FAVE 5- Tag Teams of All Time

1.LOD- Spikes and facepaint
2.New Age Outlaws- OH YOU DIDN'T KNOW!!!
3.Steiner Bros- Great suplexes and wrestling ability
4.RVD and Sabu- Crazy mofos
5.Sting and Luger- They looked cool and worked well together
I would be lying if I told you that my Top 5 Tag Teams of all time are:

Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit
Chris Jericho and The Rock
Chris Jericho and Christian
Chris Jericho and Edge

But that’s not far from the truth.

My Top 5 Tag Teams of all time are (in no order):

Demolition – Ax, Smash, and Crush
They are the longest reigning WWE Tag Team Champion in history. You can say they are copies of the Road Warriors all you want. The fact of the matter is I was born and raised in the North East.

The Dudley Boyz – Bubba Ray and D-von
NWA Tag Team Champions. WWE Tag Team Champions. WCW Tag Team Champions. ECW Tag Team Champions. TNA Tag Team Champions. World Tag Team Champions. Not to mention a few other Tag Team Championships from other promotions. They have done it all…and I saw all of it.

Two Man Power Trip – Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H
I’m pretty sure this pick isn’t about the members as much as it is about what they did. I would have preferred the Rock instead of Triple H, but this worked too. The WWE Champion and the Intercontinental Champion, as the Tag Team Champions, it was a beautiful site to see.

Jeri-Show – Chris Jericho and The Big Show
The first ever Undisputed Champion and the first ever Triple World Crown Champion…as Unified WWE World Tag Team Champions. It just does not get any better than this for me. Their run was great, even if it wasn’t on purpose. I think Jericho and Edge would have been just as good, but what a replacement, huh!?

Beer Money – James Storm and Robert Roode
I don’t know what it is about these two, but they were good enough to make me buy a T-Shirt…the only Tag Team T-Shirt I own. Mind on my Money…Money on my Beer. Maybe it was just the catch phrase that got me. Maybe Stone Cold Steve Austin and JBL should have had this gimmick first. Who knows.

Honorable Mentions:
The Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Ole Anderson and Arn Anderson)
The Brain Busters (Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard)
The Outsiders (Kevin Nash and Scott Hall)
The Wolfpac (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and X-Pac)
D-Generation X (Shawn Michaels and Triple H)
New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg Jesse James and Bad @$$ Billy Gunn)
The Dudley Boys: Especially when at their heel peak in ECW, they would draw so much heat it was unreal, and even as i saw in the Rise and Fall of ECW DVD, had fans waiting outside the arena challenging them too fights.

APA: They were just pure badasses, and could produce great matches aswell.

New Age Outlaws

Edge and Christian

Harlem Heat
1. Edge & Christian - A total package team, great matches, entertaining promos and the ability to work TV main event's against a team of top singles faces.

2. The Bulldog & Owen - The best in ring chemistry of any team for me, their matches were always a highlight in 96/97 for me.

3. The Rockers - My favourite high flying team and as a kid I was always disappointed that they split up without having a championship run, I was mad at HBK. :icon_lol:

4. The Road Warriors - Sure in hindsight they weren't the best of workers, but as a kid how could you not find them awesome?

5. The Steiners - I just loved the mix of smash mouth and technical ability they brought, back then Scotty was one of the most exciting guys in the business to watch.
in no particular order:
LOD/road warriors - simply awesome!
hart foundation - perfect mix of technical ability and power
demolition - lod wannabees..... i dont think so!
skyscrapers - pure ass kicking machines!
brainbusters - the best technical team EVER

honourable mentions: steiners, doom harlem heat, sting luger, bigelow & vader
No particular order:

1) Demolition

2) Brain Busters

3) New Age Outlaws

4) Hart Foundation

5) Dudley Boyz

There are plenty of others I really like that are not listed. Notice the trend? I couldn't care less about "teams" that consist of two singles wrestlers randomly thrown together (although that's kind of what NAO started out as).

I liked teams that knew how to work together, and had a team name. That made me take them seriously.
here are my 5 fave tag teams in no particular order

1) Hollywood Blondes - how can anyone not like Flyin Brian and Steve Austin
2) Legion of Doom - oh what a rush, face paint complete with shoulder pads n spikes
3) Hart Foundation - They were one of the first tag teams i was into
4) British Bulldogs - as above, Dynamite Kid taken from us too early
5) The Dream Team

as has been said by others theres loads of tag teams to choose from like Natural Disasters and Money Inc and Beer Money, its a shame tag team wrestling aint what is ued to be
5) The Steiner Brothers: I enjoyed them more in the WWF then I did when I watched them in WCW in 96-97. S.Steiner was so good in the ring back then and I still call it a frankensteiner to this day because of him. Also they were colorful and being 10 back in 93 that helped.

4) The Hart Foundation: Even at a young age I recognized the skill that Bret had and started liking him from his tag days. The only reason they aren't higher is because I started liking them toward the end of their run so I didn't watch them for too long. Also I associate Bret with singles wrestling so much that it puts them lower.

3) The Outsiders: These guys were so cool at the beginning of the NWO. We knew who they were from their WWF days so they were already established and they clicked so well becasue of there real life friendship. Loved the rocks paper sissors they used to do to see who would start.

2) Edge and Christian: My favorite tag team of recent history. These guys where so cleaver and cool and were real good in the ring too. Plus Edge is one of my faves of all time so that doesn't hurt.

1) Demolition: Man did I like these guys back in the day. It's funny that I always thought of them as these big and bad guys when I was younger and I look at them know and see 2 out of shape dudes. But boy were they bad ass. I know there a copy of LOD, but back then WWF is all I new and I had them before LOD so they take the top spot.

Honorable mention: The Rougeau Brothers, there my sig pic and had the best entrance theme of all time!
Ok this if MY fav 5. Maybe not as much as all time but some standouts

1.LOD - Not only My top 5, but in top 3 of all time if not #1

2.Edge and Christian - they just worked well together. Entertaining and Amazing

3.Harlem Heat - Always liked Booker his athleticism was great. Huston Hangover

4.The Eliminators - not only were they extreme but they did some amazing moves. They could actually wrestle their asses off.

5.APA - I liked their rough shot just punch you in the mouth style backstage, then in ring they could out wrestle you. Also hilariously entertaining
5. The Rockers - loved their ring entrance and their high flying style back then.

4. The Hollywood Blondes - the first heel tag team that I rooted for. As a kid to early teen they seemed so cool. Wish they would have lasted a bit longer.

3. The Hart Foundation - Played off each other perfectly. The power of the Anvil and the technical ability of Bret. Like them as heel and face.

2. Demolition - as a kis they were so badass. Great title reigns. Worked so well together.

1. Edge and Christian - Multi time tag champs. 5 second pose. Innovators of TLC. One of the best teams ever in my opinion.

Honorable mentions - The New Age Outlaws, Harlem Heat, The Dudley Boys, The Hardys
reading through alot of replies, it seems some feel the tag team division commenced in 1997. There has been many many great tag teams over the years, here is my list of the TOP 5 tag teams of all time.

THE BRITISH BULLDOGS: Mixing a great style of power and strength in Davey Boy with the speed and high flying of the Dynamite Kid, these guys debutted in WWE in 1985, Davey Boy only being 22 at the time and these guys already had been very successful in Canada and Japan. They were fan favourites, had a lenghty WWE Tag Team Title run which only ended due to Dynamite suffering his severe back injury in late December 1986 and having to give the titles up. There matches with The Dream Team, Hart Foundation, Rougeaus are all well worth looking at on youtube.

THE ROAD WARRIORS: Goes without saying, possibly the greatest tag team of all time. Stiff workers, strong powerful men, with the greatest mind in the business as their manager and mentor. Held tag team gold in NWA, WCW, WWE and in Japan.

THE STEINER BROTHERS: Similar to the Warriors, these guys could actually wrestle, college athletes, very strong. The Frankensteiner still one of the greatest moves in tag team wrestling, or any wrestling for that matter. Held WCW, WWE and titles in Japan.

THE HART FOUNDATION:Had hundreds of great matches with the Bulldogs, two time WWE Tag champs had speed and mat wrestlnig in the Hitman, and the power of the Anvil.

ROCK AND ROLL EXPRESS: The first of the pretty boy tag teams, high flying and what not. Morton and Gibson complimented each other greatly, even though they were so similar.

no honourable mentions as it clearly states the top 5, not top 50
Hollywood Blondes: The main reason I watched WCW in the early 90s. They were the first heel tag team I rooted for.

LOD: They had it all. My favorite finisher ever.

Steiners: So many classics. Really loved them in the WWF in 93.

The Rockers: First high flying tag team that I saw. They worked great together.

Money Inc: The Million Dollar Man and IRS fit perfectly together. My favorite tag team ever. Wish they stayed together and Ted never left in 93.

Honorable Mentions: The Bulldogs, The Harts, The Outlaws, E/C
Edge and Christan: They totally reeked of awesomeness. The funniest most charismatic and succesful tag team I've ever seen. Their great solo careers testify to their individual talent but together they were ruly something special.

Rock and Sock: My two favourite wrestlers of all time. They had great chemistry and together helped produce some of the most memorable segments of the Attitude era.

New Age Outlaws: Terrific on the mic, very good in the ring and phenomenally successful. The tag team embodiment of the Attidue era.

APA: Just two guys who liked to gamble, drink and beat people up. Simple yet very entertaining tag team.

Too Cool: Maybe a ctonroversial choice but they were extremely entertainign and way over with the fans. Scotty Too Hotty made the worm cool worldwide and still have memories of trying to do it at my primary school disco.
1. L.O.D/Road Warriors- These guys were awesome! Sick Promo's! Intense matches!

2. New Age Outlaws- Road Dogg was a great showman. Billy Gunn an underrated wrestler. Entertaining team.

3. Owen and Bulldog- Both were great wrestlers. I can watch Owen wrestle all day!

4. The Hardy's- Extreme! Alot of classic matches! Fun to watch

5. Hart Foundation- Bret can wrestle. Neidhart had the charisma. Jimmy Hart was the perfect manager for them.
My fave 5 in no particular order…

The Bushwhackers; I loved their zany antics in and around the ring. They were never going to be championship material booked as they were during their WWF heyday, but they were fun and so over with the fans regardless.

The British Bulldogs; bit of a soft spot being a Brit myself. Davey Boy was the classic powerhouse, while the cagey Dynamite provided the aerial nous and technical savvy. They were as tough as <insert your own simile here> and they could legitimately beat any team on any given day.

The Rockers; they wore garish colours, came out to cool music and flew around the ring like I&#8217;d never seen before. They were innovative and exciting. What more needs to be said?

The Legion of Doom; THE ultimate tag team who &#8220;snacked on danger and dined on death!&#8221; LOD will always be at the top, or at the very least second, during any discussion or debate regarding the greatest tag teams. With their spiked shoulder pads, faces painted and their Doomsday Device finisher, they really were the proverbial bad asses. If that wasn&#8217;t enough, Hawk&#8217;s gravelly voice announcing the team&#8217;s entrance always made the hairs at the back of my neck stand up&#8230;&#8221;Oooooooooooh, what a rush!&#8221;

Hollywood Blonds; I never knew much about this short lived team at the time of their existence. I know a lot about both Austin and Pillman as singles stars. I've since looked back at old video footage of this team, both in ring and promo stuff, and can honestly say that they were good. They could have been great, but I still like them nonetheless.

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