`Mania matches should have had a different outcome.

You serious? You want to change the outcome of the most important moment in Wrestlemania history? You want to reverse the course of Wrestlemania and not have Hogan go over an aging and declining legend at the PERFECT time in front of almost 100,000 people?

Cocaine MUST BE a hell of a drug.
There were better ways to put Hogan over Andre - who deserved more of a legacy than, "Yeah, but he never beat Hogan clean." Hogan was already long established as the WWF's marquee name by then (and besides, as far as kayfabe was concerned, Andre was neither aging nor declining).

Maybe it's not as much "should have had a different outcome" as "should have had a different buildup" - if they would have built it up like they built up Hogan-Warrior at WM VI, then a Hogan win might have worked better. (The question is, would Andre have been in any condition for anything resembling a long match at the first WM, much less two years later?)

-- Don
Hogan-Andre at WM 3 - they should have booked that one as a draw of some sort. (They never should have turned Andre heel, for that matter, but my guess is, pretty much everybody on the planet wanted to see Hogan-Andre, and Hogan didn't want to wrestle someone who might get something close to as many cheers as himself.)

-- Don

oh yeah, they definitely should have finished the biggest event of all time (possibly still to this day) with a draw. That would have really sent the fans home happy...HOgan-Andre had to be a heel/face match up. It didn't work at this time any other way, not nearly to what it was capable of. And it was perfect. People bought it, and loved it. Andre was vilified. HOgan was beloved. The reaction was perfect from the audience both ways, and the crowd went NUTS.

Andre's legacy is perfectly fine, normally recognized as one of the 10 best wrestlers ever, and more known mainstream then almost anyone outside of HOgan, Rock, Steve Austin, and MAYBE Ric Flair. Pretty damned good legacy. Andre was on his way out of the Main Event. He did the right thing.

For me, I would have changed the end of Hogan-Rock. Not because I think Hogan SHOULD have gone over, but because if that had happened, that's the only way the hottest crowd of all time could have gotten any hotter. There was a bit of a letdown when Hogan lost. Can you imagine the reaction if Hogan had won? Unbelievable. Like I said, the right man won in the grand scheme of things, but given the circumstances around that individual match/event, a Hogan win would have been EPIC.
The Rock vs Austin Wrestlemania XV The Rock should have won that match after all Austin n Rock fought at backlash anyway where Austin could of won his title back then the Rock Austin feud was the most memorable but i believe that The Rock should have one the first time.

I agree, Rocky should of won at WrestleMania, then Austin either wins the next night on Raw or at backlash. Rock came out of that feud losing 2 out of 2 matches, looking inferior to Austin, yet his popularity still sky-rocketed to the same level as Stone Cold.

But I strongly feel that Stone Cold Steve Austin should have defeated The Rock at Wrestlemania 19. [/B]Yep, I said that! Austin should have gone 3 for 3 against Rock at Wrestlemanias. I just dont feel that The Rock needed that win as much as other people do. Rock was a 7-time champion, never lost to Hogan, and beat The Undertaker almost every time they met. I can only remember one time Taker beating Rock(King of Ring `99 With interference by HHH). Sorry Stone Cold should have won IMO. To this day, I am still bummed that The Rock won this match. I own the WM19 dvd and I always skip over that match.. Too big of an Austin fan to bring myself to watch it.

No, it would of been unfair for Rock to lose 3 times, Stone Cold won their two biggest matches, both for the WWF Title, infact Rock never won a title match against Austin at any PPV at all.
No, it would of been unfair for Rock to lose 3 times, Stone Cold won their two biggest matches, both for the WWF Title, infact Rock never won a title match against Austin at any PPV at all.

Knew someone would disagree with me. I've heard the same things from my circle of friends on this subject, and I always stand up for what I believe in. I Always defend Austin here. Don't get me wrong, I do like The Rock. But when its about Rock winning this match over Steve, I just will not compromise there.

But if I could go back and change the outcome of TLC II(17) or Austin/Rock III(19), I would take TLC II away from Edge/Chr. in favor of The Hardys. To change Austin/Rock now would mess up all the history that followed(Goldberg debut) That being said, if I had my way in `03, Stone Cold would have beaten The Rock at `Mania 19.
Just thought of another one.

Triple H should have retained the World Heavyweight Title against Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit at Wrestlemania 20. The same triple threat happened at the following Backlash in Benoit's hometown of Edmonton. I think it would have been a better storyline to have Benoit win the belt at Backlash in Edmonton.
I don't get why a lot of you are saying 'so and so should have lost, so they could win at Backlash instead.'

Winning at the Grandest Stage of them all, the Showcase of the Immortals, the pinnacle of Sports Entertainment...........

..... or winning at the 1st PPV of the (WWE) year, the PPV that was often referred to as 'The WM repeat' PPV because so many of the matches were simple repeats of the WM before.

So i definitely don't agree that Benoit should have won in Edmonton instead of Mania 20, hometown win or not. Winning at the 20th anniversary of WM, at MSG, at the biggest PPV of the year, would still outweigh the hometown win imo.

Other choices made by others:

TLC II? Well, i guess that E+C won them all because no one saw any real future in the Hardys or the Dudleys as singles wrestlers, whereas both Edge and Christian had very succesful singles runs before either of the other two teams even split up.

Note that the Dudleys and Hardys didn't just lose to Edge and Christian every time, but any other team that was ever thrown in a TLC match as well i.e. Benoit/Jericho, and later Kane on his own (ok, technically only Bubba Ray and Jeff were in that particular match and not The Dudleys or The Hardyz, but personally, i still count it).

Now someone will argue 'blah blah blah, Jeff rules, blah blah blah, Matt will get a title run eventually, blah blah blah' but if you do, you're point is irrelevant. What Matt and Jeff have become in the 9 years since that match, is NOT a reflection of what the creative team thought of them in 2001 as future commodities.

So that's why i think E+C were the true TLC Kings, because they had brighter futures as either a tag team or singles stars, than either Hardy or Dudley at that point in time.

Booker v HHH? Yeah Booker should have won. He evn beat HHH the week before WM, proving that he could do it. But WM comes around, Flair interferes, Booker puts on one of his best WM performances, if not THE best, and still loses.

I guess Brock winning was pretty much guaranteed, so that's why they decided to give HHH the choice of whether or not to drop the belt.

Creative: "Well one World title is changing hands anyway, so we don't really need you to drop the belt Paul, but Booker could probably draw some decent numbers with it....."

HHH: "I disagree."

Creative: "BOOKER!!!! You're getting pinned tonight! (sound of Booker saying, 'Awwwwwwwww' in the background)...... Cool, well see you at the after party champ."

Kane v HHH? No way. Kane won that match btw so i don't see why the outcome needs changing. They were playing us to make us think that Chyna had rejoined DX, when in reality, HHH had joined the Corperation, and Kane left! Plus the Corporate Ministry started soon after that, so they were weeding out the talent they didn't want in that group, which included Kane.

That swerve was one of the key moments of WM15, and i don't honestly see why a HHH/Kane fued would have been so desirable. That particular match wasn't exactly awesome.

Benoit/Angle? Personally, i think it just made it look like they were THAT evenly matched that Kurt had to cheat. Anyway, Benoit won the 30 minute submission match the next month, so you couldn't really have Angle lose 2 PPVs in a row could you? He was one of the best heels at the time, and he'd accomplished MORE than Benoit. Angle losing twice would have put Benoit in a position they obviously felt he wasn't yet ready for, and personally i felt gratified knowing Benoit had proven himself by beating Angle with pure wrestling, whereas Angle had to cheat.

Kane/Taker I? No way should Kane have won. If he'd won they may as well have kicked Taker to the curb straight afterward. Taker had been beaten on for months on end, to the point where he disappeared entirely for a while. Meanwhile Kane had also beaten the crap out of most of the roster, including monsters like Vader.

So after being shit on for months, you'd have preferred it if Taker had made his return and gotten beaten again?

Taker shouldn't have won the Inferno match imo, but no way should he have lost at WM.

Now, for the match outcome that i'd have changed. MiTB at WM 26.

Bare with me, this will be complicated, because the outcome of WM before is what should have changed the outcome of this match.

I understand that they wanted to give Punk another chance with the World title after the terrible booking they did for his previous one, but could they seriously not hear the screams of fans urging Christian to unhook the briefcase during MiTB at WM25? Or the boos as Punk actually did it? Or the chants at the very beginning of the match for Christian?

So why the fuck did Jack Swagger win the match the following year?

WM25 - loads of fans scream their lungs out in anticipation of Christian winning MiTB. Instead, CM Punk gets another instant title reign. Fair play, his second reign and everything since has been awesome, but at the time, that really didn't seem like it was a good decision.

WM26 - Jack Swagger, who's lost to Santino 3 weeks in a row before hand, becomes MiTB winner, and cashes in for what a lot of people consider to be, a worse title reing than Punk's first one, even though, Christian had spent most of 2009 as the face of ECW, putting on quality PPV matches every time he was on the card.

Swagger however, didn't. Ok, so he had some crappy opponents when he was champ. Christian, probably would have still done better.

Ok, yeah, my final point sounds like fanboy whining, and that's essentially what it is, but i really, really think that Christian should have won at least one fo the 3 MiTB ladder matches he's been in since his return, and the live audience response in each of those matches only solidifies my viewpoint. Hell, they even cheered Christian over M. Hardy as they reached for the case. So if he's getting cheered over everyone's favourite chairty case, why isn't Vince doing anything with him????????
Knew someone would disagree with me. I've heard the same things from my circle of friends on this subject, and I always stand up for what I believe in. I Always defend Austin here. Don't get me wrong, I do like The Rock. But when its about Rock winning this match over Steve, I just will not compromise there.

But if I could go back and change the outcome of TLC II(17) or Austin/Rock III(19), I would take TLC II away from Edge/Chr. in favor of The Hardys. To change Austin/Rock now would mess up all the history that followed(Goldberg debut) That being said, if I had my way in `03, Stone Cold would have beaten The Rock at `Mania 19.

So you are saying that throughout his career, The Rock did not deserve one victory over Austin, nevermind one victory at Wrestlemania.

Please read the below.....

Austin defeating The Rock by pinfall
DX in your house 1997 (IC Title)
WrestleMania 15 (WWF Title)
Backlash 1999 (WWF Title)
WrestleMania 17 (WWF Title)
Rebellion 2001 (WWF Title)

The Rock defeating Austin by pinfall
Survivor Series 2001 (Each the last surviving member of their respective team)
WrestleMania 19

Bit lopsided don't you think in Austins favour (could also say Austin eliminated The Rock from the 1997 Royal Rumble when they were the last two and didn't put him over for the IC title, he simply forefitted it). So after all that you want to give Austin ANOTHER victory over The Rock??? I think The Rock deserved a victory over Austin one-on-one, he should of been given one of the WrestleMania Title match victories IMO.

I always believe that if someone puts you over you should always return the favour - thats why Undertaker owes Kane a big victory, Hogan should of put over HBK and Orton, Bret Hart should of put over Austin (in terms of seeing the lights as opposed to helping him at Mania 13), Bret Hart should also dp the job to The Miz (what a joke that was having Bret Hart beat The Miz, couldn't care less if it was in Canada) and the Ultimate Warrior should come out of retirement and job to Triple H......(maybe joking on the last one).
So you are saying that throughout his career, The Rock did not deserve one victory over Austin, nevermind one victory at Wrestlemania.

Please read the below.....

Austin defeating The Rock by pinfall
DX in your house 1997 (IC Title)
WrestleMania 15 (WWF Title)
Backlash 1999 (WWF Title)
WrestleMania 17 (WWF Title)
Rebellion 2001 (WWF Title)

The Rock defeating Austin by pinfall
Survivor Series 2001 (Each the last surviving member of their respective team)
WrestleMania 19

Bit lopsided don't you think in Austins favour (could also say Austin eliminated The Rock from the 1997 Royal Rumble when they were the last two and didn't put him over for the IC title, he simply forefitted it). So after all that you want to give Austin ANOTHER victory over The Rock??? I think The Rock deserved a victory over Austin one-on-one, he should of been given one of the WrestleMania Title match victories IMO.

Yep, that correct! My opinion is still the same and it wouldn't change with a gun to my head. Austin should have won at WM19, I dont care what anybody says.
So you are saying that throughout his career, The Rock did not deserve one victory over Austin, nevermind one victory at Wrestlemania.

Please read the below.....

Austin defeating The Rock by pinfall
DX in your house 1997 (IC Title)
WrestleMania 15 (WWF Title)
Backlash 1999 (WWF Title)
WrestleMania 17 (WWF Title)
Rebellion 2001 (WWF Title)

The Rock defeating Austin by pinfall
Survivor Series 2001 (Each the last surviving member of their respective team)
WrestleMania 19

Bit lopsided don't you think in Austins favour (could also say Austin eliminated The Rock from the 1997 Royal Rumble when they were the last two and didn't put him over for the IC title, he simply forefitted it). So after all that you want to give Austin ANOTHER victory over The Rock??? I think The Rock deserved a victory over Austin one-on-one, he should of been given one of the WrestleMania Title match victories IMO.

Yep, that correct! My opinion is still the same and it wouldn't change with a gun to my head. Austin should have won at WM19, I dont care what anybody says.

I like it - sticking to your guns.

I think The Rock should of won at Mania 15, I wouldn't change that with a gun to my head.

I also kinda agree with the person/people who said Kane should of won at WrestleMania 14 against Taker, I think Kane has beaten Taker twice in 12 years and Kane was on fire at that time, he was more scary and evil than Skeletor! But then there would be no WrestleMania streak.....but we would of never had of known about it anyway had Kane won. Just Taker going over Kane at Mania and then the following month in an inferno match just seemed to say Kane wasn't in Taker's league.
I like it - sticking to your guns.

I think The Rock should of won at Mania 15, I wouldn't change that with a gun to my head.

I also kinda agree with the person/people who said Kane should of won at WrestleMania 14 against Taker, I think Kane has beaten Taker twice in 12 years and Kane was on fire at that time, he was more scary and evil than Skeletor! But then there would be no WrestleMania streak.....but we would of never had of known about it anyway had Kane won. Just Taker going over Kane at Mania and then the following month in an inferno match just seemed to say Kane wasn't in Taker's league.

Cool! But just to be clear my views on Wrestlemania are not as extreme as you may think.

I don't want to go back to WM 10 and let Yokozuna walk out of MSG WITH THE WWF Title.
I sure as hell don't want to go all the way back to #2 and have Hogan lose the belt to King Kong Bundy.

Just wanted to get that out there.

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