Jerry Lawler


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I have a very simple question. When it's all said and done for Jerry 'The King' Lawler, what should his legacy end up being? .

Should it be as one of the greatest babyfaces of all time, who kept a territory longer than anyone strictly because of his name value and ability to work a crowd? Should it be as a coward, funny heel in WWE? Or should it be as a WWE Commentator? It can't be all, because no one gets remember for everything they done, but for one phase in their career. So which phase iofJerry Lawler's career do you feel he should be most remembered for?

My opinion, personally, I honestly believe this man was Hulk Hogan before there was a Hulk Hogan, and I believe that's what he should be remembered for. While he was funny as shit in WWE as both a heel and a commentator; it's his work in Memphis that was the most entertaining and most valuable. I mean, the way the fans just bought into this guy was unbelievable. You watch his old matches, and I'm telling you... once that strap went down, the place would EXPLODE knowing Lawler was about to kick some ass. It's a sight to behold. And his matches were always good fun. I mean, it didn't matter if he was working with one of the greatest heels of all time in Terry Funk, or with someone who never wrestled a match in their life in Andy Kaufman... Jerry Lawler never left that ring without giving the people their money and time's worth, and that's what he should always be remembered for, in my opinion.

But what about you? Did you enjoy his commentary more than his actual run as wrestler? Do you believe he's one of the greatest color commentators of all time? Did you enjoy his heel run in WWE more than anything, which of course included his awesome feud with Bret Hart and him invading ECW? Or are you in agreement with me that he should remembered for all those great years in Memphis, where he had, in my mind, one of the greatest babyface runs of all time?
Your question states, to paraphrase, "what SHOULD 'The King' be remembered for?" And to that, I would agree with your POV.

However, what he WILL be remembered for is his role as a commentator, due to the fact that many current day wrestling fans jumped on board during the Attitude era or even later, and only know Lawler's wrestling through the junk written for him on RAW (ie. stepping in the ring for a minute and a half to take some heels finisher).

Also, the "Puppies" slapstick and whatnot...that will be mixed in the legacy of Jerry Lawler.

Perhaps a DVD of his old matches would help fix that?

Guess this all depends on if he even wins his mayoral race. Which, to be honest, I doubt will happen. The mainstream won't take him seriously, methinks.
For my own selfish reasons, I kind of hope Jerry Lawler loses the mayoral race, but my rational side wishes him well in the race, as at this stage of his life, becoming mayor might be less hectic then all the WWE travel he has to do currently.

That being said, I think he will be better known for his commentating, especially his famous pair up with good ol J.R. I am 29 years old, and during my time watching wrestling, Jerry Lawler had already been reduced to a part time schedule, with other parts of the business taking up most of his time. I remember marking out like crazy when Jerry Lawler came back to Raw after his divorce from The Kat. Most of us probably remember his leaving WWE some years ago after his wife was let go, on principle more then actually wanting to leave.

Whatever happens, good luck Jerry Lawler in this next phase of your life, whatever it brings, whether you spend a few more years commentating, or helping out the city of Memphis, which would be another true labor of love. My hats off to one of the all time best!
Good thread jmt and a great question to ask.

Now to answer your question, I think that the majority of fans will remember Jerry Lawler as the great color commentator he is. They will remember him saying puppies every single time a diva came out and they will remember his great one-liners. Unfortunately though, he won’t be remembered for his best work which was in Memphis during the days that territories were still alive and healthy. Most of today’s fans wouldn’t even bother let alone waste their time to look to see where his best work is at. I’m not saying his work as color commentator has been bad, because it’s been good for many years now, but his work in Memphis during the territory days is better and superior to anything else he has ever done in wrestling.

Now, I’m not some old school fans that began watching during the territory days. I started watching during the time that a lot of the great territories that existed had been killed and had their talent pool drained by either the WWF or WCW, that time would be the Attitude Era in case you couldn’t figure it out. However, I’m also not like a lot of the fans who wouldn’t care to look for old videos of those territory days. I like looking through videos on YouTube and buying DVD’s to see what I missed. To see what many consider being the glory days of wrestling.

Jerry Lawler was a part of the “glory” days of wrestling, as many wrestling fans would consider those times to be. From the videos I have been privileged to watch, Jerry Lawler is one of the few names I always remember. His work then was remarkable. Every time he wrestled with someone he left it all in the ring. He would always try his hardest to make sure that the fans got their money’s worth and went home happy. He never disappointed. Everyone was happy that they used their hard earned money to see a great wrestling show.

Now during those times he played the babyface, but I also consider for his later work as a heel to be marvelous. He was a wonderful heel who was able to get every fan to boo him. It’s not hard to get people to boo you, but it’s hard to get everyone to boo you. From videos I have seen I could not hear any cheers. He was such a great heel and he just really made people want to boo him no matter what he did. He succeeded in getting people to boo him and I think that his work as a heel should always be remembered too.

I hope that a lot of the fans, who began watching during the Attitude Era like me or later on, are willing to spend some time watching Jerry Lawler’s work in Memphis. I don’t think a lot of people would be disappointed to see his work then, because it was truly a treasure to behold and it should be what he is remembered for, not the great color commentator he is, that just adds on to his legacy. However, it shouldn’t the main thing people remember Jerry Lawler for.
The fact is for most of my life Jerry Lawler has been on commentary. He will not be remembered as a wrestler. He has never wrestled at WWE's big one and has not wrestled at a ppv for some time. Two Generations have seen him as a commentator. He will be remembered as a good commentator and for his love of the divas. Man he is funny.

I hope his is replaced by a woman as commentator. I think that would also look good when we think about what The King has done for wresting.

I also hope he is elected Mayor. Lord knows we need a legend to replace "King Willie" Herenton.

Cody Rhodes America's Dream, WWE's Nightmare
For me, I think he will be most remembered as a WWF/WWE Commentator.

Him and J.R are basically the best two Commentators on TV and if he wins the election it will be sad to see him go. Best of lusk to you King.
When I first started watching wrestling I remember seeing Lawler in the USWA as a heel. Lawler definitely played a great heel, he could get heat like nobody else, and when he was a face the crowd was behind him 100%. He wasn't the most technical of wrestlers, more of a brawler but he took care of business. I think his passion for the business showed in his work. The older fans will remember him for his all around wrestling skill...promos, ring work, etc... the newer crowd will remember him for his commentary which is great, and if he does decide to leave it will leave a void in the commentary position.
For me, Lawler will be remembered best as the funny commentator, I just wish that some day I can shake his hand and say "Thank you so much for the commentating you have done over the past 15 years" I believe it was Wrestlemania 10 when he officially started commentating, and man since that very first time he's had me laughing.

Him pairing up with JR was the best ever, you had the serious technical side in JR and the comedian in Lawler and both balanced the match.

Too bad he was around for most of 2001, I would have loved to hear his commentary on the WCW invasion angle and see what he would have had to say about that.

He's been with WWE for almost 20 years now. And if he feels like he has what it takes to run for Mayor then he should go for it. He'll always have a home in WWE because the fans care about him that much.

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