The best TV/Movie game


Master of the Aussie kiss
Now I know the graphics are crap, the storylines are predictable (for the obvious reason) but what is your favourite TV/Movie themed game. I will limit it to the older stlye gaming systems, Playstation and under...

For me it has to be this game....


I am a huge Muppets fan, I admit it. Animal, Gonzo, Miss Piggy and Kermit ( and the rest) but every Muppets game imaginalble I had for the PS2. and out of them, this was my favourite, I spent hours upon hours playing this game, it got to the point where mum had to Pry the controller away from me once i was asleep.

The storylines in this game, was so cheezy it was funny. Everything in it had me in stitches. from the little guy ( i forgot his name...) to Kermit, this game had everything I looked for in a game back then. Sadly now i am more grown up, but it don't stop me from pulling this game out ever so often.

Whats your favourite.
I hate to be predictable, but I just cant choose anything other then Goldeneye. I dont think I need to explain why, other then it is still great fun to play, and has aged well in that you can still enjoy it greatly.
My favorite has to be star wars the force unleashed. you get so much power over the force that its ridiculous. :farttorch::xmen::2ar15smilie:
Now I know the graphics are crap, the storylines are predictable (for the obvious reason) but what is your favourite TV/Movie themed game. I will limit it to the older stlye gaming systems, Playstation and under...

So Goldeneye and StarWars forces unleashed will not count will it, being on systems ABOVE the Playstation.

My favourite three under the Playstation, are three games for the NES, all based on TV shows.

The first being Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which was a very good game in that it had a good mix of easiness and levels so hard you wanted to cry! Released in 1989 and re-released on the virtual console in 2007, it still has everything you need in a game, a mix of fun and hardness *insert sexual innuendo please*

The next is a game that the video game nerd destroyed, but I loved it, another 1989 game, and another classic I still play to this day. Ducktales (whoohoo), a very simple game where you're Scrooge McDuck trying to find treasure. Scrooge can jump and has a cane as a weapon to defeat enemies or strike objects and as a pogo stick to jump higher. Another all round fun game!

The last game, I got for my 7th birthday along with a WWF game...that would be Tiny Toon adventures. A game that I can remember playing again and again and again, quite similar in style to Super Mario Bros 3, mixed with the Tiny Toons characters, just somehow really appealed to me as a 7 year old kid. Great fun and not too hard.

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