The Best of Jerry Lawler Dvd???

Da Truth

Pre-Show Stalwart
I live in Mississippi and I grew up watching Jerry Lawler on Memphis Wrestling. It was a little more gritty than the other major promotions at the time. As a kid, I wasn't much of a Lawler fan, but I grew to respect him. I didn't like that he was more of a watered down version of himself when he first went to the WWE. I recently read that Lawler wanted to sell the Memphis wrestling library to the WWE for its network. I personally would like to see a career perspective on Jerry Lawler on DVD with all his real life back history and biggest feuds.

If a Jerry Lawler DVD was done what be his top 10 feuds/matches in your opinion? Here's mines in no particular order.
10. vs Brickhouse Brown (feud)
9. Miz ladder match for WWE title
8. Curt Henning for the AWA Title
7. Title vs Title Kerry Von Erich Super Clash
6. Bret Hart (kiss my foot match)
5. Eddie Gilbert (feud)
4. Terry Funk (empty coliseum brawl)
3. Poffos
2. Jimmy Hart's First Family
1. Andy Kaufman
Honorable Mention Bill Dundee
Interesting thread. Growing up I spent a lot of time in Southern Indiana and used to watch a lot of Memphis wrestling. Tough to argue with your list, but off the top of my head....
His match against Andre, where the PWI story about the "midget defeating the Giant" stemmed from could be interesting if there was tape. His feud with Jackie Fargo may have to be included just because of the historical aspect. Would also consider having mention of other great feuds with guys like Austin Idol, Tommy Rich, Joe LeDuc and Tojo Yammamoto. Lawler was also an AWA tag champ with Dundee.
There are a bunch of matches with NWA champions who made stops in the area and a massive amount of matches with guys who hadn't made their name yet but would end up to be stars.
definitely! his career has spanned several decades, so a dvd that chronicles his career would certainly be worth it, if only for his longevity. but he's also accomplished a lot in that career, as it relates to the history of professional wrestling and even in pop culture.

also, in no particular order:
1. Jackie Fargo, just for the historical aspect.
2. Terry Funk. Jerry mentioned in his book how much he loved this feud, so that deserves some extra attention.
3. Nick Bockwinkle. if i'm not mistaken, this particular feud ended in a Hair vs. Hair Match. Jerry won so Bockwinkle had to shave his head. Jerry then won the rematch, forcing Bockwinkle's woman to shave her head. amazing stuff!
4. Andy Kaufman. this just goes without saying.
5. Bret Hart in the WWF/E. there feud was the best thing going in the WWE at the time it happened and is a hidden gem in both men's careers. definitely worth exploring more.
6. Jake "the Snake" Roberts. this was a really memorable feud for me too.
7. Tazz. this feud didn't last as long as some of his others, but it was super enjoyable at the time and even looking back on it now.
8. ECW. his feud with this whole company was awesome and i always thought that it was just the right amount of edgy. it really blurred the lines for me, which doesn't happen often enough.

Miz feud was pretty enjoyable. so was Michael Cole, before it got dragged on for all eternity. not sure if i'd add either to a dvd collection except as bonus features. also anything Hulk Hogan related. he's one of the few in history that Hogan has never beat in a match. that's gotta be worth something, right?
Jerry Lawler deserves his own three disc set. And one day he'll get it. The only problem I can see with it is that it'd be WWE produced. That'd mean that it'd focus too heavily on that side of his career. Lawler's would have various different aspects from his career, but it would feature needless bit from WWE. That's just how these things are.

It'd still be a sterling set though.
Jerry Lawler is easily one of the last major figures in the last 25 years of WWE that hasn't gotten their own DVD yet and should (along with Bruno Sammartino, Ted Dibiase, Goldust, etc.).

If they went a good 2-2 1/2 hours for a documentary it could be one of the best WWE has produced, because Jerry has had one of the most fascinating and memorable careers in pro wrestling history.

I'd say the following items should be covered on the DVD, either via the documentary, matches, interview segments, bonus clips, etc.

His pre-wrestling years as an artist which led to him getting in the business

His feud with Jackie Fargo of course.

His feud with Terry Funk and the infamous empty arena brawl match.

His matches with other world champions like Ric Flair, Nick Bockwinkel, Harley Race, etc. (don't think he ever wrestled Bob Backlund or Billy Graham for the WWWF title).

A match or two with Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant. Those would be some cool gems to see.

The Jimmy Hart and Andy Kaufman feud, plus the the segment on Late Night with David Letterman where they both appeared (they should be able to get the rights to show that with their new deal with NBC, unless David owns the rights)

The Memphis-IWA promotional feud with the Poffo family.

His run in the AWA, including his championship win against Curt Hennig.

The Inter-promotional championship match with Kerry Von Erich.

His USWA era feuds with Eddie Gilbert, Bill Dundee, the Moondogs (him and Jeff Jarrett had a memorable tag team feud and series of matches against them). And of course the infamous incident when he got run over by a car on USWA television.

His arrival in WWE, and in particular the feud with Bret Hart. Not only cover the WWE-side, but also highlight the USWA side of the feud where Bret, Owen, and Vince came into the company as the heels.

His feud with Jake Roberts.

His feud with Paul Heyman and ECW.

His time as an announcer during the Attitude Era and relationship with Jim Ross.

His feuds with Tazz and later Michael Cole.

His heart attack on Raw, and triumphant return.

It'd definitely be a great DVD. If WWE can get ownership of the Memphis territory video library, this should happen. That's probably why they've held off on doing a DVD on Lawler. As just covering his WWE period would obviously not do a Lawler documentary any justice.
As I stated in my Lawler vs. Fargo debate, I grew up with the 90s Lawler. I saw his time as the man trying to save USWA from the grasp of Vince McMahon, I saw his program with Bret Hart, and I remember seeing him doing something with Paul E. Dangerous [Paul Heyman for those my age & younger that don't know]. I don't remember what, but I remember he was doing something with him. I think he even had a few matches in ECW, one of which he promoted during a Mick Foley match on live WWF Television.

Needless to say, Lawler had a huge impact on my future as a wrestling fan. He's also pretty much how I a fan of the Hart family, considering Owen and Bret frequently went to USWA. So the guy is definitely someone who I would love a second DVD on. I know he's got one DVD out "It's Good to be King" and for what it was, it's not bad.

But I think with all the new 3 Disc sets, Lawler definitely deserves one. Personally, I'd put his time in with USWA/WCCW, AWA, NWA, and WWE into the DVD. Maybe his feud with Tommy Dreamer as well, I don't know. I also think that they should have bonus features chronicling his artistic endeavors, considering it was his art that started his career as a professional wrestler. And who knows, maybe they can try and get his kids involved.

Also, I think that Jerry's Mania Match, TLC & Elimination Chamber matches against Miz, his Feud with Bret, and his feud with Tazz at the ECW revival PPV should represent his WWE career as a wrestler. I'd say his time against Sheamus would be cool too, but not entirely sure.

However, his Memphis side is a lot harder to choose. He's had so many great matches, but somethings that definitely have to be included are A] His time teaming and feuding with Bill Dundee B] His time feuding with Jackie Fargo C] His time as World Champion in AWA (him vs. Curt Hennig was great!) and D] His feud with Andy Kaufman, because it MADE wrestling what it was. If not for Andy/Lawler, WrestleMania probably would've failed.
I think he deserves one for sure. I don't think I'd buy it personally but there are plenty of fans who would, who grew up watching Lawler dominate Memphis.

My memories of Jerry are mainly WWE based, with his legendary commentary partnership with JR, occasionally stepping into the ring for feuds which were always enjoyable. I think his rivalry with Bret Hart was brilliant, and also his anti-ECW crusade where he actually visited the ECW Arena and fought Tommy Dreamer. Plus, there is his more recent feud with The Miz and his triumphant return after his heart attack.

I'm not even going to go in to his early career as I admit I am no expert on it, but I know about his feud with Andy Kaufman, his matches with Terry Funk and others. The documentary side of the DVD would be excellent too, I'd definitely enjoy that. I think Lawler will get his own 3 Disc or 2 Disc set eventually, maybe as part of the deal if he does sell the rights to the Memphis tape library to Vince, which I've heard he is currently considering.

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