Age of Orton

I think it'd be great if he put over Cody Rhodes, he's arguably the more talented of Priceless. I could see him winning the Royal Rumble, or maybe before that Orton could do the whole lazy heel thing that MVP did awhile back where he's reluctant to fight, and so he gets his lackies in Priceless/Legacy to try and get the MITB briefcase from Punk cos he's running scared... building on the fact that it was Orton who cost Punk the title by underhand means. Only for Cody Rhodes to win the MITB briefcase and keep it in his possession up until WrestleMania 26, and not cashing it in until Orton is battered and bruised but victorious (clean for extra emphasis) after a long hard match against whoever he feuds with (personally I'd like it to be Jeff Hardy, their previous feud showed a lot of potential).
Yeah Orton won and he will probably have a good reign but to hold onto until WM 26? Are you mad? Do you want him to become the next Cena? I'll say if he drops it from anytime between Summerslam-Survivor Series it will make a decent reign.

Well WWE has been teasing an epic Cena/Orton feud for years and it hasn't happened yet. Why not at WM26 and why not for the WWE Title? That would just make it even more epic. It wouldn't bother me if Orton dropped the title once only to win it back at the next PPV between now and WM but I'd like a good long title reign for him. It's about time that Cena/Orton happens at WM and it needs to be for the WWE Title. I think a long title reign by Orton could lead to that.
I am so happy Orton is the champion again. He deserves this time. Triple H needs to turn heel, the show isn't the same as it once was.
I think John Cena should beat Orton for the title, either that or have Randy change the WWE title back to its original look. And then Triple H can maybe turn heel and take down either? Triple H is my favorite wrestler but as a face, he's just annoying.
Here's how I would play out this new Age of Orton:

Judgment Day - Batista vs Randy Orton (c) - Orton defeats Batista via disqualification from Triple H returning and beating on Orton which leads to Batista hitting Triple H for costing him the title

Great American Bash - Batista vs Triple H vs Randy Orton (c) in a Triple Threat Match - Orton pins Batista to retain WWE Championship

Night of Champions - Triple H vs Randy Orton (c) in a Hell in a Cell Match - Orton pins Triple H to retain the WWE Championship and end their feud

SummerSlam - Shawn Michaels vs Randy Orton (c) - Michaels defeats Orton via disqualification from Orton beating Michaels with a weapon

Unforgiven - Shawn Michaels vs Randy Orton (c) in a No Disqualification Match - Michaels pins Orton to become the new WWE Champion

No Mercy - Legacy vs Shawn Michaels (c) in a Three-on-One Handicap Match - Orton pins Michaels to become new WWE Champion

Cyber Sunday - Shawn Michaels vs Randy Orton (c) in a stipulation match that is voted on by the fans - Orton defeats Michaels to retain WWE Championship and end their feud

Survivor Series - Team Kennedy vs Team Legacy - Team Kennedy defeats Team Legacy

Armageddon - Mr. Kennedy vs Randy Orton (c) - Orton pins Kennedy to retain WWE Championship

Royal Rumble - MVP vs Randy Orton (c) - Orton pins MVP to retain WWE Championship

No Way Out - Triple H vs Batista vs Shawn Michaels vs Mr. Kennedy vs MVP vs Randy Orton (c) in an Elimination Chamber Match - Orton pins Michaels to retain WWE Championship

WrestleMania XXVI - John Cena (RR Winner) vs Randy Orton (WWE Champion) - John Cena pins Randy Orton to become new WWE Champion

I know this would never happen, but that's how I'd like to see it play out. That would be so epic, in my opinion.
Orton is the best that WWE have, but they need to stop making him look so weak though, on last nights raw the MVP match was quite good until shane came in and battered orton, they need to make him and the other members of legacy look like a force, untouchable!

What to you think?
So, the age of Orton part 2 is 3 weeks old and it's already looking the same as the first time around. Look at the similarities, the first thing he did this time around was to say that the WWE needed to respect him because it revolves around him. He did the same thing last time around. After that speech somebody interrupted him and stood up to him. Same thing happen last time. Orton first title defense ended in a DQ, same has the last time and was the same finish as the Orton Cena match from no way out last year.

The point i trying to make is that Orton's character is one of the most boring character in the wwe but the thing is, the casual fan give up and started to play along with the WWE and in some case even started cheering for him. Orton isn't the most charismatic guy on the roster or the best wrestler on the card but he got the look of a star and that's good enough for the casual fan and the WWE. So Orton will get book the same way he was book the last time around, he will bored people with the same cookie cutter championship match which will either end with a lame DQ or with interference by legacy and the fan will eat it up for some unknown reason.
Orton can not have this title until Wrestlemania 26. He just can't. The Legacy is already growing tired. Maybe that's because Cody Rhodes and Dibiase look like all they're good for is looking mad, so it's really just Orton doing everything. Maybe not. But still.

And people said Cena's reign was boring. "Wah, he wins all the time. He's doing just what a face should do, beat the big bad heels. Wah, he won't get off the mic." At least Cena is good on the damn mic. He didn't sit there saying "" for 10 minutes. Orton drones on and on, he does nothing in matches but dropkick people and slide in and out of the ring, and if he's not doing those things, he's looking really mad. Blah.

There's a reason the ratings are dropping. And i promise you it's not because Cena is feuding with Vickie. It's not because Triple H is off the show, and it's not because the mid-carders "haven't been given their chance yet." It's because Orton is a boring jackass of a heel, and Legacy is nothing more than Orton plus two other useless heels. Cena made them look REALLY good this last night on Raw, but I can't believe Rhodes and Dibiase can do anything unless they actually feud with the mid-carders and prove they deserve where they're at. And until I can respect Legacy I can't respect the "Age of Orton."
Orton's last title run wasn't bad(6 months). He needs to pin more challengers though. Way too many DQs. He needs a reign like Cena had. How about letting him hold it longer than last time? If he can beat Cena, HHH, HBK(whenever they come back) by pinfall, whether clean or not,he will prove he is for real. I think he should be the top heel on RAW for the next 5-7 years easily. You know the HHH heel turn will happen eventually though, so what happens then?
I agree Randy Orton will definitely have to beat everyone and now with ric flair back lol I feel that if he makes a return and wrestles it may drag wwe into the fiery pit of doom that has consumed the E for EXTREME in ECW.
3. randy orton cannot and will not ever be able to carry a match. if hes wrestling someone who is less experienced, it shows and looks rookie like. hes not had a 5 star match without triple h or cena.

Vs. Mick Foley Backlash 04
vs. Edge at Vengeance 04
Vs. Benoit at Summerslam 04
Vs. Flair Taboo Tuesday 04
Vs. Taker Wrestlemania 21

all of those matches were 5 star imo

and i agree with the dude that posted this thread Orton should hold the title til Wrestlemania but i dont think i'd wanna the same shitty Orton Cena match. He should give it to an up and comer who's never held the World or WWE titles. I'd prefer him to drop the belt to Mr. Kennedy if Kennedy can stay healthy

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