The Bullhammer?

The Tay

Dark Match Jobber
Wade Barrett's finisher received a new name.The elbow, formerly named "The Souvenir," was renamed "The Bull Hammer".

apparently it has something to do with his english or bare-knuckle background.This is the exact same thing they did with Tensai, they toyed around with his gimmick, changing names and other details about him because they didn't know what would work and now he's a jobber. Barrett has had 70 theme songs, changes his finisher all the time, goes back and forth on whether he wears his overcoat or not, and now he's inadvertandly changing move names. You don't see anybody WWE has plans for doing that.

I just want everyone else's opinion's on this

Wade in my opinion has just not caught on with the casual crowd at all. Minus Raw being held in England he gets little to no reaction and quite frankly he hasn't done much to win me over either. You're right in that the lack of consistency in his moveset has damaged his character over time. He should stick with the black hole slam because the other two(Wasteland and The Bull hammer) are just not moves that will excite a crowd(or look particularly devastating)
I'm rooting for him, but it just doesnt look like he's gonna pull through in my eyes.
It's better than calling it The Souvenir that's for damn sure. The Souvenir? really? What the hell kind of stupid name for a move is that? What is he supposed to be like a disgruntled tour guide or somethin'?

I could just picture it,
Jerry Lawler: Wade Barrett just hit Kofi Kingston with The Souvenir?
Michael Cole: What kind of souvenir did he hit him with? a John Cena t-shirt? a Stone Cold Steve Austin foam middle finger? a poster of AJ?
Shawn Michaels and Triple H: Buy your official John Cena T shirts, AJ posters, and Stone Cold Steve Austin foam middle fingers now at *cue Trips and HBK cheezin' for the camera.
souvenir is the weakest sounding name for a finisher, bull hammer is way better. The problem with wade tho isnt the name of his finisher, but his whole gimmick alltogether. Also, can we hit the gym a little, Jake the snake was awesome but not everyone can get away with not being jacked c'mon guys, pump some iron. Also r we supposed to believe that he really was a boxer just b/c he says so? I couldnt find any info on him boxing except from his interviews, am I missing something? That's the problem, I don't buy him as a character alltogether.
I much prefer "The Souvenir" - Obviously that a reference to leaving someone with a Black Eye - "I have a Souvenir from my fight last night" - The Bull Hammer however makes no sense at all and it hasn't been explained in any way either on screen or by Barrett himself.

I think the finish is cool, they just need to establish it more, if you are uncertain - Kazuchika Okada has a similar set up (but into a lariat rather than an elbow) called The Rainmaker which is way way over in NJPW as it is considered a TKO. They just need to push the move better and really emphasize the force of it - he needs to Knock out some Main Event stars and develop a way it can come out of nowhere; I.e reversal of an irish whip and straight into it.

There is still hope for Barrett but the time to start pulling the trigger is RIGHT NOW. Otherwise he will be stuck in upper mid card mediocrity.
Given Wade Barrett's history as a bare-knuckle fighter and the explanation Barrett provided on Twitter, calling his finisher the Bullhammer makes all the sense in the world. It's simply meant to convey that it's a hard hitting finisher that puts his opponent down.

Bartley Gorman was basically an Irish Gypsy who started bare-knuckle fighting at the age of 12, wound up sparring with Muhammad Ali when Ali's career was really starting to take off. Gorman won the Bare-Knuckle Championship of Great Britain & Ireland in 1976 by beating Jack Fletcher, Gorman's chief rival, in a match held in a quarry. He was almost killed by a mob a few years later after being set up. He showed up expecting to fight and the mob went after him, allegedly having been paid 25,000 pounds to do so. He stayed undefeated until he retired in 1992 and died 10 years later of Liver Cancer.

So yeah, Bartley Gorman was pretty much a raging badass and it obviously one of Wade Barrett's heroes. Given Barrett's background as both a bare-knuckle fighter and coming from very much a blue collar family, I can understand him wanting to sort of pay tribute a little bit to his idol. At any rate, to me, it sounds a lot better than calling it the Souvenir Elbow. I get the aspect of the "you'll have something to remember me by" aspect of it, it's kinda clever, but it just doesn't convey any power. When I first heard the term bullhammer, I thought it was slang term for the big hammers they used to use to kill cows in slaughterhouses back in the old days.
@the people who said it wasnt explained i believe that JBL did that at SS when JBL was talking about the move because wade had told him he had 5 of them ready for the other team and he scolded at cole for not knowing that and not doing research on it and bare knuckle fighting isnt really covered in sports so thats why you wont find alot of it

it talks about his bare knuckle fighting background
This is one of the few changes they've made to Barrett that's actually a good thing. "The Bullhammer" is much better for a finishing move name than "The Souvenir." That being said, he's already been altered so much that it's getting rediculous.

I never got nearly as excited about Wade Barrett as most people around here, but it's becoming clear to me that's not entirely his fault. He did good with Nexus, but since then it's been pretty bad. Corre was awful. He's had 3 different music themes since Nexus and all of them have been bad. When he finally seemed like he was getting a push after his return, they dropped his angle. Now he's pretty much the same as every other heel. He might be great, but I'm starting to think we'll never know.
The finisher is stupid regardless of what it's named. It doesn't have to look particularly devastating.

Now, about his bare knuckle boxing "career", I have serious reservations that it ever even happened. He doesn't have the scar tissue that people that get punched in the face regularly and repeatedly. It's an easy claim to make, because nobody rally keeps records of bare knuckles competition so there's no real way to verify his participation.

My guess is that he really liked Snatch, and figured he'd build a gimmick based on Brad Pitt's character. Not a bad gimmick to go with, but if somebody starts believing their gimmick as reality, it makes them a little wonky.
I also did a little research on Bartley Gorman and dude was a badass! I think its an testament in honor of Bartley Bullhammer Gorman that wade Barrett names his finisher after his nickname.

As far as Barrett catching on with the crowd younger ones in the audience all they know is Cena and Rey Rey! Us Older people and Myself especially can appreciate and know one day that Wade will hold the WHC or WWE Championship. Wade IMHO and i probably will get dinged for this,is more suited for TV14.

I really dont think Wade belongs in PG era i think if it was TV14 Wades character would really shine.
The finisher is stupid regardless of what it's named. It doesn't have to look particularly devastating.

I've stated this before in a past thread,the finisher fits him perfectly,i don't know why you have a problem with it.It's a quick and easy knockout finisher,and the fact that he's a hel only makes it better.This is the kind of finisher all heels need(okay,maybe not all heels)

It's brutal and impactful enough to do the job, but the setup is awkward. Perhaps all it needs is a tweak. Just a short-arm elbow without the straight jacket element could be more of a quick strike finisher.
I think that this is one of the changes that they made to Wade that was a good thing. It is a better name than "The Souvenir", and I think it is good he is paying homage to one of his hero's. I actually like Barrett's character a lot and I think in time he will get over. They haven't really stuck to any programs with him yet and basically just exchanged wins with Orton, and now maybe he will get into a program with Kofi. I think an IC title run would be a good start for him, and I definitely think they should stick with the character he has now and try not to make anymore changes to see if he can catch on.
The name change of the finisher is just another example of WWE's lack of being able to stick with something and build on it. Now The BullHammer is alot better name then The Souvenir. Now knowing WWE they will end up doing some storyline where they find out there is something hidden in Wade's elbow pad to make te move have damaging which will make him drop the finisher and go back the Wasteland, which would just set him back even more with WWE not being able to stick with something.

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