The Big Angle


Dark Match Jobber
So a few weeks back there was an article on the main page stating that the WWE wants another big angle this summer like The Nexus and CM Punk's rise. It now being the middle of July, there are some issues I have.

Has anyone seen anything going on so far that could be a part of said angle?

If not, why has it taken so long?

Will it begin on Raw 1000?

Was this just a bed report?

Did the creative team just screw the pooch again?

If you had to book it what would your big summer angle be?

I believe that the "Big Angle" is going to be the Lesnar vs Triple H storyline and those lawsuits that Paul Heyman and Brock filled.
Yes, it is going to start at RAW 1000.
The possibility of this one being a wrong report is high. Many things that were exclusively reported by Wrestlezone have turned out not be true. However I believe that the big summer angle has to do with those lawsuits, as I said before.

Also bare in mind that The Rock is coming back next week. But honestly, I don't think he will do anything special regarding Summerslam. I believe that he is going to announce that by Wrestlemania 29 he will be WWE Champion again or something along these lines..
Paul Heyman's lawsuit against HHH and the WWE scares the executive committee enough to make Heyman the permanent GM of RAW in exchange for dropping the lawsuit. Big angle, major swerve and the feud all taken to a new level.

This would allow the WWE to bring back some of the Attitude Era while claiming not to be responsible for it. It would also add a significant boost to SummerSlam and could continue all the way to WrestleMania.
I think/hope it hasn't happened/started yet.

I also think it will not be at the 100th RAW as the show is pretty well packed with the wedding/Cena vs Punk/The Rock/DX etc. to start it on that show would make me fear it would get lost in translation. If I was booking this "BIG" angle I would do it on the 1001 episode of RAW as to keep the new people who watched ep. 1000th hooked.

I'm not going to sit here and start guessing what I think it's going to be, I don't get paid to write for the show so I won't. I will say that this storyline had better be good as the phrase I heard was "knock your socks off" and unless Vince wants to be compared to Dixie with never following thru on her hype then he better deliver.
The angle will be something with lesnar, and its already started. Its going to be something to do with the lawsuits. IDK about any of you, but if this is the Big One, im already over it. Not having Lesnar around every week has been a letdown, I personally dont want to see Heyman in his place. If they were going to sign him, I would have made it full time or nothing. He would have picked nothing, most likely. And the WWE would have moved on, as usual.
I think that the angle has something to do with Lesnar/Heyman/Punk.

Rumor is Punk is turning heel after reading recent tweets of his, Lesnar will obviously go against HHH and Heyman will obviously manage him.

Reason I think Heyman will get involved with Punk: Heyman will be part of Punks change, want him to be bigger than Cena and in order to do that, he will turn Punk heel. Lesnar hasn't even finished his business with Cena properly yet. So it will be like HHH and Cena v Heyman guys Punk and Lesnar but in separate matches IMO. Next week I think something huge will happen in the title match. One of them will definitely turn heel but most likely Punk.

So that's what I think will happen and maybe a Dwayne Johnson involvement.

Reason it's taken long: I think It has taken long because they now are going on for 3 hrs so have a long time to build up storylines and the 1000th episode will give the storylines/huge angle a mega boost for the hype.
I think HHH is going to be the catalyst this year. HHH has been on the level of the other legend faces the past few years. He comes back for a match, gets the nostalgia pop and then goes back to his suit. It works, but honestly they have more and more of those guys like The Rock, Brock, and Taker among others. What they're missing is a true top heel, which is the character HHH is best suited to play.

I think the motivation would be the night where everyone walked out on him on Raw. Even JR didn't stand for him. He had one of his best friends turn on him, the entire roster turned on him, and hell even a large portion of the crowd did as well.

With his actual position of power in the company combined with his history as top heel and ability to work; he could take the "evil boss" concept to a whole different level. He's not too old to work a nearly full-time schedule (tv and ppv mainly, maybe the bigger house shows) and if everyone is honest with themselves; the second HHH would turn heel, he becomes the best heel they have on the roster without any shadow of a doubt.

The DX reunion of 2002 was what launched HHH into arguably the best 3 year period of any heel in the last decade. I could see the DX reunion of 2012 could be the beginning of his next heel run.

His turn would/could drive almost every major storyline until Mania. Have him use his real life proclivity for nepotism in storylines. The guys he likes are pushed, the others are not. Have him use the proverbial "glass ceiling" to just decimate the roster. If done right, the regular jack offs and the IWC would both hate him because he could be anti-Cena and anti-IWC favorites and it would make sense.
I think HHH is going to be the catalyst this year. HHH has been on the level of the other legend faces the past few years. He comes back for a match, gets the nostalgia pop and then goes back to his suit. It works, but honestly they have more and more of those guys like The Rock, Brock, and Taker among others. What they're missing is a true top heel, which is the character HHH is best suited to play.

I think the motivation would be the night where everyone walked out on him on Raw. Even JR didn't stand for him. He had one of his best friends turn on him, the entire roster turned on him, and hell even a large portion of the crowd did as well.

With his actual position of power in the company combined with his history as top heel and ability to work; he could take the "evil boss" concept to a whole different level. He's not too old to work a nearly full-time schedule (tv and ppv mainly, maybe the bigger house shows) and if everyone is honest with themselves; the second HHH would turn heel, he becomes the best heel they have on the roster without any shadow of a doubt.

The DX reunion of 2002 was what launched HHH into arguably the best 3 year period of any heel in the last decade. I could see the DX reunion of 2012 could be the beginning of his next heel run.

His turn would/could drive almost every major storyline until Mania. Have him use his real life proclivity for nepotism in storylines. The guys he likes are pushed, the others are not. Have him use the proverbial "glass ceiling" to just decimate the roster. If done right, the regular jack offs and the IWC would both hate him because he could be anti-Cena and anti-IWC favorites and it would make sense.

have to say this is what i like to see happen a heel triple h calling the shots hhh as a heel is definatly one of the most hateble bad guy characters ever especially if hes got power.My moneys on the heyman lawsuit thing happening as the main angle though which is also fine my only problem is whenever wwe has done these so called big angles in the past couple of years or so they never seem to know where there going with them they just end up getting stale or completley dying out so do hope this ones a good one
I think that the angle has something to do with Lesnar/Heyman/Punk.

Rumor is Punk is turning heel after reading recent tweets of his, Lesnar will obviously go against HHH and Heyman will obviously manage him.

I honestly can't see Punk going heel. It would be pretty cool but I can't see it.

I would love to see Cena turn heel on Raw 1000 but I don't think that's going to happen...ever. My guess that the "big angle" will just be the continuation of the HHH, Lesnar and Paul Heyman feud. Bare in mind that we're already about half way through the Summer, and Punk's thing last year started in June as far as I can remember.
Punk isn't going heel. But someone else is.

Lesnar and HHH isn't the big summer angle either.

You gotta think, even WWE knows they don't have our full attention, but with what is going to explode they will.
Easy. With The Rock coming back next week and Cena challenging for the WWE title, the big angle maybe very well be Cena vs Rock II.

If not, I can see it being related to the new GM or the wedding, those are the 2 angles that a swerve can easily be done to make it interesting. Lesnar vs HHH definitely isn't the big summer angle because of the limited dates Lesnar has it's difficult to build something remotely interesting.
Punk isn't going heel. But someone else is.

Lesnar and HHH isn't the big summer angle either.

You gotta think, even WWE knows they don't have our full attention, but with what is going to explode they will.

Who do you think will be turning heel that is a big enough name? Orton? Sheamus? Cena?

I agree, Lesnar and HHH is probably not the big angle.

However, WHAT is going to make a big enough explosion to be called a big, attention-getting angle? The only thing I could see is Cena turning heel, which WILL NOT happen.
In my opinion, there has to be a different between

BIG ANGLE happening, and a BIG FEUD happening

lesnar/HHH is a big feud, but its not an angle. a big angle has to be something that shakes the foundation of the entire WWE. nexus was starting to be that but it didnt make it
Doubt they will be doing Cena vs Rock II. It was a once in a lifetime match (so they say). That would just completely bury the first match that we were all waiting for. IF that were to happen, and IF Cena won again, which most likely he would... then what? Cena vs Rock III? I think WWE is smart enough not to do it again... I think.

My best guess would be Orton returning from suspension and attacking either Punk, Cena or both, which will result in a three way chase for the WWE title. Cena and Orton for some time have been the top players and the passed year has shown Punk becoming the #3 guy, maybe even #2 now that Orton hasn't been as relevant as he once was.

Orton can come back and say that the last year hasn't been his best, and that he's come back to put himself on top. He'll continue on with his return promo and won't make an appearance until the end of the Cena vs Punk match where he attacks both men which will leave his home-town audience shocked and in disbelief, thus turning him heel. This will start a feud between the three men with a Triple threat match at SummerSlam. Considering all the history each men have with one another, it will be the top 3 guys of this era in a match where the winner is WWE champion AND the "face" of the company.

Thats just my idea and im hoping it goes that way because im not really into the whole Lesnar vs HHH idea.
Attitude vs PG era

Attitude: rock, Dx, Austin, Mick Foley, Undertaker, Kane, a few others

PG: most of todays roster

on border: Cena, Punk, Lesnar, Orton, a few others

Honestly could be huge and would need a commit every week from the attitude era guys for an appearance. Have it be a 9 month battle with title exchanges and culminate at Wrestlemania. The attitude era guys would not have to wrestle much or be there every week. Just a couple guys from the group every week showing up and causing chaos.

Anyway...its a pipedream...but fun to think about.

It could also be the start of the transistion from the PG era to a PG 13 era, but not quite a attitude era type setting.
If a big name is turning heel it needs to be Randy Orton. Orton has always done epic heel work(i.e. Orton/Cena feud or his Legacy stable).

In regards to the big angle I remember a few months back reading that WWE had trademarked the name Future Endeavored. Also Big Johnny is still doing live events, so this would kinda make sense. They could easily throw Brock Lesnar into the angle as well as Heyman.
In my opinion, there has to be a different between

BIG ANGLE happening, and a BIG FEUD happening

lesnar/HHH is a big feud, but its not an angle. a big angle has to be something that shakes the foundation of the entire WWE. nexus was starting to be that but it didnt make it

Exactly. All of these people are just plain missing the point. A "big angle" is Vince's limo exploding, Vince finding out he has another son, Nexus, last year's conspiracy angle that went nowhere, etc. It's not a feud or a match.

If it's going to happen, it's going to happen at Raw 1,000. My guess is it involves the new GM. In the buildup to the 1,000th episode, that's gotten overshadowed by Rock returning, Lesnar answering Triple H, now Cena vs. CM Punk, etc...but it's the most important part of the show long term, and I think it will be huge.
The Big Angle will reveal itself at Summerslam. In my opinion it Involves HBK, Stephanie, Paul Heyman, Brock Lesnar and HHH.

I think Stephanie is behind Lesnar and Heyman as she is jealous of HHH taking her birth right and running the company.

Stephanie Interferes at Summerslam costing her husband the match, Heyman and Steph reunite and try to overthrow HHH. On screen divorce and in the settlement HHH gets Raw and Steph gets Smackdown. 2 brands, 2 seperate entities and the brand extension continues in the way it was supposed to happen at its first inception.
Isn't the point of the big angle supposed to be something we don't expect. With storylines already in place, why not go for something completely off the wall? Obviously we are all going to speculate (that's the point), but let's go out of the box here. No one saw nexus coming, Punk's speech was left field material (in the best way), so whatever "this" is, if there is something in the works, should be along those lines.
Heyman is revealed as the permanent GM of RAW, but they dont reveal it until he comes down and costs Cena the match. In the same deal CM Punk sides with Heyman to go back to his roots because he is tired of being second to Cena. This angle can add Big Show and many others who are against Cena being in the main event of every show and every PPV.
I think somehow the big angle will involve either Big Johnny, Stephanie McMahon or both.

Another thing I was thinking but this is more of a feud than an angle is that Orton comes back and RKOs the Rock setting up Rock vs. Orton for Summer Slam. This RAW is in STL so if Orton's suspension is over, they have to have him back in his hometown plus everyone is expecting something to happen between Cena and Rock, that this would be somewhat of a swerve. Also, Rock and Orton haven't feuded since Randy was in evolution.
I hope not but im pretty sure the big angle does revolve around lesnar thos is silly but i keep thinking the wwe will be takrn over not like what the nexus did but like donald trump. Again just a crazy thought. Who knows when its goin to start cm punk pipe bomb came off a regular raw so mayb it will be a good idea to start the raw after the 1000 episode. I just hope its actually a good big angle not something like brock wins the wwe championship
King Michéal;4015871 said:
The Big Angle will reveal itself at Summerslam. In my opinion it Involves HBK, Stephanie, Paul Heyman, Brock Lesnar and HHH.

I think Stephanie is behind Lesnar and Heyman as she is jealous of HHH taking her birth right and running the company.

Stephanie Interferes at Summerslam costing her husband the match, Heyman and Steph reunite and try to overthrow HHH. On screen divorce and in the settlement HHH gets Raw and Steph gets Smackdown. 2 brands, 2 seperate entities and the brand extension continues in the way it was supposed to happen at its first inception.

I like your idea. They really need to separate the shows more definitively. I mean how often does Y2J or punk need to wrestle in a week? Plus, the separate belts are confusing, just have everyone compete for the same belts and eliminate smackdown altogether.

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