FAVE 5- Tag Teams of All Time

1) Dudleys - Best tag finisher ever, 3D!!!!!
2) Road Warriors - Their history speaks for itself.
3) New Age Outlaws - Over as fuck, possibly the best entrance ever for a team
4) Outsiders - probably the coolest "bad guys" ever
5) Briscoe Bros. - #demboys ! 7x RoH tag champs, best promos in the business today.

honorable mentions to...honestly too many to mention. So many great memories from tag team wrestling over the years , I can't fathom why the wwe doesn't build a proper tag division.
5.LOD-What can say that has not already been said about these guy's. It's a shame Hawk left Animal after the summerslam match in wembley and ran off with the london chApter of the hells angels. Then Hawk went over in japan and did the LOD gimmick with a wanna be japaneese Animal. By time Hawk & Animal reunited Hawks attitude as so bad most likely because of the drugs, but they still were main event tag-team, something you never see these day

4. Hardy Boys- I actually hated the hardy's when they came out calling them selves the brood, becausei loved the original brood, with the vamp look. but as time went on and they droped the brood and micheal hayes they grew on me,but then Jeff would hAve me marking out everytime he was on my tv so i became a fan, and no matter what they let the biz turn them into, you cant deny there talent at the end of the attitude era,and then on to ruthless agression era

3.Harlem Heat- probably the best WCW theme ever. when that theme hit the fans jumed out of there seats and got crunk because they knew Booker & Stevie were about to bring the pain. This was an all black team in the south, just imagine if Vinny Mac would of scooped these guys up around the time of the Nation of Domination. If HH would of had the machine behind them there is no telling how huge they could of been

i have a tie for #2
British Bulldogs- God dynamite was born about 8 years to early. If u have not seen his Japan stuff i suggest you youtube that stuff asap. and his cousin Davey Boy might not of been the sharpest knife in the drawer. but he had the look, and could do whatever he was asked.
The OutSiders- Big Kev & The bad guy as a tag team. between there natural talent/size/ability/and backstage political pull. I mean these guys could destroy anybody, in any company, in any era.When Scott was sober that is. Great Heel team,but they were so cool to the public it's hard to label them as heels, they have to be a tweener team. With all the love these guys get from me the reason i keep them # 2 is because they were in it for them selves only. Thet weren't tring to put over ANY tag team what so ever. Not Harlem Heat, not the Steiners, i mean nobody.Maybe if Vince would of teamed them up in 96 or 97 if he could of kept them i think Vince could of got them to do some Job's and put some guys over,(maYBE)

1. The midnight Rockers- These guys(along with rock-n-roll xpress) changed tag-team wrestling forever.Some1 earlier said if they would of had a run on top then did thesplit that they would of passedthe mid-card. well i agree that they would of BOH made it out of the mid card.they would of started there but if marty was not screwing up and they could of did there split fued asap marty could of been a big time baby face,and who knows how high up the card and how many years he would of been in the WWE. If he would not of acted bitter to Shawn i garuntee when Vince gave the red light on the attitude era that Marty would of been apart of the original DX faction along Rude,HHH, & Chyna. Maybe they would of tagged again. They were so far ahead of there time,and always a treat to watch.

honerable mention
HollyWood Blondes,Brain Busters,Nasty Boy's,JeriShow,NAO,Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie
Also I just love Beer Money(i wish they would go to WWE to help the tag scene) But TNA is the minor leauges to me and i need to see them fued with teams like the Kings of Wrestling on a big stage for a year or 2 before i consider thm a big time top 5 tag team.
Honorable Mention- The Mega Powers, Harlem Heat, Rock n Sock Connection, Road Warriors, Fabulous Freebirds

5. The Brothers of Destruction- when Kane forst arrived on the scene in the WWF i knew it was a matter of time before he made good with taker and they formed a team, one of the most badass teams ever IMO, not to be f*cked with, especially with american badass Undertaker.

4. The Hart Foundation- great combo of power and speed made for a great tag team, plus this team gave way to the rise of Bret the Hitman Hart

3. The Steiner Bros- I was a huge fan of Big Poppa Pump even before he was blonde and a badass, this was a roughneck team with alot of talent, anyone going up against the steiners were in for some pain.

2. New Age Outlaws- Billy Gunn and Road Dogg were a HUGE part of the new DX and a big part of the attitude era, one of the best entrances ever IMO pus great in ring work.

1. The Outsiders- Hall and Nash were dominant, one of the first tag teams comprised of wrestlers who had major singles success previously, they started the nWo and were just badasses and well liked all at the same time, my fave ever.
My fav five tag teams
5. The British Bulldogs - as someone stated earlier, Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy Smith had the skills of a true tag team, fluid movesets, constant tags, and told a story with each of their matches.
4. The Hardy Boyz/E&C/Dudley Boys (yeah, I'm gonna lump the 3 together) - their TLC matches are what raised the bar in tag team action. So many mark-out reactions that it was hard to contain oneself whenever you watch them.
3. The American Wolves - they are the tag team of today. Both holding each other up with phenomenal move sets (as a team and individually), and know how to reve up a crowd.
2. The Road Warriors - just the look of this team was other-worldly. No other tag team in history has come close to what these two men gave in regards to the look of what an unstoppable team should look like.
1. The VonErics/The Fabulous Freebirds (The had THE BEST fued when i was growing up in Texas) In my opinion, these two are the blueprint of tag team action, fueding, mic-0skills, story-telling in and out of the ring, and old-school wrestling techniques that hold true to this day in wrestling. They tore it up all over Texas.

Honorable mentions (only because they were so entertaining and awe inspiring to watch):
Beer Money
Motor City Machine Guns
Los Guerreros
Brothers of Destruction
Awesome Thread !

I must go with the teams that put tag team wrestling on the map.

1) The Andersons/ Minnesota Wrecking Crew - They were the first team ever to make an entire living as tag team specialists. They were the ultimate heels and could pop any territory. They were champions from the 60 - 80's which is unheard of today. Much Honor to Lars, Ole , Gene and Arn.

2) Jumping Bomb Angels - If you don't know who they are, youtube it. These women were a special attraction during the WWWF days. They could wrestle, were high flyers and were the first to demonstrate the Joshi style in America.

3) Legion of Doom - There isn't much you can say that hasn't already been said. They broke the mold that created Demolition and the other rip offs.

4) Doom /Harlem Heat - These are legendary tag teams from WCW that don't get half the credit that they should. Both to them were champions and showed the world that two African Americans could get over with the crowd.

5) Freebirds - The most amazing tag team wrestling produced. They invented the music entrance, they always had a coordinated look. They could wrestle well in any combination and there wasn't a weak link in the group. And because they were so good, the Freebird Rule was invented. Michael Hayes, Buddy Roberts and Terry Gordy.

Other Great Up and Comers

Dark City Fight Club - An amazing African American team that are Doom 2.0. Current NWA Tag Team Champions and were in ROH. They are amazing in the ring and I can't see why no one has picked them up yet.

Dem Boys / The Briscoes - I love everything about them. Even that Mark has no teeth in the front. They make me proud to be a black redneck. They are great in the ring and can cut promos. And yes they have cosmetic appeal.

Future Shock - These kids from ROH are the human highlight reel. Don't blink or you will miss everything. I love the ground and pound mixed with high flying action.
5-apa..loved their no nonsense attitude

4-words greatest tag team-always enjoyed watching them.always put great matches.

3the hardys- a tag team that just had that wow factor when they performed.

2-E&C-great wrestlers,great look,loved their gimmick.

1-brothers of destruction-loved when they came out for their entrance (when taker was the american badass)..jst came out and destroyed teams.crowd always went mental when their music came on.
Fave 5 Tag Teams of All Time

In no particular order...

Edge and Christian- One of the most entertaining acts in wrestling. They always found ways of entertaining the audience, whether with their ridiculous terminology, five second poses which always angered the local crowd, or their solid in-ring performances.

Demolition- While many people prefer the Road Warriors, I've always been more of an Ax and Smash fan myself. In an era overran with great tag teams, Ax and Smash were the most colorful and the most "bad ass" combination in their time. They cut the simplest promos and didn't dazzle people with their in-ring technical skills. They were simply ground and pound, and they did a damn good job with it.

The Hart Foundation- What else needs to be said about this team? The perfect mix of technical skill and brute force ever assembled. The two wrestlers complemented each other's strengths and made up for any weaknesses either one had.

Money Inc.- The perfect fusion of two gimmicks into one. One was a man obsessed with money and wealth, the other was obsessed with everyone paying their taxes. The fans hated them, and the result of this was the creation of this tag team. They were great in the ring and had a great overall image especially with Jimmy Hart as the manager.

Beer Money- Yes, I'm going to give TNA some respect here. In an era where tag team wrestling was and has been a joke, there were a few teams in TNA giving us some solid tag team wrestling. None did this on a more consistent basis than the Cowboy James Storm and Robert Roode. They were able to do something few tag teams have ever done: be the most villainous and hated tag team in their company to being one of the most popular and over acts the company had. For 3 years, Beer Money was one of the most entertaining tag teams ever and were one of the reasons I used to watch TNA on a regular basis. So, here's a salute to Beer... MONEY!

Honorable Mentions:

Hollywood Blondes- Didn't last too long but were entertaining.

Miz and Morrison- Another solid and entertaining tag team in the late 00's.

The Rockers- Marty and Shawn were a great tag team, but I don't think they ever reached the levels of some of the other ones of their era.
Ah, i love classic tag team wrestling.....

5: Public Enemy: I loved Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge. Arguably the best team to come out of ECW. Loved their hardcore style.

4: The Rockers: Paved the way for teams like The Hardys. If it wasn't for Shawn and Marty, the teams we loved wouldn't exist.

3: The Nasty Boyz : Dirty, underhanded, and damn talented. They could work a crowd better than any other team.

2: The Natural Disasters: Biggest team EVER. I swear, they should have been unstoppable.

1: The Hart Foundation: Bret and Jim were the epitome of a tag team. Power, technical prowess, speed. They were the perfect combo.

Honorable Mentions: American Males. Stars & Stripes. Vicious & Delicious..... Kidding....

L.O.D. The Brain Busters. Demolition. The Hardys. Smoking Gunns. The Headbangers.... I could go on and on
5. The Rockers: Their matches looked more choreographed than most but they were exciting. Their teamwork was unlike anything we’d seen before. Their fast pace and high flying always kept me on the edge of my seat.

4. The British Bulldogs: They were a great combination of power and speed. They made other tag teams step up their game. They made their opponents better.

3. The Hart Foundation: They complimented each other better than any other team. Neidhart was the power and Bret was the technical wrestler. Neidhart was a bit of a loose cannon and Bret was calm cool and collected. Just when an opponent was settling into a groove and trying to match Bret on the mat he would tag in the Anvil and the whole pace of the match would change.

2. Demolition: At first they were looked at as Road Warrior rip offs. After a shakey start they found their style and dominated like no other. They shed that Road Warrior image and earned respect. I was legit afraid of these guys as a kid as they would always talk a big game and proved they were more than capable of backing it up. I doubt their record 16 month tag title reign will ever be topped. They dominated the division when it was at its best.

1. The Brain Busters: They are not getting enough love in this thread. I think I saw them only on one list. These guys were the definition of a team. Even though they were egotistical heels they both recognized that their team success was more important than individual glory. They worked so well together. They always knew where each other was and used every trick in the book perfectly. In only one year in the WWF they had great matches with The Rockers, Strike Force, The Hart Foundation, and Demolition. I only wish they lasted longer.
5. Stan Lane & Beautiful Bobby Eaton - midnight express - great entrance, wonderful manager (James E. C.) and best theme music ever. This team had it all.
4. Hart Foundation - they had a look, and different style. Bret and Anvil had chemistry
3. Demolition - total package - cut good promos, drew heat, and made the WWF tag division interesting. Fuji did a good job helping this team - cannot forget that.
2. Steiners - great combination of different styles, and they could work with anyone.
1. Road Warriors - definitely the best team ever. We will never see anything like them again.
Love their teamwork

Crimson & Matt Morgan
I've wanted to see this team from the time Crimson came to TNA

The Allied Powers (Lex Luger & British Bulldog)
I love flags, and always enjoyed seeing them bring both the United States and the United Kingdoms flags to the ring.

Air Boom
Big fan of Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston

John Cena & Zack Ryder
Okay, I know this isn't an actual tag team, but as a John Cena fan, I am immensely enjoying their current storyline
5. The Young Bucks
I have seen these guys about ten times in person and am so impressed.

4. Steiner Brothers
There is a reason why Scott became world champion. They were so innovative. Big guys doing luchadore moves.

3. Legion of Doom
Captain Obvious need not speak here.

2. Edge and Christian
These guys were hidden behind Gangrel and still found a way to make themselves. Great tag team who helped make the WWE fun as the team that I have number one lost their stride.

1. New Age Outlaws
Oh you didn't know. Road Dogg was the greatest on the mic.

Honorable mention to the Dynasty from PWG. (Joey Ryan, Scott Lost, and Scorpio Sky), the Motor City Machine Guns, The Outsiders, The Headbangers (who were my personal favorite team that I think never got a fair chance).
5. Road Warriors - They were so dominating in the 80s teams were actually scared to face them.
4. Rated RKO - It was something to watch these two young guns team together and was an entertaining team to watch.
3. Sting & Lex Luger - What more can I say Sting was always fun to watch and he made Luger step his game up.
2. Hart Foundation - The matches they had with the Bulldogs were what got me into this team they just had great chemistry.
1. Edge & Christian - Reeking of Awesomeness,nuff said.
5.Rated RKO-They we're a solid unit & it was great for a push for Orton & Edge.

4.The Dudleys/Team 3D-They we're amazing along with E&C & the Hardyz,they we're the perfect table innovators

3.D-Generation X-Triple H,X Pac,Chyna,Road Dogg,& Billy Gunn,one of the most memorable names of all time,it was even more entertaining when they got Kane to say "Suck It"

2.Edge & Christian-Great along with The Dudleys & The Hardyz they just had so much chemistry & revolutionized the tag team division

1.The Hardyz-Great along with the Dudleyz & E&C they had so much chemistry you could tell they we're close & have been tagging together for along time,they we're true "Poetry In Motion"
Man how can I whittle the list down to 5... Well, here goes...

5. Strike Force - They're getting no love on here, but their feud with Demolition was exciting. I loved the pairing of Tito Santana and Rick Martel (and their break-up was a thing of beauty). Very underrated.

4. Demolition - They became my favorite tag team when they turned on Mr. Fuji and feuded with the Powers of Pain (another team that doesn't seem to be getting much love - they aren't on my list but they were impressive).

3. Road Warriors/L.O.D. - OOOHHHHHH WHATTTT A RUUUSSSSHHHHHH. As a kid I marked out every time I heard that theme music blast out of the speakers. Hawk and Animal just exuded confidence and dominance.

2. New Age Outlaws - They found a way to dominate the tag team division while having fun doing it. Their opening promo was classic, and brought a feeling of "you have to be there" watching them.

1. The Hart Foundation - The perfect combination of power, speed and technical ability. From the Anvil's power moves to Bret's technical prowess, they had everything you wanted in a tag team. Jimmy Hart as their manager in the beginning was a perfect fit as well. When they became a stable in the mid to late 90s with Owen and Brian Pillman lowered their legacy slightly, but to me that's because of the Loose Cannon. He didn't seem to fit the Foundation to me.
in particular order

LOD, they were straight up bullies

WILD SOMOANS, these were scary good, every one hated going against them, like LOD

BRAIN BUSTERS, great technicians inside the ring

HARDY BOYS, revolutionized the tag team division with there aerial moves

MIDNIGHT EXPRESS, eaton and lane those guys were straight out awesome

honorable mentions
skyscrapers, killer bees, nasty boyz, mega powers, outsiders, jerishow, strike force, british bulldogs, steiners, hollywood blonds austin and pillman, doom. jericho and christian, edge and christian, dudleys
5. Edge & Christian- One of the most entertaining parts of the WWF during their heyday. Liked them as the mysterious Brood, the babyfaces, the goofy heels. They were just great.

4. Benoit & Malenko- Just an awesome, awesome team. The only problem they had was believability when they competed against bigger teams, but they made the feud with Windham & Hennig work pretty well imo.

3. Anderson & Blanchard- (I won't call them the "Brainbusters") I absolutely love both Arn and Tully. A lot of my appreciation for Tully has come from watching old footage, but Arn was a major favorite of mine. They worked so well together as a team and had the real "serious tag team" look to them.

2. The Outsiders (Kevin Nash & Scott Hall)- Loved these guys in WCW. They were cool and bad at the same time. Even when I hated the nWo I rooted for the Outsiders.

1. Miracle Violence Connection (Steve Williams & Terry Gordy)- Two wrestlers who were underrated in the States and never really got over after the 1980s because of body types and Japanese commitments. Dr. Death and Gordy worked such a stiff, violent style. I loved their stuff with the Steiners in WCW and their Japanese matches are absolutely freaking epic.

Honorable Mentions:
The Eliminators- I really wanted to put these guys on the list but took them out because of the Outsiders. They just made the cut. Wish they had been together longer and worked in a big company to get more exposure.
Steiners-they suffer on my list because of their attitudes at the end of the 90s when they basically refused to put any one over or make them look good.
LOD- Liked them as a kid but interest waned big time as I matured
Holy Demon Army-Love what I've seen, but haven't seen enough to really comment
Dudleys-HUGE fan, but I'm more a fan because of their promo work.
Most of my favorite tag-teams are from the good old days of wrestling when teams actually had chemistry:

1 - Midnight Express - Eaton and Lane. Every match seemed like they invented a new move

2 - Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard - At that time despised them but now miss the kind of team they were.

3- Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood - Great tag-team the match when they won the belts from Sgt Slaughter and Don Kernoodle was amazing. The fans reaction was deafening.

4 - Road Warriors - To me the best days were when they were in Georgia and NWA and AWA Wrestling. They truly dominated. In my opinion the WWE/F kind of tarnished their image especially when they made them have the puppet Roco. Truly ashame.

5 - Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo - I remember as a kid staying up watching the first time they teamed up and them supposedly winning Florida's version of the U.S. tag titles from Ron Bass and Black Bart only to have the decision reversed because Windham's wasn't suppose to be in the match.
1. The Hardyz

My favourite tag-team of all time. When I first became a huge wrestling fan, Matt and Jeff Hardy were my idols. Spectacular, risk takers, exciting, they were just awesome. I still class their 1999 ladder match with Edge and Christian as my favourite match ever.

2. The Dudley Boyz

The most successful team in history, they were at their best as heels in ECW. The heat they would get was unreal! They were still awesome in the WWE, powerbombing opponents off the stage, and the 3D is the best tag-team finisher in history. A great team.

3. Edge and Christian

You can't include the Hardys and Dudleys without mentioning E&C. The 3 teams created the TLC gimmick, and those matches are among the best of all time. When these teams were on top the WWE tag team division was at its absolute best It's great to see how far Edge and Christian went in their solo careers, but as a team they were almost unrivalled.

4. The Road Warriors

I wish I had seen them in their primes rather than relying on video-tape footage. The Road Warriors were just animals. They dominted everyone and the Doomsday Device still looks devastating today. Their iconic look is still great, they were so strong and so physical. One of the all time greats.

5. The Motor City Machine Guns

I loved Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin as singles wrestlers, but them coming together formed a phenomenal team in the Guns. Their chemistry in the ring is so good, they have so many innovative, creative moves and more than deserved their run as TNA tag-team champions. They are what modern tag-team wrestling should be.

Honorable mentions also go to The Outsiders, The Briscoes, Harlem Heat, The New Age Outlaws and The Impact Players
Love their teamwork

Crimson & Matt Morgan
I've wanted to see this team from the time Crimson came to TNA

The Allied Powers (Lex Luger & British Bulldog)
I love flags, and always enjoyed seeing them bring both the United States and the United Kingdoms flags to the ring.

Air Boom
Big fan of Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston

John Cena & Zack Ryder
Okay, I know this isn't an actual tag team, but as a John Cena fan, I am immensely enjoying their current storyline

The "Old Me" would have ripped you into a thousand shreds for your response, but since I've gotten older I've become wiser. I've learned to accept others opinions and understand that not everyone was lucky enough to grow up in the tag team boom of the late 80's early 90's. However, if you ARE trolling then shame on you.

Since this thread is about FAVORITE tag teams and not Greatest....then it's pretty easy for me. First PPV I ever watched was the 1989 Royal Rumble. I remember my friend telling me about this tag team the Rockers. From then on I watch all their matches, and went to the video store and rented all their previous matches. They are responsible for getting me into wrestling. I have to agree with the Brain though, their matches DID look choreographed which is why I wouldn't put them as the greatest. But that's a different thread for a different time:

5. Fabulous Rougeau Brothers - What can I say, I liked watching them perform. Their gimmick was cheesy as hell but they were still awesome in my book. You can't tell me their theme wasn't bad ass.

4. The Dudley Boyz - I absolutely loved this team. Fantastic matches and IMO, the greatest tag team finisher in HISTORY. Easily my favorite tag team of the attitude era. I know that's not saying much, but just imagine if they were around during the early 90's!

3. Demolition - I didn't follow NWA as much as the WWF...so I never really knew (at the time) that some considered them a Road Warrior rip off. Who cares though...this team was absolutely awesome. The way they carried themselves and their larger than life presence....they were must see.

2. The Hart Foundation - Growing up I always considered them the "Hulk Hogan" of the tag team division. In my mind I thought they were the best and the team to beat, although there was one other team I like more than them. Bret and Anvil were the perfect combination of speed, technical skill and power. I liked them almost as much as....

1. The Rockers - Who knows if I would have became a wrestling junkie if it wasn't for this team. Like I said earlier, it was the Rockers that got me into professional wrestling. Then I slowly started watching Hogan, Warrior, Savage, etc. When the Rockers theme hit....nothing else in the world at that time mattered to me. I was glued to that TV set and nothing was pulling me away. EASILY my favorite tag team of all time.

I have to say, I was never a fan of the Road Warriors/LOD. Not that I didn't think they were good, but they were never one of my favorites. In fact, in many cases I wanted them to lose. Just wanted to throw that in there.
5. British Bulldogs (I almost picked the Hart Foundation instead, this one was a toss up.)

4. LOD (Arguably the greatest and most successful team of all time.)

3. The Hardy Boys (The best team of the most recent generation.)

2. Dick Murdoch and Dusty Rhodes (A personal favorite of mine. No one was badder!)

1. The Rock N' Roll Express (The team that changed tag team wrestling into the format we see today. They did everything, and they were doing long before everyone else.)

I respect others opinions, but man do I think a lot of people's opinions have been heavily influenced by the glorification of the Rockers. They weren't even the best of their era, let alone as good as some of you think. To me, they were always a knock-off version of RNR Express. It's strange to me how the WWE machine has made so many of us think otherwise and ignore that. I'm a huge HBK mark too and he is one of my all time favorites, but no way those guys were anything close to RNR Express.
5. British Bulldogs (I almost picked the Hart Foundation instead, this one was a toss up.)

4. LOD (Arguably the greatest and most successful team of all time.)

3. The Hardy Boys (The best team of the most recent generation.)

2. Dick Murdoch and Dusty Rhodes (A personal favorite of mine. No one was badder!)

1. The Rock N' Roll Express (The team that changed tag team wrestling into the format we see today. They did everything, and they were doing long before everyone else.)

I respect others opinions, but man do I think a lot of people's opinions have been heavily influenced by the glorification of the Rockers. They weren't even the best of their era, let alone as good as some of you think. To me, they were always a knock-off version of RNR Express. It's strange to me how the WWE machine has made so many of us think otherwise and ignore that. I'm a huge HBK mark too and he is one of my all time favorites, but no way those guys were anything close to RNR Express.

It's not about who you thought was the best, but who was your favorite. You can't really argue that. Were they the best of their era? No. But we're not talking about that. Were they a knock off of the RNR Express? Perhaps....but in many peoples' eyes they were a hell of alot more entertaining. Was Demolition a knock off of the Road Warriors? You can argue that too. But many people liked them more as well. (Such as myself)

"Who was your FAVORITE?" NOT "Who do you think was the BEST?"

Unless I completely mis-read the purprose of this entire thread.
5. British Bulldogs (I almost picked the Hart Foundation instead, this one was a toss up.)

4. LOD (Arguably the greatest and most successful team of all time.)

3. The Hardy Boys (The best team of the most recent generation.)

2. Dick Murdoch and Dusty Rhodes (A personal favorite of mine. No one was badder!)

1. The Rock N' Roll Express (The team that changed tag team wrestling into the format we see today. They did everything, and they were doing long before everyone else.)

I respect others opinions, but man do I think a lot of people's opinions have been heavily influenced by the glorification of the Rockers. They weren't even the best of their era, let alone as good as some of you think. To me, they were always a knock-off version of RNR Express. It's strange to me how the WWE machine has made so many of us think otherwise and ignore that. I'm a huge HBK mark too and he is one of my all time favorites, but no way those guys were anything close to RNR Express.

RNR was definitely underrated, but they are a victim of circumstance. They got over in Memphis in the 80s and were a Southern draw. By the time wrestling was big time on tv, they were outdated. They weren't good looking anymore and they weren't working for the big national promotions. The Rockers get the love.

British Bulldogs are another one that was epic. If they could have teamed longer they probably would have made my list. Dynamite Kid was so electric.

Another two underrated pairings from WCW in the early 1990s:

Windham and Rhodes: Barry Windham and Dustin Rhodes as the best friends teaming up. They were good together. Really liked these two guys and wish they had been around in 1996 to be a part of team WCW.

Arn Anderson and Larry Zbyszko: Worked well together and looked like they belonged in a team together. Always thought Larry Legend would have made a great Horsemen.
I love tag wrestling and I could just as easily make a list of twenty, but five is specified so five it is. I'll not humor the many other teams I respect by giving them hollow passing comment, so here (after some soul searching) are my top five, in no particular order:

The Steiner Brothers: Rick and Scott were big enough to go toe to toe realistically with the Road Warriors and yet both could throw wrestling moves and suplexes to a quality level that Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar could appreciate. Throw in Scotty's athleticism and Rick's charisma and you can see why wrestling fans despair at the lack of natural teams today.

The Rock 'n' Roll Express: Shawn & Marty, Edge & Christian, Matt & Jeff, Max & Jeremy all owe a great deal of respect to Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson. Long before HBK was getting all the kudos for being the best, Morton was garnering the same plaudits. To this day, the role of the babyface who gets the crap beat out of him until he finally makes the hot tag is referred to as 'playing Ricky Morton'.

The British Bulldogs: Great combo, Davey Boy was a beautiful mix of power and wrestling ability whilst Tom Billington... well, the Dynamite Kid was the original Benoit. Both guys learned their trade in the British style and received polish from a certain Hart family. They were the complete package and edge out the Hart Foundation in my eyes due to Davey being more adept in the ring and I'd give Tom the edge over Bret at this juncture of their careers too.

Bear Money, Inc: Proof that a tag team can still exist today were it's members can take on the top singles guys in the company and nobody feels that it is an automatic 'W' for the maineventer. James and Bobby got people interested in tag teams again and while they are most welcome feuding over TNA's top singles prize, I can't help but feel some sorrow at their absence from the tag scene.

The Fabulous Freebirds: This is very much a guilty pleasure choice because I'm not talking about the incarnation that feuded with the Von Erichs (as great as that group was). I'm talking about oft maligned PS and Jimmy Jam version. Why? Because they made me laugh, they'd come out dancing like a drunk father and would cheat and take every shortcut at their disposal which was doubly funny when they got caught or it was turned on them. Every time Los Guerreros cheated their way to victories, it always brought back memories of Freebird shenanigans:lmao:!
1. LOD/Road Warriors- One of my all time favorite wrestling personalities of all time period. Tag team or otherwise. Absolutely loved it when Kazushi Sakuraba would wear the spiked shoulder pads(with a matching masked partner) out back in the days when he was the man in Pride.

2. The Eliminators(Perry Saturn, and John Kronus)- One of the most underrated, dynamic, unbelievably awesome tag teams of all time. Perry Saturn's ECW run is highly underrated. I watched the Eliminators against the Gangstas at ECW Gangstas Paradise from October 1996 recently, and it was unbelievable. They cleared out the entire ECW lockerroom early in the event with Total Elimination on everyone. In the match Saturn, and New Jack were trading punches in the crowd that looked real as real can get. Very, very stiff contest where Saturn does some unbelievable elbow drops, and splashes off of the top of the cage, a dive off the top of the cage to the outside onto the Gangstas, and a sick as hell fall off the top onto a table outside. One of the best matches in ECW history.

Kronus was underrated too. I always loved his moves, especially his 450 splash. He did it very well, especially for someone that weighed at least 240(in his skinny days).

Their tandem moves were awesome, and their finisher is to this day one of my favorites. The Total Elimination. The Eliminators were the reason why the ECW tag division made the WWF's look like garbage in 96/97. Funny how a lot of purists look down on the ECW, but they really did a good job of keeping tag team wrestling alive up to a point.(when the Dudleys left)

3. The Stiener Brothers
4. Demolition
5. The Outsiders

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