The Age of Orton

Orton is beyond awesome but..this is getting soooooo old! they did it with Cena now they're doin it with Orton. I hate when they make someone is so unstopable to any type of threat. He always ends up RKO-ing everyone, its alot better when the top guy kinda struggles.
there is no way he is going to win it right now. they keep building him up to have him loose. he dominated all the other competitors tonight. his character is getting annoying, even by orton standards. as others have said, they will build him up for a big win. but i dont think he'll unify the championships, he is already big enough, and quite frankly he couldnt handle it.
while orton has been on a role latelly i see sheamus keeping it at NoC and he and orton continuing their feud, while cena and barrett finish off their angle, and jericho and edge continue to get screwed untill the smackdown move.
No. In 2008 Cena and HHH lost clean by Orton on WM 24. Did that mean he was the new face. No. In 2009, he beat Cena numerous times. Did that mean he was a new face? No.
Maybe due to the fact that he was a heel and not a face?

Orton's job is to be indestructible, thus predictable. On a PPV Orton will be a favorite Cena won't. And the kids? Why they'll eat their vitamins and say their prayers and beg thier mommy and daddy to order the PPV in hopes that Cena wins.
Even kids are starting to get behind Orton. Ya hes not exactly a role model but look where we are in this day and age. He is a badass and well liked by many adult fans thus the kids will follow up to that. I went grocery shopping yesterday and there was a group of kids that came in the store they were probably around 10 or 11 and all had Orton shirts on. Only reason Cena is higher up on the merch is because he has a new shirt or new wristband come out like every week.

Orton is not in demand. You think he can pull this off for 10 years? No. People will be bored of his gimmick come WM 26. He'll be winning all the damn time.
This is where i call bs. Hes not in demand? are you serious? and you are wrong because WM 26 has passed this year and people are not bored with his gimmick :)

You see an Orton shirt in the audience? No.
All i see in the audience now is fucking orton shirts and rko signs up the asshole. Idk what show you are watching dude
No. In 2008 Cena and HHH lost clean by Orton on WM 24. Did that mean he was the new face. No. In 2009, he beat Cena numerous times. Did that mean he was a new face? No.
Funny, I didn't think this was about Orton being the new face of the company? Though it was about being his time for the title?
Orton's job is to be indestructible, thus predictable. On a PPV Orton will be a favorite Cena won't. And the kids? Why they'll eat their vitamins and say their prayers and beg thier mommy and daddy to order the PPV in hopes that Cena wins. That is how one makes money. Economics 101: Create demand. Orton is not in demand. You think he can pull this off for 10 years? No. People will be bored of his gimmick come WM 26.
I've seen at least 5 different people beat Cena for the title. And read what you said. They'll be bored by WM26? THAT ALREADY HAPPENED.

He'll be winning all the damn time. Cena on the other hand remains in high demand because kids care about him and want him to win the PPV and that is why they buy shirts and tickets. You see an Orton shirt in the audience?
And your point? Yes, actually I did see some out there. Not as many as Cena, but this isn't about being the face of the company.

No. Unless Orton's merch surpasses Cena's merch Orton will win against light target but when it's real show time, he's a jobber for Cena. Like the Rock and like Andre the Giant
Are you trying to say that the Rock never topped Austin's merchandise sales? Or that the Rock ALWAYS jobbed to Austin? Pretty sure if you look at their record, Rocky holds more victories over Austin. Except at 'Mania. Again, this had nothing to do with ANYTHING in this thread. This was about Orton's time as world champ again.
I agree. I'm a huge Orton fan and I'm glad he beat Cena tonight but I don't like when one guy wins what seems like every match.

However, as far as the guy a couple posts up talking about Orton merchandise... Orton may not sell as much as Cena but there are a big number of Orton fans out there that are buying his shirts. Sure he doesn't have all the sweatbands and everything but it's not like he doesn't sell anything. Also last time I checked Sheamus isn't the biggest merch seller and he's still champ. I see this thread more about Orton being champ now vs. later not whether or not he is the "top guy" in WWE.

true. all orton really has out is shirts, along with the other stuff that he doest advertise himself. And Cena is involved in much more stuff beyond the ropes so i wont doubt that his merch would sell more. But i think there are alot more Orton fans than Cena fans, well REAL wrestling fans of course.
No, Randy is not going to win here, at least not until Wrestlemania. Because I agree, they do not want to give Orton the belt just yet because they want to build him up and keep him the focus, so when WM comes around he wins and everyone goes home happy. I think Sheamus needs a clean win here. He has not proved to me or anyone that he can win clean. A clean win here would prove that he is a fighting champion and that he is not a joke. Sheamus is going to win whether you like it or not.
If orton wasn't a tweener and still completely a heel people would still like him. His moment is coming and i do hope it comes at wrestlemania beating Cena or ending the streak.
Maybe due to the fact that he was a heel and not a face?

Hmm...So? Fact is that he won. Heel or no Heel Orton won against HHH and Cena the top superstars in the company.

Even kids are starting to get behind Orton. Ya hes not exactly a role model but look where we are in this day and age. He is a badass and well liked by many adult fans thus the kids will follow up to that. I went grocery shopping yesterday and there was a group of kids that came in the store they were probably around 10 or 11 and all had Orton shirts on. Only reason Cena is higher up on the merch is because he has a new shirt or new wristband come out like every week.

Did you see tonight's audience? The adults chanted for Orton, the kids for Cena. Granted Orton is hugely over but what you said proved my point. Orton cannot top Cena's merch, he had that orange shirt thing for a while that didn't go out of style did it now? And you're basing your observation from a group of kids. We're talking millions of fans and you're talking group of kids. No disrespect, but that is false cause, one group cannot constitute millions of kids around the world.

This is where i call bs. Hes not in demand? are you serious? and you are wrong because WM 26 has passed this year and people are not bored with his gimmick :)

Sorry, 27. I'm glad you pointed that out. And yes, he's not in demand. To be in demand isn't to be a hot man for 6 months and fizzle out such as Swagger. In demand means consistency over a long period of time. He was a great heel granted, and he had a consistent heel run, however with his new unstoppable gimmick it's unstable because the adults only watch Orton RKO everybody so many times it gets stale soon. People aren't bored now, they will be soon by 27

All i see in the audience now is fucking orton shirts and rko signs up the asshole. Idk what show you are watching dude

I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and say, Orton had more shirts in the audience today. But look at Raw for the past couple years whose shirts you see the most? Cena. Why? Because he's a merch giant. Merch Ginat= Big Money. Big Money=Face of the company. Face of the comapny= In a big match situation one MUST win. Look at the faces and comapre their achievements when they WEREN'T champions. Cena won 2008 RR, before world champion he won the RR, before that he was in a feud with Lesnar, Taker, Angle, etc. Same with Rock, same with Austin, and can't say much for Hogan because Hogan was champ for the entire time. My point is, Orton is NOT superior to Cena no matter how many times he beats him on Raw. Keep in mind, this is cable. If there was a Cena v Orton feud who would come out on top? Same as last time. Why? Because Cena sells shit.
Funny, I didn't think this was about Orton being the new face of the company? Though it was about being his time for the title?

The question asked weather Orton was superior to Cena, if I deviated sorry about that.

I've seen at least 5 different people beat Cena for the title. And read what you said. They'll be bored by WM26? THAT ALREADY HAPPENED.

I meant 27 forgive me. And five different people? Lets count 'em, and sorry if I miss a bunch. Edge, HHH, Orton, Sheamus, Jericho. He beat all of them. 'Cept for Sheamus because they never had a legit one on one match. Orton: He won, Jericho: He won, HHH: He won, Sheamus: Won during elimination Chamber, Edge: Put the man through several tables.

Granted most beat Cena for the title, who came out on top?

And your point? Yes, actually I did see some out there. Not as many as Cena, but this isn't about being the face of the company.

My point is that merch sales determine the superiority that Cena has over Orton in a big match situation which comes back to the point stating who is superior at this point. And yes, face of comapny= Superiority over other stars.

Are you trying to say that the Rock never topped Austin's merchandise sales? Or that the Rock ALWAYS jobbed to Austin? Pretty sure if you look at their record, Rocky holds more victories over Austin. Except at 'Mania. Again, this had nothing to do with ANYTHING in this thread. This was about Orton's time as world champ again.

The compay wasn't public then so, merch wasn't a big part of wrestling back then, what mattered was ratings and Austin brought ratings even though I personally prefer The Rock. The Rock was beaten on WM 15, WM17. In 15 he was a heel, in 17, he was a face. Common denominator? Austin was hugely over and the face of the comapny during those times. Again, winning has nothing to do with how good are you. Jericho loses everyday, he's a future HOF no doubt. Also, I was debating weather or not Orton is superior to Cena in popularity. HOWEVER, since this thread is what you say it is, I will debate it on those merits: No Orton will not be the chamption. Why? Sheamus needs cred, Orton had no real feud to follow with, Wade Barrett is leader of Nexus, Cena is a semi-feud with Nexus and Edge and Jericho are there for star-power.
see i agree with the majority. shut up. this isnt about being the face of the company. never mentioned that. get your head out your ass. never said one thing and you wanna bash me for bashing cena on his times up. i said its ortons time to won, now this kid above me is talking about the past. were not in the past. the future. orton has alot more fans. cenas movie did horrible on opening weekend.

anyways im agreeing as in building his character to win the unified title at mania and have a huge and i mean huge moment. something cena cant steal. never been undisputed champ.

but my post is about ortons time to win. if your going to say something else suck a dick and learn to read.
The question asked weather Orton was superior to Cena, if I deviated sorry about that.
I meant 27 forgive me. And five different people? Lets count 'em, and sorry if I miss a bunch. Edge, HHH, Orton, Sheamus, Jericho. He beat all of them. 'Cept for Sheamus because they never had a legit one on one match. Orton: He won, Jericho: He won, HHH: He won, Sheamus: Won during elimination Chamber, Edge: Put the man through several tables.
Granted most beat Cena for the title, who came out on top?
My point is that merch sales determine the superiority that Cena has over Orton in a big match situation which comes back to the point stating who is superior at this point. And yes, face of comapny= Superiority over other stars.
The compay wasn't public then so, merch wasn't a big part of wrestling back then, what mattered was ratings and Austin brought ratings even though I personally prefer The Rock. The Rock was beaten on WM 15, WM17. In 15 he was a heel, in 17, he was a face. Common denominator? Austin was hugely over and the face of the comapny during those times. Again, winning has nothing to do with how good are you. Jericho loses everyday, he's a future HOF no doubt. Also, I was debating weather or not Orton is superior to Cena in popularity. HOWEVER, since this thread is what you say it is, I will debate it on those merits: No Orton will not be the chamption. Why? Sheamus needs cred, Orton had no real feud to follow with, Wade Barrett is leader of Nexus, Cena is a semi-feud with Nexus and Edge and Jericho are there for star-power.

Fair enough, at least you did see the part you messed up. But as for the 5 I was talking about, it was Sheamus, Orton, Edge, Batista, RVD. They all beat him for the title. You mentioned Jericho.. Did he beat Cena for the title? I'm not fully sure on that one.
Randy Orton to me is always a heap more interesting and entertaining, chasing or hunting i should say for the title. The WWE is building him to be a mega face tweener that when eventually he does get the strap Randy will have that amazing memorable championship run that every legend has. Randy will win that title it is just a matter of when.
Fair enough, at least you did see the part you messed up. But as for the 5 I was talking about, it was Sheamus, Orton, Edge, Batista, RVD. They all beat him for the title. You mentioned Jericho.. Did he beat Cena for the title? I'm not fully sure on that one.

Ok who has beat Cena for the title. Cena is a 9 time champ. Edge has beat him for the title 3 times. RVD beat him 1 time. Orton beat him 1 time. Batista beat him 1 time. Sheamus beat him 2 times. And 1 time he vacated the title due to injury.
randy orton is the best thing going right now and his character is not getting boring and annyoing wats wrong with you ppl, and they not making him like cena, hes his own character i mean cena held the title for over a year we dont see orton doing that orton is doing his own thing just leave it,can anyone wins mataches anymore with yall saying its gettin boring we never got bored of the ustin character so why are yall at orton, im sure not hes the best right now

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