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The Best Or The Worst?


Getting Noticed By Management
For years now the Dudley Boyz (Team 3D) have claimed to be the best tag team in history. They make these claims on camera and in real life. Both of them site their three company domanice, longevity, and multiple title reigns as the reason for this claim. I like the Dudley Boyz, but I question how great they really are.

Ray and D-Von got their start as part of a larger Dudley stable in ECW. They were good on the mike, and had feuds with the likes of Dreamer, Sandman, The Gangstars, Axl Rotten, and Balls Mahoney. While entertaining, their opponents weren't exactly huge talents.

They then went to the WWE and had the most successfull run of their career. The Dudley Boyz are mostly remembered for their part in a trio of ladder matches with Edge and Christain and the Hardy Boyz. However, they were the least important team in all of these matches. They were mainly there to set up tables and give the other four a break in between spots. Nobody ever talks about anything amazing they did in these matches.

After the WWE, the Dudleys changed their name to Team 3D and went to TNA. They feuded with all the top teams, but were never really the top dogs in TNA. After five years they broke up and have been feuding ever since.

I thought it would be intersting to test the Dudleys claim to being the greatest of all time. Lets take a look at how they stack up against some other legendary tag teams.

Road Warriors
Not even close. The Road Warriors were far more popular and influential than the Dudleys. They were also stronger, better brawlers, and better wrestlers. The Dudleys might be great, but the Road Warriors are probably the greatest of all time.

British Bulldogs
The Bulldogs were far more exciting than the Dudleys. They brought a brand new style of wrestling to America, and were one of the first teams of smaller guys to get over with the fans.

Hart Foundation
Again, the Harts were faster, stronger, and vastly better wrestlers than the Dudleys. They are also remembered as a much better team.

Longest reigning champs in WWE history. They had a better look than the Dudleys and were one of the most popular teams in WWE history.

Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard
The Dudleys have never been, and will never be, as popular, talented, or respected at the two founding Horsemen.

Steiner Brother
The Steiners showed more power, techincal ability, and talent in one match than the Dudleys have shown in their entire career.

New Age Outlaws
While similar in ability, the Outlaws were far more sucessfull than the Dudleys. They were involved with main event talent on a weekly basis and sold nearly as much merchandise as Austin and The Rock. Fans went crazy for them and "Oh you didn't know" got ten times the pop that "get the tables" ever did.

Edge and Christian
Edge and Christain were the kings of tag team wrestling in the WWE a decade ago. Far more talented, exciting, and over with the crowd than the Dudleys.

This is a close one, but I'm givng the edge to the A.P.A. These guys were hugely popular with the fans. Their segments in the "office" drinking and playing cards always got great responses from the fans. They were also involved with lots of top level talent.

Hardy Boyz
While I actually prefer the Dudleys to The Hardys, I would be lying if I didn't say the Hardys were much more sucessfull. Matt, and especially Jeff, have always been more over than the Dudleys. They have been far better as both singles and tag wrestlers then either Ray of D-Von.

The Outsiders
The Outsiders were better than the Dudleys in every way imaginable. More sucessfull, more popular, better in the ring, and vastly more important to wrestling history.

Beer Money
Beer Money is the best tag team in wrestling today. I also think they are better now than the Dudley Boyz have ever been.

This might be the most lopsided compairison on the list. HBK and Triple H are truly better than the Dudleys in every way imaginable.

So I don't think the Dudleys are anywhere near the best tag team of all time. However, they certainly aren't the worst. They were a much better team than The Smoking Guns, Natural Disasters, Nasty Boys, Quebeckers, Strike Force, The Rockers, Harlem Heat, Public Enemy, The Gangstas, The Eliminators, The Killer Bees, Kronic, The Headbangers, Faces of Fear, Men on a Mission, The Godwins, La Resistance, and a dozen other teams.

The Dudley Boyz are nowhere near the greatest tag team of all time. However, they are certainly far better than most teams. At the end of the day, I'd have to say that they were just pretty good.
i couldn agee more now that i think about it. demolition was the longest running tag champs round and beat high quality teams such as the harts,bulldogs, strikeforce, powers of pain amoung others. i aslo dont see them outsmarting haku and andre like ax and smash did. i believe the bro of destruction also destroyed them. now i do qgree that the dudleys were high power, but no way are they the greatest. hell the rockers would give them a run along with the twin towers. and no way in hell could they compete with the mega powers or the mega maniacs for that matter.now the dudleys might have been the greatest of their time. thats the good side. the bad side is none of these teams were around when the dudleys were making their run. now as for some of the teams the op talked about, yes they were around, but no way would they respective gms or owners have let an ecw tag team come in and beat their companies respective tag legends. but despite that fact, if they were aloud to really compete, then yes they would hold their own, but to be the greatest without competeing with the greatest? id have to call theyre bluff on that one. greatest ever in ecw yes, jus like the steiners and the road warriors were and wcw and demolition, the harts, and the bulldogs were in wwf.
I don't even agree that they were better than Harlem Heat. The reason that they stake their claim as the best team ever is because they won the titles 23 times. Sweet...they were given fake belts 23 times.

Random thought: Jerry Lawler won 20+ world titles: is he better than Flair, Hogan, Rock or Austin?

Ask yourself, when is the last time the Dudleys/3D won tag team titles when the belts carried any real value?

I don't look at "how many championships" someone won as a gauge of how successful they were...I look at the influence they had on wrestling. As you stated, most of the tag teams on your list had more influence and/or were more talented within pro wrestling/sports entertainment than the Dudleys/3D ever were. Not to devalue their runs, but seriously, they were clearly far from the best. They had a hardcore niche, that caught fire in the mid-to-late nineties that has sorta died down over the years. Most of the other teams listed, transcend time and genres.

With that thought process, they may not even be in the top 10 best teams of all-time.
Agree 100%. Frankly I think the dudley's are closer to being the worst team then being the best.

Here's my problem with the Dudley's, they are ALL TALK. The Dudley's can only have a good match if there are tables and weapons involved (or they're facing a team that can carry them), individually both were never good enough to ever be showcased on WWE Superstars IMO (that's why they were apart in the WWE for a few months tops), and the any heat that team was ever able to garner was CHEAP HEAT, it doesn't take talent to swear at fans and beat up on women and it doesn't take talent to put people through tables. They are out of shape, have ZERO in ring psychology and have been together for so long because they can't make it on their own (like right now, their feud is horrendous). Sure they have a ridiculous amount of tag belts, but if they wrestled in the 80's (you know when tag wrestling was good) they never would have made it past the opening card.

All titles those 2 ever got was because of 2 reasons:
1) They were around when excessive violence was cool in wrestling (ECW and Attitude era).
2) A heavy lack of credible tag teams.

I know many say they are one of the greatest (no more than the Dudley's themselves), but in the 1000 matches and promo's I've seen with the Dudley's, I can honestly say I've never seen an ounce of greatness in that team. Both should kiss Heymans ass next time they see him because without Heyman, neither guy would have ever made it in wrestling.
Fuck! One of those stupid pop up ads came up just when I was clicking my mouse, and I lost all my fucking work. I hope those fucking morons go bankrupt and end up sucking dick for McDonalds food.

Now that that's out of the way, I'll try to re-type my post. (Fucking hell.)

I agree wholeheartedly. While the Dudleys are definitely not the best team that has been around, I would say they're a far cry from the worst also.

They are definitely not the best team talent-wise. Not even close. They're easily not the most popular. But they have had lasting power, and that's something that cannot be ignored in the grand scheme of things.

When you look at their beginnings, it could have easily went either way. But for whatever reason, whether it was their look, or their catchphrases, or charisma, or whatever, they withstood the test of time even when moving from the smaller time to the "big leagues" and that is a testament to their not being simply a "flash in the pan".

Even so, I've never really liked Bubba Ray. I've always found D-Von to be the more likable of the two. He just seems to have more motivation and comes across as a more determined, better worker. Bubba just seems to have that "I'm here, I did the angle/match, I'm leaving" kind of attitude. Don't know what it is, but always preferred D-Von. He also seemed to have been working out when they first hit TNA as he looked to be in pretty good shape and actually looked buff. It's long gone now, but hey, at least he took the time to do it.

So, while I wouldn't say the Dudleys/3D are the worst, I've seen worse, I wouldn't go so far as to say they were the best. A great, memorable team, I'll give them that, but not best. Not even in the top 5 in my book.
While I don't agree with the cocky self promoting the Dudleys do, I am shocked that every post to this point is against them.

Say what you want, but 23 tag team titles is hard to ignore. I don't think it makes them the best, but it's something to think about.

People have also said they don't change the game. Since the attitude days, wherever the Dudleys were, there was also the best tag team division in wrestling. WWE in the early 2000's, TNA since they showed up.

Plus, they did things that no other tag team has done, they stuck together for 90% of their dominant career. Were they the most athletic? No. They weren't gonna be the guys doing leg drops off of 30 foot ladders onto tables. Did they get the loudest pop, as face or heel? No, but tell me when you were in the arena and saw Bubba shove Devon, and shout out DEVON!!! you weren't on your feet yelling GET THE TABLES!!!!

They had a great run that lasted 15-20 years. I'll conceed that they aren't the best, but why would every wrestling organization make them multiple time champions if they didn't have something.
i agree with everything except them being better than the rockers.....the rockers excited many crowds though they werent as successful they culd deffinetly wrestle better and kind of innovated double team mvoes by jumping off top ropes and stuff also the dudleys wrestled in japan where they won many championships tht why they probably think they are so great
Fact: the Dudley's are in no way the worst tag team in history. I've never zoned into a Dudleyz match, and I've never cared whenever they have feuded each other. But the Dudleyz weren't ever interesting for the normal reasons. They powerbombed divas though tables and headbutting their opponents in the balls. They did dishonorable things and completely got away with it. UltimateWarrior was pretty much on target with their post, but then again UltimateWarrior usually is.

Bubba, get your own f'n table. Anderson, I'll say it again because I think you're alright:

"Take that queer hat off"
In all fairness the only reason Team 3-D compares themselves to the greatest tag team of all time the Road Warriors. Is because the Road Warriors were the first tag team to win the 3 major tag belts during there time with the AWA, NWA, and WWE. Team 3-D has won the NWA, TNA, WWE, WCW, and ECW. Thats the only reason why they call themselves the best is because of what titles they won. but the reason why i say the road warriors will always be better then them is because Hawk and Animal have a pop named after them i'm sure you have all heard of a road warrior pop. No other tag team has a pop named after them not the new age outlaws, not the british bulldogs, not the outsiders, beer money, you name the team and the road warriors are most likey better then them.
Tag teams are tough to judge these days and i am not talking about the depth that exist today. I am pointing to the fact that there isn't a greatest tag team of all time. Each tag team received different pushes at different times. The dudley's, hardy's, Edge and Christian, and Farooq and Bradshaw, put on amazing matches during the attitude era. however their matches that are considered amazing and classic were all gimmick matches. They lacked real technical based matches. The steiners, Hart foundation, Money inc, Demolition, the natural disasters, and Quebecers Pioneered the early 90's and late 80's putting on decent matches but they never had classic matches, Good teams, but they are more identified by their individual accomplishments later in their careers. The rockers were your first high fliers but never got the title push in the WWF that would warrant being called a great tag team probably did more in the AWA. Then you have the rock and roll express and road warriors that dominated other companies but had no push or lengthy title runs in the WWF. My point is that being called greatest tag team is too difficult because most teams break up too early or aren't pushed or viewed in one company as they are in others. Then i ask the question how do we define a great tag team? could Hogan and Savage be called the greatest because they were so accomplished in their careers, how bout Hall and Nash, or undertaker and Kane, and the rock and sock connection(my fav team of all time, jk), they had great single careers put together as a team. Maybe i am wrong but we can never call a team the greatest because they never truly accomplish greatness as a tag team because these teams never last long enough or remain long enough for their company.
In all fairness the only reason Team 3-D compares themselves to the greatest tag team of all time the Road Warriors. Is because the Road Warriors were the first tag team to win the 3 major tag belts during there time with the AWA, NWA, and WWE. Team 3-D has won the NWA, TNA, WWE, WCW, and ECW. Thats the only reason why they call themselves the best is because of what titles they won.

But when the Dudleyz won the WCW tag titles, it was in the WWE company during the invasion storyline. It was just another WWE tag title. Same for winning the NWA tag titles since it was still just in the company of TNA.

Road Warriors went to 3 different companies during the 80s and 1990. And they weren't bingo hall companies either.
Dudleys are not the best. Hart Foundation, hands down. Though, I would give anything to see the tag team division in WWE, have some sort of reformation. It sucks so bad. The Rock and Mick Foley tag teaming together? You don't see that shit anymore. All you see is Santino with Koslov....wow, congratulations to the WWE for being creative writers. I do like Santino though, he is funny.
im sorry matt but i have to totally disagree with something you said. how can u say that none of those wwf teams had classic matches back in the day? dude how old r you and can u not remember what id say was the golden age of tag team wrestling? for example, saturday nights main event, the rockers vs the hart foundation in a 2 out of 3 falls match? fuckin classic. bulldogs vs the rougous? another classic. all the dudleys have is a couple tlc matches. thats why i say that the dudleys arent the greatest yes they won multiple titles but the teams from the 80s and 90s had real classic matches while the dudlys had a couple spots here and there. sorry dude, but they cant handle a candle in terms of classic matches against the great teams that preceeded them.
Well, being the BEST team of all time is a huge title, and whether or not the Dudleyz should hold that title or not, I don't know. But I do know that you are hating on them too much. They have done a lot in this business, and there way be few team better than them, but The Dudley Boyz are ONE OF the greatest tag teams in pro wrestling history.
I have always thought of the Dudleyz as a great team. Not great WRESTLERS, but as a great TEAM. Bubba and D'Von have little actual wrestling ability, but worked really well as a team, and have managed to stay relevant in the business as a duo far longer than almost any other tag team. Yeah, they are certainly past their sell-by-date now, but for years they were regarded as one of the best teams around. The fact that they have been trusted with 23 tag team title reigns in multiple organisations shows how highly management thought of the Dudleyz.

Bubba has always been the mouthpiece of the team. Yes as another poster mentioned, it isnt hard to swear at fans, but if you look at the heat the Dudleyz used to get as heels in ECW, it is astonishing. The fans literally wanted to kill them, and riots frequently started. That is a level of heat most heels will never get close to, and the Dudleyz played their roles perfectly. I do not think many teams could come close to getting this level of heat as a heel team.

They fitted perfectly with the Attitude era in the WWE, their hardcore, table breaking style was exactly in tune with where the WWE was heading, which is why they were such an immediate success. Powerbombing women through tables was another reason why the became such a big deal in the 'E, it had never really been done before. And while they did not do the BIG spots in the TLC and triangle ladder matches, they still certainly played a big role in the matches.

I definitely think their contribution should noy be ignored. Along with the Hardyz, New Age Outlaws and Edge and Christian, the Dudleyz were easily one of the best tag teams of the last 15 years in the WWE, and were big players in what was a golden era for tag teams.

But the best??

I dont think they were. Although they were great in their own hardcore style, they needed to resort to tables in almost every match. That was their gimmick. Without the tables, the Dudleys had the 3D and the Wassssuupp! headbutt. That was about it. Neither Bubba or D'Von were ever good as actual wrestlers, they had little or no technical ability and couldnt realy tell a story in the ring, the way the greats can. They werent execptionally strong, like The Road Warriors. They were not innovative and unique like the Bulldogs or Rockers, they didnt even have 1 technical and 1 power wrestler, like the Hart Foundation. This is where they fall down for me.

The fact that members of tag teams have gone on to singles success, like Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Edge, Jeff Hardy, Christian etc shows the talent of these individual wrestlers. Both Dudleyz had none of this in-ring talent or charisma. They were brawlers, who were in the right place at the right time with the perfect gimmick for ECW and then the Attitude era WWE.

However, to be as successful as they were shows that you do not always need to have the best wrestling ability, or mic skills, or movesets. You just have to have a connection with the fans, and to stand out...which is what the Dudleyz did. They were a very good TEAM, but without each other they were, and are, worthless in wrestling.

Not the BEST tag team by any stretch, but they have to be higher than most. They were very entertaining at their peak, but lacked the actual wrestling ability or any outstanding qualities in the ring to be regarded as the best.

The best to me? Edge and Christian
Well they call themself the most decorated tag team in the history of wrestling.. hmm, who else calls them this? The announcers? The reason they have over 20 tag title reigns is because they have been a team all their careers, unlike other teams who go on to have singles careers and these two tried having single careers back in 2002 but failed badly so they had to become a team again...

When they were a team, the best teams they went against were the likes of APA, E&C, Hardyz, Too Cool, RTC.. And I can say Hardyz and E&C are better tag teams than the Dudleyz..

They never went up against teams like Road Warriors, Hart Foundation, Steiners, Demolition.. Sure they might have more reigns than these teams but the length of the reings are crap and also Dudleyz needed tables in their matches to make them good. These teams just had each other and they put on some great matches against each other..
While not the worst they clearly in my opinion aren't the best ever either. The Dudleys wouldn't make my top 25 ever ! Just because they say they are doesn't make it so. Just like HTM saying he's the greatest I.C. champ ever or Bret saying he's the best there is, the best there ever will be we all know it's not true !

When talking about world tag titles does anyone really think of the ECW or TNA titles as world titles ? Let's get real.

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