The Bella Empire owes everything to Total Divas


Championship Contender
I'm gonna go ahead and say it, I think most of us are very tired of Nikki Bella, especially as champion.

Does anyone else think they let her become the longest reigning champion just to get AJ's name out of the picture??

And does anyone else think Nikki is dragging the Divas revolution down? Total Divas is killing the diva revolution..they have ruined Paige and turning Paige into a Bella wannabe..
AJ's name is a disgrace to the wrestling business anyway, so it's good they're getting her name out of the record books. She's someone who should've never been a diva.. I was very pleased Nikki broke that record, i like her as champion and like it or not, she's one of the best divas in WWE.. I think she became the longest reigning divas champion mostly because of John Cena. He's the biggest star in the company so of course his girlfriend will get treated well.. AJ's not important enough for WWE to worry about erasing her name from the record books.. Her name doesn't belong there, but it also doesn't matter if it is there.. Nikki has been in the business longer and is still working her ass off today. She didn't retire at 27 year's old. It makes more sense if Nikki has the record, someone who means a lot more currently.
AJ was one the best female wrestlers in the business, and deserves to be regarded as such. I am not a Bella hater, and I think Nikki has worked her ass off to earn her spot. However, it would be ridiculous to state that TD or her relationship with Cena hasn't aided her climb to the top. Does she deserve to knock off AJ's record? No. Does she deserve her spot? Yes. Hate away.
I've become a big fan of Nikki Bella in recent weeks; she's one of the best heels the WWE has, male or female. People here have this tendency to forget that they aren't supposed to like the heel. You have your "cool heels", like Seth Rollins or Kevin Owens, that are essentially faces who follow a script that says they do villainous things; then you have heels like The Big Show and Nikki Bella, who can get a whole crowd reacting to their mere presence.

Use your thinkers- there's a reason that Charlotte is going up against Nikki Bella instead of Sasha Banks. Charlotte needs the rub from being opposite a Total Heel; Sasha Banks is doing just fine on her own.
I guess my opinion is that of the minority, but I feel this Divas revolution hurt Nikki's title reign, because the Team BS took the focus off the title entirely until SummerSlam and it was practically rendered inactive through that entire period of 'nothingness'.

lMO, Nikki's title reign has been great and has gotten me, being someone who isn't much a fan of the divas division, to take some notice of it. My only gripe is Brie Bella, but I guess she is part of the package and is required given that Nikki is a heel.
I've become a big fan of Nikki Bella in recent weeks; she's one of the best heels the WWE has, male or female. People here have this tendency to forget that they aren't supposed to like the heel. You have your "cool heels", like Seth Rollins or Kevin Owens, that are essentially faces who follow a script that says they do villainous things; then you have heels like The Big Show and Nikki Bella, who can get a whole crowd reacting to their mere presence.

Use your thinkers- there's a reason that Charlotte is going up against Nikki Bella instead of Sasha Banks. Charlotte needs the rub from being opposite a Total Heel; Sasha Banks is doing just fine on her own.
This is pretty much what I've felt for a while now. I've been a fan of Nikki Bella for many many months and it first started when I noticed her consistently putting on very solid matches, which is a vast improvement over most of the Divas division. She plays a great character and her ring work is very solid.

And you're exactly right about being an actual heel, one where the fans DON'T want you to win. Nikki has a character worth caring about...Paige used to, but the whole "Divas Revolution" essentially killed her character.

But make no mistake...being John Cena's girlfriend alone did not get her anywhere close to the longest Divas champion. It was the fact she has obviously worked very hard to become a very good professional wrestler.
I'm gonna go ahead and say it, I think most of us are very tired of Nikki Bella, especially as champion.

More evidence of what a good job WWE and Nikki are doing with the Divas title.

Does anyone else think they let her become the longest reigning champion just to get AJ's name out of the picture??

Then why have they mentioned AJ's name many times over the past month?

Also, under what obligation is WWE to ever mention a title reign record for a title that isn't exactly considered major?It is a title that is basically still in its infancy. A title that many people believe should get thrown away for the old Women's belt.

Serious question, did you even know that AJ had the title length record before Cole and Nikki kept bringing it up?

And does anyone else think Nikki is dragging the Divas revolution down?

No, the Revolution needs an antagonist. The other women are here to throw over Nikki and the Bella Army. The Communists had the Czars, the American had the British Army, and the Islamist had the Shah. This isn't something that should be simple or easy and hasn't been.

Total Divas is killing the diva revolution..they have ruined Paige and turning Paige into a Bella wannabe..

No, others getting an opportunity is ruining Paige. If anything her initial title win is what ruined Paige. She could have been a terrific protagonist here but her saturation has made her a better candidate for Benedict Arnold that a hero. What we are seeing here is the opposite of Paige's first title win. It is a story for the Divas, one with ups and downs. Not everything has been great or even entertaining but it has kept us interested. That is a good thing. Other than the result last night that match was pretty damn entertaining.

Good job WWE and the Divas. Especially Nikki.
AJ's name is a disgrace to the wrestling business anyway, so it's good they're getting her name out of the record books. She's someone who should've never been a diva..

She was not a disgrace to the business and for her size did very well. She won the title held the record and deserved to be in the record books at the time. A lot of people shouldn't be Diva's, Cameron for one, but they are and that's why the division for a long time was crap.

I was very pleased Nikki broke that record, i like her as champion and like it or not, she's one of the best divas in WWE.. I think she became the longest reigning divas champion mostly because of John Cena. He's the biggest star in the company so of course his girlfriend will get treated well..

Persoanlly I don't care that she broke the record. I'm not a fan of the Bella's and to break the record for a title that is not highly regarded, just isn't important to me. Couldn't care less. And like GSB said, if they hadn't kept telling us about it every week I wouldn't even have known.

AJ's not important enough for WWE to worry about erasing her name from the record books.. Her name doesn't belong there, but it also doesn't matter if it is there..

That is a contradiction. Either it deserves to be there or it doesn't, you can't have it both ways.

Nikki has been in the business longer and is still working her ass off today. She didn't retire at 27 year's old. It makes more sense if Nikki has the record, someone who means a lot more currently.

Nikki Bella has improved a lot, I will give her that. Brie on the other hand still has a long way to go. I really hate this notion that female wrestlers get dumped on when they retire. What else is there for them to do? Once you have won the title numerous times, that's basically it.

Add in the fact that her husband is being sued by the doctor who works from the WWE. It couldn't have been comfortable for her to work there. She did nothing wrong but a lot of this stems back to Punk. If he was still with the WWE, she would be as well. I don't blame her for what happened, but she was affected by it all. For a woman her size to get where she got was an achievement.

AJ Lee always wanted to be a professional wrestler, and she finally made it. Too bad the guy she fell in love with and married, help ruin it for her.
I for one was so happy Nikki won and broke the record she deserves it she worked hard over the past few years to improve her in ring skills
Total Divas have given them exposure and maybe leverage in saying that they should be champion a little longer but that's about it. I could be wrong but since total divas the bellas(Nikki) have been champion once. So I don't think Total Divas have played much into the Bellas success.

People say that Nikki has been champion this long because of Cena(which I might agree with) but honestly there was no one else. If Nikki wasn't champion who else would've been? Before the "divas revolution" the only divas in the title picture was Nikki, Naomi, and Paige. Natayla and Alicia Fox's championship days seem to be over. Rosa, Summer, and Cameron didn't deserve it. Brie though it was said she was training with Bryan has regressed in the ring. And Naomi has been struggling with her random heel turn. So the only person to have dethrone Nikkie would've been Paige who had already lost countless title matches.

IMO she deserves it. She's the best heel. She's has the best character. She's improved greatly in the ring. And the Bella's have been in wwe for 8 years and only had 1 title reign a piece before this one, so I really don't see the big deal. Aj Lee was in wwe for 3-4 years had 3 reigns and won't be remembered for neither one of them.
I dont have a problem with Nikki beating the record. Its not like she will go down in history as the best just because she is the longest reigning DIVAS CHAMPION in history. As I said before AJ holding the record was meaningless considering most will remember AJ for the things she did outside of the Divas division rather than in it. (she was the star/main story of Raw for almost an entire year) So giving it to Nikki someone who has worked hard to stay where she is(How she got there maybe questionable but...) I don't see a problem with it.
Nikki Bella has got to be the best heel in wrestling right now... not even joking. Fans can not wait to see somebody take the title off of her, which will give Charlotte a huge rub when she does it at NOC. I mean, there are people who get boo'ed because they plain suck, and there are those who get booed because they know how to work a crowd. Nikki tells the truth; she's the longest reigning Divas champ of all time, she's a bigger star than the rest of the Divas (media wise), and she's one of the best workers on the roster... and people can't handle that, so what do they do? They boo, ridicule, and resort to trashing her any chance they get. Welcome to heeldom 2015 people, where even though you're a "smark" you still get worked!

Does Nikki owe some of her accomplishments to TD? Of course she does. The show allowed her to create a star out of herself and allowed WWE to cater toward a new market, mainly thanks to Nikki. WWE realized that Nikki Bella was very marketable and gave her a big push. As they will with Eva Marie. You may not like it, but that's the entertainment business bud.

Everyone complaining right now about Nikki breaking the record, will be ecstatic when she loses her title and they'll love Charlotte for ending her reign. Nikki will most likely move on following NOC and "pass the torch" so to speak, to Charlotte. Her job as a heel will have been done magnificently.
Are the Bella Twins even heel?

Like, I'm asking this in all sincerity. Are these character that we dislike even actually heels?

Sure, they get boo'ed like heels, but when has that ever mattered? The Bella Twins are heels in the same way Kim Davis is a warrior for Christian rights; in name only.

They run down their opponents, and post inspiring messages on twitter. They cheat to win, and yet are treated like the babyfaces on Total Divas. They're boo'ed, but they also have something called a "Bella Army" (what in the actual fuck is a Bella Army?)

The Bella Twins have turned a lot in the recent weeks, and so I'm legitimately asking this; are they heels? Brie works like a face against Naomi, and then the next night works as a heel against Charlotte.

Like, can we actually settle that the Bella Twins are actually heels? Please? It would make things much easier for everyone.
I don't see Total Divas having as much to do with it as the clout that Nikki & Brie Bella have had with upper management in WWE for the better part of 10 years.

Total Divas isn't that big of a hit show; at the most, it draws an audience in the mid 1 million range and that usually depended upon if it aired immediately after a more popular show on E!, like one of the half dozen Kardashian reality shows. Long before that, however, Nikki and Brie, though much more Nikki than Brie, gained a lot of stroke by being friendly with backstage producers who had the ear of upper management, being close to the likes of Kevin Dunn, always willing to do whatever was asked of them in terms of public relations, etc.

Over the past several years, that clout for Nikki has reached new levels because she's been shackin' up with John Cena; various reports suggest that Cena has used his stroke to keep the title on Nikki whenever talk has been brought up of having he drop it. I don't know if it's true, but it wouldn't be at all surprising to me if that's how it is; whether it is or isn't, Cena will catch flack from haters who ignore that all of their personal favorites have almost certainly done the same thing along the way.

I don't mind that Nikki broke the record; as much as it flat out kills some people to admit, Nikki's pretty damn decent. She's Kurt Angle compared to what she was 5 or so years ago, she's actually learned how to wrestle. I'm not a huge fan of Nikki or Brie, I'm not a hater either, but I do believe that some credit is due because of an improvement in their abilities as wrestlers and for their skills and being politicians backstage; I'm sure they've stepped on more than a few toes to get ahead, but that's how it goes in wrestling because it's not some sweet little fantasy land where everybody is a sweet little cuddlebug.
Nikki Bella has got to be the best heel in wrestling right now... not even joking.

Its like saying that Roman Reigns was best heel last year because people hated him for no reason but being "chosen one" to be no1 in WWE(ironicly, Rollins and Wyatt(to some extension) have the same but with better booking and it works for them) and like saying that "Bootista" was best heel last year because people wanted Danyel Bryan. I mean, its true that it produces heat but just because people want somebody else as Champion and because they think you are "undeserving" to be Champion doesnt mean that you are great heel. It takes much more then that. :)

Dont get me wrong, Nikki is good heel and improved a lot in ring and WWE has proven that they can play good with all that "audience hates wrestler" card. But just because people can see how good NXT girls are and can see that Nikki isnt really that great(add on all that AJ Lee hype and fact that she is on reality TV and girlfriend of no1 guy in company) and why people hate her. Its like saying Kim Kardashian is greatest heel in the world. I mean, sure, people hate her a lot, but she really isnt that good heel, like for example Trump right now. :D
People who tell me Nikki is the best heel in the business need a reality check. Did you see that video package she got on RAW? That SCREAMED face! They don't make video packages for the heels. Do you see Seth Rollins or Bray getting videos? No. Her sister Brie does half of her husband's move-set now. That's not an accident. WWE genuinely believe fans like the Bellas. :wtf:

Introducing the Bellatron? If WWE thought she was heel Charlotte would've won and stopped the record from being broken. It's an age old WWE trope. You introduce something to the story, it will get broken if your the heel. (See a certain statue) That's how that story goes. We build to the point where the valiant babyface stops the heel from achieving her goal. But did she? No, because Vince & Kevin Dunn think the Bellas are the faces, because Kevin Dunn has twisted and convinced Vince's regressing mind into thinking his meal tickets are the GOOD GUYS! :disappointed:

I absolutely disagree with the Bellas being on my TV. They haven't earned a damn thing in this business:
-Total Divas, got them in good with Kevin Dunn. It seems like the only person Vince listens to anymore is that greasy, buck-toothed excuse for a human.
-Nikki sleeps with Super Cena. Super Cena gets what he wants, thus Nikki gets what she wants.
-People who don't think this was Vince getting back at Punk. Think about this: He paid Ric Flair to show up to watch his daughter get cheated at out of the belt.
-The only reason Nikki improved is because she HAD to. She had to at least be able to keep up with the new women. You put her in that ring with anyone who isn't from NXT, it would flop. :banghead:
People who tell me Nikki is the best heel in the business need a reality check. Did you see that video package she got on RAW? That SCREAMED face! They don't make video packages for the heels. Do you see Seth Rollins or Bray getting videos? No. Her sister Brie does half of her husband's move-set now. That's not an accident. WWE genuinely believe fans like the Bellas. :wtf:

To some she is the best heel, I don't agree. She's a good heel but Sasha Banks is better. I don't think the WWE cares who we like and who we don't, they will put out who they like, and don't ever forget that. The video package was done to hype up the match, not just Nikki Bella.

Introducing the Bellatron? If WWE thought she was heel Charlotte would've won and stopped the record from being broken. It's an age old WWE trope. You introduce something to the story, it will get broken if your the heel. (See a certain statue) That's how that story goes. We build to the point where the valiant babyface stops the heel from achieving her goal. But did she? No, because Vince & Kevin Dunn think the Bellas are the faces, because Kevin Dunn has twisted and convinced Vince's regressing mind into thinking his meal tickets are the GOOD GUYS! :disappointed:

They had to get AJ Lee's name off the record books. That's been fairly obvious for a long time now. If it wasn't for that reason, then they wouldn't have banged on about every time Nikki Bella was in the ring. No one except a true fan of hers would even have known she was approaching the record.

Vince McMahon maybe out of touch with the public, but he knows the Bella's are heels. If they weren't the cheating that goes on during their matches wouldn't happen.

I absolutely disagree with the Bellas being on my TV. They haven't earned a damn thing in this business:

Actually in a rather lackluster division, they have kept it going to a certain extent. Also they are the stars of Total Diva's which does have a following.

-Total Divas, got them in good with Kevin Dunn. It seems like the only person Vince listens to anymore is that greasy, buck-toothed excuse for a human.

I don't know Kevin Dunn, so I have no idea if what you say is true or not.

-Nikki sleeps with Super Cena. Super Cena gets what he wants, thus Nikki gets what she wants

Maybe, but if it doesn't make money or sense to Vince it won't happen, no matter who she sleeps with.

-People who don't think this was Vince getting back at Punk. Think about this: He paid Ric Flair to show up to watch his daughter get cheated at out of the belt.

Of course it was the WWE getting back at Punk and AJ Lee, that was never up for debate. But the second sentence is pure bullshit. Flair would and should have shown up to see his daughter possibly win because of one reason and one reason only, he's her father.

-The only reason Nikki improved is because she HAD to. She had to at least be able to keep up with the new women. You put her in that ring with anyone who isn't from NXT, it would flop. :banghead:

This is probably the only thing you've said that I agree with. The Bella's were horrible and had nowhere to go but up.

The person I feel most sorry for is Naomi. She is a much better athlete and wrestler than both Bella's combined, and she was never given the title when she should have. Her heel turn hasn't done anything for her, and now she is further away from ever holding it. Once Charlotte gets the belt of Nikki at NOC, it will be a long time before any of the older Diva's ever see it again.
I absolutely disagree with the Bellas being on my TV. They haven't earned a damn thing in this business:
-Total Divas, got them in good with Kevin Dunn. It seems like the only person Vince listens to anymore is that greasy, buck-toothed excuse for a human.
-Nikki sleeps with Super Cena. Super Cena gets what he wants, thus Nikki gets what she wants.
-People who don't think this was Vince getting back at Punk. Think about this: He paid Ric Flair to show up to watch his daughter get cheated at out of the belt.
-The only reason Nikki improved is because she HAD to. She had to at least be able to keep up with the new women. You put her in that ring with anyone who isn't from NXT, it would flop. :banghead:

This is exactly what I'm talking about, it's the exact same thing with John Cena. People hate Nikki, not because she sucks, but because they have convinced themselves that the misconstrued thoughts in their head are facts.

You say you hate Nikki:

1. Because somehow Total Divas got her in good with Kevin Dunn and now he's trying to make her the greatest of all time because he likes her...
2. Because she has sex with John Cena
3. Because you see her being used as some sort of pot shot towards C.M. Punk
4. Because... I don't even know... because she improved? Also, that would imply that Nikki has only gotten better since the NXT girls got called up, which is false. She's been putting on decent matches for a while now.

Not once did I hear you say you hate her because she can't work a mic, a match, or a crowd. When I say Nikki Bella is a great heel, this is what I mean. Everybody already has a preconceived notion of The Bellas in their head and they're just playing up to it to work the smarks. Like I said, it's the same thing with John Cena. People boo him for ridiculous reasons, not because he sucks.
Don't forget the fact that Nikki is dating Cena. Total Divas played a huge role as well.

And for the people claiming Nikki is doing a good job as a heel - she's not. There's "you're a good heel" heat, and there's "get off my TV" heat. I'll let you guess what type of heat she gets.
Don't forget the fact that Nikki is dating Cena. Total Divas played a huge role as well.

And for the people claiming Nikki is doing a good job as a heel - she's not. There's "you're a good heel" heat, and there's "get off my TV" heat. I'll let you guess what type of heat she gets.

In reality the type of heat she gets depends on if you sincerely don't like her, which would be stupid, unless you actually know her personally. Or whether you just think she's a bad wrestler and not worthy of holding the belt. Last night the crowd was dead after she was declared the winner. So whether she's a good heel or not no one there seemed to care.

My feelings toward's her are in the "don't give a shit camp". She and the rest of the Diva's held the division together when there wasn't much of a division there. So I appreciate all of their efforts. Like I said before though, now that the new arrivals are here from NXT things have changed. She broke the record, so we don't have to hear about that again, Charlotte can now win the title and Nikki can go back to Total Diva's. Everyone should be happy about this.
My feelings toward's her are in the "don't give a shit camp".

That's in the "get off my TV" heat.

She and the rest of the Diva's held the division together when there wasn't much of a division there. So I appreciate all of their efforts.

Except no one cared about the divas division until Sasha, Charlotte, and Becky got called up.

Like I said before though, now that the new arrivals are here from NXT things have changed. She broke the record, so we don't have to hear about that again, Charlotte can now win the title and Nikki can go back to Total Diva's. Everyone should be happy about this.

How so?

Nikki is still champion. No one has a storyline or character. They still don't get time to wrestle.

Charlotte is just Ric Flair's daughter living off her father's name. And Nikki isn't going anywhere.
Nikki is doing fantastic. Her over the top celebration after retaining her title by disqualification was so great! She legit makes a lot of fans mad, and I think it's funny.

She knows how to push the fans buttons, she cheats as much as possible, celebrates obnoxiously, is arrogant(in character) and runs her mouth as much as possible while occasionally feigning sincerity(acting like she's an inspirational success story) and people really want her to lose the title. That's the way it's supposed to be! She's a heel!

I also think she's pretty good in the ring, but she's not SO good that the fans will cheer her for it, which is also a good situation for a heel champion.
Don't forget the fact that Nikki is dating Cena. Total Divas played a huge role as well.

And for the people claiming Nikki is doing a good job as a heel - she's not. There's "you're a good heel" heat, and there's "get off my TV" heat. I'll let you guess what type of heat she gets.

I love it when smarks say know it all stuff like this, without realizing how badly they're getting worked. The lack of self-awareness is stunning.
That's in the "get off my TV" heat.

No that's what I call indifference, and it's not any kind of heat, it's probably the worst thing a wrestler can get from a fan.

Except no one cared about the divas division until Sasha, Charlotte, and Becky got called up.

Because the division was crap. You had the Bella's, Alicia Fox, Naomi, Paige and Tamina. Nattie hasn't been seen since her husband was injured. That's not much of a division is it, and the girls in NXT were getting great reviews. They had to bring them up. Don't agree with the way they did it by making 3 teams, but it is what is it.

How so?

Nikki is still champion. No one has a storyline or character. They still don't get time to wrestle.

Charlotte is just Ric Flair's daughter living off her father's name. And Nikki isn't going anywhere.

Like I said the girls from NXT were getting rave reviews, and from what I understand if the reports are true Charlotte was supposed to win the title right away. But because of the record they decided to leave it on Nikki until last night. Now we'll get to see some good wrestling and if anyone thinks Nikki Bella is a better wrestler than any of the three NXT girls, then I want what they are smoking.

I disagree that Charlotte lives off her father's name. She in phenomenal in the ring, iffy on the mic, but can wrestle rings around the present Diva's champion, who I might add she's beat twice in the last two weeks.
I'm gonna go ahead and say it, I think most of us are very tired of Nikki Bella, especially as champion.

Does anyone else think they let her become the longest reigning champion just to get AJ's name out of the picture??

And does anyone else think Nikki is dragging the Divas revolution down? Total Divas is killing the diva revolution..they have ruined Paige and turning Paige into a Bella wannabe..

To be honest, I'm not sure. They've had no problem with acknowledging AJ and they haven't said anything bad about her- in contrast to Punk, who was called a quitter on TV. I've always been a defender of Nikki, but I don't think she should've been the one to beat AJ's record. She deserved to win the belt at the time she did, but probably should've lost it around the time they misguidedly turned her face for about 10 minutes.

Admittedly I don't think any of these women are ready to beat AJ's record. To me, only the best should. Paige has been upstaged by the NXT call-ups and I think Sasha Banks is the overall 'best', but it's too early for her to get the championship...especially as the Main Roster has already been booking her really erratically.

That's the worst part about the Diva's division. The booking only seems to tear these women down instead of building them up. No one can get any momentum. Nikki had it when she won the championship, but lost it over time as she become more and more of a conventional heel...and her storylines often seemed half baked.

Even Charlotte doesn't feel like she has any more momentum than the other NXT call-ups, and she's competing directly for the belt!
No that's what I call indifference, and it's not any kind of heat, it's probably the worst thing a wrestler can get from a fan.

Because the division was crap. You had the Bella's, Alicia Fox, Naomi, Paige and Tamina. Nattie hasn't been seen since her husband was injured. That's not much of a division is it, and the girls in NXT were getting great reviews. They had to bring them up. Don't agree with the way they did it by making 3 teams, but it is what is it.

Like I said the girls from NXT were getting rave reviews, and from what I understand if the reports are true Charlotte was supposed to win the title right away. But because of the record they decided to leave it on Nikki until last night. Now we'll get to see some good wrestling and if anyone thinks Nikki Bella is a better wrestler than any of the three NXT girls, then I want what they are smoking.

I disagree that Charlotte lives off her father's name. She in phenomenal in the ring, iffy on the mic, but can wrestle rings around the present Diva's champion, who I might add she's beat twice in the last two weeks.

I agree that Nikki is not a better wrestler than any of the 3 recent NXT callups....but she's better than most of the rest of the roster.

I would also say of the 3 NXT callups.....Sasha is the only one who's character is really there right now IMO, and she's done that in fairly limited time. But she just has "it" and it's obvious.

Becky....she really hasn't had a chance to show much yet. She may be fantastic in the ring, but she needs a chance to grow(meaning some character development and more solo matches) before she becomes a contender.

And Charlotte.....I think he's a phenomenal athlete and good in the ring. I like her.....but her character isn't there yet. I'm not sure the time is right for her to win the title. Frankly I don't think Paige winning the title before she had developed any kind of character, did her any favors.

I think they would be better off having Nikki retain on Sunday, but continuing or better yet.....starting the feud with Charlotte. Let Charlotte chase it for a while, let an actual feud develop.....THAT'S what leads to character development and that's what gets the fans invested. When Charlotte finally wins the title(maybe at Survivor Series?), there's a bigger payoff, and she's more ready character wise.

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