The Best Pure "Look" in Pro Wrestling


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
a co-authored thread by IC25 and NorCal

As NorCal and I watched the Four Horsemen DVD Sunday morning over bagels (!), we came up with a debate and discussion, and turned it into a thread idea.

When we debate on this board, we debate things like wrestling ability, charisma, athleticism, etc. Occassionally we discuss "look" but not in and of itself.

Now we will.

Who, in pro wrestling history, had the best pure "look?" I mean, strip away mic skills, vocal skills, charisma, wrestling, etc. Just looking at the athlete for the first time, who do you look at and say "Holy Shit, this guy's got a great pro wrestling look..."

We came up with a few...

1. Sid Vicious. Tall, ripped, and angry looking. Curly gold mullet. An angry sneer that could pull a wet turd out of a dead aristocrat. Sid's look was a HUGE reason he got pushed to the moon on several occassions, and he may have the best pure look in wrestling history.

2. Lex Luger. This guy had probably the best pure bodybuilding physique in wrestling history. Whether his WCW days, his time in WWF as "Narcissist" or the All American Hero, Luger's muscular definition and dry-leather skin impressed even non wrestling fans. Ah, roids...

3. Triple H. NorCal mentioned this one, remembering when H's came back from his first quad injury to return at the Royal Rumble and beat Jericho at Wrestlemania. The look, the mist after he spit his water...the guy is a beast.

4. Barry Windham. Windham wasn't as ripped or as roided as Luger or Vicious, but Windham had one of the best pure "looks" in pro wrestling history. Flair, Arn, and Tully all said that back in the mid-80's when he became the 4th Horseman.

5. Sting. I am talking about late-80's and early 90's Sting. The colors, the streamers, and screams. He had a ridiculous look, not just strong, but athletic as hell. His face oozed charisma without words.

6. Ultimate Warrior. Sting's old tag team partner, when he burst onto the WWF scene, people looked at him and gasped - he was literally muscle upon muscle.

7. Ahmed Johnson. He was Bad News Brown with a slightly better physique. He was fear-inducing. When he scowled, people would just be glad to never be on the wrong side of a bar fight with him.

8. John Cena. JR said it back in his OVW days as "Prototype." One of the best pure looks in the business. He had muscle without looking like he'd lack athleticism. Not always easy, you know.

I will save the last 2 spots for honorable mentions, and once the debate gets going, I will add a poll.
My goodness IC, how could Hogan not have made your list? I don't think the kiddies would have been going too crazy for Hulk had he looked like Ludvig Borga. His golden hair and ripped muscles alone sold a whole lot of fucking tickets.

I'd also probably have to disagree with your pick of Barry Windham. I always considered his career to be a pretty massive flop. He could have been huge but instead ended up as The Stalker.

There's actually quite a bit of wasted potential on that list of yours. Ahmed being the number one case of having a great look but not being able to hack it for other reasons. That man had to be the most injury-prone wrestler of all time.

One more man I'd like to add to consideration would be Shawn Michaels. Without those good looks who knows if his push ever happens? If the looks had been switched with your boy Marty, we'd probably be calling Jannetty the Heart Break Kid.
My goodness IC, how could Hogan not have made your list? I don't think the kiddies would have been going too crazy for Hulk had he looked like Ludvig Borga. His golden hair and ripped muscles alone sold a whole lot of fucking tickets.

Hogan had a very good look. I wonder if it's good enough for top-10. I mean, take away the catch-phrases and the cupping of the ear and the flexing to the crowd. Look at Hogan as a heel when Blassie was his manager. Sure, great look. Top 10 all time? It's debatable, and I'd err on the side of "no."

Borga had a decent look, but his backstory is what made him a beast.

I'd also probably have to disagree with your pick of Barry Windham. I always considered his career to be a pretty massive flop. He could have been huge but instead ended up as The Stalker.

Bad booking plays no role. Pure look. You said it yourself, he could have been huge. The reason he wasn't was due to booking, not his look. Nobody said "we'd like to make him a champion, but he doesn't look like a pro wrestling champion." They said "holy shit, he looks like a pro wrestler."

There's actually quite a bit of wasted potential on that list of yours. Ahmed being the number one case of having a great look but not being able to hack it for other reasons. That man had to be the most injury-prone wrestler of all time.

No question. A good look is never an automatic, though it damn sure gets you a try-out.

I also want to make sure people realize - this isn't "best physique." Ole Anderson didn't have much of a pysique, but he had the gruff, angry, dangerous look of a guy who would probably be a hell of a wrestler. Sabu didn't have loads of muscle, but his crazy eyes and skin made of scored leather made his look terrific.

One more man I'd like to add to consideration would be Shawn Michaels. Without those good looks who knows if his push ever happens? If the looks had been switched with your boy Marty, we'd probably be calling Jannetty the Heart Break Kid.

I disagree. In fact, during The Rockers, I'd argue Marty had a better look than Shawn did.
I'm amazed that this guy hasn't been brought up yet.


Brock Lesnar's "look" and raw ability was so damn impressive that he became WWE Champion after only 5 months. He is simply the epitome of monster in wrestling. Lesnar, along with Hogan, Warrior and Sid had the best "look" out of all the wrestlers I have ever seen.
Chris Masters

Boring ass character, horrible in the ring, lame on the mic, yet still was popular for a while. The reason? Guy looked great. California baked skin, ripped muscles, great all around look. The man looked even bigger than he was. Great looking face, if he had some hair transplants, the man would be perfect.
X is right... Hogan is a DEFINITE in. But, I believe there are a few others that should be on here...

1. Steve Austin

Before he was known as "Stone Cold" or even "Stunning", this guy looked like he was chiseled out of stone. If anyone gets a chance to look at his work from back when he was in the Sportatorium, you'd be pleasantly surprised. His arms were shredded, chest was chiseled, and he has washboard abs. The guy was a sight to see.

2. Ezekiel Jackson

Call me crazy, but this guy is fucking HUUUUUUUGE. I mean, a monster. He is the epitomy of muscle mass. He looks like he could shake the ground when he walks. None of us have a clue of what the future may hold for him, but if we know Vince, big 'ol Zeke will be in a main event picture in no time based on looks alone.

3. Kevin Nash

Seven feet tall. 315 pounds. An extremely large man without an ounce of fat on his body. Good looking. Long hair. Witty, intelligent and funny on the microphone. Nash is the type of wrestler that most wrestling promoters would do anything to obtain. He is an instant draw because of his unbelievable presence.

4. Nathan Jones

Ahhhh... I'm sure you all forgot about this behemoth. 7'1" and 350lbs of shredded muscle. The guy could look at you and make you cry. Yeah, the guy had worse coordination in the ring than Vince McMahon, but we're talking about looks only, right?

5. Matt Morgan

7ft 305lbs. Another monster. He's young, tall, muscular, good-looking, and his fucking DNA was sent into space for cloning purposes (or some shit like that). Now, if THAT doesn't explain that he is quite the specimen, I don't know what will.
I'm curious why only guys chiseled from marble made your list. I agree with a couple of your picks, so I'll only list some that I think should have made it.

The Big Show - Obviously, The Big Show doesn't have the same look as the other guys on your list. He is incredibly intimidating to look at, and in person, is the largest man I have ever seen. He looks mean, especially with the bald head, and angry. The Big Show is a man who looks legitimate anywhere, in any match, and against anyone..

Batista - For the reasons you listed for The Ultimate Warrior and such.

John Morrison - John Morrison is much like Shawn Michaels. He's an attractive man, with amazing abs, and it'll take him far.

And yeah. I might post more later. I'm going for a swim.
Hmm, a pure wrestling look thread, oh well any excuse to talk about half naked men.

I'll give masked Kane an honourable mention, if the fact that he was a behemoth wasnt enough he had that mask, that sense of mystique around him that made you just know he'd kill you. He was called the big red machine and his look and presence just gave off that aura, you really thought he was unstoppable.

His look was definately a large part of why he's been over for about 10 years.

How about that little guy on the left? Since day 1, Rey has been all about people seeing him, and being convinced that he had no shot at winning. "He's tiny, he has no chance to beat [insert random normal sized wrestler here]. I'll still cheer for him though." And lo and behold, he tends to win more feuds than he loses. He is pretty chiseled, but Rey wouldn't be as over as he is if he was a few inches taller or 50 pounds heavier.
Randy Orton - Whether he's playing a cocky arrogant Wrestler, or a complete psychopath. His look is just perfect for both. His smile gives you that cocky arrogant vibe, but when he's not smiling and staring you dead on, you can't help but feel something's damn wrong up there in his head.

Triple H - His look is as intimidating as they come. His normal facial expression is intimidating enough, i experienced it in person. I was at a show in white plains with my thumb down and booing Trips, and the dood just starred at me for a brief second, and i sat my ass down, put my thumb down, shut my mouth, and looked the other way.

William Regal - When i see Regal i get the feeling right on the spot hes a smug foreigner. I'm not sure what it is with him. I think its the frown and the haircut.

Shawn Michaels - No better look can play the HBK gimmick. I'm a straight male, but whenever i see Michael's in his prime i say "Damn, That's one good looking guy". His look was just perfect for it. You would see him strip down in his tight leather outfits, and can't help but think "Well when you look like that...".
It's got to be Big Daddy Cool, Diesel, and in my opinion... it's not even a competition.

As pure looks goes... this guy had it all, literally. He was big, strong, mean looking when he was a heel, and cool, hansom with an engaging smile when he was a babyface. You add in the long hair, goatee, and ring attire... Kevin Nash as Diesel had the best pure look in the history of professional wrestling.
I'm shocked that this guy hasn't been brought up yet... Shit, he was in Dolph's picture, and Dolph was so fucking close when he used that picture. This man is just as imposing and intimidating as any guy I've ever seen.


Simply put, this man is as imposing as any seven foot man I have ever met. The guy is taller than the Big Show, and had much more muscular physique than Show ever did, even in his prime as The Giant. The guy's look is completely terrifying, and as a heel, the guy could impose his will upon any man that steps into the ring with him. At about four hundred and fifty pounds, the guy is purely all muscle, without any bit of fat to his build whatsoever. The guy isn't attractive, but he doesn't really have to be in his prime as a heel. The fact is that this guy looks like an absolute monster, and if Vince could build some guy to be an absolute terror for any face in the ring, this would be the guy. He's a fascinating species, to say the least, and the guy could just flat out throw you around the ring if he chose to.

In short, I take The Great Khali
I would have to say Randy Orton, he's the perfect wrestling speciemen, he ripped, but not overly so, that he can still function and is very agile. He's very strong, cut, with a ton of lean muscle, plus he's a cardio machine. He's pretty much has the best pure look in my opinion as he has the right amount of everything.

Also though there are John Cena, Ted DiBiase, Matt Morgan, Nathan Jones, John Morrison, Shelton Benjamin, all of them have a pure look to them.
If we're going on about the man that was based on the look....based on spectacle.......based on being jaw dropping and amazing to see. The man whos entrance alone grabs the audience and holds onto them better then anyone.

John Cena

Hes got a huge build and when you look at him its like looking at Tiger Woods, you think wow, this guy is a real athlete. I would not like to meet this guy in a wrestling ring. He would kick my ass. Thats what id be thinking!
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