The 2013 "Big Summer Angle"

I think we're absolutely going to see Punk and Lesnar as the big feud of the summer. So far, they haven't had Punk show any acknowledgement of Heyman paying off The Shield and Brad Maddox. After Mania, I think this gets revisited with Heyman saying he did all this to help keep Punk the streak going and never got any thanks in return. Punk tells him he never needed anyone's help to keep the title, and he'd still be champ to this day if The Shield didn't get involved at the Rumble and the match got restarted.

Lesnar inevitably comes back after another hiatus to F5 the hell out of Punk and kickstart the path to their SummerSlam match.
maybe a Brock and Rock rematch at SummerSlam. Brock interfers in one of Rocks matches or something. I also would like them to unify the belts soon. I also wouldnt mind shield being tag champs we havent had a team of 3 as champions for awhile now. I think it could bring along more stables.
I tend not to play fantasy booker, but I think I have a pretty good, if not, fun idea for the summer angle.

CM Punk and Brock Lesnar have Paul Heyman as their manager and it leads to the inevitable dissension between the two as they fight for sole control of Heyman's managerial services. Both Lesnar and Punk should remain as a heel to keep Punk's nasty edge, for reasons you're about to see.

At Summerslam, Punk & Lesnar face off in a No DQ match for the WWE Championship with Paul Heyman as special guest referee. They both go at each other in a brutal match where its tick for tack for almost the entirety of the match. Punk goes to pin Lesnar, and Heyman tries to screw him with a slow count. Punk starts to put the fear of God into Heyman by getting up close to him, talking trash, maybe even beat him a little. Punk then gets back to Lesnar, brutally beats him and Heyman reluctantly counts the pin 1-2-3.

Next night on Raw, CM Punk comes out with Heyman and proceeds to verbally assault him and threatens to make his life hell if Heyman ever tries to cross him again. They continue on for a month or 2 with Heyman reluctantly helping CM Punk win his matches.

Punk now has merit to those claims that he's the "most dangerous man in the locker room" with a violent beating of Brock Lesnar in their match and he has the chance to get reeeally over with the mainstream fans that tune in to watch Lesnar and see Punk as a legitimate badass.

Maybe a little too internet-fan-friendly, but hey, so was booking CM Punk to hold the title for 434 days
Got an interesting theory which might have some merit after tonights Raw. When Punk was hugging Heyman we saw a very interesting camera shot of Punk's face, or at least what we could see of it. Now camera angles like that are not usually done by accident.

Punk appeared to be smirking, and rather pleased with himself.

My suggestion is that while it is usually Heyman who brainwashes people, Punk has a track record of doing the same. The Straight Edged Society for example. Rather than as some speculated when Heyman first joined with Punk, that Heyman was influencing Punks change in behaviour, what if Punk is brainwashing Heyman. It looks like Heyman really was behind The Shield & Brad Maddox, or so it seems but at the same time Heyman is insisting it wasn't him.

What if this was leading to a Punk v Lesnar match at some point, possibly at SummerSlam. With Lesnar playing a face role, and Punk the cult leader, with Lesnar winning and getting Heyman back at his side.

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