Putting Barrett against Cesaro perfectly highlighted why Cesaro doesn't 'connect'

Um, no. It's fake fighting, so the idea of "technicians" and "purists" are fucking stupid. Either you can or you cannot sell tickets and merch. Right now, Cesaro cannot sell tickets and merch.
People keep saying "they took the Swing from him"... if they did, it's only because they made him Heel. It's a ridiculous move that suspends belief and it panders to the crowd, it isn't a Heel move. I personally really like when he teases a Swing, or only swings the opponent a few times and turns it over into the Cloverleaf. He was going to need more than one crazy move to actually "get over" as a longterm main event guy... and some guys just aren't longterm main event guys. As has been mentioned, he could go to Japan next year and be a headliner at a place where the actual in-ring wrestling matters alongside guys like AJ Styles.

Right now, he isn't putting asses in seats or selling merch in a WWE capacity - so he's basically going to be there to put on consistent matches putting over other guys. I don't know how he recovers from coming out the other night, saying he is the best in the ring (making his mistake on the mic), then getting dropped with the Bullhammer and pinned in a pretty short match after a long string of losses. Then again I was wondering how he was going to recover from getting DDTed on a pumpkin and having a pumpkin put on his head in a "Halloween Street Fight" a couple months ago. smh.

The perfect example for wrestling/personality... Tyson Kidd is a phenomenal wrestler, but he spent 2014 going to NXT as a top guy to actually develop a personality/the whole package. He worked really hard on being a snarky Heel, and adding touches of flare to his ring gear, etc. Yes, Total Divas probably helped him but he wasn't going anywhere just being a high flying, great wrestler. Cesaro may need something like that to go to the next level. Not that Tyson is going to be a top guy, the difference between him going to NXT to now is night and day.
Cesaro is good, I dont agree that he doesnt connect.
If he didnt, he would be fired by the WWE. The reason he is still around because while they give him all the shittiest of things to work with. ( The horrible title run, SHITTY SHITTY Music, the losing streak, the horrible Paul Heyman bump, helping the authority twice before the PPV and not even being on it...things like that ) He always ends up looking decent - great where most other wrestlers would look horrible. His match with Khali is was amazing. Match with Cena was PPV quality, not just in a match but how it was told in ring. Same can be said with Orton vs Cesaro and Dolph vs Cesaro, Sheamus vs Cesaro. He can work with the best guys to put on some of the best matches in the current WWE, and the fans do take notice. But as a fan I dont know what to do when he is with The Real AMericans, then went to Heyman....Is he face of heel???? Ok rode that out to the WM moment......then nothing.....then he went to authority....and nothing.
The way they book him is just horrible. And while he might not be the best talker, id rather see him stumble in a unscripted promo from him then what a writer wrote for him to say. He is the next star given the right booking. People love him no matter what. While he is not that good on the mic, let him use it and he might get better one day. He is witty and has a nerdy humor. So it could relate to a wider audience. But as for BNB. He is a golden. He looks good, talks great, good matches. Just needs a new finisher...not getting rid of the BUllhammer. Just the wastelander. And It was a strange match for the two. I liked it. It was a great match since it was very faced paced, lots of counters and it ended suddenly. Which was kinda lame. But this is the kind of booking that makes every one who works with Cesaro looks amazing, while doing nothing for Cesaro. If cesaro gets some revenge later on, good. He needs a feud to get people behind him. And if not....well its just Cesaro.
Cesaro needs an opponent that can bring his character and potential out of him. He performs phenomenally in the ring every time he graces it, but none of his matches on the main roster have cemented himself as a go to guy for excellence in the eyes of the fans. however, with Zayn poised to arrive soon, a fastrack building of Cesaro could lead to a brilliant debut feud and they seem to truly bring the best out of eachother, with Cesaro rubbing his dominance in the underdogs face but without cheating or underhand tactics, he's proven to be a legitimate beast
Oh and since the OP want to compare Roman to Cesaro.
Roman had the lucky stars to be born a relative of the Rock and sign up for weights in high school.
Dont you dare even put Roman and Cesaro in the same league. You are comparing a Honda to Ferrari. One is a wrestler. The other is a big guy who is related to the Rock. The reason Roman is going far is his he is big. He cant talk. If you wanna talk about a hard to watch promo, every damn time Roman talks it makes my ears bleed.
When he said he is going to cock his first and make it rain in that bitch , should have been the end of his wrestling career. He is easy to market that why is getting a push.
What was there to capitalise on? An over move does not a star make.

His popularity. I don't know why you are denying that Cesaro was over around mania last year. He was getting great reactions.

Translation: They took him away from the mouthpiece that hid his inability to cut a good promo, the catchphrase that was over and told him to stop doing the only move people react to him for.

Thanks for the translation and helping prove my point. They take away what makes him popular and he is no longer popular. Will wonders never cease?

Sure, they could have pushed him hard as a face, but before long people would have got tired of the spin and moved onto the next flavour of the month.

How do you know? He managed to get over with the fans as a heel in a makeshift tag team so it stands to reason he could have had a successful face run. Even if he didn't, so what? They could have at least tried. If he failed he would just be in the spot he is now anyway. Is trying something and failing better than not trying at all? A lot of people said Daniel Bryan was only over because of the 'Yes' chant and people would eventually get tired of that. Regardless of why something is popular or how long you think it will last there's no reason not to strike while the iron is hot.

Motherfucker, Cesaro has had months to impress, to connect. He hasn't. He's been in title feuds, gotten wins over the likes of Orton and been given regular TV time. Has he gotten bigger reactions from that investment? No.

He did connect. Were you watching and listening last year? He got a huge pop at mania and people were just waiting to cheer him after that. Then WWE puts him with Heyman which confused everybody and tries making Swagger the face after the split. Terrible idea.

Yes, he's had good matches but that's irrelevant when it comes to getting over and drawing money. It's not just that he flubbed a line and recovered badly. It's that he's been unable to connect to the audience in any meaningful way. Having an over move isn't meaningful. It's a shallow connection that would be getting shat on if it involved doing a flip.

His good matches become irrelevant when he loses all the time. I've come to really dislike the term 'buried' but Cesaro has been buried for months. As a matter of fact he wasn't given much of a chance to begin with. Remember when he debuted and talked to us in five languages? Not much to work with there. How about the yodeling? Just awful. Whose brilliant idea was that? Despite that crap Cesaro got over anyway and just when he was about to really break out he was cut off for some reason.

How is Damien Sandow supposed to grab the brass ring after he got 'buried' by Cena, and jobbed out so many times that he's now coming out in fancy dress... Oh wait, he did turn that around and turned it into a tag title run, revitalising his and Miz' careers. Cesaro doesn't have to turn himself into a main eventer over night. But if he's to get the push so many people think he should have by rights of his matches he's got to do something to earn that.

So you're saying WWE shouldn't have pushed Cesaro because people would have eventually got bored of the swing and stop caring about Cesaro but then you mention how Sandow has gotten over. Where is he going once he splits with Miz? There is a difference in being over and being over as a comedy character.
Given Cesaro was way over as a Real American until the end of Wrestlemania 30, where he had his ill-fated heel turn and alignment with Paul Heyman, I can't really agree that he fails to connect as he was practically stripped bare by the WWE Creative and Vince,etc.

I think it is pretty clear that Cesaro sucks on the mic, and needs some help from the Top Brass with which to get over. Also, given his abilities in the ring, his alignment with Zeb was perfect, but the problem is, Swagger also requires Zeb as well... thus one guy had to be cut, and unfortunately Cesaro got the very over "We the People" chant taken away from him and went with Heyman for whatever reason...

Basically, since Mania 30, everything about Cesaro has sucked, from the Real American stuff being taken away, to being aligned with Heyman, then getting some awful entrance music and on top of that, he has been treated like nothing more than an enhancement talent.
The only reason we're discussing him is because the WWE have been smart enough to allow for him to have some longer matches every now and then which has kept him in our thoughts because he's a top in-ring performer, and through that he has been able to grab the crowd's attention.
Until he is allowed by the Top Brass to show himself based on that, he will be stuck where he is, there is no doubt about that.

That is true. They just have to give Cesaro a chance.

I was hoping when Cesaro was paired with Heyman, they could have had Cesaro getting put over as The King of Swing like how Heyman put over Brock in 2002, calling him "The Next Big Thing" and let Brock just people up.
Oh I disagree with that statement about being good looking brings charisma. They are two totally different things.

Yes, that is what I'm saying as well. What I'm saying is that the WWE thinks that it's an important part of charisma. In my opinion, charisma is very difficult to define.

It's surprising, though, that WWE think this way. I mean Vince McMahon acknowledges Steve Austin as the greatest superstar ever, and while he was a motherfucker on the mic, he was anything BUT a pretty boy. Bret Hart did not have the looks or great mic skills, but he did have the common touch and a honest hardworking man vibe about him which made him one of the biggest stars in the industry. Yet, somehow, WWE always tries to go back to the "proven" formula of pushing a pretty boy when it hasn't really been successful all the time.

That's what I've been saying for Cesaro. He HAS charisma. He DOES connect with the crowd. He has a different way of doing it, and it's a way Vince does not seem to get.
To the OP

What makes Cesaro, Cesaro? What is unique to him. I haven't watched WWE in quite some time, so from Raw I can say Cesaro 'delivers' (which means what, exactly?) and that's it.

Your point you tried to make in the first post lost all credit when you say "I haven't watched WWE in quite some time". Leave it to someone who doesn't watch to have the answer to why someone isn't being pushed.

Its no Cesaro, its creative & Vince. Cesaro was red hot without ever talking on the mic following Wrestlemania. He proved then that you don't need to have any mic skills to be over. And he was red hot because of his matches. Not what he said, not if he flubbed up some line that everyone will forget.
I agree Cesaro doesn't have any charisma. Anybody who says any different is an intense workrate mark that simply doesn't care about promo ability and charisma. Cesaro isn't going to be able to become a star in the WWE unfortunately because he lacks personality. WWE needs to start being super creative with his booking because his career is going downhill real quick. Some of his marks want him to main event a WrestleMania at this point I doubt he ever even main events a Smackdown.
They don't "have" to give him a chance... They just pushed 2 guys like him in Punk and ADR and got bitten and have Rollins and Ambrose who are further ahead and Bryan... They have plenty of indie darlings...

Cesaro is in the same boat as Ryback to an extent, ages in developmental and a couple of years on the roster and it hasn't clicked... Ryback had the look to fall back on, Cesaro doesn't... It's a by product of the conveyor they've used since Savage... Mid-card guys MUST make the leap within 2 years of their major run with the IC/US or they get writen off.
Cesaro is in the same boat as Ryback to an extent, ages in developmental and a couple of years on the roster and it hasn't clicked... Ryback had the look to fall back on, Cesaro doesn't... It's a by product of the conveyor they've used since Savage... Mid-card guys MUST make the leap within 2 years of their major run with the IC/US or they get writen off.

Part of the reason it hasn't clicked is because they can't make up their mind what to do with him. Like I said before, in the last year he's been part of the Real American's, a Paul Heyman guy, face and heel. It's almost impossible to get behind a guy, when you don't know what he's going to be next week.

Cesaro has the moves to succeed, the only thing holding him back is the WWE themselves. If they could just decide what they want him to be, it would give the fans a chance. I've been waiting for him to bust out the UFO forever now. A move like that would get him over with the fans as he's the only one who does it. It would be something new for them and set him apart from everyone else. While he's a heel though don't see it happening.
Hey Guys....

Noone is mentioning that ever since the podcast Cesaro has been the most talked about wrestler in all of sports entertainment. People were so quick to blame McMahon and WWE creative for Cesaro "sucking" that they didn't even realize that McMahon's plan has already worked. THIS IS HIS GIMMICK. He's a guy that the fans say they don't like because he doesn't connect with them.

All the smarks and IWC folks, myself included, have gone on the net to talk about how he doesn't do good mic work, and how creative needs to find him something better because of his great in ring talent.

The effect of that has been that every week Cesaro's appearance on raw is possibly the most anticipated of any wrestler, just to see how he responds to criticism, and see if his personality improves. But no one seems to get it.

I say kudos to you Vince McMahon, you just created a new superstar, and all you really had to do was say he wasn't one in an interview.

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