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The Bash; Miz v Cena


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!

After weeks of listening to The Miz boast about his so-called undefeated streak against John Cena, the former champ announced that he will finally get his hands on the self-proclaimed “chick magnet” at The Bash.

Since being drafted to Raw, The Miz has made it a personal mission to come out and run down one of WWE’s favorite Superstars in John Cena. On numerous occasions, the former tag team champion has mocked many different aspects of Cena’s career in and out of the ring, including his film 12 Rounds, and followed up by extending hollow challenges that he knew Cena couldn’t answer, for on reason or another.

Two weeks ago on Raw, it seemed that Cena would get his chance to shut The Miz up for good, with both Superstars set to face off one-on-one on Raw. Thanks to interference by Big Show prior to the bell being rung, however, the match never took place. Instead, the WWE Universe cringed as The World’s Largest Athlete once again took the opportunity to beat down the 12 Rounds star until The Miz interjected himself, then proceeded to assault an already-prone Cena with a chair.

Now that Cena will have The Miz inside the ring with him at The Bash, the former champion will be looking to gain vengeance – not only for the verbal assaults he has fallen victim to, but for the brutal chair beating as well. It isn’t all bad for the self-proclaimed “future World Champion” though; if he can defeat the Cena, he will certainly cement himself as a force to be reckoned with on Monday nights, and perhaps even a contender for the WWE Championship.

Will Cena silence the former tag team champion for good? Or will The Miz continue his “streak” against the 12 Rounds star and prove that everything he has said for the last several weeks is true? Only one way to find out and that is by watching The Bash live on pay-per-view.

So we get to see Miz v Cena on PPV? I must say I am very pleased, this has done wonders for the Miz, and has actually had me won over to Cena, the guy who is top face in the company, putting over younger talent? Great work man, should be a good match.
I finally get 2 see that clown get the shitkicking he deserves. I hate the Miz with a passion & I hope Cena beats him 2 the point that his stepmoms feel it 4 the next 6 birthdays
The Miz annoys the hell out of me, hopefully he gets his ass kicked in a squash but i imagine they will have him win with outside help. As much as I wanted to watch the Spirit Squad die a slow and painful death, I'd rather have them back then to watch the Miz.
Great match in the making here. It really can't hurt either guy, and can really only help both, unless they fuck up and have Cena win completely squashing the feud..

Cena is WWE's number 1 guy bar none. If he wins then WWE fucked this storyline up hardcore. They give Cena nothing except a rep of not putting guys over. If Cena loses than the Miz gets the push he deserves, and at the same time does not hurt Cena. it's a win-win situation. Nobody cares if Cena loses. Hell in 2 months nobody will remember it, but it will push Miz to upper mid-card status.

Miz has improved so much since his debut. Nobody ever thought he would be around this long, or improve as much as he did. His in-ring work gets better each and every week, and his mic skills are great as it is. It's time WWE realizes what they can do with him. He would be a great IC/US champ, and even compete in feuds with high level stars such as he is now. He deserves this chance.

This feud has already done wonders for Miz, and I give John a ton of credit for putting Miz over these last few weeks. In short if Cena wins they completely fucked up this feud, and pretty much buried the Miz. If Miz wins then they continue the feud, bump the Miz up, and do not hurt Cena in the slightest. Great match this should turn out to be.
I have been waiting long for this match, and was starting to get worried it might not happen. This match on Sunday is crucial in my eyes for The Miz. It can either make or break The Miz. A bad showing here or a squash would completely kill The Miz's momentum, but if he is made to look credible then The Miz can very well become a big time player. And with being placed in a match with non other then John Cena himself, the man who made Jack Swagger look amazing even in defeat. I have hope that the Miz will come out looking as good, or even better pick up the win, which i doubt. A good possibility is a dreadful Show interference. Which i see going down either in two ways. One, the Show just goes in to clobber Cena and end the match, but hopefully gives Cena enough time to make Miz look decent. Two, since The Miz helped show out, maybe Show will return the favor. Although with him being so big, i really don't know how this would work.

Could be a decent match, i don't really find the match quality as important as the outcome and how The Miz will be portrayed. Hopefully portrayed as a credible threat.
what people have to remember is that trying to make you hate them as much as possible is the miz is all about right now...and by looking at most of your responses it is clear he is doing his job....most of you cant put a real reason as to why you dont even like the miz...other than the fact he is the guy that is picking on weak ass, non wrestling ass, still gets a push no matter how bad he really is, John Cena....what john needs is an attitude adjustment..no pun intended....well maybe slightly....the simple true fact is cena got his first intial push by stepping up to one of the greatest wrestlers of our decade and that is Kurt Angle...and if you dont remember look it up on youtube as a matter of fact kurt basically made Cena look good by putting him over a few times...Cena must see something in the Miz otherwise he wouldnt waste his time in this fued....Cena can beat miz sunday and still make miz look like the real deal...but i would suggest letting miz beat cena....was anyone else surprised the miz walked to the ring and told cena off...? could we see the end of the cowardly heel and the return of a heel that can take a ass whoopin and still look good as hell cough cough austin the person that made heels come to the ring and fight....take a ass whoopin and still look good....but you have to admit the miz is fantastic on the mic...because he is the miz and he is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's absolutely NO WAY Cena "squashes" The Miz in this one.

I may not be the biggest Cena fan on the planet, but he is a company man and he understands what putting over a guy can do for the industry.

When Cena started out, he was put over by one of the biggest names in the sport - The Undertaker. Cena also helped further the career of Swagger a few months back following the draft so we know he won't let creative make this a squash match.

For all the wrestling ability that Cena appears to lack on a regular basis, the one thing he doesn't lack is knowledge of the business. He has nothing but the utmost respect for the way "it" works and I fully intend for The Miz to pick up the victory here. Whether or not The Big Show plays a role in that victory is yet to be seen, but Miz moves to 9-0 against Cena at The Bash (or is it 10-0 after Raw ??)
This match is going to be interesting, in one corner we have a former World's Champion, in the other corner we have a young up & comer who is trying to make a huge name for himself against a more established opponent. Sparks will fly. Cena has nothing to prove right now but Miz has EVERYTHING to prove and will try his best to take it to Cena and make himself look good in the process, Cena however is the more experienced of the two and has more "big match" experience than Miz and will undoubtably pick up the victory this Sunday on PPV. I would not be suprised to see Cena try to put this away early with a series of his core moves, but Miz won't go down that easy and he will claw and scratch his way through the match to show Cena that he is not afraid of him, this is really going to be interesting because I wouldn't rule out an upset by the Miz if he is crafty enough to gain a quick rolleup or cheat in a way that could cost Cena the match. However, Cena will win this thing but Miz can only get better because of it, he just needs to try is all.
I think...For some reason, the Miz is going to end up Stealing a win somehow, or Cena is going to own him. Or big show might be involved in this too. I also pray that this is not going to be the main event...Unless Cena owns him, then i gusse it would be a good way to leave the show, but i rather the show ends on randy orton going out on a strecther ( AND I DON'T MEAN STAGE 3, I MEAN TRIPLE H KICKS HIS ASS, WINS 2 IN A ROW, AND RANDY GETS INJURED) tho even to i hate Randy, hes a heel, and probably one of their best heels. Triple H vs Randy Orton is probably gonna be the biggest Feud of the Century. But remember what happend when Randy Orton got injured last year? It was chaos! Cena almost won the wwe title ( i like cena), Cm Punk won the world Heavy Weight championship (i like cm punk) I mean...pure chaos. Raw is literaly nothing without Randy Orton. Rated Rko must never get back together, Because Raw and Smackdown both need one of these guys to keep it together, These are probably 2 of the biggest heels of the century...Im sorry..Im getting off topic.
After Jericho/ Mysterio this is the most exciting match at the Bash. I was under the impression(like many other people) that after last week they were gonna bury the Miz; but the WWE is doing the right thing(for once) and putting this on a ppv ,where it deserves to be. Btw did anybody else think Cena's promo on raw last night was one of his best as a face?
(sorry if I broke any rules by ending my point with a question)
This has been, in my opinion, one of the best feuds recently in terms of buildup. Both members have talked, but they never wrestled. It was long, and they put it on PPV instead of wasting it for free.

Let's hope Miz picks up the dirty win.
There's absolutely NO WAY Cena "squashes" The Miz in this one.

I may not be the biggest Cena fan on the planet, but he is a company man and he understands what putting over a guy can do for the industry.

I'm sure he does. And I'm sure if he was booking he'd put Miz over a couple of times. But Cena isn't booking, it's not up to him whether he goes over the Miz or not.

I've called it already and I'm calling it again, Cena will win. But he will make Miz look great by allowing Miz to hang with him. Miz will get a "real" victory over Cena but not at The Bash. He's not ready yet. But when he does get the victory, the IWC will love it.
No wait, they'll complain about how it was booked or something.
This match can go two VERY different directions. I'll give both directions and the results of said actions.

1) Miz either wins clean or somehow gets a roll up victory.
The Miz pins Cena at Teh Bash, elevating himself into the stratosphere of Raw. He can brag, and brag that he beat Cena at a PPV. Even if Cena beats him like 9 more times after that. Miz beat him clean, at a PPV. Instant push. Miz eventually wins the US title from Kofi and in the future, when Cena wins the WWE title again, Miz can get a shot at that and have a legit case for it.

2) Cena beats and/or squashes Miz.
If this happens, it proves that the WWE has no faith in anyone except Cena to be the future of this company. It says that they don't care about developing new stars and they don't want Miz to grab the brass ring. Miz's push comes to a screeching hault and even if he manages a mid-card title reign, it would be a moot point and no one would take him seriously. Nothing but bad things can happen in this case.

What I'd like to see happen is a clean win for Miz. No interference from Big Show. Just some simple cheating from Miz to get a win. Asking Miz to win clean is pushing it, but to get a pin on his own isn't. He should do it. It'd be the biggest mark out moment of the night. Period.
They are teasing a miz and maryse alliance which will only happen if miz wins and god knows wwe will have those two together because something tells me they want to give her more tv time since people love her, for what reason i dont know since shes really limited. Miz will win this for one reason and one reason only, miz is getting put over looks like hes going to the moon if you like it or not. Something tells me that wwe is not confitable with orton as top heel so they are developing a quick replacement and wwe right now has no other choice but miz.
This feud has all the makings of a good one. You have the babyface of the WWE in John Cena. But, you also have a young, cocky kid new on the scene named The Miz. I really enjoy watching these guys go at it, and expect nothing short of a great match here.

Now, I do think that this match will end their rivalry, but spark an existing one. I'm talking about The Big Show-Cena rivalry. I think Cena will dominate most of this match, but ultimately get fucked over by the Big Show, seeing as how the World's Largest Athlete is off the match card right now, it seems necessary.

Now, from the Miz's perspective, you are in a win-win. If you lose, Cena is off of your back, and you got some good TV time. But, if you win, you defeated Cena, you are undefeated against him, he quits messing with you, AND you still got TV time, and should get a shot at a second-tier title soon.
fuckkk yea dude. They built it and built it, and now, it be time. SHIT yea.

Very excited for this, and it should be pretty damn good. Although I can forsee Cena winning, and all the smarkos flipping a bitch, once again proving that very few people actually know what the fuck it means to give a rub. Whatever. Very excited for this, and im expecting a Cena-Swagger type affair. Miz will look badass, but loose, and have a seething pissy look on his face in the end. he then continues to harass Cena, and they end up in a big crazy gimick match later.
It'd be a waste to have Cena win this. Not because it'd make The Miz look bad, but because when the face wins, the feud is generally considered over. I'm genuinely concerned that the WWE will end their feud here. I mean, giving us the absolute shit that is Triple H/Orton a dozen times a day, but dropping an actually interesting feud after one match? I can see it happening.

Honestly, I'll be disappointed if they even end up having a proper match. Cena should dominate Miz for five minutes, Miz hits him with a low blow and beats the shit out of him with a steel chair. How many more months until SummerSlam? Keep cheating the fans until then.
The match I am looking forward to the most on this ppv! Cena VS Miz. Finally! Now, a lot of yall seem to think the Miz has to win this. I like where this is going, but the Miz winning (unless it is by luck, or by cheating) is just not very likely here. Cena is the top face in wrestling. Beating him at this point would give bragging rights to the Miz forever, yes, but I don't think he will get the win just yet. Summerslam maybe? I would really hope this feud continues all summer. It is great! Cena will most likely win here, but I think they will still make the Miz look like a threat in the process.

DAGGER DIAS prediction: Cena
This is the smoke and mirrors effect that we know as the Miz might come to an end. The guy is simply over at this point, because he caters to us, the Smark. He's the IWC relating, Kay Fabe Breaking, Midget shooting, Cena hating person that we love to cheer, even though we shouldn't be cheering.

Couple the fact that the man is wrestling, John Cena. The same John Cena that drug a good match out of a terrible worker in Batista, the same John Cena that recently made Jack Swagger look like a million bucks on Raw. The Same John Cena that will maket he Miz look like a bigger star then what he actually is.

I'm certain that this match will be good, but thanks to John Cena. The real question will be, can the Miz maintain his momentum from this feud to be good against people that aren't as talented as Cena? If the Miz can come out the next week and look great against someone with less talent then Cena, then I'll be impressed.

This type of thing has worked before, with Steve Austin calling out the established Bret Hart, and we all know how that turned out. I'm not saying the Miz is the next stone Cold, but this feud is nearly identicial in structure as that feud. Bret Hart won the showdown at Survivor Series, won the Submission match at Mania, and yet Austin came out the bigger star. A loss here won't hurt the Miz at all if he's half as good as his fans claim him to be.
I expect Cena to win this, but it will be one hell of a match. This will be a whole new start for the Miz. If they can put on a match anywhere close to the Cena/Swagger match from a couple months back, Miz will get loads of credibility and will solidify him at least in the upper midcard.
I expect Cena to win after a tough battle. The feud will take a break so Cena can compete at Night of Champions, and continue for SummerSlam because Miz will cost Cena the win.

I want the Miz to win, but you have to do what's best for business, and a Cena loss might take him out of NOC because he'll still be in the Miz feud, and you just can't have that.

If Night Of Champions wasn't the next PPV I'd see Miz getting the win.
I really interested to see how this goes. I think that Miz wins here. It would make since to let him win with some dirty tactic. It would give Miz something to brag about, and it would get him Maryse. They aren't going to keep Cena off the card at NoC. I see them doing some type of scramble match at NoC. Then Miz could come in and say that he just beat Cena he should be in it. It would be a nice way to move the feud along...
This feud has been really well done. A nobody starts bad mouthing the best wrestler in the business and starts spewing shit about being 7-0 against the said wrestler. Now it is payback time. If Cena wins it isn't a bad thing, as long as Miz looks credible. However, a Miz dirty win or Miz losing by DQ but leaving Cena floored will instantly elevate Miz. The only problem is Miz hasn't wrestler properly on Raw, of which I can remember, and he has been using a DDT to floor opponents. Is the reality check still his finisher? If he hits it it may not get a reaction which is the only thing that hurts Miz.

Cena has done very well at getting Miz over. He should be able to do it in the ring. I fear Show will interfere to help Miz get the win, but Show has had his time with Cena. It's time for Cena vs Miz. This is the second biggest match on the card for me.
If Miz doesn't win, I will be completely pissed. There is no doubt Miz winning would create a whole new level of feud and could either move Miz up to ME status, or (finally) take Cena back to midcarder. MIZ FTW!:icon_biggrin:
I can't believe that I had my wrestling knowledge questioned on here because I predicted a week ago that Miz is a joke and he would get squashed by Cena. Again he doesn't get heel heat he gets I think your boring heat, or we would rather see a heel goldust then you heet. They had the whole Cena is cocky and Miz gets a few shots in thing but after that he schooled him. I knew when the match started at 10:15 it wouldn't last long. I don't wanna say I told ya so, but I told ya so.....you know who you are. Pick that apart.

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