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The ''B'' Shows

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
How would you book them? Would you have them as they are? With a different hook for each show? Individual Smackdown, Raw & ECW shows etc.

Ideally there wouldn't be 12 PPVs a year, let alone 14 or 16. I'd prefer about 5 or 6. But that's never going to happen again. So this is how I'd like each PPV.

February: No Way Out

As this is the show before Mania I think it should stay as a tri brand show. What I would have though is an annual Wrestl Mania Maain event match. Like what they did at last year's NWO and Saturday Night's Main Event two years ago.

April: Backlash

Backlash is also fine. I think this shoul;d be a rematch show. Mania is hardly ever the end of a feud. Have the rematches or variations on this show.

May: One Night Stand

I enjoyed this last year. Better than Lockdown because it's more varied. A night of gimmick matches isn't too bad if they aren't all the same.

June: King Of The Ring

Bring it back. There's no reason not to.

July: Vengeance: Night Of Champions

It was different. It wasn't very good. But it was more intresting that the usual WWE B show.

September: Unforgiven

Summer Slam should be a big show. If they promote it right then there is no reason why this show can't work the same as Backlash.

October: Cyber Sunday

I think this concept is intresting. And I think the 2007 show proved that fans wont always vote for what WWE wants.

December: Armageddon

It's before the Rumble. So why not have a few Rumle qualifiers? Or have a tournament for the number 30 spot. Something/anything to make it more than just another show.
The only opinions I have on these, are the following.

One Night Stand: First, I've noticed you've done away with the Judgment Day p.p.v., to make way for the next opinion I have.. but first, the gimmick p.p.v. -- I loved this Pay Per View last year, because as you said, its similar to Lockdown, but better because it offers EVERY type of gimmick match, or at least mostly every type.

I think this could become a regular p.p.v. a year, except it'd do away with making any other p.p.v. to hold a gimmick match mean anything. (In other words, say they have a Last Man Standing match here.. well, obviously you can't just randomly have another one with the same anticipation/build up a couple monthes down the road at Summerslam, could you?)

King of the Ring: I'm completely glad you agree it should be brought back. I loved the 32 man tournament. I hated when they cut down the matches on Pay Per View to just Semi's and Final's. I think they should run it like 1993-1995, and 1999-2000, where the winner of the overall tournament has to win three matches in one night. The entire idea of the p.p.v. was to surround the fricken tournament, so why not focus entirely on it?! I miss it.. I wish they'd bring it back.

Vengeance: Night of Champions: Another big p.p.v. for me last year, simply because each match was a Championship, and every title was on the line. Sure, not every one was a great match-up, but its the idea of a single p.p.v. in which EVERY Championship is on the line.. you're almost guaranteed at least ONE title change.. granted, they could go through this year's version without any, which would be remarkable in itself.. but the overall concept of this p.p.v. is amazing to me.

If focuses on the fact that albeit they have a shit load of Championships, they still focus on each one individually.

Cyber Sunday: The whole reason I loved this p.p.v. to begin with.. was when it was "Taboo Tuesday" and it was fan interactive. First, I loved the fact a p.p.v. was being done on a Tuesday. Not sure why, it was just unique. I remember when Survivor Series used to happen on a Wednesday/Thursday (I think, anyways) and that was unique.

They pushed this p.p.v. to Sunday's, because I think they realized even though it had a unique concept.. people still didn't care enough for it, to waste out a random weekday to watch it. Which was sad in itself.

Non the less, they rumored doing away with this p.p.v. at one point, and I hated that idea, because if anything, this addition to the yearly line-up at least offers something that isn't just another monthly event. Its shows like this, that give overall value to ordering it, regardless of what actually happens on it. Unlike p.p.v.'s like No Way Out, Judgment Day, Unforgiven, No Mercy, or Armageddon.. which are more or less just used to get you through from month to month.
To make the KOTR even more different from the normal shows I'd make it tournament only. No title matches or any other filler matches. Actually after the final has taken place they could have the winner challenge whatever champ they want. It could be a good way of making a star seem more legit. Even if they lost the title match.
To make the KOTR even more different from the normal shows I'd make it tournament only. No title matches or any other filler matches. Actually after the final has taken place they could have the winner challenge whatever champ they want. It could be a good way of making a star seem more legit. Even if they lost the title match.

I like the idea of having the Pay Per View the whole Tournament, however I don't like the idea of having them challenge the Champion as the Main Event. The guy would've went through 4 matches (assuming they ran 32 men in the tourney) and would be extremely tired to compete in a 5th match that night. Even to compete in 4 matches in one night is extremely draining and logically not possible through stamina points.

I loved how they booked the KOTR Tourney winner as challenging the Heavyweight Champion at Summerslam. It gave a Summer version of what the Rumble/Mania combination has always been. Only through tourney standards instead of battle royale standards.

Again, I'd love for them to go back to the 1993-1995 version.. in which they'd only run 2-3 non-tournament matches in between the actual tournament. I'd have the opening round, a Tag Team contest, or some type of Tag match, to stray from the multiple single's matches.. then jump back to the Semi's of the tournament, then into a high profiled feud match, or Intercontinental Championship match of sorts. Then the Finals of the tourney, followed by the Heavyweight Championship finale.

Maybe even since they have 3 World Championships, just run 3 Championship matches between the Tournament.
February: Saturday Night's Main Event no ppv

Let Royal Rumble be the only PPV before Wrestlemania. At SNME you get big interviews, big showdowns, and some cool preview matches to Wrestlemania like WM main event vs WM main event from 2 years ago at SNME.

April: Backlash

Instead of it being the same old rematch show, its the show that starts the fueds, let it all come to a head at Wrestlemania. At Backlash the fueds start, maybe even some hints of Summerslam matches.

May: One Night Stand

I enjoyed this last year. Better than Lockdown because it's more varied. A night of gimmick matches isn't too bad if they aren't all the same. I agree, it's a night of gimmick matches, BUT its the one event where the ECW title is the main title defended, its the final match, its the top booked match, and its also the best match of the night. For gods sake put over the ECW title at least once a year on ppv.

June: King Of The Ring

Bring it back. There's no reason not to. Agreed. Make it a 16 man tourny, with it made so simple as the winner faces a world champ of its choice at Summerslam. It's the Royal Rumble of the summer.

July: Saturday Night's Main Event
no ppv

Do some hvy booking for Summerslam, build up the main event of the KOTR winner and the champ he wrestles at SS. This SNME would be done just like the FEB. show just a build up show, nothing more.

September: Unforgiven

Goes the same as Backlash for me, everything starts fresh, and the build up for Survivor Series starts.

October: Holloween Havoc

Ditch the ******ed Cyber Sunday, everyone knows its fixed. Bring back Halloween Havoc and book it for Halloween Night. Or just the last Sunday in Oct.

December: Starrcade

Bring back another classic, I have never liked the name "Armageddon" as a ppv, It just doesn't add up to what you get, I mean whats it suppose to be a Uncensored like show? Just bring back Starrcade, make some old school fans happy. Then book a Wrestlemania/Summerslam like show for the winter.
That would be great, I'd do it like this : 16 compete, 1st round is Battle Bowl style with a random drawing and the 16 are formed into 8 random tag teams that compete in the 1st round. 2nd round the winning teams face each other, and so on 2nd round and on is a normal 1v1 toruny. Winner main events SS with a title shot of his choice. There are only 3 other matches on the card, those are WWE, WHC, & ECW title matches.

Sure you get a total of 14 matches, but some tourny matches would be short, with 1 or 2 10-15min matches on the card (like WM4).

Again, I'd love for them to go back to the 1993-1995 version.. in which they'd only run 2-3 non-tournament matches in between the actual tournament. I'd have the opening round, a Tag Team contest, or some type of Tag match, to stray from the multiple single's matches.. then jump back to the Semi's of the tournament, then into a high profiled feud match, or Intercontinental Championship match of sorts. Then the Finals of the tourney, followed by the Heavyweight Championship finale.

Maybe even since they have 3 World Championships, just run 3 Championship matches between the Tournament.
Feburary, No Way Out

Certainley be a build show for WM, but I like the idea of having the EC here too. Its called "No Way Out" and has imagery bades around locks and chains and all the like. The EC here should be to decide the No one coneteder for the brands who didnt win the Rumble, and should have some qualifying matches to get in, on the weeks of TV leading up to it.

Yea leave it pretty much how it is. A rematch PPV is fine, maybe have a mid card title change hands here, but not a whole huge lot more.

May...Night of champions (vengance being the first part of it is dumb...makes no sense)
Id rather have this than ONS and ill tell you why...While I do find ONS entertaining, I think its oversaturation, and brings down the value of gimmick matches a little, like what Will said. Id prefer the every belt on the line set up like they had last year, I though that was cool.

Wow, looks like everyone wants this back. Personally I think it should be the 93-95 setup, with the winner winning 3 matches to get in, and both titles should be on the line as the only other two matches on the show. The tournament should have qualifying matches on all three brands, and the tourney would then be tri branded, so we could see some sick interbrand pairings. Winner gets shot at his brands title at SS

July..The Great American Bash
No one is mentioning this :(...its one of my favorites, and has a whole HUGE amount of history and tradition and lineage behind it. Moreso than any other B show they have. Make this semi Build to SS, semi high profile in its own right.

Sept, Unforgiven
Like others have said, make this the backlash to SS's Wrestlemania. Notice they both have names that allude to reprecussion. ("backlash" "unfogiven")

Obviuosly they would have to take out the "MUTHAFUCKIN" part for the kiddies, but seriously, I want them to bring this back soooooo damn bad. The imagery, and Prestige of this one always use to be of very high value too. Lots of lineage and history. Like the idea for GAB, Use it for Semi Survivor Series build, semi high profile in its own right. Really, Survivor Series SHOULD be centered around the elimination matches ANYWAY, so this could be pretty high profile in its own right, not just used for build.

December- Cyber Sunday
Well, many have said that Armageddon was "just another show" and there was even talk last year of it being gotten rid of, so fuck it. Maybe even change the name to "chaos" and have the same gimmick as cyber Sunday. Good, crazy way to end the year, and could be set up by Survivor series, as there could be multiple possible matches/feuds growing out of the large tag team bouts, with many guys going against each other. Also, Jakes idea for the RR qualifying matches could work with this too, as the fans pick the stipulations or participants for the qualifying matches. Itd be sort of a thanks to the fans at the end of the year for all the support, by letting them pick the matches they wanna see before the year closes out.
I've said it before: there's too many pay per views. I think more people would order pay per views if there were fewer of them. Make them more rare and more special. Some pay per views are about as special as a good Monday Night RAW. I would have the following: Wrestlemania, Survivor Series, King of the Ring, the Royal Rumble, Summer Slam.
Here's what I'd do. I'm including the "A shows" just for organization so I don't lose track. And when I type "Random PPV", I mean just take your pick from the various names I haven't included on here, as the ones I haven't included are just standard ppvs anyway and have no distinctions.

JANUARY - Royal Rumble: Nothing needs to be changed.

FEBRUARY - No Way Out: Normal show, except I like the idea of having an Elimination Chamber to determine the #1 contender of the championship(s) that haven't been challenged by the Royal Rumble winner.

MARCH - Wrestlemania: Nothing needs to be changed

APRIL - Backlash: Use this as the propeller for new feuds or to wrap up whatever happened at Wrestlemania.

MAY – One Night Stand / Vengeance: I love the idea of having a ppv where every title is defended, and I love the idea of having a ppv where every match has a gimmick. Why not just combine the efforts? Have it so every match on this card is a title match with a gimmick to it? Up the ante a little, eh? Use this as a way to clear up some leftover feuds and such.

JUNE – *Random PPV*: Wrap things up, clear your mind, and set up for the next two ppvs.

JULY – King of the Ring: I totally agree with you guys. This needs to be the set-up for at least one of the championship matches at Summerslam. The whole ppv should consist of the tournament and then either the three championships being defended or have the three champions in some sort of a match together (6 man tag or just a “friendly competition” 3-way between the champions like what we had before with Cena, Booker, and Big Show, except no titles on the line). Use this as the third option in the year for someone to challenge a champ – the other two being after winning the Royal Rumble and after winning the Money in the Bank.

AUGUST – Summerslam

SEPTEMBER – Cyber Sunday: Let the fans decide where they want your company’s direction to steer towards.

OCTOBER – *Random PPV*: If the fans vote weird stuff, this is your opportunity to fix it. You have a month from Cyber Sunday to build up a storyline, and then another month until Survivor Series, where it acts as the fourth “magnet ppv” that everything revolves around.

NOVEMBER – Survivor Series: Focus more on the classic tag matches, especially a wildcard ragbag kind of one. Those were always cool.

DECEMBER – *Random PPV*: Wrap up Survivor Series details and plot for the Royal Rumble.

Now obviously, all of that is based on a tri-brand system, not the "brand specific ppv" concept or anything.

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