The Awesome Truth Reunited?


The Winter Soldier
On Friday Night Smackdown during the dance off after the horrendous twerking by Miz and he won the dance off he and Truth both attacked Fandango. It got me wondering could they be reunited to reform The Awesome Truth? It would give R-Truth something to do other than job. Only problem i see is how we don't know what they'll be like as a face team. What are your thoughts?
I would not mind seeing this team get back together. I enjoyed the Awesome Truth during their previous run together as heels. It would be interesting to see a face counterpart to the team.... the big problem I have with it is that Miz (and Truth to a lesser extent) is better off as a heel. Can this team work as a face team? Possibly. We already have a strange face team in Brodus/Tensai so they should go a different route with these two. Give them a title shot against The Shield, they ultimately should lose said title match, but it's something to do.

Why not try a second run with Awesome Truth? What are they going to do otherwise? Miz is best off doing promos and MizTV segments. Truth has been mostly useless lately. Both of them have been better off in tag teams. Miz with Morrison, Truth in Air Truth (with Kofi), or when they were in the Awesome Truth together last time. Seeing promos with them along the lines of Truth ranting to Little Jimmy about spiders while Miz goes into sarcastic "really!?" mode can be funny. Then again, we just saw one of the worst segments in Smackdown history tonight. We could see Truth rapping WHAT'S UP while Miz comes out as Mizco Inferno again. The thing is, this would be better for each of them right now than staying solo. Neither of them is doing anything relevant so, let's try Awesome Truth again. I support the idea.
Wouldn't hurt either guy right now. Miz is just in limbo, and for the most part, R-Truth is nothing but a jobber, who gets the shit kicked out of him on a weekly basis.

Let's face it, Miz isn't getting anywhere near the WWE or WHC anytime soon, and you can say the same thing about Truth. A tag team is probably the best shot both men have at sustaining any sort of relevancy in WWE, and who knows, with some time, both men could work their way towards the Tag Team Championships as contenders. And if the timing is right and they're over with the fans, Miz and Truth could become ideal candidates for a title run.
I wouldn't be bothered if they were a team. I don't mind R Truth as a face and honestly I wouldn't want him to turn heel. Miz on the other hand has a face that makes me want to punch him. I don't know who the genius was that turned him face but he's annoying as hell. I respect the promoting and stuff he does for the company, he seems to have legit passion for the industry and I feel like his ring work has gotten quite a bit better than when he debuted. He's just a natural heel though. I think if they were to get back together as a team it would probably just lead to a split and feud. If that's what it takes to make Miz heel again I'm all for it.
It would make sense if they did and they help Daniel Bryan fight The Corporation. Who knows all about Triple H's abuse of power better than Awesome Truth? The only difference from two years ago is that they're now the babyfaces and Triple H is the heel. I thought about Awesome Truth reuniting and getting involved in the storyline once I saw R-Truth on the Hell in a Cell poster (ignore the suit he's wearing, it doesn't mean he'll join The Corporation) and it could indeed happen now.
R Truth as a face and honestly I wouldn't want him to turn heel. Miz on the other hand has a face that makes me want to punch him. I don't know who the genius was that turned him face but he's annoying as hell. I respect the promoting and stuff he does for the company. A tag team is probably the best shot both men have at sustaining any sort of relevancy in WWE.
It's not a bad idea. Storyline-wise it makes perfect sense. Have HHH or Steph come out and say they invested in Truth a couple of years ago and he failed to deliver. Then, call out Miz for the lousy Survivor Series buyrate despite facing John Cena & the Rock. The only thing that Miz TV equals is miserable ratings. LOL. It could be a nice addition to the Anti-Corporation movement.
Good problem-solving, WWE. 1) Miz has been lacklustre. 2) R-Truth all but disappeared. 3) Tag-division could always to with some love.

Miz and Truth have a history, so there's that as well. This isn't The Rockers, The Hardy Boys or even Team Hell No, but it's a very good stop-gap.
I hope so i really liked "AwesomeTruth" and was sad that they ended too soon. I really didn't like that the creative minds" at Wwe decided to split them up just because Truth had to serve a suspension. I don't get the mentality behind that. Just have the guy serve his time and bring them back. Why rush a split and kill the whole thing because someone has to go away for a while?

Maybe a second run they could do things "right". They can be together as faces (ugh i guess), then they can both turn into a heel tag team then of course the inevitable split.

I think they could be a great addition.
It could be ok for a couple of weeks but then we will realise it is a waste of The Miz and an unnecessary tag-team in the division. The Miz is an ex-WWE champion and is capable of being a star for the company. He shouldn't be wasting his team with someone who should be future endeavoured.

Secondly, the tag-team division is doing well, The Shield, PTP, Tons of Funk, The Uso, The Real Americans. 3MB as well as the newly branded Primo and Epico. That is actually quite strong and the only purpose that The Miz and Truth would serve is to bury some of these teams which is quite frankly, flattering for Truth and underwhelming for The Miz.
doesnt anyone remember when R-Truth snapped on John Morrison in Europe and grabbed a fans pack of cigs and started smoking, I thought there was a ton of upswing for them as a team at the time but as usual WWE dropped the ball. To me that was R-truths biggest spot to date in WWE
I Wouldn't mind seeing Miz and R-Truth teaming up on and off for TAG TEAM MATCH tag matches, but as a regular unit, idk if they'd work as faces. As faces they wouldn't be able to do the stuff that made them a great team like the You Suck rapping entrance or randomly beating the shit out of people.

Plus, despite the fact that Truth is irrelevant, he's never really been a "jobber" per se (He wins more often than you would think), and Miz is a former WWE Champion. They might just end up as another "super team" that gets pushed above all the other teams and undo all the progress tha the tag division has made.

I'd rather see Miz back together with either a returning John Morrison, or Alex Riley. A-Ry's jobber status can balance Miz out and keep him "in check" so that the team doesn't become too dominant and over-powered.
My thoughts is I would like to completely forget that particular dance off and everything that happened in it. What a waste of time. What a waste of life. I have had more pleasant experiences on the crapper after a night of feasting on a bucket of spicy KFC.

Miz and Truth reunited? Fine, whatever. Babyface Miz is going nowhere anyway. Heel Miz is a lot better than many people give him credit for and he can be a main eventer when he has to, but babyface Miz is terrible. Might as well pait him up with another babyface that is just as unwatchable.

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