rather a lone wolf as a heel more or less he is also an Authority mercenary like Brock is but just enjoys beating people up

I do not want to see anyone else align themselves with the Authority. I think every single heel name has been mentioned in the past two months as being "another great Authority henchman". If we can't get rid of the Authority there is no reason to keep growing them.

Considering that every major storyline in the past year has revolved around them in some manner, it's no wonder fans are getting sick of the product. I want to see wrestling and feuding and fisticuffs, not HHH yapping his head off for 20 minutes at the start of each RAW.
As for Sheamus I could definitely see him as a surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble Match like how he was last year he enters as a surprise this year as well and honestly with him as a surprise entrant you could kick off his heel turn in style by having him be the one to eliminate Daniel Bryan and then you watch how fast the Philly fans would turn on Sheamus for that, they would rip him to shreds

Or you could have Daniel Bryan eliminate Sheamus from the Rumble and then Sheamus who could be so angry at being eliminated from the Rumble comes back in when he's already been eliminated attacks Bryan out of nowhere and then eliminates Bryan from the Rumble

Perfect way to turn Sheamus if you ask me
Sheamus has been irrelevant for years and the fans just don't give a hoot about him.. I mean honestly his crowd reactions where minimal to known even though I actually enjoyed face sheamus partly because I think he has a hilarious look. I really think that no one would care about a sheamus vs bryan match at mania and that no one would want to see that... I mean honestly you are going to put an irrelevant boring sheamus fight most popular star at mania and the best story you guys can think of was he threw me over the top rope or revisit the WM 28 storyline which they already concluded and ended.
Sheamus has been irrelevant for years and the fans just don't give a hoot about him.. I mean honestly his crowd reactions where minimal to known even though I actually enjoyed face sheamus partly because I think he has a hilarious look. I really think that no one would care about a sheamus vs bryan match at mania and that no one would want to see that... I mean honestly you are going to put an irrelevant boring sheamus fight most popular star at mania and the best story you guys can think of was he threw me over the top rope or revisit the WM 28 storyline which they already concluded and ended.

You could also base it off of the fact that Sheamus could bring up how he beat Bryan in 18 seconds and that he did what no man in this business has ever been able to do and that is beat Bryan in 18 seconds but that yet the fans love a superstar like Bryan when they should be loving a superstar like Sheamus so Sheamus could not understand why they could love a superstar like Bryan instead of someone like him, Sheamus could then blame the fans for holding him back but also he then could take to the fact that Bryan is nothing more than a troll who could not hang in the ring with someone like him
You could also base it off of the fact that Sheamus could bring up how he beat Bryan in 18 seconds and that he did what no man in this business has ever been able to do and that is beat Bryan in 18 seconds but that yet the fans love a superstar like Bryan when they should be loving a superstar like Sheamus so Sheamus could not understand why they could love a superstar like Bryan instead of someone like him, Sheamus could then blame the fans for holding him back but also he then could take to the fact that Bryan is nothing more than a troll who could not hang in the ring with someone like him

But that's not going to make him more relevant. I'm afraid that Sheamus has had his chances, he's been a world champion, US champion, King of the Ring, he's been there and done that, and the fans still haven't embraced him.

Yes if he does what you suggested they will boo him, but let's face it, there are more up and coming wrestlers on the roster that fans are more interested in. Sheamus in spite of being still a young man, is one of the veterans. He'll never get the same reactions that a Bryan, Ziggler, Ambrose or Reigns gets. They're over him.
Personally, I thought he was one of those performers who was equally good as face or heel, which surprised me, because when he became a good guy, he had been so mean as a heel that I figured he could never successfully turn good.....yet, he did.

That said, he's been a virtuous fella long enough and I'd like to see him return as a super-heel. I think he has the talent and tools to fight his way back to main event status.

He's been gone long enough that I believe fans will accept anything he throws at us......and if he's decided to be bad again, he'll quickly make us understand what's pissed him off this time.:)
Personally, I thought he was one of those performers who was equally good as face or heel, which surprised me, because when he became a good guy, he had been so mean as a heel that I figured he could never successfully turn good.....yet, he did.

That said, he's been a virtuous fella long enough and I'd like to see him return as a super-heel. I think he has the talent and tools to fight his way back to main event status.

He's been gone long enough that I believe fans will accept anything he throws at us......and if he's decided to be bad again, he'll quickly make us understand what's pissed him off this time.:)

Exactly my point exactly the point I have been trying to make all along when it comes to Sheamus and that if he were to return then turning him heel and making him an uber-heel works
Hey,You know i have an amazing idea for sheamus I think he should return at the royal rumble entering #16 while bray Wyatt enters #15 and there we a brand new sheamus in his recent backstage interview he looked bold and his beard was a little strange o think he should go heel and became monster and help bray Wyatt then erick rowan turns heel and the Wyatt family reunites then at wrestlemania bray Wyatt vs undertaker in a casket match we never did or I think ever will get sheamus vs the undertaker instead we will have him brawling against the undertaker then sheamus would be with bray Wyatt for over a year and a half at summerslam 2016 he turns face attacks bray Wyatt costing him the wwe world heavyweight championship then at noc 2016 he and bray Wyatt for the championship with sheamus victorious he would go to the main events but hen would lose the championship at the royal rumble 2017 by dean ambrose then we have dean ambrose vs cmpunk at wrestlemania 33

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