The Brian Kendrick All Alone?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Now that The Brian Kendrick doesn't have Ezekiel Jackson by his side, do you think this will help or hurt him? I think this is going to help him a lot. WWE was starting to make it seem as if he was nothing without Jackson. I mean seriously almost evey damn match, Jackson would either cause a distraction or interfere. And before every match, While TBK entered the ring his opponet wouldn't go near him for a staredown or anything because of Jackson. Now that he's on Raw I hope he reaches the huge amount of potential he has. But going to Raw might not be the best thing for him after all. Do you think he's going to get a chance to shine with the HHH/Orton storyline? Then HBK is going to return at some point. Mr.Kennedy has also been drafted to Raw again. And for the time being, let's not forget about Cena. Will TBK get buried on Raw?
i think it could be a reality..i mean if u look at all the overhaul of talent and EGO thats now on raw he could never get that oppertunity.He's gonna be a mid-carder or a jobber on raw...its a shame though, the man has a lot of talent
He probably will get buried and have an occasional TV appearance, much like he is now on Smackdown. I was hoping that without Ezekiel Jackson he could get away from the twerpy coward who hides behind the bully gimmick and go somewhere.

He does have potential but Vince's world is filled with guys under 220 pounds with a huge upside who stay at the mid-card level at best.

I hate his current gimmick, but repackaged he could be pretty cool. I'm looking at the Raw roster and am not seeing a good fit for him in a feud. Maybe Kofi? Sim Snuka? Or Chavo after a Kendrick face turn?
Big fan of the brain kendrick.was thinking a few days ago what has happen to him cos he was push and in the smackdown main event scene for little while then chaseing the tag belts with ezekiel.

I just really hope he gets a push on raw and not just become a jobber as i really like him.seen him start a house show before and was the best match of the night
I think Kendrick will be just fine on RAW because of his athleticism and I like this new bold character of his. As far as a feud, here's one...HBK. Seems as if Kendrick likes the spotlight and he might feel that HBK has too much of it. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't HBK train this guy? If he did, then they could run a storyline where Kendrick says he's not where he wants to be because HBK didn't train him well enough. Just a thought.
I think The Brian Kendrick has an awesome character and could be a great mid card champion, but his problem is that he can't seem to stop toking the bong long enough to win a title. If I was VKM I would fire his ass talent or no talent.
Unless Michaels has requested having him on RAW, he's been moved away from Zeke as a punishment. If he's still in the WWE this time next year, he will have done well.
Now that The Brian Kendrick doesn't have Ezekiel Jackson by his side, do you think this will help or hurt him? I think this is going to help him a lot. WWE was starting to make it seem as if he was nothing without Jackson. I mean seriously almost evey damn match, Jackson would either cause a distraction or interfere. And before every match, While TBK entered the ring his opponet wouldn't go near him for a staredown or anything because of Jackson. Now that he's on Raw I hope he reaches the huge amount of potential he has. But going to Raw might not be the best thing for him after all. Do you think he's going to get a chance to shine with the HHH/Orton storyline? Then HBK is going to return at some point. Mr.Kennedy has also been drafted to Raw again. And for the time being, let's not forget about Cena. Will TBK get buried on Raw?

I don't think you could be more further off the mark. Brian Kendrick, without Jackson, is not a good sign at all.

Kendrick was essentially being turned into a jobber on Smackdown, and that is exactly what will happen to him on Raw. Him being separated from Jackson, is yet another sign that points to him being nothing more than the show's heel jobber.

He will be the Heel Jobber on Raw. Ziggler will be the Heel Jobber on Smackdown.
I know its a stretch but Raw could be the spot for tag teams and he has had his most success as a tag team wrestler so I would team him with none other then Mr. Kennedy. JR is right in comparing the character to a young pillman, and kennedy has always aspired to be Austin, so what do you have but Hollywood Blondes v2.0. Arrogant heel tag team and i bet with there skill sets they could mesh very well. I know in reality he will probably be a jobber but if you had a tag team division consisting of those 2, priceless, and the colons there could be some good feuds
Yeah I think TBK will be the heel jobber on Raw. It's sad to say but I think he's just going to a punching bag for Big Show, HHH, Cena, and Batista.
yep, tbk had his shot when he was being pushed on smackdown in the wwe title hunt, but his attitude screwed him over. now that he's on raw, he'll be torn apart, limb from limb, probably by kane in his very first match on raw, than given his release. what a shame...
I know its a stretch but Raw could be the spot for tag teams and he has had his most success as a tag team wrestler so I would team him with none other then Mr. Kennedy. JR is right in comparing the character to a young pillman, and kennedy has always aspired to be Austin, so what do you have but Hollywood Blondes v2.0. Arrogant heel tag team and i bet with there skill sets they could mesh very well. I know in reality he will probably be a jobber but if you had a tag team division consisting of those 2, priceless, and the colons there could be some good feuds

Yeah right. You should know that everyone thinks Kennedy is the greatest thing since sliced bread, so a tag team would be in insult. But you took my tag idea lol. Team him with Snuka, they don't have much going on, and I think their styles complement each other. And the finisher could be great, have bk do his move, then have snuka do the superfly splash, similiar to the old Power and Glory finisher.

Or change him back to Spanky, with hornswaggle as his sidekick lol.
I think this is actually TBK's wake up call. Will he ascend to main event status on Raw? There's a better chance of Frosty surviving a day in Hell. But he has a chance to find himself back in the good graces of the WWE elite. Remember, TBK is a disciple of the school of Michael Hickenbottom. I think a part of the reason Brian was brought to Raw was to come more under the watchful eye of his mentor, HBK. If his mentor, who trained him, can't bring him back to some sense of reality, and help him realize that his pot use is going to end up with his release, then no one else can. Can HBK turn him around? Well, he didn't do much good for Lance Cade, but that was more of Lance's fault than anything else. I would say the WWE tells Shawn to play a mentor role to TBK behind the scenes, and hopefully he begins his Raw career with a blank slate. Whether or not he can take the hint, and pull himself together, is completely his call.
He's either going to sink very quickly or it could be his start to becoming a champion. He has everything ready to go if he acts right and shows WWE that he is serious about his career, otherwise he'll sadly be released before the end of the year. Hopefully HBK can get him in the right mind set.

Time to grow up TBK.
I think its such BS the way wwe is dogging TBK. he's the shit. so F'n what if he blazes up who really cares? does it effect his in ring performance? uh no. Look at RVD he never stop blazing not once in wwe and he got pushed to the moon. ok if it wasn't for speeding in ohio he would have had a nice title run with wwe and ecw titles. The best thing for TBK would have been going to ecw where he could have feuded with people more his size and style bourne, kidd, helms etc and have EJ go to raw. I think TBK could maybe do something with HBK at some point, maybe tag with hardy or miz who knows??but pot shouldn't be the cause for his depush the hell with PG. Legalize it!!!
Every show needs jobbers, and Kendrick will be the jobber for RAW. RAW hasn't had heel jobbers since Snitsky and Deuce. Hopefully Kendrick can fill that void that RAW has been missing these past couple of months. I don't think he will be future endeavored, because he sells well, and helps get the face some nice pops. Look at him as a heel Jimmy Wang Yang for RAW.
yep, tbk had his shot when he was being pushed on smackdown in the wwe title hunt, but his attitude screwed him over. now that he's on raw, he'll be torn apart, limb from limb, probably by kane in his very first match on raw, than given his release. what a shame...

I don't think he's good enough to be in any major title hunt. He might be able to make a tag team with the Miz unless they have bigger plans for the Miz after having him attack Morrison. He could team up with Santino, that would be funny, to arrogant guys together. I wouldn't put him with Snuka because he'll get burried and apparantly the wwe aint to high on Sim. Or him and Jamie Noble might make a good tag team. Jamie was doing a hell of a job when he teamed up with Kid Kash before Kash was released. They were very good together reviving (yet in a different style) The Pitbulls. Jamie and TBK can make a tag team run and then make him chase US gold and work from there.
He got his push and he all but messed it up. I was a big supporter of TBK but then i found out that his pushed stopped because he's a pot head and i lost all respect for him. If he would've just put down the weed, he could be in the chase for a mid-card championship right now. But now he's a jobber plain and simple. WWE didn't drop the ball on TBK, TBK messed it up by himself. Plus the only reason he got into the Championship Scramble in the first place was because Zeke caught him (even though he was impressive in the match.)

I think unless he stops smoking weed, it's all downhill from here.
Clearly, with his split from Big Zeke, TBK is done. They were building him up like a new generation Michaels. Someone who broke away from his partner (though not with the same sort of affect), who is small in stature, but can be both technical and high-flying, and got a giant bodyguard to do all his dirty work. Problem was, nobody seemed to buy in. TBK just did not seem a believeable threat to anyone when he fought the middle card of the roster, there was/is no chance he will even make a dent with the upper card. When he is being destroyed by the likes of R-Truth, Jeff Hardy, and so on, you know there is no future for him. They put Zeke on ECW to see whether they can build him up once again as a monster force, put him in the development roster and see if he can show some of his potential, or he will be put back down to FCW or released. TBK, on the other hand, will make a handful of showings on raw, where he will be squashed by main eventers or new guys making a name for themselves. He will do this for like 6 months-1 year, and then will be released. Or... they will not debut him on raw, will not be seen for like a month, and then will be released. His loss to Kane will be his coup de grace.
Too bad for the guy, even though he was already jobbing on SD, but here all alone, unless they find him a new BG, he is to become a canon fodder.
The Brian Kendrick isn't too long for the WWE. I mean, he simply is a jobber at the moment. Ezekial Jackson wasn't all that dominating as a big man with Kendrick, so that doesn't help. Plus his gimmick's ran it's course. With Adamle around, the gimmick made sense. Now that he's gone, Kendrick's gimmick's nearly ran it's course.

I see him either being destined to be on Superstars, or doing jobs for Big Show, Kennedy or whomever else is on Raw. It's a shame, too.
See kids? Not only does weed stop your push, it gets you split from your partner AND puts you BACK on the show with Triple H to get BERRIED~! on a weekly basis!

Thanks for playing, Spanky...we'll see you in RoH!

However...I would be rather intrigued with a Spanky/HBK feud...
Kendrick is a great talent. WWE needs to try and hold on to him he is a great competitor
and I can't think of anyone who has as little shame as him.
He could do well, but the fact is he is just too small. He would be great over there
if RAW decides to bring back the Cruiserweight title. Now that the Tag titles are unified
there will be one title down on which ever brand the champions are on.
But Brian could do great things, although he doesn't seem to push for success to much.
Kendrick is a great talent. WWE needs to try and hold on to him he is a great competitor
and I can't think of anyone who has as little shame as him.
He could do well, but the fact is he is just too small. He would be great over there
if RAW decides to bring back the Cruiserweight title. Now that the Tag titles are unified
there will be one title down on which ever brand the champions are on.
But Brian could do great things, although he doesn't seem to push for success to much.

the fact is that titles are not the issue, IMO Kendrick along with most of the former cruiserweight competitors should have been moved to ECW, its basically sink or swim time for Brian and on Raw he will be barely used due to the fact that he is on a brand which is loaded with main event and upper midcard talent, he wont be given the chance to shine and its a damn shame, the semi main event push he recieved on smackdown was tremendous, it should have continued with him winning the United States Championship instead he is being used as semi jobber to the up and comers, now was this move a good one? no, can he make the best of it? lets hope so for kendricks sake

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