Nice flame bait there junior.
Not so much bait. It was pretty much just a general flame directed at anyone who would call themselves an intelligent wrestling fan, and then argue that Vader sucks. It's moronic.
All were sloppy and boring.
How were they sloppy
or boring? They weren't. You just can't come up with any evidence to support your ridiculiously flawed opinion that Vader has never had a good match in the USA.
Those matches were cutting-edge, and were some of the most exciting matches available in wrestling. Nobody wrestled like that on national TV, nobody. But when Vader & Cactus Jack did, it went over hardcore with the fans and started the Mick Foley legend.
Sloppy? This coming from Mr. Kennedy's biggest fan? ROFL
It's your opinion that they're sloppy and boring; too bad 99% of wrestling fans wouldn't agree with you.
Boring. Vader is a slob. Sting, a legend, couldn't make him look good.
How is Vader a slob? Because he's overweight? Vader has more agility in a wrestling ring then someone half of his size. The man is 400+ and can still do moves off the top rope. Sounds like a real slob there.
Sting was not a legend when this match happened. Fuck, Vader was more of a legend at that point then Sting was. The Vader-Sting feud pretty much solidified Sting's spot in the main event. You can give thanks to Vader for that.
And they were great matches. Again, 99% of wrestling fans would disagree with your (ridiculious) opinion. I'm sure now you're going to tell me that Hulk Hogan wasn't a draw, that Stone Cold has never had a beer, and that anyone who wrestles and isn't an American sucks. Because thats about as much sense as you're making, calling matches that are revered by almost all wrestling fans as being classics shit, and giving no other explanation then "I don't like Vader".
Never seen one but seriously, 2 mediocre wrestlers prime or not? Why would I watch that shit.
Ric Flair? Mediocre? Now that's just hilarious. Ric Flair is a fucking god of wrestling, half of the WWE & TNA locker rooms would be empty if it wasn't for this man. For anyone to even suggest that Ric Flair is mediocre is absolutely 100% fucking gut-busting hilarious. Next you're going to tell me that Jeff Hardy is the greatest wrestler to ever live.
Two legends of wrestling, both just coming out of their primes, why wouldn't you want to see that if you enjoyed wrestling? Maybe you don't. Some of us do. And the fact that you haven't even seen the matches, yet dismiss them as garbage simply because you don't like Vader, is again, fucking laughable.
Average. Not good. Just average.
Average? That was a good match. Not a classic, but certainly a match worthy of being called a good match.
Try harder. Obviously I'm a fucking moron.
What credit is due? He's a fucking nobody.
A nobody? Are you kidding me? Former heavyweight champion of three different continents? The man who beat every legend he got his hands on? The one who ended Antonio Inoki's (the most popular wrestler of all time aside from Hogan) winning streak and caused a mass riot which resulted in wrestling being banned from the Sumo Hall? The same guy who came down to the ring with Harley fucking Race?
Yeah, what a nobody. If Vader is a nobody, then Bruno Sammartino was a fuckin' jobber.
Explain to my why a fucking fat peice of shit no name superheavyweight should go over the greatest pro wrestler outside of Hulk Hogan? I don't give a goddamn what kind of match, like I said, Austin goes over that sloppy slob everytime. Plus, look at these fluke *****es Vader had to face, both Storms, you kidding me? Very challenging alright...

He runs into a legend like Savage and is owned. Get over it.
See, this is what I find hilarious. You have absolutely no argument whatsoever as to why Vader is a bad wrestler. All you do is call him fat. I forgot that fat people are evil and unable to accomplish anything. Silly me.
It's funny too because I voted for Savage, because I believe he is a better wrestler then Vader. But it's quite arguable that Savage is the greatest wrestler outside of Hogan. We all know that spot belongs to Stone Cold.
And I would hardly say Vader was owned. Infact thats just idiotic to say, because Vader was in the lead for 90% of the way through, then lost by all of maybe 4 votes. If you call that "getting owned", I can't even imagine what you'd call a 50-1 vote margin.
Sorry, but once again, if you think Vader sucks---well you're just being an arrogant douchebag. Because I'd hardly call one of the legends of wrestling and a man who dominated professional wrestling in every country he went to for almost a decade a nobody; apparently you would.